Day out with Ricky

I Fell in Love..... With My Nanny!?!


You had just put the kids down for their naps and was in the kitchen looking at the baking book you bought the day before, when-


“ Noona, Noona, NOONA!!!!” Ricky yelled running down the hallway towards you. “ HELP!!!!”


You turned and Ricky ran around you and hide behind you. Before you could asked what was wrong, you saw Niel running after him, soaked. “ Ricky!”


“ Noona! Save me!” Ricky cried out. “ I told Niel Hyung I didn't mean to push him in the pool!”


“ Hey, hey, hey! No fighting!” You put up your arms and shielded Ricky from Niel. “ I'm sure it was an accident.” Niel stopped and he looked away. “ Come on Niel-ssi. Let's get you into some dry clothes. You're going to catch a cold. It's not summer any more and it's kinda chilly outside.”


“ OK.” He muttered as you took him up stairs.


You stopped at the bathroom and grabbed a towel. You stopped by the laundry room and also picked up the basket labeled 'Niel' then headed to his room.


“ Here's your clothes and a towel to dry yourself off.” You placed the basket on the group and threw the towel on top of his head, giggling. “ I'm going to go back down stairs so call me if you need anything, Niel-ssi.”


You turned to leave, but was stopped by someone grabbing your wrist. You turned to see Niel looking to the ground.


“ Angel, um.... Call me Oppa OK?” Niel muttered, embarrassed.


You tilted your head, but smiled. “ Sure thing Niel Oppa.” With that you left the room and headed down stairs.





You were going to start baking a cake when you realized that some of the ingredients were missing. You took off your apron, straightening you black skirt. You sighed and grabbed your purse.


“ Where you going?”


You turned around to see Ricky coming down the stairs.


“ I need to go get some ingredients to bake.” You smiled grabbing your black jacket from the rack.


“ Oh! I want to come!” Ricky grabbed his jacket and put his shoes on.


“ Ok. Cap! Watch the kids real fast!” You shouted up the stairs. “ I'm heading to the market really fast.”


“ OK.” Cap shouted back.


You and Ricky went out the door and went to the car that Mr. Park said you could use for these situations.


“ You have your license?” Ricky asked surprised as he got into the passenger seat.


“ I'm originally from the States and had my license over there. I was able to trade it in a get a Korean one.” You smiled and drove your way to the market.


You parked and started to walk around, searching for the things you need.


“ So Noona, what's your favorite color?” Ricky randomly asked as he took the basket from you.


You blinked in surprise and looked at him, confused. “ Well, that was random.” You turned your attention back to the shelves. “ Why do you want to know?”


“ Just curious.” Ricky shrugged. “ So what is it?”


“ Purple.” You picked up some flour.


“ What's your favorite type of movie?”


“ Scary.”


“ Your favorite guy group?”


“ Big Bang.”


“ Girl Group?”


“ 2NE1 and f(x).”


“ Song?”


“ What is this? Twenty questions?” You tried to reach for an item on the top shelf, but being as short as you are you failed. You tried going on your tiptoes, but another arm went up and got it.


“ This one noona?” Ricky asked pulling it down the item.


“ Yeah.” You smiled, blushing a little at how close he was you. You took it and put it in the basket. “ I have everything. Let's get back home.”


“ Noona! Let's get some ice cream before we go home!” Ricky exclaimed taking the heavy basket from you. “ There's a place right across the street!”


You thought about and nodded. “ Sure.”


You went and paid for the items, placed them in the car, and both headed to the ice cream place across the street.


“ What kind do you want, noona?” Ricky looked at you as you took out your wallet.


“ I want a regular chocolate cone.” You were about to head to the counter, but Ricky snatched your wallet.


“ Nah uh!” Ricky pouted shaking his finger side to side. “ I'm buying.”


“ Aw, Ricky!” You pouted. “ I hate when people buy me stuff.”


“ To bad!” Ricky grinned and crossed his arms. “ It was my idea so I pay!” He shooed you away. “ Now go find us a table.”


you pouted and went to find a table. You found one next to a window. You sat down waited. A few minutes later, Ricky walked over and handed you your cone.


“ Thanks.” You beamed as you took a bite. “ It's so good!”


You two began to talk about school and everything until you felt something cold and wet fall on your head. You yelped in surprised and stood from your table, soaked.


“ Oops.” You looked up to see three girls smirking at you. “ Sorry, didn't mean to.”


“ What the heck?” Ricky stood up and ran over to you.


“ Sorry, we didn't mean to spill water on the ugly girl.” A blonde spoke, smirking and twirling her hair.


“ Why is a cute guy like you with a.....thing like that?” A red hair one asked touching his shoulder lightly.


You looked down, sadden by the rude comment. You fought back tears and clenched your fist.


“ What are you talking about?” Ricky got angered. “ Noona is probably the most beautiful girl around and the nicest. Any guy who be stupid or blind not to see that! You're just jealous!”


With that Ricky grabbed your wrist and lead you out of the building, leaving the girls shocked. You both got in the car and began to drive. The car ride was silent. When you finally got home, you parked the car and sat there. Ricky began to get out but you gently grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He looked at you concerned.


“ Ricky, thanks.” You smiled a little.


“ For what?” He sat back down and tilted his head cutely.


“ For standing up for me.”


Ricky smiled back. “ I was just telling the truth, noona. You are beautiful and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.”


You stared at him as tears went down cheeks. “ Nobody has ever stood up for me or said that to me.” You whispered looking ahead, smiling a little. “ Thanks. That helps my self-esteem.”


“ Good.” Ricky smiled and used the sleeve of his jacket, wiping the stray tears from your face. “ If you ever need anyone to talk to or anything, you know where to find me.”


You nodded and gave him a quick hug, before getting out. You got the ingredients and grinned, walking towards the house.


“ You want to help me bake the cake, Ricky?”







Sorry if it was bad but today was a long day and I didn't know what to do for this chapter. I wanted to have a chapter where she spent time with Ricky so I thought that since I had a minor writer's block I'd do this now. Haha lame, but whatevers. ^^ its 11pm but I just got done with vball so I'm tired. Chapter 10 should be out tomorrow or the next day. Comment and subscribe if you haven't already and thanks to the new subscribers for subscribing! I appreciate it~

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Chapter 21 is up and working on 22! Should be up tonight or tomorrow~


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Feliceheartskey #1
Chapter 18: Omg she is so innocent but so young got abuse alrd; (
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
CandyToo #4
Love the story.. im glad Li Na's parents are in jail and Li Na is somekind of mental thingy...
May your basketball coach RIP, he will be in a safe place now...
Excited to read your sequel... :)
jnsb2815 #5
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo~ If you didn't let Angel leave then I'd feel like a burden but when you decided to leave I kinda feel sad
I would like to kiss Changjo!!
Anyways awesome story!! :D
who would be sorry for kissing changjo? dude. its changjo. how the fic!! wahh. it was great to read! <3
I'm so sorry about your basketball coach. Take as much time as you need. We will wait for you. Send my condolences to your teammates and the family.
meiYue #9
May your basketball coach RIP
It's okay, take as long as you need to, to recover. As long as in the end you're alright
Amazing story. Take as long as you need to recover and I'm sorry for your loss. Hope your coach is in a better place and happy. Please send your teammates my condolences. I know how it feels to loss someone close. Again i am sorry for your loss.