Key's Plan

One day you'll be sorry

Key huffed irritatedly as he stomped out of the movies. Throwing his icee into the trash can, he mumbled incoherently about dates and Taemin and being a mama. Pulling his cap down and covering his face with his thick red scarf, he headed back home. It was almost december and the weather was getting pretty chilly. Couples dressed in matching jackets and scarfs packed the sidewalks, but that didn't mind Key. All that was on his mind now was the his little Taeminny was growing up...and he didn't like it. 

"What's so great about that b!tch anyways?! Even I'm prettier than her!" Key cussed, kicking a discarded can that had been littered on the road. Finally, after he had vented all his annoyance, he picked up the beat up can and threw it into a recycling bin. Because despite that he was pretty much rick and a star, he wasn't bad at all. He preferred the roads clean and clear. 

Entering Shinee's dorm, he saw Minho and Jonghyun hanging out in front of the t.v., watching MBLAQ's Hello Baby. 

"Their baby's not as cute as Yoogeun, but she's pretty cute. She'll be a hottie when she grows up," Jonghyun grinned as he scratched his head.

"Dude, you know that's called a pedo-bear, right?" Minho sighed. Key slammed the door shut and went into his room.

"What's his problem?" Minho raised an eyebrow. 

"Dunno. Probably one of those sissy tantrums again," Jonghyun shrugged nonchalently, returning his attention to the screen. 

Meanwhile, inside his room, Key was scribbling furiously on his notepad. 

"Hmm....have to get in...find her weakness....Minho's close to her....should I ask him?....What about that girl that hangs out with her? Younggi? Youngguk? Oh"

A few more scribbles and then he exclaimed, " That's it!! HAHAHA!!! Taeminny! Don't worry! Mommy will save you!!"

Outside, Minho and Jonghyun heard Key cackling weirdly and spouting nonsense.

"What a diva," Minho rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. Turn the volume up," Jonghyun mumbled distractedly, trying to raise the t.v.'s volume.

Then the door burst open and Key plopped down next to Minho. Batting his eyelashed and making his eyes look really big, he almost resembled Yoogeun.

"Minho-ah~ Do you need anything? Maybe" Key batted his eyelashed. Minho looked down at Key confusedly.

"Uh...Key. Are you all right? Are you sure you haven't gone crazy? Maybe you smacked your head against the door?" Minho asked.

"No, no. I just realized that you were my VERY best friend!" Key smiled. Minho raised an eyebrow. Best friend? As far as Minho knew, Key hated his guts. They were like fire and ice. Key only liked Taemin (because he was cute and was the maknae), anad Jonghyun (because he was the manly counterpart). Key tolerated Onew because Onew was the leader. And Key hated Minho because Minho towered over him with manliness and confidence.

"But...but Key! I thought WE were the VERY best friends!" Jonghyun spluttered. Key turned to Jonghyun.

"Yeah, we are!" then he turned back to Minho.

"Anyways, as I was saying-" Key continued.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Jonghyun cried, dragging Key away and rushing outside, slamming the door shut.


"Idiots..." Minho sighed, turning back to the t.v.  


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actually...i thought that i would just put it on friends only till i finished it....but now that i think about it....i feel like it won't ever be finished then.


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krystalnini #1
congrats on random feature!! <3
Congratulations being on random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
10 000 won = 10 USD or so jsyk
Chapter 36: Waaah, this was so good. I did expect it to be about jonghyun...but still! It was really fun reading this!! Great job~ <3
Chapter 36: I guess she's with teamin? Or. . . .
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 36: Awww Taeminnie is saving Jojung <3
CCRomantic #8
Chapter 16: omg! this is so cute! :D
WhiteFlower #9
Chapter 36: This was a very nice story .
Cute ending ^_^