The Time It Takes To Grow

Junsu shyly stayed in step with Taecyeon as they walked back to school, still sopping wet and slightly shivering from the evanescent breeze brushing against them every minute or two. He stared straight ahead or towards the rather interesting ground and attempted his best at keeping his grin inside each time Taecyeon swung their connected hands. It was a difficult feat, but Junsu used a simple mantra to get him by. Do not look at him. Do Not look at him. Do NOT look at him.

"I don't have anything planned really. I was just going to head home and spend the day with my pet bird. Why? Is there something you wanted?" Junsu bit his lip at the answer, feeling guilty over a bird.

"Well . . . I was w-wondering you wanted to maybe . . . Have dinner at my house. I mean, it’s fine if you don't want to." Junsu tilted his head to the right, glancing back shyly only to meet Taecyeon's gaze. The silence that shrouded them felt odd, and for the first time, Junsu felt the nerves inside of him rise to the surface, his cheeks reddening and his throat closing up. Where was that pit in the ground when Junsu needed it most? Taecyeon was looking at him, truly looking at his face. He couldn't comprehend how cute Junsu sounded when he stuttered and the cute habit he had of looking away when he was nervous. His eyes, they were such open books according to Nichkhun, showed every thought, every emotion. Couldn't Junsu tell, Taecyeon wondered, couldn't he see all of the love and care swimming in his eyes? And as if the moment never happened, Taecyeon broke the silence with his voice and the atmosphere lightened instantly.

 "I'll tell my cousin to feed him, so we can walk to your house together. Is that okay?" Junsu blinked, his mind playing back the words Taecyeon had spoken and realizing after a few seconds that Taecyeon had agreed . . . To go to his house . . . Had agreed to be with him, well not exactly in that form, but Junsu was willing to let his mind wonder.


"Y-Yeah, that's fine." Junsu thanked the shining sun for their arrival to the back door of their school. Junsu face began to calm, only to flush once more when Taecyeon opened the door and held it in place with the simple palm of his hand, instructing him to go first and wait. Junsu entered the cold building, wrapping his arms around his body in an attempt to preserve some heat, which was nonexistent. Once Taecyeon released the door, Junsu felt his shoulders encased by warmth. Taecyeon had put his arms around him, walking them further inside. His fingers gently brushed against Junsu's wet arms. Junsu felt his heart ache at the contact.

"We should go to the nurse for some dry clothes." Junsu allowed his body to be pulled along the hallway, the sound of their breathing the only noise in the empty hallway. The journey was short, the nurse shaking her head as she handed the pair a dry uniform each and left to give them some privacy. Junsu realized the nurse had intended for them to undress, together. He looked around, hoping there was at least a bathroom he could change in. Not that he minded watching Taecyeon slowly his school uniform, his sculpted body practically against the white material. Forget it, Junsu could not watch this. He felt his mind already begin to cloud away reality, his hold on the dry pair of clothes loosening. He almost let them fall if not for Taecyeon taking his arm and steering him for the storage room off to the side.

"You’re supposed to be putting that on," Taecyeon scowled lightly, smiling as he gave the smaller male a light push, "And dry your hair with a towel." Junsu listened to the door close before taking a deep breath.

"Could I be any more obvious?" Junsu looked around the storage room in search of a place to set his dry clothes, finding a huge pile of neatly folded towels on top of a stack of wrapped boxes. He set the clothes on top of the pile, and began to his uniform. "I might as well scream from the rooftop how much I love him," Junsu muttered, sullen over the way he was acting, "I can't even stop my face from burning anymore!" Just thinking of how childish he was acting sent Junsu's face blazing again, his wet clothes dropping to the ground. He pulled a towel from the pile, sure to keep his clean clothes balanced, and dried his body thoroughly, leaving the towel against his sopping wet hair as he tugged on the new clothes. His skin still felt frozen, everywhere but the smooth flesh of his cheeks. "Just calm down Junsu, everything is under control." Junsu sighed, not even convinced by his own words and ran the towel across his hair, making his appearance a mop of hair. With an unsettling feeling forming in the pit of his stomach, Junsu opened the door of the storage room and stepped out, towel around his neck.

"Was there a tornado in there?" Taecyeon called from his seat by the single bed, smiling as soon as he saw the mass of hair sitting on Junsu's head. "No," Junsu laughed quietly, his smile quivering as the nervous tingles began. He walked over to Taecyeon and pulled the towel from around his neck, noticing how Taecyeon's hair dripped across the expanse of his neck and began to wet the collar of his shirt.

"Here, you’re getting water all over your uniform again." Taecyeon playfully shook his head, droplets flying across the room and a few wetting Junsu's face. He gasped as the cold water met his warm face, and quickly covered Taecyeon's head with the towel, trying to dry his hair before he received another shower.

"Hey, are you trying to kill me?" Taecyeon's muffled question met Junsu's ears, making the boy smile and quickly ruffle the towel even more.

 "Maybe!" He laughed as Taecyeon caught a hold of both of his hands and pulled them away to end the torture. He raised his head, the towel slipping off to reveal hair everywhere. Junsu thought it was adorable, the butterflies in his stomach subsiding. "That towel could've killed me!" Junsu giggled at the absurdity of it all, until he noticed the position they were in. Junsu was standing in front of Taecyeon, close enough for their legs to ghost against each other, and Taecyeon sat, looking up at him. Junsu's hands were still being held by the wrist and he wasn't sure when Taecyeon would let him go. Taecyeon realized the position as well, and for a moment, he wasn't sure what to do next.

Junsu studied his face, the way his eyebrows lowered slightly in thought before raising again, eyes meeting his in a fleeting decision of the heart. He pulled Junsu closer by the wrist and Junsu was forced to move with the action, his heart erratically beating in his ear as their faces moved within mere inches of each other. Junsu couldn't breathe, couldn't move, and couldn’t think to move. He could only stare, processing very slowly that God must love him. Taecyeon decreased their distance, staring as if waiting for Junsu to break away and run. And when there was no resistance, and Taecyeon could ignore the thumping noise in his chest and ears, he leaned forward and connected their lips.

 It was one small kiss, his lips finally experiencing the pillow softness of Junsu's lips, his entire world seemingly imploding. He felt content, finally, nothing else mattered in that single moment, because finally, he had done something. He wasn't exactly sure if Junsu responded to the gesture, but the instant red dancing across his cheeks, Taecyeon had noticing it happening frequently since they began the day together, was a response all on its own.




Oh my. FINALLY!!!! This is possibly the hardest chapter I've written so far. I had to start over at least 3 times and I'm still not sure how I feel about the way this turned out. I think I could’ve done better! But I hope you all liked it, and this is part 1 of Junsu's POV out of about 3 . :) Hopefully I will update wayyy sooner next time. I love all of you!! And as always, I'll edit once I make it to my computer.







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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺