
I Fell in Love..... With My Nanny!?!


      Chunji's POV


I yawned and stretched when I woke up the next morning. I looked to my right to see you weren't there. I rubbed my eyes tiredly, and looked at the rest of the group, who were fast asleep.


She maybe in the kitchen. I yawned, getting to my feet and walked into the, surprisingly, empty kitchen. Maybe she's in her room.


In a panic I ran up the stairs, feeling like something was wrong. I got to her room and knocked on the door, gently.


“ Angel?” I opened the door slowly.


My eyes widened to the empty room. The bed was neatly made with a note on the middle of the bed.


I snatched it and began to read it. When I reached the end I fell to my knees, not seeing the point of living much anymore.



    1. Joe's POV


“ She's really gone?” I looked from Ricky, who was reading the note, to Chunji who was still kneeling on the ground, lifeless.


“ What does the note say?” Cap sighed, rubbing his temples tiredly.


“ Dear Friends, I'm sorry for all the inconvenience I've caused since I've been here. I decided to move on my own. I've caused so much worrying and pain and....I'm sorry. I'm so happy I met you guys and was able to be a part of this family, something I haven't been able to be apart of for a long time.” Chunji paused for a moment, taking a shaky breath. “ I'm able to smile on my own now, which I haven't done in a long while either. I'll be fine out there, trust me. Would God let one of his Angels fall? A wise question my mom use to tell me. Lame right? Well, there's not much to say now. JiKyoung please take care of this family. You guys, treat her kindly like you have for me. Well, I guess this is goodbye. Love you all. -Angela Turner-”


I studied Chunji, shocked that he remembered that word for word. My heart hurt seeing Chunji this broken. I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. “ It's OK, hyung. We'll find her-”


“ God! How stupid am I?!” I jumped when Chunji suddenly punched the ground. “ I should have known something was up! ' Thanks for everything.' I should have known something was up when she said that!”


“ Hyung, there's no point in beating yourself up cause of that.” Changjo knelt in front of him and grabbed both his wrist before he could do anymore damage to his now bruising fist. “ None of us would have thought anything of that!”


Chunji looked down at his hands, eyes full of anger and sorrow. “ I'm must be really stupid. I could never tell her that I love her. I was terrified of rejection, but....this, this is much worse. I can't tell her now.” There was silence in the room as everyone looked pitiful at Chunji, the boy with the ice heart. That was the nickname given to him due to pushing everyone away, even his own family. Now the ice had melted and the real reality was, all he needed was love. The love from an angel.


I picked up my cell phone, walking out of the room. I sighed and dialed the number. I was going to find you for Chunji, cause I know how much he needed you....




3 days later

“ Angela, get my laundry!” A tall black haired woman walked through the kitchen, her high heels clicked on the marble.


“ Um, can you wait, Mrs. Park?” You asked kindly, making dinner. “ I'm a little busy.”


“ No! I need them now!” She snapped, then sighed frustrated. “ I'm already late for work. God you are just as useless as JiKyoung and your mother.”


You flinched at the words and sighed.


“ Angel, I'll take over for right now. You just go get whatever she needs before she throws her hissy fit.” A tall blonde hair boy walked over, taking the spatula from your hands.


“ HaJoon-ah, are you sure?” You were slightly shocked from his kindness.


HaJoon Park was Li-Na's twin brother. Usually is in his room and never comes out. When he knows something is about to happen, he leaves the scene and ignores everything. He's usually cold towards people.


“ It's oppa and yes.” He smiled kindly and started to gently shove you towards the door. “ Now go, go. I'll handle this.”


“ Um, ne. Thank you.” You bowed and ran down to the basement. You grabbed the basket and headed back towards the stairs.


You stopped, nervously. You slowly turned around and stared at the darkness of the other side of the room, remembering every aspect of it. Everything that had happened. You gulped at the memories, but shook it off. You ran up the stairs and was going through the kitchen.


“ Angela, why the hell is my HaJoon doing your job?” Mrs. Park snapped, tapping her toe on the ground.


“ I, um, I-I-” You stuttered as HaJoon put down the spatula and turned off the stove.


“ You told her to get your things so I told her I'd take over cooking.” HaJoon glared at his mother. “ She can't do everything at once.”


Mrs. Park smiled and cupped his face with one hand. “ Your so sweet HaJoon, but don't do this pathetic girls work. Now go play, honey.” With that she snatched her jacket, glaring at you, before leaving out of the room.


“ Stupid two face .” He muttered before looking at you. “ You OK?”


“ HaJoon Oppa, thank you.” You bowed, not looking up. “ I would have been in some big trouble if you haven't saved me.”


“ Hey don't worry about it.” He took the basket from you and frowned. “ Are you OK? You don't look well.”


You smiled lightly and stood straight. “ I'm fine. I'll get back to cooking. Thank you again Oppa.”


You went back to the stove and began to cook again, HaJoon walking the basket to Mrs. Park's room. You pulled out the plates from the shelves and ly to get bumped into, dropping all the plates.


“ What a clumsy idiotic girl.” Li-Na smirked and crossed her arms. “ Pick up the mess.”


You sighed and got on your knees, beginning to clean up the shards of glass. You yelped in pain when a foot stomped on your hand, making glass pierce your hand. Li-Na twisted your foot and placed more pressure on your hand, causing you to cry out in pain. She removed her foot, keeping her smirk.


“ Opps. Sorry.” With that she walked out of the room.


“ Angel, what-” HaJoon ran in and stared wide eyes at the blood and shattered glass. “ Oh my god! Angel! What happened?!”


He ran over and knelt next to you. He took your hand and examined it. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you to your feet, tears streaming down your face. He lead you out of the kitchen, HaJoon bumping into Mr. Park.


“ What the hell? Look at this mess!” He growled glaring at you. “ Who the hell is gonna clean this up?!”


“ What don't you, you lazy ?” HaJoon snapped, leading you to your room. “ God there's something wrong with this family.”


He lead you to your bed and sat you down. He ran out of the room and a few minutes later came back with a first-aid kit.


“ Let me see your hand.” He held out his hand, tweezers in his other hand.


You hesitantly gave him your injured hand and he began to pick out the glass from your hand. You flinched every once in a while, but you stayed quiet.


“ You're stronger than you look, Angel.” HaJoon started to wrap the wound with gauze and tape to keep the gauze on. He pulled out some pills and placed them in your good hand. “ You hand is going to burn and everything for a while so you might want to take these to reduce the pain.”


You looked at them, then at him.


He sighed. “ I'm not going to hurt you. If I was wouldn't I have done it by now?” He held the glass of water in front of you. “ Now please just take them.”


You nodded and took the pills. HaJoon lifted the glass to your lips for you to drink. You took a few sips and HaJoon placed the cup on the night stand.


“ I'll go get you something to eat.” He got up and started to walk out.


“ HaJoon, why are you helping me?” You laid down on your hard bed.


HaJoon stood in the door way, not looking at you. “ It's for not being there for you before. I guess it's to say... I'm sorry.” With that he ran out of the room.



HaJoon's POV


I walked into the kitchen and saw Li-Na and my dad sitting at the table. I walked over to counter and prepared two plates. When I was finished I started to walk out.


“ HaJoon, are you really that hungry?” Dad chuckled, patting the seat next to him. “ Come sit with us.”


“ No thanks.” I muttered and headed out. This family is so screwed up. How can they treat Angel like garage and then act like a kind family? I knocked on the door and opened it. “ Angel, I brought you your dinner.” He smiled a little seeing you were fast asleep on your bed. “ She must be so tired.”


I placed your plate on the night stand. I was about to leave when you started mumbling something. I leaned close to you to hear what you were saying.


“ Chunji...” You muttered while your brows pinched together.


Must be her boyfriend or something. I thought and placed a finger tip between your brow. “ Relax.” I whispered, which seemed to calm you.


You smiled a little and turned in your sleep. I pulled the covers over you, but stopped when , from the corner of my eyes, noticed your phone light up and buzz quietly.


I pick it up to see a picture of you and a boy with pinkish hair. The ID read L. Joe oppa~.


I sighed and flipped the phone open. “ Hello?”


“ Who is this?” The boy on the other end snapped.


“ Oh, so your one of Angel's friends.” I whispered and walked out of the room, quietly. “ I'm her cousin HaJoon.”


“ I swear if you hurt her I'll-”


“ I wouldn't. Just because Li-Na is my twin, doesn't mean I'm messed up like her.” I snapped back.


“ Sorry, but-” the boy paused. “ Just please let us talk to Angel.”


“ I would if I could, but she's sleeping.” I explained. “ She had a really hard day.”


The was a pause and then another boy come on the line. “ Is she eating right? She's not hurt is she?”


“ Ah, you must be Chunji.” I smiled a little. “ It's great to finally talk to you.”


“ How do you know me?” He sounded confused, but angered a little.


“ Angel, spoke of you a little.” I frowned. ' And she's not doing that well. I've been trying to keep her safe as possible, but.... She needs to get out of here. Pick her up tomorrow and get her out of here.”


“ OK, where?”He asked.


“ I'll text you where. See you then.” I spoke and hung up.


She deserves much better than this hell. I thought and placed her phone back on the night-stand.



HaJoon Park:




Cold torwards people, but is very kind. Hates violence and tries to avoid it no matter what. Feels guilty after not helping you for so long and wants to help now, seeing the evils of the family. Wants to help you get back to your friends now and leave that evil house.





Hoped you liked it. Going to try and update again tonight before I go to bed. I start school tomorrow so it'll be hard to update. Sorry! Gots to go to vball practice now. Commet and subscribe! Thanks everyone! Hope you like HaJoon! Keke

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Chapter 21 is up and working on 22! Should be up tonight or tomorrow~


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Feliceheartskey #1
Chapter 18: Omg she is so innocent but so young got abuse alrd; (
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
CandyToo #4
Love the story.. im glad Li Na's parents are in jail and Li Na is somekind of mental thingy...
May your basketball coach RIP, he will be in a safe place now...
Excited to read your sequel... :)
jnsb2815 #5
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo~ If you didn't let Angel leave then I'd feel like a burden but when you decided to leave I kinda feel sad
I would like to kiss Changjo!!
Anyways awesome story!! :D
who would be sorry for kissing changjo? dude. its changjo. how the fic!! wahh. it was great to read! <3
I'm so sorry about your basketball coach. Take as much time as you need. We will wait for you. Send my condolences to your teammates and the family.
meiYue #9
May your basketball coach RIP
It's okay, take as long as you need to, to recover. As long as in the end you're alright
Amazing story. Take as long as you need to recover and I'm sorry for your loss. Hope your coach is in a better place and happy. Please send your teammates my condolences. I know how it feels to loss someone close. Again i am sorry for your loss.