Chapter Eight

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Seulgi felt really relieved that her own child would vote for her without any contemplation. And before she can ask Seolhyun to spill more tea, Joohyun knocked on the already opened door.

“Hey, you two. Lunch is served.” Joohyun said as Seolhyun ran and hugged her. Her child has always been this clingy. It maybe because it’s just the two of them all along.

“Eomma! I drew flowers for you.” Seolhyun ran back to get the sketch pad where Seulgi was, and then ran back again to Joohyun. It was evident that she panted from the simple back and forth.

Seulgi also didn’t fail to notice this. It might be an effect of her child’s illness.

“Thank you, Seolhyun.” Joohyun took the sketchpad and stared at it for a solid minute. “At this rate, you’ll meet whom you want to meet the most!” She smiled brightly at her daughter’s work. “But for now, Seolhyun needs to eat.”

“I’m hungry.” Seolhyun giggled.

Joohyun carried Seolhyun. She knew big movements will give her child fatigue.

“Joohyun, let me carry her.” Seulgi stood up from the bed and walked close to the mother-daughter duo.

“Your ankle was sprained. You might trip.” Joohyun strictly called out.

“How did you know?” Seulgi asked with a surprised look.

“Doctor Son told me.”

“You’re friends with her?”

“Of course, she’s Seolhyun’s doctor.”

Seolhyun and Joohyun are talking casually, while Seulgi feels a little out of place.

While seated on the table, Seulgi saw that there were lots of green leafy vegetables on the menu. Her picky-eater radar is almost exploding.

Seulgi was about to take some of the greens when Joohyun gave her a separate bowl filled with bulgogi.

“Seolhyun has a very strict diet which includes a lot of iron for producing hemoglobin.” Joohyun said as a matter of fact.

“Oh.” Of course, Seulgi should know this but she might need some more research and explanations on her child’s illness. Everything to her, parenthood and getting her life back together is taking a bit of a toll on her.

“At first, I didn’t really like the dark green ones. But I think they taste good now.” Seolhyun said as she holds her training chopsticks which kept slipping down.

Seulgi saw that Joohyun was eating the same thing as Seolhyun. She cannot help herself but put a piece of beef in Joohyun’s bowl.

“What about me?” Seolhyun said in protest.

Seulgi laughed as she put a bigger cut in Seolhyun’s bowl. “Here, here. I was going to give you some.”

“Thank you!” Seolhyun went back to eat

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This chapter has been in my drafts for so long. I hope you enjoyed how I portrayed the characters this time. Thank you for reading till the end. Comment what you think about the ending. Upvote if you haven’t already.

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