One More Night And Midnight Visitor?

Shake It Up!


Author’s POV~

The suju members spend another day at the hospital, looking after Kyu Mi.

The doctor had already told Heechul that she was fine and that she could go home but Heechul was worried about her constant complaining of sores.

Even Umma Leetuek and Appa Kangin, had already explained that it was caused by the fangirls beating her.

“No! She’s staying in the hospital and that’s final!” Heechul shouted when Ryeowook tried convincing him to let Kyu Mi go home, making the eternal maknae cry.

Shindong was banned to be in the same room as Kyu Mi whenever it was meal time. (Well you guys know why… :P)

Siwon was also banned to be in the same room with her.

The reason why:

  1. Leetuek warned him of fans which maybe lurking around the hospital.
  2.  Hankyung just doesn’t like the fact that Siwon is closer to her than himself.
  3. Heechul…Well lets just say he’s still mad that Siwon started the scandal…


That night Heechul was left to look after his sister while the others went home to get some rest.

It was around midnight when Kyu Mi awoke to Heechul’s loud voice out in the hallway.

She shrugged it off thinking that he might be chatting with Lee Hongki, one of his close friends.

But she couldn’t just let him wake the rest of the patients which stay on this floor right?

She slowly got up from her bed and walked towards the door.

Slowly his voice was getting clearer and she couldn’t resist but to eavesdrop.


“I told you! I won’t let you see her!” Heechul half yelled.

“Please hyung just once! Then I’ll go okay?”a voice begged.

“No! And anyway she’s asleep!”Heechul answered.

“I know you might still be mad at me but I just want to know if she’s fine!”  the voice reasoned.

“She’s fine alright! Leave before I call up your manager to tell him where you are!”  Heechul replied coldly and threatened.

“Fine, I’ll leave but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying to see her okay?” the now familiar voice spoke.


Kyu Mi’s POV~

That voice… Why is it so familiar? And whoever that is he is really brave to still beg Heechul oppa.

And how does he know me? Manager? Could he be an idol too?

Why does Heechul oppa sound like he doesn’t like this guy one bit at all?

Why does my head and heart feel weird?

Do I really know this guy?

I quickly crawled under the bed sheets when I heard the door opening and shut my eyes tight.

“Oh Kyu Mi…” Heechul spoke softly as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

“What am I gonna do?” he asked as he pulled a chair over and sat on it.

What oppa? What is it?

“He’s back… And he looks like he really wants to see you…” he continued.

Who’s back? And why does he want to see me?

He massaged his forehead in frustration and let out a sigh.

“And how could he have known that you were here?” he asked.

Urgh! I give up! Why won’t you tell me who he is?! Oh yeah! He thinks I can’t hear him and that I’m asleep.

“Its late, I’d better get my beauty sleep…” he yawned and stood up.

He bent over and kissed my forehead.

“Good night baby sis…” he smiled and went over to the couch and slept.

I’m getting sleepy too…So good night to you too oppa… :)

Maybe I’ll find out tomorrow…

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CassiePetalELF #1
Chapter 33: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease update soon!
Update soon!
blazensaddles #3
Key is so funny!!! He brings up the mood, which is what we need~
winterflowr #4
Taec...>.< You're soooooo dead!
Oh Key!~
why don't you update :(
Love it!! Update Soon!! ^_^
poor taec and geng. Its not their fault if they love kyu mi:/
Update soon
I feel bad for Taecyeon but then, I pity Hangeng too. Awww! :"><br />
Who was it that came? I was wondering if it was one of the boys, Taec or Yuri.
I feel kinda bad since in my fic I named my character Taecyeon