Chapter 13

Love is easy

"L-ah," Ha Reum called as she noticed the lad has been staring at her absentmindedly. L blinked his eyes and coughed awkwardly.

"Sorry, I just don't believe that you're in front of me," L said and Ha Reum scoffed inwardly. She hold up the fork and point it at him

"Wae ? I'm in front here, you're imagining what huh L?" L chuckled before putting the fork Ha Reum's been holding all this while out of his face. He showed his eye-smile to Ha Reum and winked,making Ha Reum coughed abruptly

"Don't do that, seriously" Ha Reum said as she recover from the cough. L pouted .

"Why? Waeeeeeee~~~" he whined and Ha Reum pushed his forehead by using her middle finger.

"You think you're cute ? Heh, " she scoffed before continuing to eat her food. L chuckled and copied her actions





"So, our next destination is the theme park. Where do you want to go first ?" L asked as he tucked both of his hands into his jacket. Ha Reum raised both her shoulder and look at L for confirmation.

"Should we go to the Haunted House ?"


"Roller coaster? That sounds fun,"

"No,I don't like it,"

"Then? That mug over there?"

"What are you? Kids ? Shirooo,"

"The pendulum ?"

"No, it's not fun,at all,"

"Water ride, Ha Reum-ah?"

"Wet, I don't like it. I didn't bring any change clothes,"

"The drop tower? My classmates said its fun, and we can hold each other's hand,"

"That's scary, I don't like it,"

"The chair-o-planes? You'll feel like as if you're flying for real,"

"It's too high,scary,"

L went quiet. He left the place and Ha Reum held his left hand before widening her eyes. L glared at her and shook her hand off.

"Let go," he said coldly and Ha Reum let go of his hand reluctantly.

He stood there with his arms crossed his chest. 

"I don't know which part in our date that I did wrong. If there is, I'm sorry," L sighed and turned his back once again.

Ha Reum pulled his arm and chuckled before pointing at the Ferris Wheel. L stared at her in confusion . 

"Let's ride that," she said and smiled genuinely at L .

Indeed,his heart skipped a beat and he too was enchanted by this girl.

Ha Reum pulled him to the Ferris Wheel where he obediently followed. L stared at the locked arms and smiled unknowingly.

'I just hope this moment last,'



"How old are you?" Ha Reum asked as they entered the Ferris Wheel's capsule.

L stared at her and blinked in confusion.

"Me ?" He asked and Ha Reum chuckled

"Why? You saw someone else beside you?" Ha Reum retorted and L his dry lips.

"24, I'm 24 this year, " L replied and Ha Reum nodded in understanding before crossing her leg and stared outside as she saw the day's getting dark from her capsule.

L cleared his throat,gaining her attention.

"How about you ?" He asked .

Well,obviously he knows it but still, he had something in mind.

"22, I'm 22," Ha Reum replied awkwardly and saw L's eyes turning crescent.

"Call me oppa," L proposed and Ha Reum widened her eyes, which L finds it funny in some sort of way.

"Ah wae ? That's stupiddddddd," she retorted and L crossed his arms across his chest.

"It's stupidly cute okay, It's from you, so I don't mind . Call me oppa," L proposed once again,not giving up and Ha Reum made a thinking pose before facing L completely.

"What do I get ? " Ha Reum asked and L chuckled before moving his head nearer to her face. 

"A polite etiquette," L answered before rolling his eyes and leaned at his seat. Ha Reum chuckled wearily.

"Okay fine, L oppa it is," she said and stared outside the capsule.

L chuckled and messed her hair up, earning a smack from Ha Reum.

"Ha Reum, do you have a brother ?" L suddenly asked and Ha Reum sighed .

"I don't know,oppa. Because to be honest, I'm adopted,"she said while staring straight at L's eyes who seems not shock at all.

L sat beside her and hugged her shoulder. Ha Reum chuckled before wiping off her tears with her hand.

"I didn't know who's my real parents, I don't know if I do have brother or not,"she explained and started to cry quietly. L caressed her arms softly and patted her back.

"You know what, you remind me of someone that I know in the past," L said and he chuckled before ruffling her hairs lovingly.

"You're just like her. Acting all strong but in fact, she's broken inside," L stared into her eyes before cupping her cheeks and wiped off her tears by using her thumbs.

"And I always caught her during her broken state . Almost every time she cried, I was there. " He added and they stared at each other in a brief moment. 

Ha Reum cleared out and L withdraw back his hand. 

Ha Reum chuckled wearily before staring outside once again.

"Then, you must be unfortunate for meeting someone like her. You meet sad people, " she joked and out of nowhere, L hold into her hand and made her eyed him directly in the eyes.

"She looks pretty when she cries too,"

L whispered and Ha Reum could feel the blush crept to her white pale face. L was still staring into her eyes and he caressed her hair before tucking them behind her ears.

"I didn't care that time. I want to be the one she lean on every time she's sad, so I don't care," he added and his eyes automatically turned into crescent. 

Ha Reum withdrawed her hand before facing the other side and fanned herself up.

"T-thanks anyway," she stammered and L chuckled before smiling gratefully.

At least she didn't push him away.




"Thanks for the date," Ha Reum as they walked side by side to her car. L had insisted on walking her to her car after some time of argument.

L chuckled and ruffled her hair. 

"Uljima, uri Ha Reum,"he aegyo-ed and Ha Reum tried to stifle her laugh but unfortunately, bursted into laugh.

"You look stupid , oppa ! "She commented and L made more aegyos, making Ha Reum giggled instead of laughing. L ruffled her hair once again before pushing her toward the driver seat.

"Anything for my princess," he said and they both chuckled until it gradually disappears .

"I had fun," L said and Ha Reum hummed in agreement.

"Me too,so thank you oppa for comforting me," she said and L suddenly attack her with a loving hug,burying her face to his chest.

"Don't cry that often okay? I'm afraid that I'm not there to comfort you. I don't want you to end up getting all depressed," he said and Ha Reum hugged him back,tightly.

"Thank you , thank you so much. "





How was the date everyone? I hope it's okay. Am I the only one in love with the myungsoo in this chapter, eh opps. It's L hahahahahaa,,,please subscribe and comment <3


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Please check out foreword , i made some changes <3


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Chapter 26: Is it Donghae ?? Who just arrived....
Chapter 14: I just like how donghae takes part in this fiction, but what a coincidence anyway about the link between suho and hareum !!
Chapter 6: Omg , donghae just appeared ...
Seems like you type good stuff out there, the foreword tells alot about the story. Gonna give this a try!!
Chapter 17: This story is amazing!!
vicistar #6
Chapter 14: This story deserved better attention... Can't wait for next chapter...