
One day you'll be sorry

JoJung's POV

After they heard what had happened, B2ST wouldn't leave my side, even for a moment. There was always someone, if not all, by my side. Whenever some girl that looked like she was part of Key's fandom walked by, they would glare at her and crack their knuckles, threatening her with their eyes...especially when Key tried to come close. B2ST would pull on their mean faces and try to scare him away, except for Yoseob. He tried, and I can testify that he was trying very hard, pulling his eyes together and trying to look dangerous. Except that he couldn't. His face was way too friendly for that. 

"Don't worry, JoJung. I'll find a way to protect you...even if I can't look mean," he muttered. 

Now I was safe in the comfort of my own home, doing my homework, when I hear someone opening the door with a racket.

"Honey bums! We're home!!" I hear Appa call from downstairs. 

"We missed you so much! How's school!" Omma shouts out to the house. Dongwoon's steps echo throughout the house as he races downstairs to greet our parents. I sigh and get out of my chair to greet them to. 

When I get downstairs, I see Dongwoon whispering fervently to my parents, making violent gestures. My parents look on with concern, then with anger. 

"Uh...hey. What's going on?" I ask. Everyone's head snaps up, and I shrink back a little.

"Sit down with us, JoJung," Appa starts walking to the living room. Uh-oh. This isn't going to be pretty.


Key's POV

"I know why you're staring at me. It's because my awesome fandom decided to team up and bully JoJung," I snapped. What's their deal? It's not as if I ASKED them to do it, even though I hoped they would. We had come home early, because of the Locket's  (my wonderful fans) atitudes, and their bullying scene with JoJung, today. I guess that sunbae group she hangs out with heard what happened to her, and they glared at me, cracking their knuckles in a scary way. Too bad you can't scare the Almighty Key. 

"I know what you're doing!" Minho accused me, poking me in the chest, "You think you're so smart. You think you can hide it, but you can't. I can see the glee radiating off of you!"

"What are you talking about?!" I feigned innocence.

"You know what we're talking about. Why do you think Taemin didn't ask loudly to go on a date with her?"  Onew accused me also. Dang it. Even the leader is catching on.

"Yeah! If you really liked her, then you wouldn't have pretended to like her so obviously so that EVERYONE could see it!" Jonghyun accused, too. Great, even the idiot is catching on. I roll my eyes.

"Well, I didn't think that far," I made an excuse. I se Minho snort in disgust, Jonghyun sigh, and Onew shake his head. Then they stop talking to me, like Taemin did since the incident. Taemin hasn't talked to me at all since the bullying scene, and he ignores me in the car ride, and avoids me by locking himself in his room. Wae?! All Omma was trying to do was help you!!

At first, I pretended that I didn't care that everyone ignored me. I did my homework on the living room table, but I basically needed help on almost everything, but I couldn't ask anyone for help because they wouldn't answer. Finally, I decided that I should just go into my room and hide out. Maybe I can find some answers on the internet. 

As I passed Taemin's room, I knocked on his door to see if maybe he's forgiven. But he didn't even answer and leaves the door locked, so I went on to my room. I my computer and plugged in some earplugs. I listened to some Shinee music and my brilliant voice, until even I get tired of it. I went on the internet to go check out the answer, but not without checking allkpop first. Maybe I made it on the front page or something because of my brilliant looks and voice...hehe. That wasn't on the front page, but something about me was on the front page. More specifically, my fandom.

I hadn't been there, at the scene of the bullying, so I actually don't know what really happened. I only saw JoJung walking away, dripping with egg and rotten fruit, but this picture and the summary under it change everything.


Lockets Bully Key's Crush

Key had joined school because Shinee had failed the test in Oh My School!. He has worked very hard, and concentrated very hard on his study, but that wasn't all he was focused on. Key all of a sudden revealed that he had a crush and confessed to Son JuJong. He made his crush very obvious, and the Lockets grew jealous. They cruelly planned their mob to surround JoJung during lunch, and prepared eggs and rotten fruit to hit her with. Unfortunately, during the last "attack" (a bag of flour containing harmful ingrediants for the skin), Taemin unexpectedly saved JoJung from the bag of flour, taking all the harmful ingrediants for himself. One would've thought that the cause of this bullying, Key, would try to save her, but he didn't. Witnesses say he just sat cooly on the side watching the mob, almost as if he was delighted. Taemints are now hating on Lockets and a full battle might escalate. Is this the split between the Shinee fandom?



Above the article was a picture of JoJung some Locket had taken. She was being egged while crumpled on the floor, curling up like a little child. The malice from my fans almost shocked me. 

Great. Now I feel horrible. I must be getting the guilt disease. Sighing, I decide to go visite JoJung, and apologize, even though I'm just only barely sorry. JUST A TOUCH!! ONLY A CENTIMETER CUBED OF SORRYNESS!! Wow...school really is making me smart. 

I looked up at the clock. Could I still say sorry to her? Yes, school was going to end in five minutes. I hurried and put my jacket, cap, and sunglasses on (for disguise). When I passed Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun in the living room, I stopped for a second.

"I'm going to say sorry. I hope you're happy," I snapped, then I left. I could hear their cheers even outside the dorm. I huffed, annoyed, and ran to go catch a taxi. 

"Pali, pali, pali," I muttered under my breath. I had to catch her. I checked my watch. Two more minutes. Two more minutes till redemption. 

I got to the school in right when the bell rang (after I rushed the taxi driver and almost caused a crash), and waited outside of the gates. Some students gave me weird looks, but it's okay. They don't recognize it's me...right?

I saw JoJung, and was about to walk up to her, when I saw she was flanked by her sunbaes, and the Yoseob. I cursed under my breath, and decided to try to catch her when she was alone. I trailed their group up to an house, which was probably her's. Then she and a sunbae detatched themselves from the group and went inside. Who was he? I should tell Taemin about this. Then maybe he'll give up on her. I wait outside for a few minutes, wondering when the guy's going to come out, so I can ring the doorbell and say sorry. 


I decided to go buy some flowers or some gift and come back later to apologize. I stroll down the street to see if there are any gift stores. Ten minutes later, I come across a boutique. It looked cute and small, just her style, so I went in. I found a cheap cute white dress, with ruffles for the straps. I smiled at myself. I'm so smart; school really does help. Before, I would've never thought of getting something. 

I stroll back to the house, and the guy looks like he's gone. I pass a window, going up to ring the doorbell, when I hear some people speaking in the house, and immediately duck, staying still to keep from making any sounds.

"JoJung! This is the second time something bad happened to you that was related to that band, Shinee!" a grown man's voice lectured.

"I know, I know. But that dating thing with Jonghyun a few years doesn't really count now. It was just a stupid bet he made with his friends, and he DOESN'T EVEN REMEMBER ME NOW!! And plus, he wasn't part of Shinee back then, Appa! I'm okay! You don't need to switch me to a different school!" Jojung's voice pleaded. 

"No! These fangirls of Shinee are crazy! And since Shinee is in the same school, things are going haywire! YOU HAVE TO GO!! THAT'S FINAL!!" he shouted. 

"Dongwoon! Tell Appa that this is wrong!" JoJung seemed to be asking some guy for his thoughts. Was this the guy who had walked in with her? I peek into the window. Yup.

"I think Appa's right, JoJung. Shinee's crazy, no matter how good looking they are. You need to go. Even B2ST can't protect you from a million of angry fan girls," he shook his head.

That was all I needed to hear. I started sprinting as fast as a could. It wasn't until I had walked up to the dorm that I realized that I had left the dress at the bottom of her window.



MUHAHAHAHAHHAH!!! aren't u guys proud of me?!?! IT'S a LONG CHAPTER!! :D

Thanx for reading, and hope you liked it!! Thanx for commenting and subscribing!! <3!! 





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actually...i thought that i would just put it on friends only till i finished it....but now that i think about it....i feel like it won't ever be finished then.


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krystalnini #1
congrats on random feature!! <3
Congratulations being on random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
10 000 won = 10 USD or so jsyk
Chapter 36: Waaah, this was so good. I did expect it to be about jonghyun...but still! It was really fun reading this!! Great job~ <3
Chapter 36: I guess she's with teamin? Or. . . .
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 36: Awww Taeminnie is saving Jojung <3
CCRomantic #8
Chapter 16: omg! this is so cute! :D
WhiteFlower #9
Chapter 36: This was a very nice story .
Cute ending ^_^