Sick Day

I Fell in Love..... With My Nanny!?!


You heard some noises form down stairs, which caused you to wake up. Your eyes fluttered open to see you were in your room. You sat up quickly, but fell back down, dizzy form the sudden movement.


You looked at the clock to see you were out for at least 3 hours.


“ Knock, knock.” A voice sang from the door way.


You looked up to see Changjo standing there, with a tray in his hands. “ Hi Changjo.”


“ Hi. How do you feel noona?” He asked, looking worried. “ Any better?”


“ Yeah, I'm feeling better.” You smiled weakly and sat up in you bed. “ Sorry if I worried you.”


“ Don't be sorry.” He smiled and placed the tray on your lap. “ Brought you some soup. Thought you'd be hungry.”


“ Thanks Changjo.” You smiled and took a bite of the soup. “ Oh! It's good! Who made it?”


“ I wish I could take the credit, but Chunji hyung made it.” He smiled. “ He also made everyone dinner for tonight.”


“ Really?” You asked surprised. “ I didn't know he could cook.”


“ Well, he had to when he was younger.” Changjo leaned against the wall. “ I don't know the whole story, but I just know he had it rough. The only people who knows his story is L. Joe and Mr. Park.”


“ I see.” You nodded and heard some shouting from downstairs. “ What's going on downstairs?”


“ It's nothing. Just a disagreement.” He smiled and turned the t.v. on. “ Let's watch a movie.”


“ OK.” You nodded and scooted over for Changjo to sit next to you.



Ricky's POV


“ You're just doing all this to impress Angel, aren't you!?” L. Joe shouted glaring at Chunji.


“ Are you really that stupid?!” Chunji snapped him. “ Angel's sick and you think I'm doing all this to impress her?!”


“ That's exactly what your doing!” L. Joe snapped.


“ L. Joe, I think you're just getting jealous.” I said, stepping between them. “ He just made her soup, which is good for a cold. He was just trying to make her get better since we were all to stupid arguing with Infinite.”


L.Joe sighed and walked up the stairs. “ I'm going to bed. Night.”


I stood there thinking for a moment and looked to Chunji. “ Hyung, can I ask you something?”


Chunji looked over, tiredly and smiled a little. “ Yeah, sure Ricky.”


“ Do you like Noona?” I asked.


Niel looked over at me surprised at my question, but then looked to Chunji. “ Do you?”


Chunji stared at us for a moment and looked down. “ I honestly don't know. I don't think my heart could handle this kind of stuff.” He started to walk up the stairs. “ I'm going to bed. Night. Don't stay up to late.”


Niel looked at me. “ Do youi like Noona? Like, like-like?”


I looked at him a smiled a little. “ I think we all like-like her Niel hyung. Cap Hyung is probably the only one who doesn't have a crush on her.”


Niel sighed. “ You're right. Should we check on Changjo and Angel noona? I sent Changjo up to check on her and make sure she doesn't come down stairs for the argument.”


“ Nah. They should be fine. Probably just watching a movie.” I smiled and headed up the stairs. “ I'm going to bed. Night.”


“ Night.”





You yawned as sun light hit your face. Your eyes flickered open to see that it was morning. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, tiredly.


You looked next to you to see Changjo laying there.


We must have fallen asleep during the movie. You smiled to yourself as he mumbled some things in his sleep. You had to admit, he was adorable when he slept.


You pulled the cover up to his shoulder and got out of bed easily. He turned over his side and sighed, tiredly.


You took a quick shower and got dressed. You headed downstairs and to the kitchen. To your suprise, L. Joe was already in there.


“ L. Joe oppa?” You walked in and put your apron on. “ What are you doing up so early?”


“ Oh, Angel!” He smiled and turned to you. “ You feeling better?”


“ Yes, I'm feeling all better!” You gave a 'OK' signed and went to the sink. “ So I'm guessing your hungry.”


“ Yeah, but I really don't know how to cook.” He scratched the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. “ I'm really bad at it.”


You giggled and went to the fridge. “ Well, I can teach you. I'll be your cooking teacher if you want.”


L.Joe smiled and nodded. “ Sounds good to me.”


After cooking breakfast, helping L.Joe and instructing him, you finished within the hour. It was 7:45.


“ Thanks Angel.” L. Joe smiled and placed an arm around your shoulder, giving you a wink. “ Now if your ever sick again I can cook you something to eat.”


“ Your so sweet L. Joe.” You smiled and started to set the table, with L. Joe's help.


“ Good morning Noona-...” Ricky looked at L. Joe confused. “ And L. Joe? You're actually up? When did you wake up?”


“ Yah! Is it that hard to believe that I'm up early?” He pouted, taking a seat.


“ Noona, sorry that.... L. Joe your up?” Changjo asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly.


“ Why is everyone surprised about that?” L. Joe laid his head on the table, annoyed.


You giggled a little and took a piece of toast and some water. You walked out of the dinning room and headed up the stairs and towards your room.


“ Angel?” You turned to see Chunji walking over. “ You feel any better?”


“ Yeah, I'm feeling better.” You smiled and pointed down stairs. “ L. Joe and I cooked breakfast this morning. You should go grab some before they eat it all.”


“ L. Joe actually cooked?” Chunji looked surprised. “ That's new. Never thought I hear that in a million years.”


“ Yeah, he helped me.” I smiled and took a drink of the water.


“ Aren't you going to eat with everyone?” Chunji asked raising an eyebrow.


“ Nah. Since it's only been a day I thought ot just stay in my room so I don't get anyone sick, for the safe side.” You smiled. “ I had L. Joe work with the food and wore a mask. I'd feel bad if anyone got sick from me.”


“ I see.” Chunji smiled and ruffled your hair. “ I'm going to get so breakfast.”


You nodded and headed for your room. You turned the T.V. on and started to watch another movie ' The Host'. After a few minutes into the movie there was a knock on the door.


“ Come in.” You called taking a drink of water.


Chunji came in and smiled. “ Is it OK if I eat in here with you? I tried to eat in the dinning room, but L.Joe is shouting ' Why can't anyone believed I actually helped cook?!' and other junk.”


“ Oh sure oppa!” You smiled, scooting over and patted the seat besides you. “ Hope you don't mind watching 'The Host' though.”


“ No problem with that.” He smiled and sat next to you. “ What did I miss?”


“ Nothing much.” You explained. “ They just poured the chemicals into the sink with leads to the Han River and then main character and his daughter and grandpa were watching the daughters aunt in the archery competition.”


“ Oh, so not anything big?”


“ Yep.” You nodded, but then you remembered yesterday. “ Hey oppa. Can I ask you something?”


Chunji looked at you a little surprised, but nodded. “ Sure, anything Angel.”


“ Well, I heard you cooked dinner yesterday and the soup, which was really good. I asked Changjo about it and he said that you had to learn to cook and that you had it rough before you came here. I was wondering what happened before you came here.” You then bit your lip and looked at him smiling that smile that always made his heart skip a beat. “ You don't have to tell me if you don't want to oppa. I'm sorry I'm being nosy. Just forget what I said.”


You turned your attention back to the T.V. Chunji thought for a moment and let out a sigh.


If I'm going to tell anyone else, it might as well be Angel. He sighed and looked to the ceiling.


“ I was nine when my life crumbled.....”






Cliffy!~ Sorry don't hurt me! Haha I at least wanted one cliff hanger in this story so.... why not now!!! Yes you are going to learn the tragic life of Chunji in the next chapter so stay tune!... Ok I watch WAY to much t.v. OTL haha I hope you liked this chapter and please comment and subscribe if you haven't already. Also sorry for the cliffy. Like I said I wanted 1 of them at least. ^^

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Chapter 21 is up and working on 22! Should be up tonight or tomorrow~


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Feliceheartskey #1
Chapter 18: Omg she is so innocent but so young got abuse alrd; (
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
CandyToo #4
Love the story.. im glad Li Na's parents are in jail and Li Na is somekind of mental thingy...
May your basketball coach RIP, he will be in a safe place now...
Excited to read your sequel... :)
jnsb2815 #5
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo~ If you didn't let Angel leave then I'd feel like a burden but when you decided to leave I kinda feel sad
I would like to kiss Changjo!!
Anyways awesome story!! :D
who would be sorry for kissing changjo? dude. its changjo. how the fic!! wahh. it was great to read! <3
I'm so sorry about your basketball coach. Take as much time as you need. We will wait for you. Send my condolences to your teammates and the family.
meiYue #9
May your basketball coach RIP
It's okay, take as long as you need to, to recover. As long as in the end you're alright
Amazing story. Take as long as you need to recover and I'm sorry for your loss. Hope your coach is in a better place and happy. Please send your teammates my condolences. I know how it feels to loss someone close. Again i am sorry for your loss.