Episode 1

Secret: A Bizarre K-Pop Scandal

A Bizarre K. Pop Scandal - Ep1

Dr Lee Dongmin.... that was what's written on the name tag. 26 years of age, a cool technology researcher at M Electronics, one of the big electronic giants in Korea.

Having a swanky car, a reputable career, a big mansion on the outskirts of Seoul, member of a Mensa organisation in Korea, his face resembling Astro's Cha Eunwoo, with auburnish hair that sleeks back. Life seems good, it seems?

However, behind those good looks lies a broken heart. Dongmin lost both his parents in an automobile accident in Jeju, when he was in his final year of high school. He only has his younger sister, Jimin, who is four years younger and is in University. Dongmin dotes on his sister well, and pays for her education to fulfil her dreams as a vet.

Dongmin checks his watch. "Its already 12 midnight, time to knock off" he said on his mind. The next day is a very important day as he is to meet an important client for a presentation of a prototype, a new 5th Generation phone that would be patented by M Electronics. However, as he saved his presentation, he was startled by a noise..

"Haha Dongmin, scared ya? Its only me, " Sungjong said as he laughed at Dongmin for his cute reactions.

Sungjong was his best friend from University, the friend who stuck through with Sungjae and even went jobhunting together.

"Hey Sungjong. You're still here too?" Dongmin says as he was trying to save his presentation.

"Yeah, long day at work. But even a longer day for you tomorrow" Sungjong replies as he sat right in front of Dongmin, playing with his ball bearing replica.

"Yeah, wanna go for drinks? Give me a moment, I'll join you soon" Dongmin said to Sungjong as he shuts down his computer.

"Hey, I gonna grab something too from my office. Will join you downstairs"

Dongmin left the office, massaging his stiff neck. However, Sungjong didnt return to his office, instead he hid by the corner, watching Dongmin leaving the office as he hid away from Dongmin's view.

"Hey, what took you so long. I was waiting here" Dongmin asked as he saw Sungjong alighting from the lift.

"Chill pal. I also need to finish my own tasks before I left for office. Come on, drinks, I'll pay" Sungjong says as hs put his arms around Dongmin. Both giggled away as they left the office building.

Dongmin was feeling nervous. He just started his presentation on how the new mobile technology will be. He spent around half an hour presenting. However, there weren't any questions posed by the client.

"That's strange" Dongmin said in his mind. Never in his life, clients always have burgeoning questions that may improve his technology.

"Dr Lee..." said the elderly man in the middle, one of his clients. "That was impressive by the way, but I got to break you some bad news. Your presentation is exactly the same as Gookmin Mobile"

"Im afraid we will be working with Gookmin Mobile. It can't be incidental that both of your presentations are very similar indeed." the man said as he left the office. The others followed suit.

Dongmin dropped to the chair. "How can that be? I spent quite a number of months doing research, doing prototypes and trying them, but this is what I get?" he said from his mind.

A phone call rang later. Dongmin picked it up.

"Dr Lee. We heard the news. Because of this incident, our company had spent millions for your research. Im sorry, but we have to break the news to you"

"You're fired."

Continue to Ep. 2

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Chanbaek641 #1
This seems really interesting!!