
Secret Admirer


[a/n: The chapter title is 'Insa', which is 'greeting' in English. It can either mean Hello or Goodbye :)]
"Lee Seunghyun, let go of her," Youngbae rolled his eyes.
All of us were in the airport right now. It would be just a few more minutes before they all had to board the plane for Korea, and we're just doing some last minute goodbyes. Seungri insisted that he be first, but it's already been ten minutes and he still hasn't let go of me.
"Hyung," Daesung suddenly said, "I know where he keeps his stash."
I felt Seungri freeze up. "Stash?"
"His stash of 'baseball videos'," Jiyong laughed. My eyes widened in understanding. [a/n: Has anyone watched 'Strong Heart's' YG Special Part 2? :))]
"Daesung-ah, let's get rid of those when we get home," Youngbae laughed.
"YA!" Seungri immediately let go of me. "AISH. Araseo! It's your turn!" He dejectedly went out of the way and sat down, hugging his legs.
"My turn," Seunghyun laughed and came over to hug me. "Take care," he said.
"I will," I smiled. "Stop being so weirdly abnormal," I laughed.
"I'm not abnormal," he laughed.
"You keep on laughing!"
"Can I help it?" he laughed. I laughed as well. "Keep laughing like that, araseo?"
"I will," I nodded. He let go of me and soon after, it was Daesung I was hugging.
"You and Youngbae hyung really do make a nice couple," he smiled.
I felt myslef blush, "Don't say stuff like that."
"I'll miss you, even though Youngbae hyung will miss you way more," he smiled at me.
"I'll miss you too Daesung-ah," I smiled.
Jiyong enveloped me in his hug and my hair, "Crazy girl," he laughed.
"What did I do?!" I lightly punched his chest.
"Youngbae told me what happened yesterday," I felt him smile. "You love him already, don't you?"
"I-" I let go of the hug and looked down, not sure how to answer.
He chuckled, "Whatever you decide on, just make sure you're happy. And if you need anything, I'll always be here."
"Gomawo, Jiyong-ah," I smiled.
"Now I'm sure he'd want more time," he laughed and let me go. Less than a second later, I was already in Youngbae's arms.
"I'll miss you," he breathed.
"Youngbae-ah," I hugged him tight. I don't want to let him go...
He loosened his hug and looked at me, "Don't cry." He wiped my face. I didn't realize I was already crying.
"I'll miss you," now I felt the tears gush out as I cried.
"We'll talk often still, I promise. I'll DM you as soon as we land and we can turn our phones on," he held my face.
"You promise? Nothing will change?" I touched his face.
Youngbae pulled my head closer to his, and the next thing I knew, his lips were pressed on my forehead. I felt things explode inside me. And I also felt like he wanted something much more, but he just had to be satisfied with a kiss on the forehead.
He pulled out after a while, "Nothing will change. We'll always talk. I'll always tell you about my day and you'll tell me yours. We'll continue teasing each other and fight and make-up soon after. Araseo?"
I nodded, "Araseo."
We heard the PA system, telling all the passengers of their flight to get on the plane. "You should go. Take care."
"Take care," Youngbae hugged me one more time. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too." Youngbae pulled out soon after as the six of them walked to the gates. Soon after, I finally lost sight of them as they disappeared in the gates. I turned around and went out of the airport and got a cab to go home.
Once I got home and up my room, I cried. I couldn't hide it anymore, I cried. Is this what the lead girl in TS felt when Jiyong left? It hurts so much. But what
hurts the most is the fact that you can't do anything about it. I can't do anything but stay here and continue living my life until we can meet again.
"_________! THANK YOU FOR THE TREAT!!!"
We were all sitting on out favorite spot on campus: me, Holly, Yana, Karina, Josh, Gab, and Mico. Like I promised, I treated them to lunch with some of the money I earned while working with Big Bang. I ordered two large pizzas and soda just for the seven of us.
It's been a week since Big Bang got back to Korea.
"How was working with them?" Karina excitedly asked.
"It was fine," I smiled. "They were all really nice and funny. It was a fun month."
"Well, that's nice," Yana smiled. I couldn't tell them about me and Youngbae, though. Not just yet.
"Excuse me." We all looked up to see a guy standing there. I've never seen him ever in my life.
"Hey! You're my English classmate!" Josh said. "Nat, right?"
"Oh, hey Josh!" the guy beamed. "Yeah! How've you been?"
"Good! But what are you doing here?"
"Oh, yeah!" He laughed, "Is there anyone named __________ here?"
"That's me," I spoke up.
"Oh, hey! See, my cousin's friend's friend's workmate-"
"Your what?" I laughed, not understanding anything.
"Oh," he sat down. "There's this guy, yeah?" I nodded. "He has a friend, who has another friend, who happened to be my cousin!"
I tried using my hands to understand. So he has a cousin, who has a friend and- "OH~ I understand now!"
"Good! Well, that guy wanted me to give you something!"
"What is-" my eyes suddenly went wide.
"A white rose?" Holly's eyes went wide too.
"This isn't another one of your jokes, is it?" Yana glared at the three guys.
"NOT US! PROMISE!" They said in unison.
I slowly took the rose with wide eyes. I looked at the note attached and read it.
Believe me. I'm for real this time.
This concludes the FIRST HALF of SA :) Stay tuned for the SECOND HALF! :)
I couldn't end it there! Am I the kind of person who just finished a fic like that? :))
I hope you liked this update! Thank you so much for all the comments!!!
@Seonriyong: THIS :D Saranghaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~
@nhichole18: Heehee :) I have nothing else to say :))
@panda_jana: Not really :) -gasp- Was that just a spoiler? :))
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If anyone ever reads this feed, SA is a spinoff of TS, yes? So yeah, just decode =)) Comment if you get it! If ever you read this, that is ^^


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Chapter 53: oh, so so good.
I love it <3
Chapter 53: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ITTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha lol it was really great, a fic that revolve around a fic... i was giggling so badly XD
But great fic at the end, definitely a fav!
Chapter 9: Unni, i cant picture Taeyang to be that sweet guy~ haha i dont know but im picturing Big Seunghyun or Jiyong oppa here. haha xD
Chapter 8: Unni. You should add tag TAEYANG. like me at first i dunno who is the lead.. [thelyddz?yayks~] many wants to have taeyang as the main character in story^^~ pero ayos lang, panggulat!
Chapter 7: PDGP41533182TPKUMKTMDPJTGJDAJTGPDAPGTDAJTMDJ8483337 grabe nanghina ako ampopots~ ATE LENI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOUTS!!!! SCREAM!!!!! SIGAW LAHAT NA!!!! *dadoong i cant breathe OMG~~~~ I NEED TO CALM DOWN HUH HUH HUH* i even asked you if u made any TAEYANG fanfiction. tai. eto na pala yown. ohmygosh T^T WAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! am i talking to TAEYANG? WAAAAH!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: I remember the lyrics from Ji oppa's OOAK~~
"so im fast, so what its okey?!" kfine. kyakk!
Chapter 53: I think it ended soon and why does the girl move to korea without planning? Well that's love. And if you're inlove,most people would act w/o thinking. Tada.. S.a Finally finished. Thanks 4 making this story ms. :)
EmiChan13 #8
Chapter 53: Oh no, its over already?! But it was good. :) I am a sap for happy endings, so thanks for that, though it could have been a liiiittle longer..... Haha, jk. Love the ending. :D
Chapter 53: noooo you gotta write anoooother, and i like how you did it with mostly just bigbang not like including 508346 other bands^^ keep up the good work :)
SHINeeluvsME #10