
One day you'll be sorry

No one's POV

"Today's JoJung's last day. You're not going to tell her goodbye?" Key asked, sprawled on Taemin's bed. They were back in their Omma-Son relationship. 

Taemin sighed, staring the calender. How long had it been since he and JoJung had first met? He flipped the pages of the calender, tracking down the first day of school. 

"Maybe," he answered, thinking about how he had met JoJung. Over the past months, he had so many adventures and misunderstandings with JoJung. He paled at the memory of the janitor's ghost, but then smiled when he remembered it was just him and JoJung in that room. He smiled even more when he thought of the date at the movies. He had been so certain that JoJung had stood him up, but then she appeared right before that movie started. It had given him a spark of hope that MAYBE JoJung could return his feelings. 

But she was leaving today. 

"Aww, don't look so down! Let's go shop for some banana milk! I need to buy some groceries anyways. We only have chicken in our fridge, and Onew won't let anyone but himself eat it," Key offered.

"It's okay. I already have twenty packs of banana milk in my tiny fridge in my room," Taemin answered, still staring at the calender. 

"Cheer up, Taemin! It makes Omma sad when you're depressed like that!" Key sat up. 

"Arraso," Taemin flatly responded. Key sighed, got up, and snatched up the calender.

"Well, it's obvious you want to go say bye to her!" Key snapped. "You know what? I wasn't going to do this, but you need it."

Key pulled Taemin to his feet, dragged him out of his room, and announced, "GUYS! WE'RE GOING TO SAY BYE TO JOJUNG!!" 

Minho already had his jacket on, playing with his phone on the couch.

"We can go now? I was waiting!" Minho jumped to his feet, opening the door.


"Be happy I made us all wear glasses and a cap," Key muttered as they entered the crowded airport. 

"We'll never find her! There are way too many people!" Jonghyun complained.

"Use your brain, pabo! Let's look for the port for the airplanes heading to America," Minho instructed. They pushed their way to the schedule. 

"There's one plane that's going to San Francisco," Onew pointed.

"There's another one to New York!" Taemin gasped in horror. 

A girl was pushing her way to the schedule also, and knocked into Key. Her eyes widened as she took in his features, wondering why she recognized Key.

"You look familiar. Do I know you?" She started peering at Key creepily. Gulping, Key shook his head fervently.

"Actually, he looks kind of like a star, doesn't he? Everyone says that, but he's actually a bookworm that hides in a corner all day," Taemin tried to help. The girl's eyes widened when Taemin appeared. Slowly, the gears in her mind started working, and then click!

"I know you guys!" she gasped. 

"Anyeonghaseyo! Nice to meet you! We have to now! So if you could pretend you never saw us..." Onew squeaked.

"Okay, let's split up, then. Minho, Taemin, and Key, you go to the San Francisco one. Jonghyun and I will go the other way," Minho instructed. 


Meanwhile, JoJung was surrounded by her family and her brother's crew, B2ST. There was only ten minutes left before take-off.

"JoJung, stay safe, you hear?" Dongwoon wiped away tears that were welling up. 

"Ne," JoJung nodded. 

"Don't hang in the wrong crowd!" Kikwang warned.

"Ne," JoJung rolled her eyed. 

"Make sure to stay healthy!" Hyunseung reminded.


"Don't start doing drugs," Junhyung cackled. 

"Yah! JoJung would NEVER do drugs....right?" Doojoon smacked the joker.

"Of course she wouldn't!" Yoseob snapped. He was feeling a bit down, since JoJung was leaving. He had wanted her to stay, so he could protect her, but during the last two days, she'd been hanging around with Shinee. He never got a chance to tell her his feelings, and he stuck his hands in his pocket, feeling around for the necklace he had bought a week ago. Maybe this will make up for his lack of presence, and convey his feelings. 

"JoJung! Make sure you come back for the holidays!" Mr. Son hugged his daughter. 

"And don't forget to email us," Mrs. Son joined the family hug.

"And make sure you stay away from and boys," Dongwoon piled onto the family hug. 

"Omo! Pali! Your flight's going to leave in five minutes! Go!" Omma chatised, and JoJung teared up. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak, in the fear that she'd break down and miss her flight. She waved good bye, turning her back towards the group to leave.

"WAIT!" Yoseob shouted. JoJung spun around, wondering what was wrong. He flushed, digging around in his pockets like a little boy.

"Um, I know you have to leave, but I need to give you something," he pulled out a thin chain with a tiger pendant. "I know I haven't always been around for you, but maybe this necklace will remind you that even though you think you might be alone, we'll always be there for you." 

"Awww, has Yoseob's little crush finally been exposed," Junhyun mussed Yoseob's hair.

"Kamsameheda, Yoseob," JoJung smiled sweetly, not really understand, but accepting the necklace none the less. She checked her watch.

Only three minutes left.

"Oh SHOOT! I got to run!" JoJung panicked, dragging her suitcase up to the tunnel leading to the airplane. "I'll be back, guys!"

Then she was gone.

Mrs. Son started breaking down into tears, and everyone gathered around her to comfort the mother.

"She'll be all right, Omma," Dongwoon sighed.


Ten minutes later, Taemin, Minho, and Key showed up at Port 7, the port heading to San Francisco.

"I don't see her, Minnie!" Key searched around frantically. Taemin looked at all the few remaining people in the port who had come to bid their loved ones good-bye.

Ie should've been here earlier. If only I hadn't spent so much time sulking, Taemin thought, his heart sinking into a dark pit of despair.

"Wait, isn't that Jojung's parents? Omo! And her brother's friends are here, too!" Minho pointed to a group of people standing in front of the tunnel leading to the airplane. 

"Excuse me!" Taemin rushed over to the group. Mrs. Son looked up, her eyes puffy.

"Yes?" she asked. "Omo! You're Taemin!" 

"Did JoJung already leave?" Taemin asked, desperate for the first time to hear the word, NO.

"Yup. Her plane should be gone by now," Dongwoon nodded. "Sorry kid, you missed her by a few minutes." 

Taemin couldn't even tear up. He just stared at the tunnel, empty inside. He had missed his chance. 



Guys...this isn't the last don't panic...

did you notice the poster up there? I made it myself, hehe .. :D I was kinda procrastinating cuz i didn't want to write this chapter TT.TT 

Hope you liked it and comment! -LOLxbox

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actually...i thought that i would just put it on friends only till i finished it....but now that i think about it....i feel like it won't ever be finished then.


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krystalnini #1
congrats on random feature!! <3
Congratulations being on random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
10 000 won = 10 USD or so jsyk
Chapter 36: Waaah, this was so good. I did expect it to be about jonghyun...but still! It was really fun reading this!! Great job~ <3
Chapter 36: I guess she's with teamin? Or. . . .
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 36: Awww Taeminnie is saving Jojung <3
CCRomantic #8
Chapter 16: omg! this is so cute! :D
WhiteFlower #9
Chapter 36: This was a very nice story .
Cute ending ^_^