Keeping This A Secret

Behind The Limelight


Eun Bi’s gaze fixed on us. We knew that what she saw was unbelievable, but it’s the way it is. Tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes, and I felt her stare bore on me. I was the closest guy to her next to her father, and she saw me in this state of emotion. It was a shame, a real shame.

“Go Eun Bi-“ Hyuk Jae started.

“What does this mean?!” she cut off, her voice rising higher than I expected.

I sighed. “Look, I know it takes time for you to understand, but we love each other, and we’ve been hiding it for so long. Sorry for not telling you.” I said.

She took the steps and stopped in front of us. She slapped Hyuk Jae’s face, much to my surprise.

“Don’t you know that I was attracted to you? You’re too handsome to resist, young man. But then, you’re dating a gorgeous actor like Hae. Just what kind of love is that?”

Hyuk Jae looked on the ground. “You’ll never understand.” he said in a low voice. I held his hand tightly to protect him.

Eun Bi turned to me.

“And you? How can you keep this from me? I thought we’re friends!”

“I’m afraid you’ll get mad at me.” I reasoned out. I felt nervous because of her.

She pushed me away from Hyuk Jae and smiled. “And do you think I’ll tell the world about it? Gosh, Hae. I’m willing to keep it.”

My face lit up. “Really?”

“Yeah. I’m sure of it. This is only between the three of us. No one’s going to find out.” she answered.

I didn’t know if she was drunk that’s why she said that, or if she really meant it. But deep inside, I was happy that she’d keep our little secret untold. I hugged her as tears started to fall from my eyes. I thanked her to the fullest and she patted my back in comfort. Hyuk Jae gave me a look of happiness.

We stayed on the rooftop for another hour, talking about everything and forgetting what happened. I heard some sounds of footsteps not so far from where we stood. I excused myself for a while, and tried to track that man, but he was out of my sight. Then I noticed a man in black exiting out of the doorway.


We were down to shooting the last scene of our TV drama. We came back to Myeongdong again. People gathered to watch us shoot. Our staff placed them in a safe area. Eun Bi and I rehearsed our lines together for the scene.

“Hey, I’m sorry about what happened last night. I’m getting nervous to work with you right now.” I said.

She cupped my face in her hands and grinned.

“Hae, I don’t judge you. I understand you rather than condemn you. We’re friends, right? And I love you more than I love my boyfriend.”

I gave out a low chuckle. “You’re crazy, but thanks.”

“Yeah, crazier than you ever think. I already told your lover that he shouldn’t get jealous. This is business.”

“Ha-ha. He won’t.”

 “Ready?”Hyuk Jae said from a distance. We nodded and he shouted “action”.

And for the last time, the spirit of Seok Hyeon and Eun Young took over us. 

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Chapter 32: This was such a nice story~ a lot of happened and I didn't know how this story would end like but I'm so glad eunhae had a happy ending in te end. This was a really interesting story, I enjoyed reading it! ^^
Yahooooo!!~ do you remember me? I use to be SilverRose and well I felt kinda bad for not commenting or subscribing so here I am :) and I totally like your story keep up the good work and hope to see future fics of yours :D
splendid-times #3
They are together at the end <3 EunHae!
Thank for this fic! I came across to ...
You have no idea how frustrated I am to see Hae in this kind of state and treated Hyuk like that .... =.=' he was so...... -.-
Hae should be the one who know Hyuk clearly more than others, but how come?
Lol and I'm thankful to Hyuk that always be so patient and did not give up on Hae.... :)

Anyway, the fic has finished already, and glad EunHae get back together, one of the most beautiful thing to see, to know. Their love is pure <3
Thank for this! ~^^
whoaaa, the plot r awesome! no kidding just like real drama ><
nabzxs #5
Eventhough I thought Siwon was a er in the first few chapters, at the end of the story I feel kinda bad for him. I mean, noone in this world deserves to be a rebound guy/girl & Hae was pretty much an to be doing that to Siwon (no matter how much I love Hae, I'm still angry he did that and let his emotions get the best of him without using his head.) But in the end, they're all buddies & everything's eunhae and so everything's okay again! wheee~
Congrats on the completion of this fic! :)
Thank you for sharing this story.. My apologies if my comments were "off" at times but I just hate EunHae in such a sad mode.. Hehehe.. Keep writing, okay? ^^
Okay, did my ninja skills and finished everything! ^^

Am glad that Hae came to his senses, broke it off with Siwon and went back to Hyuk..

Hae's lucky that despite what he did, Hyuk never gave up on him..
I hate you Lee Donghae! You and Siwon and your brother are s! How can you all hurt Hyukjae like that!

I pity Hyuk.. All this time, he wanted to be with Hae even if he got beaten up for it but the latter chose to move on and hurt him! Not even gave him the chance to hear out his side of story or show concern over the bad things that happened! Well yeah, I hope Hyuk will be able to show what Hae have let go! But please, put them back together! Please! I hate this!
supershinee4 #9
New reader :) .
I agree with @brattygurl 100% .
He didn't try to call him to know
What happened or why !!!
Is that what he call it 'Love' ?
agnes_yunita #10
same [email protected] hope u can find someone that can offer his life for u...