High School Lovers

Hours later, we finished diner and I make my way to the garden. I immediately take my phone out of my pocket and I start to call Hakyeon. Surprisingly, it doesn't take long before he picks up and I smile when I hear his voice again.

''Hey Hakyeon, I told you I would keep my promise right?'' I tell him and I hear Hakyeon chuckle. I still can feel on the inside the happiness I felt earlier today and I'm glad that I didn't resist. I just couldn't, even if I would've tried. But Hakyeon is the only one in school that ever talks to me and he also doesn't bully me, so I think it was just meant to be that Hakyeon and I were going to end up really close. I just didn't realise we would end up dating, but Hakyeon promised to keep my secret a real secret and not revealing it. 

''You actually did and I'm glad you did. Us humans love to not keep promises, but I'm glad you did. Ugh, I just couldn't wait to hear your voice again. I can't wait to see you again.'' Hakyeon says over the phone and I take a seat on the bench in the garden. I can't wait either, but I'm also a little scared. Scared to what my parents will think about this when they will find out, I am sure that they're going to kill Hakyeon or they want me to break up with him. But I just can't do that.

''Neither can I wait to hold you in my arms again. You're the only one who actually sees me as how I truly am, the others bully me because of my title but don't know that I am a vampire. Now that you do, you are willing to protect that promise.'' I tell him and it's a little quiet at the other side of the line. I'm sure Hakyeon is smiling, maybe that is why he is so quiet.

''I just can't wait until school is over for good, because I am ready to join you over there. I am willing to sacrifice my life to be with you forever.'' Hakyeon then says to break the silence he caused over the line. It's good to hear that he is so determined already what he wants with his future, but I am sure that my parents disagree with this.

''Just hold on a little okay? It's still a little while to go before we're going to do our exams. I know, I don't wanna wait either. But we have to, me in particular. Once I graduated, my parents will set the date for my crowning ceremony. I just need them to convince that you aren't an enemy to me.'' I tell Hakyeon and a sigh is being heard at the other side of the line. I know, I hate it too. But there's nothing else I can do other than that. I need to convince everyone here that Hakyeon is no harm to me at all.

After the phonecall, I make my way inside again. My parents are waiting and apparently, they have heard the conversation between me and Hakyeon. My dad looks at me in anger and bares his fangs.

''You're dating someone that is supposed to be our meal? How dare you Taekwoon?!'' my dad growls and it doesn't take long before I respond to him in the same way. How dare he talk about someone like Hakyeon like that?

''Our meal? Dad, you made me feel human after you sent me to that human school. And today, I started to date one of them. But dad, you have to accept how things are going now. Everyone hates me because of my title, but one of them doesn't. And... he is going to be here when I'll be crowned.'' I tell him and my dad starts to growl louder, before he wraps his fingers around my throat. 

''If that human takes one step in here, I'll kill him with my own hands. I don't want any humans here!'' my dad growls in a low voice at the same time my eyes darken. I push my dad away from me and I make my way to the stairs.

''You don't dad! It's me in the human world or him here in our kingdom, that's the choice you have to make. If you still want him out here, you will lose me. I will disown myself then. He makes me happy dad and if you don't want me happy, you can choose for me leaving for good!'' I scream in a high-pitched voice at him and I rush upstairs. I ignore the maids that greet me in the hallway and I rush into my room, before locking my room. Our bedroom doors have a lock and I am more than happy that I can lock my room right now, because my dad makes me feel miserable right now.

Some maids ask at the door if I am okay and I basically yell no at them. Ofcourse I'm not okay, because my dad nearly choked me. His grip was tight and he could've had me unconsious on the floor, but I am sure my dad would've killed me with a stake in my heart if he had the chance. I rush to my bed and I drop myself on it, faced down. I have given my dad a choice and I'm sure that he is going to choose for Hakyeon not being here, but I will make sure that Hakyeon will be here whether my dad likes it or not.

''Taekwoon honey, can we talk?'' my mum asks and I groan, before I lift up my head.

''No mum, I am not prepared to have a chat. As long as dad is not willing to give my lover a chance to be on the ceremony, I am not going to talk with any of you!'' I yell at her and I bury my face into the blanket again. Why are my parents making it so hard on me now that I have fallen in love with someone like Hakyeon? If my dad is still being an to me, I will stay over at Hakyeon's place. Whether I have to do things by myself, I am willing to sacrifice my life to be with Hakyeon.

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Chapter 13: Its a very sweet update. Lovely.
Everyone loves HY.
Me too.
Chapter 7: Wow, Taek's mom was so cool. She was so understanding. I hope dad will understand the happiness of his son. Nice update btw.
Chapter 6: Very sad. Sometimes parents are eternal enemy of love. I hope leo's parents will understand him.
Waiting for next update.
Chapter 5: Loved it.
Chapter 3: Nice update
Awwww....i love the kiss
Chapter 2: Nice update. This story has a very good line and u have a really good writing skill.
Plz update this story asap, i wanna read more.
Thanks for update.