New Look

I Fell in Love..... With My Nanny!?!


     Chapter 15


It was coming close to the end of break. It was Sunday morning, your going back to school the next day, and you and the family were sitting in the living room, bored.


“ What to do?” Ricky sighed, sitting upside down on the coach. “ So bored!”


“ I think we're all bored, Ricky.” You smiled, giggling lightly. “ The blood is going to run to your head if you keep it up.”


“ What should we do Noona?”Changjo asked, his head on your lap as you played with his soft hair.


“ I don't know. It's been quiet since the kids went to your guys grandparents house for the last couple of days.” You pouted a little and continue to play with his hair.


“ Noona that tickles.” He chuckled and smiled at you.


“ Mianhae, but I'm really bored and your hair is really soft.” You giggled and looked at the other boys. “ So you guys have any ideas on what to do?”


L.Joe and Chunji were glaring at Changjo, which you didn't really notice, and Niel and Ricky were in deep thought.


“ What about we have a picnic?” Niel spoke up, looking at everyone. “ It's actually pretty warm out today, so it should be nice.”


“ Niel, I don't know-” Chunji started, but saw you as your eyes widen with excitement.


“ Omo! Could we? I always wanted to go on a picnic!” You clapped your hands together. “ I haven't been on a picnic since I was in the U.S.!”


Chunji stared for a moment and then smiled. “ Anyone appose?”


Everyone looked at each other and smiled.


“ Let's go!” Ricky cheered happily.


“ OK, so we'll leave here about 1:30.” You said as Changjo sat up. “ I'll go pack us some lunch then.”


You smiled and walked to the kitchen and started packing various items: plastic plates, forks, chopsticks, spoons, napkins, blanket, and food.


You looked up to the sound of footsteps to see Niel standing there looking at his feet, nervously.


“ Hi, oppa.” You tilted your head confused. “ Something wrong?”


“ A-Angel, can I ask you a favor?” He looked up, his cheek a tilt of red.


“ Sure, anything Niel.” You nodded and placed the picnic basket on the counter.


“ I-I...” He sighed and looked up smiling. “ I was wondering if you can help me become...more... like Chunji and L. Joe?”


“ Being popular?” You asked, a little confused. “ Why would you want to change?”


“ It's not that I want to change, but I want more....” He thought for a moment and sighed again. “ Confidence. I'm tired of everyone comparing me to the rest of my group. Always hearing, ' Hey, there's Teen Top.... and their nerdy brother.' and getting constantly picked on. I'm tired of it.”


You studied him for a moment and walked over, grabbing your purse. “ You want to dress like them too?”


Niel looked up, shocked, before nodding his head furiously.


You laughed a little and grabbed the keys. “ Hey, me and Niel are heading out for a little.”




After a little while you arrived at the mall and were walking down the hallways, looking for some type of man’s clothing store, not noticing the stares of boys as you walked.


Niel glared at them and moved closer to your side seeing them. Jealousy grew in the pit of his stomach, which he knew the feeling all to well when you were with his 'brothers' or even Infinite. He knew he didn't have a chance with you unless he changed.


“ Oppa,” you pulled his sleeve, cutely, and pointed at a store, “ you want to go in there?”


Niel looked at you and nodding. His heart skipped a beat as you took his hand gently in yours and led him into the store.


You looked up at some clothes and started to look over them, every once in a while holding up a shirt or jacket up to Niel to see how it would look. After searching you had a little pile of clothes and handed it to Niel.


“ Go try these on. I'll wait out here.” You smiled and pushed him into the dressing room.


Niel went into the dressing room and changed. He came out a few moments later with the a black jacket, skinny jeans, and a graphic T-shirt.


“ H-how do I look?” Niel asked nervously.


You smiled and fixed his jacket. “ You look handsome Niel. The girls are going to be all over you.”


He gave a nervous smile. “ You think?”


“ Yes, I do!” You nodded. “ You just need to have more confidence in yourself.”


He nodded and went to the dressing room to try the other clothes on. After a while you went up and bought the things and you headed out.


“ Do you think I should cut my hair or something?” Niel asked, frowning in thought a little.


“ Ah! Ani! I love your hair!” You hugged his arm, rejecting his idea. “ I'd die if you cut it! The most your allowed to do is straighten it!”


He chuckled and patted your head. “ You're so cute Angel.”


You grinned as you two headed back to the house.


You both walked into the house to see everyone was in the living room. You started to walked towards the next room, but was stopped by a hand grabbing yours. You turned and faced him confused.


“ I just wanted to say thanks for doing this for me.” He smiled, and paused for a moment before panting a kiss on your forehead.


You stood there shocked, staring at him as he pulled back, a smile on his face. He walked around you to join the others, but you were still in shock from what just happened.


“ Angel! Are you ready?” Changjo ran over to you, but stopped when he saw you standing there with a blush on your face. “ Angel, what happened?”


“ Ah-ah, n-nothing.” You stated and ran towards the stairs. “ I'm going to get dressed really fast.”


Changjo watched you as you disappeared up the stairs and heard your door shut. Changjo looked at Niel who was sitting on the couch next to Ricky, talking.


“ Niel, what's up with Noona?”


Niel looked up and shrugged, fighting a blush. “ I'm going to get the picnic basket.”Niel stood up and quickly left the room.





Finished it! Sorry for the bad ending of this chapter but there is the actual picnic in the next chapter! Yay! We're going on a picnic! Keke. I know I'm being lame. ^^ Well if your wondering about why I had Niel want to be cool, well, he's doing it for YOU(Angel) but its a reference for later on. ^^ well comment and subscribe and thanks to those who already did! ^^

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Chapter 21 is up and working on 22! Should be up tonight or tomorrow~


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Feliceheartskey #1
Chapter 18: Omg she is so innocent but so young got abuse alrd; (
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
Chapter 28: that was sweet!!
Especially her goofy cousin bro!!
CandyToo #4
Love the story.. im glad Li Na's parents are in jail and Li Na is somekind of mental thingy...
May your basketball coach RIP, he will be in a safe place now...
Excited to read your sequel... :)
jnsb2815 #5
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo~ If you didn't let Angel leave then I'd feel like a burden but when you decided to leave I kinda feel sad
I would like to kiss Changjo!!
Anyways awesome story!! :D
who would be sorry for kissing changjo? dude. its changjo. how the fic!! wahh. it was great to read! <3
I'm so sorry about your basketball coach. Take as much time as you need. We will wait for you. Send my condolences to your teammates and the family.
meiYue #9
May your basketball coach RIP
It's okay, take as long as you need to, to recover. As long as in the end you're alright
Amazing story. Take as long as you need to recover and I'm sorry for your loss. Hope your coach is in a better place and happy. Please send your teammates my condolences. I know how it feels to loss someone close. Again i am sorry for your loss.