Chapter 9

Love is easy

Ha Reum went to the cafe in the airport after sending off both her parents to their places. After a brief moments of crying and hugging and such, she slipped out of her mother's embrace, silently praying for their safety as they fly to America in such nice weather.

She ordered her usual drink before taking out her phone to check out her social media account. She sighed as the temperature in the airport is quite low. She rubbed her palms together and continue to browse her gallery.

Her eyes stucked at something. Rather, a photo of someone.

It's L.

He's wearing a black-knitted sweater and black cap, along with his black sunglasses and his usual mask. She pouted as her mind wonders why does he have to cover up his whole face . She's very sure behind that mask of his,lies a very handsome face.


Ha Reum put away her phone as her drinks came and bid a thank you to the waitress . She sipped her drink slowly and observed her surrounding. The cafe is completely crowded with people, it's as if there's famous people came here all at once.

She observed the waiting area and saw a guy wearing his sunglasses, with a complete suit looking at his watch. He looks like some CEO or something. His hair was disheveled blonde with streaks of chocolate in them. Very handsome indeed, she thought. She continued to scroll over her phone to find something interesting and sighed. She wanted to snap a picture of the suit guy but to no vain, when she was about to turn her body to search for him,he's nowhere to be seen.

"Mr. Lee Donghae, welcome to Seoul. "

Ha Reum turned her head to the voices ,trying to find its source.

'Lee Dong Hae ? Dong Hae ? Why does that sounds familiar ?' Ha Reum thought and she grabbed her coffee and bag to follow the source of the voice,which lead her to the outside of the building. 

She stared at all direction and she saw the same guy , crowded by people all wearing the same suit as he is. Maybe the coworkers,she thought. 

"Mr. Lee Donghae, I'm very proud of your previous achievements. You never fail to make Korea proud of you," she heard and she frowned when she couldn't find the source of the voice.

She turned around and saw Donghae entered the car , she was about to stop him but she noticed that he was surrounded by so many bodyguards and she sighed in disappointment.

The car drove away and Ha Reum frowned. 

'Lee Donghae? He sounded so familiar.'



Ha Reum was accompanying Sa Yeum to find a dress for their Friday's party tomorrow and as usual, they went out after school.

"Ha Reum, is it pretty ?" Sa Yeum asked as she twirled in circle with a purple dress . Ha Reum chuckled and smiled at her actions.

"Everything looks pretty on you, Sa Yeum-ah. Come on, Chanyeol will only see you during the party okay, so relax !" Ha Reum said as she rummaged through the closets too. Sa Yeum giggled excitedly and sighed dreamily

"Okay I'll definitely take this, I'll try another one first. " Sa Yeum said and Ha Reum sighed as she search for her dress, "You've been saying that since 30 minutes ago,Sa Yeum" she said as she continue rummaging through the closets.

After they finished buying their outfits, they went to the nearest cafe to eat.

"Sa Yeum, I met Donghae," Ha Reum muttered and Sa Yeum sighed before staring at the figure in front of her.

"So who's this Donghae in your dream ?" She asked and Ha Reum sipped in her drink.

"He looks like someone who's important in my life. I don't know though. Eversince I knew that I was adopted, my memory came up so alive," Ha Reum added, she have told Sa Yeum everything about her past. How her fosters telling it to her and that's the exact way she told to Sa Yeum.

She's thankful that she met someone like Sa Yeum, she never judged. She always her, kind and pretty as always. She accepted her for who she is. That's what makes Ha Reum thankful of Sa Yeum.

Always .

"Maybe he's your first love ? You never know," Sa Yeum suggested and suddenly, the girl in the cafe squealed , gaining both Ha Reum and Sa Yeum's attention .

There,stood 7 people that both Ha Reum and Sa Yeum knew well.

It's the Infinite.

"Hm, them again . Why do everywhere they go, they made noises?" Sa Yeum said in annoyance. Ha Reum chuckled and she stared at Myungsoo who's actually ordering at the counter. 

He looks so handsome yet mysterious.

Today he's wearing his basic outfit,as usual. All black. 

Her mind suddenly wondered when he saved her from hitting the floor when she went out of the Student Council's room. 

His touch was so gentle and she could feel his manly built body protecting her. 

'I wonder how it actually feels to hug him ag- what the hell Ha Reum, cut it out !'Ha Reum thought as she tried to wash off the thought.

Myungsoo caught Ha Reum staring at him so he winked at Ha Reum, making the girl blushed. She rolled her eyes and continue to stare at her phone. She didn't notice that Myungsoo has been staring at her action for a brief moment so he just let it go with a chuckle.

"Yah Ha Reum, I did or did not caught you staring at Myungsoo," Sa Yeum said and Ha Reum choked her drink.

She coughed wildly and Sa Yeum passed her the tissues.

"Hello, who would stare at someone like him duh ? " Ha Reum covered up and Sa Yeum giggled lightly.

"Yah, I know that look ,Ha Reum. It's the look of how I stare at Park Chanyeol," Sa Yeum hollered and Ha Reum choked her drink once again. 

"W-what, n-no of course not, ew," she stammered and hid her blushing face by excusing herself to the toilet. 


"Hyung, the girl that I like is here," Myungsoo started off the conversation in toilet as they finished their nature calling business. He washed his hand and splashed water over his face before wiping them up with tissues.

"Have you told her that you're L? " Sunggyu hollered and Myungsoo sighed. He rested himself at the sink and crossed his arms across his chest.

"I have no plan on telling her that I'm L. Well, I love taking things slow . So be it," He said and fixed his hair before going out of the toilet. 

From there, he bumped into someone he least expected.

"Yah, what are you doing here?"

"I heard something I suppose I shouldn't hear,"



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Please check out foreword , i made some changes <3


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Chapter 26: Is it Donghae ?? Who just arrived....
Chapter 14: I just like how donghae takes part in this fiction, but what a coincidence anyway about the link between suho and hareum !!
Chapter 6: Omg , donghae just appeared ...
Seems like you type good stuff out there, the foreword tells alot about the story. Gonna give this a try!!
Chapter 17: This story is amazing!!
vicistar #6
Chapter 14: This story deserved better attention... Can't wait for next chapter...