The Time It Takes To Grow

Junsu pressed a hand to his slightly throbbing forehead, trying his best to block out Changmin's insistent teasing. His little brother, or the brat, had been consistently making fun of him and Junsu had used up a lot of energy just trying to make him be quiet. It seemed to be useless since Changmin was made out of energy and Junsu was pretty weak.

"Why don't you get you boyfriend to beat me up for you!" Changmin called as Junsu bent over with his hands pressed firmly to his knees, taking in big gushes of air.

"Not . . . My boyfriend!" Changmin clapped his hands with glee when Junsu began chasing him down. He loved bothering the older because it was fun playing together. He had no idea that Junsu wanted to strangle him.

"Stop running in the house!" Junsu's mother screeched from inside of the kitchen, and Junsu quickly followed her orders. He reached out and took Changmin by the collar of his shirt and began to drag the demon to the kitchen with him. They both settled down when their mother turned to them with a sweet smile on her face, which was scarier than the sight itself.

"Now whose this boyfriend I've been hearing about?" Junsu flinched, a heavy blush rushing to cover his cheeks and causing his little brother to laugh in victory.

"There is n-no boyfriend Umma." Junsu's mother was a firm woman that didn't take any nonsense, despite looking like a model straight from a magazine. All her life she had been devoted to taking care of her kids and raising them the best she could on her own. Junsu loved her dearly, but she could be worse then Changmin.

"Don't you lie to me Junsu! Whose this boyfriend?" Junsu sighed and shot Changmin a glare promising revenge.

"He's not my boyfriend. He just walked me home."

"But you were holding hands."

"It was just for a second! He wanted to tell me something, that's all." Junsu's mother smirked as she saw her sons crestfallen expression. It was obvious, too obvious not to notice, that her son was in love, and she didn't care if it was with a squid. Love is love and that was all she needed to know. She put down the knife she held from cutting up vegetables and walked over to the table to have a seat.

"Do you love him," Ms. Kim asked tenderly, placing her hand on top of her son's which lay on the table. Junsu looked away, the red in his cheeks spreading down his neck and engulfing his ears. He knew the answer already, he knew it in his mind and his heart. Kim Junsu loved Ok Taecyeon and wanted to be with him.

"I want to meet him." Junsu sat up, alarmed.

"No, please no! He'll never want to be with me if he meets you!" Junsu's mother's smile turned deadly and Junsu quickly drew his hand to his chest to ensure its safety.

"What are you trying to say?" Junsu sighed and tried to sound as small as possible, hoping his mother would miss his next words.

"You're scary."

"That's all? Now I want to meet this boy and that's that." Junsu was well aware that he had no choice but to do his mothers bidding or else the consequences could be explosive! Before replying, Junsu gave his little brother a glare and turned to his mother with a strained smile.

"Yes, Umma."

"And that means tomorrow."


Junsu shrank into his sheets as the rain pattered against his window harshly. He was never fond of rain or its relatives lightning and thunder. He used to cuddle with his parents during times like these, when he felt like jumping out of his skin at the sound of thunder nearby. Junsu adjusted his position in his bed with the covers wrapped tightly around his body and one of his many pillows covering his head. It was an odd habit, but Junsu liked being surrounded by pillows. It helped him feel as if he wasn't alone in a room much too big for his liking. It helped him relax and hope for a better tomorrow.

"I can't believe I have to ask Taecyeon t-to come to my house," Junsu whispered to himself in disbelief. He felt his heart stutter in his chest at the thought of Taecyeon had his arms wrapping around himself, as if trying to stop the fluttering in his chest.

"I can't." He couldn't and he wouldn't ask him. Wouldn't Taecyeon find it weird? They haven't been friends for a long time so it doesn't seem valid to leave it at that and although Junsu was in love with the large teddybear, that didn't count. If not for his mothers words revolving around in his head, Junsu would've been adamant in his decision. But one way or another, Junsu knew his mother would have her way.

"They're going to ruin me," He mumbled before his eyes fell.

He awoke in a messy of sheets and pillows with the rain still pouring through the clouds.

"I hoped it would stop by morning," Junsu sighed and puffed up his cheeks in annoyance. He would not enjoy walking to school in the rain. After much protest from his limbs, Junsu worked his way out of bed and made sure to make up his bed. He stood outside of the bathroom, fighting the urge to take a nap in the hallway as he waited for his little brother to finish. It seemed like forever before his face was flicked with water and the little boy was racing down the hall. Junsu mumbled about never wanting children as he stepped inside of the bathroom for a shower.

"Alright honey, I'm taking Changmin to school. You sure you don't want to come?" Junsu heard his mother call and quickly answered with a no. Ever since he could remember, Junsu denied the offer of ever being in another car again; the accident wasn't the only factor. He had passed the crash off with head trauma, a broken arm and a few cracked ribs, and he was absolutely fine with that. It was what he said during that accident that made him refuse to ever sit in a car let alone be near one again. It was the words he foolishly yelled, pulling his father's attention away from the road only for a split second. It was the mean sentence he screamed at his father that allowed them to crash into another car and it was that mean sentence that had his head flung into the window, breaking it. But it was that last sentence his father spoke to him before the impact that left Junsu hating himself. He could remember the soft smile his father sent him as he peered at him through the rearview mirror.


"But you'll always be my little bird Junsu."

Then nothing.

A blank page, and Junsu is opening his eyes to white lights that keep moving and confusing him, to a numb feeling in his arms and his stomach, and pain biting at his legs. He's calling for his father, saying sorry, screaming in shame and frustration, so very unaware of what has just happened.

Junsu blinked and slipped on his shoes, looking at the time on his phone and realizing he had wasted a few minutes just standing there and looking out the window. He pulled the black umbrella from the rack near his hand and opened the door. Rain fell against his face until he opened the umbrella and stepped out into the dreary outside, locking the door on the way. He blinked again and began walking, blaming the rain for the water running down his cheeks.





There you have it, Junsu's mother and little brother were very entertaining to me. His brother is a miniature monster and his mother is somewhat of a dictator. In all honesty, I felt terrible when I wrote this chapter, like I shed a few tears. Don't ask me why I wrote this, I have no idea. Thankfully, In the next update Taecyeon and Junsu have a rainy day together. Be ready for A LOT of fluffy moments. :)

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Sorry for the haitus! I will be working on more chapters soon!!! PROMISE!!!


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Chapter 21: oh geez, i'm still hoping for a new chapter....
Chapter 20: boyfriends... (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 17: "are you busy after school?" AAAAAAAAA
Chapter 16: this chapter made me feel so soft...
Chapter 12: hahaha changmin, don't be like that to your hyung~
Chapter 11: arghhh i really love them 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: i love them so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: taec and junsu in this chapter are so beautiful...
Chapter 8: omg omg skhdjshsksjs
Chapter 2: omg i really love the idea about how you wanted to represent taecyeon by the little birdie junsu 🥺