
Because Sooyoung is love~^^

Hey guys~ A Sootae oneshot this time~~^^

Sorry for the late update>_<










“Good job girls! We are done for the day!”



“Kamsahamida!” The nine girls said in union, bowing down to the director and the crew members for the music video shoot.



After a long day of filming, the girls had finally completed half of their music video.



“Ah, so tired,” Yoona groaned.



The rest of the members agreed, making their way to the resting room.



A certain kid leader cleared , feeling thirsty.



But the vending machine is soooooooo far away...



Taeyeon decided not to buy a drink from the vending machine but instead followed the rest of the girls to the resting room.



“Where's Soo?” Tiffany asked, counting the number of Soshi members who entered the resting room and found that Sooyoung was missing.



“Maybe she had gone to the restroom?” Yoona replied, sitting down on the two seater couch.



Taeyeon pouted and sat on the other side of the two seater couch. She had wanted to cuddle with Sooyoung but the tall girl had gone missing.



And she was feeling sooooo thirsty...



“Ahhh!” Taeyeon jumped up from the couch from shock, as she had felt two cold things touching her cheeks.



She looked up and saw Sooyoung grinning down at her.



“Soo~ Where did you go?”



The tall girl held up two cans of cold drinks, giving a proud smile.



“Me want it!” Taeyeon demanded childishly, stretching her short arms in hope of grabbing one of the cans.


Sooyoung giggled at the desperate but hopeless attempt of her girlfriend and decided to end her misery. Sooyoung clicked open one of the cans and passed the can to Taeyeon.



Taeyeon drank hurriedly , quenching her thirst.



“How did you know that I was thirsty?” Taeyeon asked curiosly after finishing the can of drink.



“You are always thirsty after filming.” Sooyoung said nonchalantly and shrugged.



“Gomawo.” Taeyeon said shyly, patting her thighs, motioning Sooyoung to sit on her lap.



Sooyoung blushed but walked around from behind the couch, sitting on Taeyeon's milky thighs.



“How did you know that I wanted to sit down?”



Taeyeon giggled and wrapped her arms around the taller girl's waist, leaning her face on the girl's back.



“Pabo Soo. We are all tired after the filming, of course we all want to sit down and rest.”



Taeyeon heard a grunt as the reply and lifted her head. She craned her neck to see that the Shikshin had her eyes close.



Aigoo, she had fallen asleep already?!



“Sleep well~” Taeyeon whispered and leaned her head back onto Sooyoung's back. She yawned and closed her eyes, sleep claiming her too.





From afar, Tiffany saw the scene and giggled, secretly taking a picture of the sleeping couple.



“So cute!”








Also, ByunTae and ByunSoo~<3

Kyaaaaa~~ Spazz Spazz



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chchcn #1
Chapter 37: Where are you authornim....?
kenpetfamsys #2
Chapter 36: it makes me so confused,ya know? maybe a sequel?
mellow23 #3
Chapter 37: update soon please
Chapter 37: Omg that was so cute *-*
Fany is so cute helping her members xD
Chapter 36: please update soon
Chapter 36: that's sad...
I wonder what happened to them.
HaneySooSic #8
Chapter 11: oooo wow naughty sica confused sooyoung n annoyed too..
Chapter 35: HMPHHHHHHH.... haha
Chapter 35: So Cute Sootae Moments