Chapter 7- Wow...

"You're not my type"



Shen’s POV:


I can’t really sleep. I kept turning from side to side. I can’t find any comfortable position. I turned to my left and hugged my pillow. Nah~ I turned to my right and pushed the blanket away from me. Nope~


“Aish!”, I sat up on my bed. “Why is it so hot here?”, I ruffled my hair in frustration.


I glanced at my right and saw my sister sleeping comfortably. “That kid... really. Even if I yell my lungs out here she won’t wake up.”, I mumbled and shook my head.


I felt a bit sleepy. I don’t know what I was doing because all I was thinking of is to sleep. I removed the t-shirt I was wearing and felt a little comfortable… I yawned and fell asleep.




So here it goes now… The ert went in my room… And saw me topless… Great. Just great.


He went out of the room and left me blushing madly. Oh my gosh… That was so embarrassing.


I stood up and wore my tops and glared at my sleeping sister.


“Aish! Your elder sister here is being  and you won’t even move a single inch when I’m calling for help?! Unbelievable~”, I stomped my feet and left a sleeping beauty inside the room.




I saw the dirty minded guy at the kitchen so I went there. “You ert! What are you doing inside my room! Are you somehow…”


*Crawling up on me?!*, I thought and cleared my throat.


“What are you thinki- No! Of course not! Looking at you from head to toe. Hmmm…”, he crossed his arms and looked at me. “Not interesting at all.”


“How dare you!!!”, I yelled at him. *I’ll gladly accept being arrested coz of murder if it will make you vanish from Earth*


I readied my fist for combat when...


“Hmmm… lovers these days huh~ Oh good morning young master. And uhm Good morning to you too ma’am~”, an old lady in uniform greeted us. I simply bowed and put my hands at my back.


 “No! it’s not what you think it is.”, he defended. “No sir, I understand. I understand.”, and quickly went outside. She’s a weird old lady.


“Don’t mind that.”, He looks expressionless.


“So… what’re you planning? Coz we got a practice for today.”


“Nothing… I’m just staying here.”, I said in a bored tone.


“Don’t have a job?”


“Of course I don’t have! Because of you!”, Aish! Is he teasing me?!


“Is that so? Then, apply for a job you dumb. Make yourself productive. But don’t choose a job that involves cooking ok?”, he said sarcastically.


“Oh whatever!”, I made a face.


“I’ll be leaving now okay? If you need something, ask Mrs. Choi uhm The old lady that went uhm here awhile ago…”, he looked away.


“O-okay.”, I nodded.


“And if there’s a problem… hmp… give me your phone…”, he commanded.


“It’s upstair-“, he cut me off.


“Go get it. Faster.”, and shooed me away. Bossy much?


I hurriedly went upstairs and got my phone on the round table and went down stairs. I tell you, I almost got lost inside his house.


I made my way to the kitchen. And without a word, he snatched it away from me. Aish~


He tapped on the screen and called somebody.


*Careless. Careless. Shoot anonymous. Anonymous. Heartless. Mindless. No one who care about me.*


I suppose it’s his phone which rang and he pulled it out of his pocket.


“I got your number. My name is Kris if you don’t know me. Just call me. I already saved my number there.”, he gave me back my phone.


And he left. *Wow… awesome… that was wow… he just left?*, I thought while hanging my mouth open.


Okay… what am I supposed to do today?
















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updated!~^^ Happy New Year gulls~


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ilabya45 #1
Chapter 41: Go kreeeessssss :D 파이팅!!!
Update soon :)
Really good so far.
Chapter 40: Update soon~!
Chapter 40: update sooon...

ahhhh poor Kris *sobs*
Chapter 39: update soon author-nim..
Chapter 39: ANSHDHAHJAHSH author nim update soon D: OMG KREASEE
Chapter 39: ohh noooo. he crying...

this is a sad chapter :(
oh nooooooo.....cancel the engagement...Shen dnt love the guy..she loves kris...and kris loves her..
CaramelsDreamer #9
Chapter 38: Update soon^^
Chapter 38: Update soon~