The Time It Takes To Grow

Junsu's heart stopped, quite literally, before taking off at a pace he dare not keep up with. Taecyeon's lips were firm and gentle, the pressure applied more like the touch of a feather before it vanished. Junsu managed to lean forward slightly, pressing his lips harder against Taecyeon's before the connection broke. They had barely kissed for a second and Junsu felt like he couldn't breathe. He needed another kiss, to feel a bond between their lips just to be sure it actually happened. Junsu braced himself and connected their lips again before Taecyeon could pull away from their space, catching him by surprise. Their lips molded together easily, pressing, memorizing, Junsu became lost. He could no longer interpret where one kiss ended and another began, Taecyeon releasing the hold on his hands and pulling him closer. A dull pain began to blossom at the base of his craned neck, but Junsu would endure to keep this, this moment. Before long, all of the breath in his lungs and run out and he was forced to pull away again, his eyes opening. When had he closed them?

"Ahem." Both boys quickly pulled away from eachother, staring towards the door and the nurse who had not existed mere seconds prior.

"I think . . . You two should get back to class." The nurse refused to look at either, her lips pursed and cheeks pink. Her embarrassment, Junsu knew for a fact, was nothing compared to his. Without blinking an eye towards the male he had just been kissing so intimately, Junsu fled, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. What had just happened? Honestly, Junsu didn't know. One minute they were playing and the next Taecyeon had kissed him and then he couldn't control his emotions anymore. Junsu darted around a corner as the bell rang, other students flooding the halls and wondering why he was running. Wait, why was he running?

"HEY! SU!" Junsu was broken out of his reverie by one tall Chansung calling his name, making him stop in the middle of the hall. Chansung darted around students to Junsu's side, carrying his bag and the one Junsu left behind before skipping class.

"Want to explain where you were for the last two periods? And might I add why are your lips swollen?" Junsu covered his mouth with both hands, his face exploding with heat at the memory. Sometimes, he wished Junho would just hurry up and confess so Chansung could stop the harassment. Chansung immediately picked up on the look of horror clouding Junsu's face and smirked.

"You naughty boy! Who were you with!" Junsu lifted one hand from his mouth to take his thankfully dry bag from Chansung's arm, but refused to answer.

"Tell me! Tell me! Was it Jinwoon? You know he's had a thing for you for like a month? NO! Was it Jokwon? I know he called your voice beautiful that one time and you were shy about! Or was it . . . . No way." Chansung blinked as he recalled the students missing from roll.

"Taecyeon wasn't in class either today." Junsu bit his sensitive lower lip, the motion stinging quite a bit due to its swollen status.

"You weren't here . . . Taecyeon wasn't here," Chansung's smirk widened, if that was even possible.

"You were with him weren't you." Junsu uncovered his mouth to stop the teasing soon to come.

"Shut up. Don't even think about saying another word."

"So what did you do? Confess your undying love for him and he swooped you off your feet and kissed you? And by your hair I'd guess this was all done in the rain."

"We . . . Were in the rain, b-but the k-kiss wasn't," Junsu sighed. It was speak now or forever be teased for details.

"Who kissed who," Junho's voice suddenly spoke from behind Junsu. Junsu turned and instantly enveloped Junho in a hug, relieved that finally there was another brain he could talk to.

"Your cold," Junho muttered, noting the slightly pissed off look flashing across Chansung's face as he returned the affection.

"He kissed me and then I kissed him," Junsu replied shyly.

"So why are you here?"

"The nurse practically saw us making out so I ran away!" Junho pulled away from Junsu's cold skin, much to Chansung's pleasure, and rolled his eyes.

"You ran away after kissing the guy your in love with. Did you atleast tell him how you felt before he kissed you?"

" . . . No." Junho sighed, not surprised by Junsu's lack of response.

"And why is that?" They moved along with the crowd, heading towards the cafe for food.

"Well . . . The nurse and the nerves and . . . There was no time! We were laughing and the next thing I know I'm kissing him like I'm about to die and everything was just . . . I don't know."

"It must've been a pretty good kiss for you to be this flustered." Junho and Junsu turned back to glare at Chansung, effectively shutting him up.

"Can you even spell flustered Channie," Junho pointed out.

"YES! F-L-U-S-Um."

"That's what I thought." Junsu did not feel better about being a coward, especially with Chansung teasing him and Junho's sarcastic remarks making him feel like an idiot. He hadn't seen Taecyeon since the whole running away fiasco and he was beginning to feel guilty. His feelings were sincere, but with the way he ran, Junsu assumed Taecyeon might have taken it the wrong way.

"What you need to do is find him and tell him how you feel. He might think you're avoiding him," Junho spoke logically. Junsu looked around from his vantage point in the center of the cafe. Maybe he was looking too hard or not hard enough, but Taecyeon was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, I think you won't have to look far." Junsu realized two males were walking towards their table, easily recognizing Nichkhun from his features plastered on walls promoting a few clubs and his boyfriend Wooyoung, a fellow singer. They had never been on overly friendly terms, and from Junsu's perspective, Nichkhun seemed upset. The Thai stormed closer, angered thoughts brooding in his head, his fingers pounding against the table, catching the occupants off guard. Later, he would feel bad, Junsu resembled a small deer caught in headlights, but for now he wanted to enlist fear.

"What did you do to Taecyeon," he accused, making Junsu shift in his seat uncomfortably.

"I didnt-" "Look, I don't know what game your playing at, but if your serious about him, you need to tell him and not run away.

" Nichkhun's eyes darkened as his glare increased. Wooyoung nervously tugged at the Thai's clothes, trying to calm him. He knew how much Taecyeon meant to Nichkhun, it could sometimes be unnerving, but they had been a duo for a long time and Nichkhun just didn't want to see Taecyeon hurt again.

"What Khun means is that it really hurt Taecyeon when you left all of a sudden without talking it out. He cares about you more then I can even explain, so can you just come with us and talk to him so he can stop moping? It's not very pretty." Junsu nodded his head sharply, standing on trembling feet and walking around the table. Chansung and Junho moved to stand, but Junsu shook his head.

"Just stay here." Junsu was not ready to see Taecyeon, he knew that much, but there was no running away this time. Wooyoung shot him reassuring smiles every once in a while as they head for the grassy field off to the side of the building, the sky clear and blue. In the solitary field lay a lone figure, his arms crossed behind his head to provide a makeshift pillow. His eyes looked up into nothing, because he couldn't see. Everything felt off. He couldn't hear the feet trudging closer, until his view of the blank sky erased to show-



"You were way too mean to him Khunnie," Wooyoung murmured as they watched from afar. Nichkhun still felt guiltless, even if Wooyoung was right.

"I don't see what the big deal was in the first place. WE'VE been caught kissing by the nurse, but WE didn't leave."

"I tried to, but you wouldn't let, exhibitionist!"

"I'm not!" Wooyoung shook his head with a smile and tugged at his boyfriend's hand.

"Let's go. I don't want to be a creeper." Nichkhun turned his head away from the pair in the field and looked at his adorable boyfriend.

"But, what if Taec needs our help."

"He's a lot bigger then you and me. Put together."

"That's not what I mean. I mean emotionally."

"It feels like we're babying him Khun. We need to let him make his own moves, before you scare off Junsu!" Nichkhun glanced back once before standing and pulling his prized possession up easily and into his arms.

"Fine, fine. You win." Wooyoung smiled as they walked along the campus with nothing in mind. It was a daily routine since during lunch no one was outside.

"Are you," Wooyoung began after a quiet silence, "Are you sure they're all gone? I-I won't be mad."

"Wooyoung, I promised you, didn't I? I let go of those feelings for him a long time ago." Wooyoung wanted to believe Nichkhun, but sometimes, he wondered. 





OH MY DEAR. I loved writing this one! XD It had a little pinch of almost everyone! And even Khunyoung for you all, not quite what you expected, huh! XD Part 2 of Junsu's POV complete, part 3 will be here soooon~ Saranghae everyoneee!

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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺