Is it worth it?

Insufficient Funds

With a bit of spoilers from So not worth it! 


*In the lounge area Minnie comes in with an excited mood*
Minnie: Hey, did you hear? We're getting another American student here. 
Sam: We already get a lot of American students here. What's so special about this one? 
Minnie: I need an American who isn't annoying or mysterious. Someone I can easily be friends with. 
Miren: Hello. 
*Miren comes in but she's soft spoken like Jamie*
Miren: I'm Miren and I'm new here. 
Minnie: Aish I can never win...
*Minnie sighs and lays her head down as Carson pats her head*
Carson: It's okay, at least you have me. 
Minnie: I need someone who lives you to come to clubs with me and not complain about being hungry all the time. 
Hyunmin: Hello, I'm Hyunmin, that's Terris, Hans, and Sam, and the two troublemakers are Carson and Minnie. Welcome to the dorms. 
Miren: Thank you. 
Hyunmin: I wish you can meet Jamie but he's always gone for some reason but Sewan- 
Sewan: Is right here. Ready to accommodate the fresh meat here. 
*Miren turns around to see Sewan as Hyunmin runs away so he doesn't get involved*
Sewan: Where's your slip to move into the dorm? 
Miren: The office didn't give it to me. 
Sewan: You don't have it? Or you lost it? 
Miren: I don't have it. They told me to go to you since your the only person that has a single bedroom. 
*Sewan sighs and gets pissed but puts her hand out*
Sewan: I'm Sewan...I guess your my roommate now. 
Miren: Nice to meet you. 
*They shake hands as Sewan shows her the room she's staying at*
Sewan: Here's the room. Rules are make sure this dorm is spotless, don't touch my stuff, and if you borrow stuff you'll get fined. 
Miren: I got it. 
*Miren unpacks her stuff and Sewan is about to leave but looks at Miren*
Sewan: I'm going out to eat with the gang, we do it every night. Wanna come? 
Miren: No thanks, I'm good. 
Sewan: At least I asked...okay goodbye. 
*Sewan leaves but then doubts run thru her head*
Sewan's POV: Is she alright? Maybe I need to ask her again. Ah what am I saying and what is up with me and my soft attitude? I'm a , act like one no matter how cute...AHHHHHH QUIT IT!!! 
*Then in the morning Sewan is doing her makeup as Miren is done using the restroom*
Miren: Can I use your comb that's in the bathroom? 
Sewan: What's the magic word? 
*Miren hands her the money as Sewan is shocked*
Sewan: I-I was joking. You don't need to pay me unless your wasting my time. Take the money back. 
Miren: It's fine, you can keep it. I'm leaving for class. Goodbye. 
Sewan: This early?? Don't you even have a social life or something? 
Miren: No. 
*Miren then leaves which confuses Sewan*
Sewan: I swear she's so weird...acting like Jamie when I first met him...
*Then a couple of days later everyone is eating at the lounge with Sewan on her phone*
Carson: How's your new roomie? 
Sewan: She's weird. She willingly gave me money without fighting me on it. 
Hyunmin: I'm pretty sure she did that because she's most likely scared of you. 
Sewan: No. She's not scared, she's just to damn quiet all the time. She's like Jamie but at least she's smart. 
Jamie: Hey...
*Everyone laughs including Sewan*
Sam: You probably right. Watch her be like Jamie and unexpectedly be rich. 
Minnie: She probably has a bad experience making friends. Plus making friends in Korea is very hard. Despite all of us being foreigners we can be quite judgemental. 
*Then Miren comes by as she stop when she hears Minnie call her name*
Minnie: Miren! Come here! Eat with us, we have lots of leftovers. 
Miren: Actually...I was planning on eating the ramen cup in my dorm room. It's the last one left and I really want to eat it. 
Sewan: You know the rules say you can't eat in your dorms right? 
Miren: bad. 
*Miren puts the money on the table*
Miren: I'll eat it at the lounge when I'm done showering. You all have a good evening, see you all tomorrow. 
*Miren leaves*
Sewan: See! 
Hans: She either doesn't care or she has a crush on you. 
Terris: Eliminate the second option and we're good. 
*The next day in the afternoon Miren is doing homework in her dorm as Sewan comes in with an angry mood*
Sewan: Hey! I need a word with you! 
Miren: Did I do something wrong? Is the bathroom still dirty? 
Sewan: No, the bathroom is spotless...but I'm creating new rules for you because I don't want you being in the dorm all the time expect school. 
Miren: Is it because you need time alone? 
Sewan: Yes, as of right now you have a curfew but after your classes go out and don't come back until night time. 
Miren: I got it. Thank you. 
*Then tomorrow night Sewan goes to work and sees Miren so her and Miren talk by the bathrooms*
Sewan: What are you doing here?! 
Miren: You told me to get out more. 
Sewan: I meant go out with your friends and drink or get wasted not filling yourself with more work. 
Miren: Oh...should I just quit? 
*Sewan sighs and puts her hands on her waist*
Sewan: No. The boss really likes you and he'll get mad at me if I let someone as good as you go. You can keep this job...HOWEVER were friends and you must do as I say. And hopefully when I knew you better I can think of a punishment for you. Let's shake hands on it. 
*They shake hands on it and the next morning Miren is already ready for class*
Sewan: We'll leave when I'm finished with my makeup. 
Miren: Okay. 
*Then after class Miren and Sewan are walking together*
Sewan: Holds my books for me. 
Miren: Okay. 
*Miren grabs Sewan's books and carries her*
Sewan: Aren't you getting irritated with me by now? Or hate me? 
Miren: No. I usually hold things for my younger siblings. This doesn't bother me that much. 
*Then at the lounge Sewan yawns and looks at Miren who's just standing there*
Sewan: I'm tired, buy me some ice cream from the convenience store. 
Miren: Okay, be right back. 
*Miren leaves as Minnie sees her leave*
Minnie: Are you done using her as a butler? Just realize that she likes you and get over it. 
Sewan: Never. I want to know her breaking point. 
Minnie: With you hanging out with her all the time it hints me that you might have a crush on her. 
Sewan: Your getting carried away ever since Jamie and I broke up. I'm not ready for a relationship and never will be. 
*Minnie smirks and raises an eyebrow*
Minnie: I doubt that. Next thing you know you'll demand her to do the dirty with you. 
Sewan: You little nasty ! 
*Minnie runs away laughing as Sewan runs after her and later Sewan cuddles up in bed as Miren comes home*
Miren: I bought your treat. 
Sewan: What took you so long? 
Miren: They didn't have the flavor you requested so I had to go to another store...45 minutes away. 
Sewan: Aish...put it in the mini fridge. 
*Miren puts it there*
Sewan: Because you took so long your paying for everyone's meal tonight. 
Miren: Okay. 
Sewan: ! Stop saying that! Do something! Say no, yell, slap me at least show some emotion! 
Miren: I'm sorry! 
Sewan: Stop saying that! Aish you you never learn...
*Sewan side eyes Miren as Miren feels unhappy and starts shedding a few tears as Sewan feels bad*
Sewan: I didn't mean it like that- 
Miren: It's fine, I'm sorry I didn't satisfy your needs. I'll do better. 
*Miren wipes her tears with her sleeve and gets up as Sewan holds Miren's hands*
Sewan: Fine, I'll surrender. I hate this so much but if I'm doing this, don't tell anyone. Or I'll actually kill you. 
Miren: Okay. 
*Sewan hugs Miren and brings her over to her bed*
Miren: I'm ticklish? 
Sewan: What? 
Miren: You said you wanted to know what made me show emotion. I'm ticklish...and I like to be tickled. I was afraid to tell you because you'll make fun of me and treat it like Jamie's constipation. 
*Sewan laughs*
Sewan: That's on him. He should've gone to the restroom instead of being so sensitive, but I promise I won't tell anyone. 
*Miren smiles as Sewan points it out*
Miren: No you didn't. 
Sewan: Shut up and let me take this accomplishment. 
*Miren smiles as later the group is eating a family meal as Miren comes*
Miren: Mind if I join? 
Carson: Join us. Sam bought us too much so now we're trying our best to eat most of it. 
Sam: I told you guys I'm sorry. When will you forgive me? 
Minnie: When you stop being so annoying. 
*Everyone laughs, including the two love birds Miren and Sewan then later everyone gets ready to leave*
Hyunmin: Alright, time for me to head to bed. 
Sam: It's early. Plus we don't have class tomorrow, we can stay inside all day and not do any work. 
*Everyone is happy by that as Sewan gets up*
Minnie: You have work? 
Sewan: Of course. And I have to drag this one with me. Thank you for the food, see you tomorrow. 
Everyone: Bye! 
*Then they go back to their dorm rooms as Sewan peeps thru the hall often*
Miren: I thought we didn't have work tonight. You took the day off to pretend to be sick. 
Sewan: They don't need to know that, if you want to know your surprise then hide and make sure no one is around. 
Miren: Surprise?! For what? 
Sewan: You'll know if you help me. Now go and pretend to leave and turn off the lights and come back here. 
*Miren does it and later Sewan holds Miren's hand to the basement where you'll get trapped*
Miren: What is this place? 
Sewan: A basement where the professor banned students at because some guy put the building on fire. And that guy is Hyunmin. 
*Miren laughs as Sewan airs in the air mattress while Miren looks around*
Miren: How did you get access to it when this place is prohibited? 
Sewan: I'm the PR, I know my ways...just kidding I stole it. 
*Then the air mattress is set as Miren gets up and looks at it*
Miren: I'm still confused as to why we need this. 
Sewan: Trust me, you'll know why. Put your hands on your chest, close your eyes, and stand still. 
Miren: Are we...
*Miren goes silent*
Sewan: OH HELL NO! I promise were not doing that. I'm doing this. 
*Sewan pushes Miren to the bed and goes on top of Miren and kisses all over her neck*
Sewan: How do you feel? Feel comfortable? 
Miren: Kinda tickly. But why are you doing it here? 
Sewan: I don't want Minnie's nosy in our business. She's the only one suspecting us as a...
Miren: As a what? Couple? 
*Sewan then tickles Miren's stomach making her laugh and forget about that comment*
Sewan: I'm glad I know your weakness. For once I feel very powerful. 
Miren: Don't you feel better that you know my weakness?
Sewan: I'm happy I get to tickle you and finally see you smile! 
*Sewan tickles Miren's tummy as she laughs*
Miren: How did you know how to tickle me already? I told you this four hours ago. 
Sewan: Well while you were giving your backstory I was looking up videos on how to tickle you. 
*Flashback to when everyone was eating dinner Sewan was on her phone the whole time*
Miren: have an obsession with tickling me now? 
Sewan: Stop annoying me about it! 
Miren: But I have to. So I can persuade you to tickle me more. 
Sewan: Fine but I'm not like those tickle people. This is a one time only thing. 
Miren: Then why did you bring a toothbrush here? 
*Sewan was about to punch Miren but all Miren does is laugh*
Sewan: Keep talking and I'll give you a raspberry. 
Miren: Good. Maybe a raspberry can shut me up...maybe not. 
Sewan: Aish you...
*Sewan gives Miren a raspberry on her tummy as she laughs super hard*
Miren: Give me another one just to set things straight with me. 
Sewan: How bout I tickle your arms again and see how you like that? 
*Miren gets embarrassed but it makes Sewan smile*
Miren: A SMILE! A SMILE! Can't wait to tell the others about this discovery. 
*Miren was about to run and tell them but Sewan holds her down and gives her another raspberry*
*Then one day Miren is at the lounge and Sewan comes in with a bad mood*
Miren: What's wrong? Wanna hang out in the dorm today? Minnie is gone doing an all day date with a guy. 
Sewan: I'm tired, that's all. Let's skip tickling. 
Miren: Want me to kiss you to make you better? 
*Miren goes on Sewan's lap and gets close to her face as Sewan tries to push her off*
Sewan: No! No! 
*Sewan tickles her sides to get her off but I stead she's slipping onto her legs*
Jamie: Sewan. 
*They look to see Jamie, Miren gets off of Sewan*
Jamie: Want to eat dinner tonight? I'll pay. 
Sewan: Sure. 
Miren: that why you don't want to hang out with me? Because you still have feelings for Jamie? 
Sewan: What?! What's up with everyone not listening when we say we broke up? WE. BROKE. UP. No romantic relationship here. 
Miren: Okay, then enjoy your night and eat lots of food. 
*Miren pretends to hold it in but runs to avoid her feelings*
Jamie: Ready to go? 
Sewan: Yes. 
*Sewan feels bad and after she gets to the dorm Miren is not there*
Minnie: Miren left an hour ago. Said she needed some fresh air. 
Sewan: Where did she go? 
Minnie: How should I know? She's your friend. 
*Sewan thinks and later comes to where Miren is splashing her feet in the fountain*
Miren: How did you find me? 
Sewan: Lucky guess now scoot over. 
*Miren scoots over as Sewan sits down*
Miren: I apologize for earlier. I guess I was cranky from not getting tickles. If you want to date Jamie and think of us as tickle buddies, I understand that. 
Sewan: We just had dinner to celebrate us having good grades on our midterms, nothing much. We still are just friends. 
Miren: That's good. 
Sewan: But YOU- 
Miren: Are friends... alright I accept that. 
Sewan: Are my girlfriend. 
*Sewan smiles and Miren gets excited*
Miren: Really?! Then what should our nicknames be? Should we have couple rings? Couple jackets? Couple hairstyles? 
Sewan: Slow down we've only been a couple for 2 minutes. Now let's go. 
Miren: Don't you want to stay here? The sky is really beautiful tonight. 
Sewan: You know what's more beautiful? My hands tickling your soft skin. 
*Miren smiles as they walk home holding hands and they come inside, Miren sits on her bed as Sewan hugs her and starts tickling her*
Miren: Shouldn't we go to the basement before you tickle me? 
Sewan: No time I want to tickle you now. 
Miren: What happens if my loud laughter or your raspberry sounds disturb the others? 
Sewan: I have a plan. 
*Sewan puts her head under Miren's sweatshirt*
Miren: What are you doing? Get out of there! 
Sewan: Wow, it's really warm here. 
*Miren starts laughing*
Miren: Hey! Your hot breath is making me laugh! Stop that before someone comes in here and gets the wrong impression. 
Sewan: Let me to one raspberry and then I'll get out. 
*Sewan does one raspberry but then does it non stop which gets Miren on edge with laughter*
Miren: I said one! You did five! 
Sewan: I counted and I did seven. Plus you weren't laughing that loud so I'm sure no one heard you. 
Miren: Good...
Sewan: Time to tickle you more! 
*Sewan tickles her belly again and she slips off the bed but Sewan tickles her feet instead*
Sewan: You won't get away that easily. 
*Then Miren is laughing again as Sewan helps her up and hugs her*

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piadumps #1
Chapter 29: Danggg we've been spoiled these days! So many uploads! Thanks, author-nim♡
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