Deal or No Deal?

I Fell in Love..... With My Nanny!?!


WARNING WARNING! There is some violence and a bad word..... so ya... that's all and enjoy! ^^;


“ Noona, are you sure you want to go back to school?” Ricky asked, worriedly, feeling your forehead and everything.


“ Ricky, I didn't have a fever.” You giggled a little at how protective Ricky was being. “ I'll be fine.”


“ We'll walk you to each of your classes today so you won't be alone.” L. Joe spoke and slung an arm around your shoulders. “ Niel will take you to your first two classes, then I'll drop by to take you to your next two, then Chunji will come pick you up from lunch and take you to your next class, then Ricky and Changjo for your next ones.”


You nodded smiling. “ Thanks.”


You walked to the limo and sat between L. Joe and Chunji.


“ So Changjo,” L. Joe smirked looking over the maknae, “ I see you and JiKyoung are getting close.” He wiggled his eyebrows at him, teasingly.


Changjo stared wide eyes at him as his face began to turn red. “ W-what? No!”


“ Oh, our poor little maknae is in denial!” L. Joe chuckled.


“ N-no! I don't like JiKyoung!”Changjo looked away. “ Beside, JiKyoung wouldn't like me.”


You frowned and shook your head. “ Changjo, you will never know til you try. Maybe she even likes you back? Have you even thought of that. You're not her so thinking that she doesn't like you probably is false.” You smiled at him. “ Tell her how you feel, and maybe she'll return the feelings.”


“ But what if I get rejected?” He looked at his hands, remembering the feeling with you.


“ Rejection isn't always bad.” You smiled at him, trying to reassure him. “ It can be good sometimes. Saves you from the people who aren't worth it. It's also usually just as hard to give it than to take it.”


“ But what if she doesn't even want to be my friend anymore?”


“ Changjo, this is JiKyoung we're talking about.” You giggled a little. “ She wouldn't stop being your friend.”


You reached the school and got out with L. Joe and Chunji behind you. Niel and Ricky soon followed, but Changjo sat in the car, thinking for a few minutes.


“ Noona, you know all the right things to say.” He smiled a little and with a new found confidence, walked into the building.




It was lunch time and you were walking with Chunji to the lunchroom, having small talk.


You pulled on his shirt a little causing him to stop and look at you. “ What is it, Angel?”


“ I, um....” You whispered. “ I have to use the restroom.”


Chunji chuckled a little and grabbed your hand and lead you to the bathroom. “ I'll wait outside for you. OK?”


You nodded and went in. “ Thanks. Be out in a sec.”


Chunji leaned against the wall, waiting when two girls ran towards him.


“ Oppa! Oppa!” They stopped in front of him. “ We need some help!”


“ Um, sorry I'm actually waiting for someone.” He turned back to his cold state. “ Go find L. Joe or Changjo.”


“ But we need YOUR help.” The girl on the right pouted, but grabbed his arm dragging him away. “ Come on Oppa!”


“ Hey, let go!” Chunji snapped, being dragged off by the two girls. “ Wait!”


A girl came from behind the wall smirked and walked calmly to the restroom. She opened the door and shut it quietly behind her, locking it. She walked down the little path way and turned the corner. You were at the sink, washing you hands.


You looked up and froze in horror. Li-Na was standing there, twirling her hair with a evil grin plastered on her face. “ Hey little cousin. How have you been?”


“ W-what do you want?” You stuttered, taking a step back.


“ Aw, I was just wondering why you weren't here.” She smirked a little, looking at her nails. “ I haven't been able to play any games with you, my dear cousin.”


“ Leave me alone.” You took a step back as she walked towards you. “ Leave Li-Na!”


Your back it the wall as she was only a foot away. You looked down, only to have her grabbed your jaw and force you to look at her.


“ Is that anyway to talk to your cousin?” She clicked her tongue, teasingly.


“ Your sick in the head.” You muttered, but flinched when her grip got tighter.


“ It looks as though you forgot who is in charge.” She punched you in the gut. “ I guess I have to reteach you.”


You fell to your knees, gasping for air. You clenched your stomach and looked up, only to get your hair pulled.


“ Chunji!” You screamed, as the taller girl pulled you above ground a little. “ Chunji!”


“ Your boyfriend is a little busy right now.” She smirked, throwing her across the floor.


Where does she get her strength.... You coughed and pushed yourself off the ground.


“ You better not have hurt him.” You growled, glaring at her. “ Don't you dare touch him or any of the other boys! You hear me!”


Li-Na thought about it for a second and gave a fake, kind smile. “ I won't hurt them, if you do one thing for me.”


You coughed again and looked at her in disbelief. “ W-what?”


“ Move back with us.” She pulled out a file and began working on her nails, calmly.


“ W-why? You don't even like me. You hate being around my very existence.” You kept your eyes on her, terrorized that if you even blink she stabbed you with the file.


She raised an eyebrow looked at you like you were stupid. “ I miss my little play thing, duh.” She looked down at her nails. “ Besides, JiKyoung doesn't cook, clean, or anything as good as you. She's quiet pathetic.”


“ The only pathetic one is you, Park Li-Na!” You snapped feeling anger, for the first time in your life, build up in the pit of your stomach.


“ How bout this?” She pointed the file at you, smiling a little. “ I'll even let JiKyoung leave the estate. You two switch places. You'll live with us and she can live free as a bird. So no one from Teen Top will get hurt plus JiKyoung can go free in exchange for you coming back to us. Umma and appa won't care if she's gone.”


I don't want to go back, but I don't want to endanger the boys or JiKyoung. You looked down and sighed, feeling defeat.


“ You're signing your freedom off just like that?” She raised and eyebrow and placed a finger under your chin, making you look back up. “ You're going to go back to your caged bird life like that? You're even more pathetic that JiKyou-”


You did something that you never thought you could do before. You threw a punch, causing her to fly back. She touched her cheek and glared at you.


“ Don't you call JiKyoung pathetic!” You snapped, only to be shoved against a wall, hitting your head.


“ .” Li-Na spat, pulling you to your feet and shoving you into another wall. “ Do you know who the hell your messing with?”


You felt tired suddenly after hitting your head, and just wanted to sleep. You felt yourself be thrown again, but the darkness was to inviting.....




Changjo's POV


“ Where is Chunji and Angel?” L. Joe asked a little impatiently, fiddling with his food and not letting his eyes leave the doors.


“ Maybe she had to use the restroom?” I stated, taking a bite of my food.


“ It's been 10 minutes since class ended!” He spoke nervously and looked at me.


“ Maybe she REALLY had to go?” I calmly took another bite.


“ I'm being serious, Changjo.”


“ So am I.” I rolled his eyes. “ Maybe she's on her-”


“ Lalalalalala! I don't want to hear it!” Ricky dropped his chopsticks and threw his hands over his ears.


“ Well, if that's the case, she might be at the nurse.” Niel looked at L. Joe, boredly.


“ Or she might have even went home, not feeling well.” JiKyoung spoke softly as she sat next to me. “ Maybe she hasn't been eating properly again and went home sick. She had that problem when we lived together.”


“ Chunji and I have been making sure she's been eating.” He rubbed his temples. “ Besides Chunji would have texted me say she went home.”


“ Well, maybe Chunji and Angel are having a make-out session.” I stated bluntly, taking another bite of my food.


He threw down his chopsticks and bolted for the door, with only Ricky trailing.


“ Changjo oppa, you know Angel wouldn't do that.” JiKyoung looked at me confused.


“ I know.”


“ Then why did you tell him that?” She looked at me, raising an eyebrow.


I smiled and propped my head on my hand on the table. “ Cause he was annoying me, and I couldn't finish my food if he kept annoying me.”


“ Which I thank you so much Changjo.” Niel patted me on the back. “ I was getting a head ache from him.”


“ So L. Joe and Ricky Oppa likes Angel too?” JiKyoung tilted her head, looking at the door way where they left.


“ Yep.”


“ Aw, I thought L. Joe was cute too.”


I picked up food with my chopstick and held it in front of her. “ Say aw.”


She looked at me confused, but did as told.


“ L. Joe is an idiot. Don't like him.” I tapped the top of her head with my chopsticks.


She pouted as she chewed the food. Niel chuckled a little, picking up his things.


“ I'm going to go and make sure Chunji doesn't take advantage of our innocent Angel again.” He waved off, smiling. “ Have fun you two crazy kids.”


“ Yah! You told him about Oppa and unnie kissing?!” JiKyoung choked a little on her food and I past her a cup of water, patting her back lightly.


“ No...maybe.... Ok yes- Ow!” I rubbed my arm where she punched me, pouting. “ Yah, you got some muscles Kyo-Kyo.”


She blushed and looked down. “ Kyo-Kyo?”


“ Yes, I made a cute nickname for you!” I said cutely and looked at her. “ I was watching an anime yesterday and they called someone that and it reminded me of you Kyo-Kyo.”


She started to play with her hair, embarrassed, but before I could my phone began to vibrate.


I clicked the answer button. “ Hel-”


“ Changjo! Hurry, please!” L. Joe cry out on the other line, causing me to jump to my feet. “ Angel is hurt badly and I don't know what to do!”


“ H-h...” I swallowed the lump in my throat and grabbed JiKyoung's hand, pulling her up. “ Hyung, calm down-”


“ She's unconscious and I can't get a hold of anybody.” His voice quivered.


“ Hyung, where are you?” I asked again, trying to keep calm as I dragged JiKyoung out . “ You need to calm down hyung so I can come and help.”


He took a deep breath. “ W-we're in the basement level of the school, by the boiler room. Please hurry.”


“ I'll be right there.” I hung up the phone and looked at JiKyoung who already had tears in her eyes. “ Go get the nurse. Tell her to get to the boiler room as fast as she can, that it is an emergency. I want you to stay there. I'll text Infinite and tell them to pick you up there and take you to the student council room. Got it?”


She was going to protest, but instead she nodded her head and wiped the tears away. She sprinted to the nurses office and I ran towards the boiler room, hoping you weren't to bad. Hoping you'll be OK........






This isn't considered a cliff hanger right...I think it is.... Sorry don't kill me!!!!! * Hides* Well, Li-Na is kinda scary and a sadistic crazy lunatic I'd have to say.... Honestly I didn't mean to make her that crazy.... And go Angel for standing up for herself!! I was really in debate with the punching scene for Angel since she doesn't seem the type, but hey, when you're angry you do stuff. ^^ Well anyways I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and I'll try to update tomorrow or the next day depending how tired I am from Vball tryouts( its from the 6th-10th). So I'm going to be a little stressed and tired. Well thank you guys for the comments and to my amazing 34 subscribers! I love you all! Saranghayeo! <3

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Chapter 21 is up and working on 22! Should be up tonight or tomorrow~


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Feliceheartskey #1
Chapter 18: Omg she is so innocent but so young got abuse alrd; (
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
CandyToo #4
Love the story.. im glad Li Na's parents are in jail and Li Na is somekind of mental thingy...
May your basketball coach RIP, he will be in a safe place now...
Excited to read your sequel... :)
jnsb2815 #5
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo~ If you didn't let Angel leave then I'd feel like a burden but when you decided to leave I kinda feel sad
I would like to kiss Changjo!!
Anyways awesome story!! :D
who would be sorry for kissing changjo? dude. its changjo. how the fic!! wahh. it was great to read! <3
I'm so sorry about your basketball coach. Take as much time as you need. We will wait for you. Send my condolences to your teammates and the family.
meiYue #9
May your basketball coach RIP
It's okay, take as long as you need to, to recover. As long as in the end you're alright
Amazing story. Take as long as you need to recover and I'm sorry for your loss. Hope your coach is in a better place and happy. Please send your teammates my condolences. I know how it feels to loss someone close. Again i am sorry for your loss.