Chapter 11

Love is easy

"Okay class,like you all have known,my name is Lee Donghae, you can call me Mr. Lee or Donghae oppa or sunbaenim, whatever," the class chuckled 

"Before I continue, do you have any questions?" Donghae asked and a girl raised up her hand boldly before asking a bombarding question.

"The whole Korea knows that you've been waiting for someone for like 18 years, it's time-consuming. Where is she and why did you wait?"

Donghae smiled politely and loosen himself up before answering the question,

"18 years is very time-consuming indeed," he sighed calmly before continuing,

"Another secret to my success is that I'm self-dependent. I'm very independent , it's not because I don't trust anyone, it's simply because I love myself so much that sometimes, I find it hard to let go of something that I've tried to built all these years, which is my love for her," the class awed and Donghae smiled at the students.

The topic successfully grabbed Ha Reum's attention as she also hoped she'd find such loving person like him. She rested her chin on her arm before staring at Lee Donghae, the famous CEO now. He caught her staring at him and smiled at her, making all the girls in her area squealed.

"To be honest, I don't even know where she is and whether she's still alive or dead . I loved her when she's only four, and that time, I was 12."

Donghae shared and he sat on the stool that was given for him, facing all the students. The students went wild and that actually includes Ha Reum.

Donghae chuckled when another person raised up her hand .

"How is that oppa successfully maintained that feeling? Aren't there a lot of pretty woman when you work ?" The girl asked and Donghae chuckled lightly before answering

"I'm someone who's once I fixed my eyes on something or someone, I'll never turn back or change my mind, that's also one of my secret recipe to be successful, be firm in what you choose," he answered and he clapped his hand to gain attention their attention.


"Okay let's continue our session shall we?"






"Kim Jun Myeon !" Donghae hollered across the hall as he finished giving lectures. Ha Reum heard him and saw the president of Student Council's waved at him and raced towards him before crashing the guy with a bear hug.

"Hyung ! I missed you ! Oh my God, came back like a celebrity I see," the president joked and the students near them all squealed at their brotherly reunion.

It's like the reunion of the handsome brothers. All the other EXO members crowded near him before leading Donghae to the Council Room. Ha Reum snorted before going to recess.


"Sa Yeum,have you seen Ha Reum?" Myungsoo asked as he panted, holding onto the table for support and Sa Yeum shook her head. Myungsoo moved away from the place after making a remark, "By the way Sa Yeum-ah, you eat like a pig," he joked and dodged Sa Yeum's attack. Ha Reum who was getting nearer to Sa Yeum's table was then pulled away by Myungsoo who panting hard

"Song Ha Reum, I have a surprise !" Myungsoo said excitedly which successfully made the girls near them glared their death glares at Ha Reum. Sa Yeum chuckled at the scene before slurping in her black noodle,

She noticed the tint of pink at Ha Reum's cheeks. She's her when every time she met Park Chanyeol. It's just that Ha Reum is just too naive to even notice that she actually having a crush at the guy in front of her, Myungsoo .

She was so sure that it's a crush.


Noticing the palpable tension,Myungsoo pulled Ha Reum to the Lotus garden outside of the campus.

"I got you a necklace !" Myungsoo chirped happily and Ha Reum chuckled at his happy reaction.

She pushed the box back to Myungsoo making the lad pouted.

"Ah waaaeeeee~" he whined and Ha Reum crosses her arms across her chest.

"I don't wear this type of stuff, Myungsoo. Cut it out." She said and Myungsoo sighed before staring briefly at her .

"There's a whistle at it," he muttered softly before throwing his gazes across the lotus pond, before continuing.

"I specially made it just for you because I just don't like seeing you sad, at least if there's a whistle, I know that there's something bothering you" he muttered and Ha Reum's heart skipped a beat .

She chuckled before touching his hand and scooted closer to him, "I respect your attempts in making things easy for me Myungsoo,but I'll be okay-"

" You didn't say that you'll not be sad anymore, okay's not enough for me Ha Reum," Myungsoo cut in and he took the box of necklace before putting them on her hand,

"Wear this , blow the whistle if you're sad and stare at the sky. It'll be a great help. I'm stubborn anyways, that's one fact you have to know about me, " he said with a wink before rising up from his seat and went away.

Ha Reum called for his names multiple of times until he disappeared into the campus. Ha Reum sighed and opened the box for a brief moment.

'He specially made this for me? What's this Myungsoo-ya, Why are you driving me to the corner ?'





"Song Ha Reum ," Sunmi called out and Ha Reum beamed in surprise as she packed up her things , "Yeah Sunmi? "She asked and Sunmi handed out the class report to her once again.

"Ha Reum-ah, I'm so so sorry for burdening you but I need to go to my part-time work as fast as I could, so I'm-"

"Relax, I'll send this okay? SO GO GO, you don't want your boss to be angry with you,"Ha Reum butted in and Sunmi dashed out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry and I know that I can count on you Ha Reum-ah !"

Ha Reum sighed in defeat before making her way to the Student's Council. 


"Junmyeon, has you made any move yet ?"

"Yeah hyung, but my investigator told me that it might be hard to search for her as she could have changed her name or such. Hyung, I'm surprised that you still wait for her after all this years. "

"Well, cotton, you know I can't do nothing about it. I have always loved her . I'll even help you to search for Junmi,"

Ha Reum heard the conversation inside the Council Room and bargained either to enter or not.

Her hand already at door's knob.

She twisted it open and pushed it, only to gain all the attentions.

"Oh Song Ha Reum? The reports again?" Suho hollered and Ha Reum nodded meekly as she wasn't used to being stared at the same time by 9 male in the room.

" Song Ha Reum? What a nice name,"

Donghae commented and Ha Reum blushed upon the remark, she quietly went over to Suho's table and put it there.

Out of the blue, she felt her head throbbing hard so she held Suho's desk for support.

Suho who was alarmed of the situation, he quickly scooted closer to Ha Reum and held her shoulder.

"Song Ha Reum-sshi, you okay?" he asked and requested a mineral drink from the closest member but Ha Reum blocked him from doing so.

She blinked her eyes a few times and shake her head before standing firmly on the ground.

"If that's so, thank you for the report and please drive safely, Ha Reum-ah," Suho said with a hint of worry in his voice ,

"I'll send her hyung," Sehun volunteered and Ha Reum smiled politely before shaking her head at Sehun.

"It's okay oppa,I'm sure you have to finish up your work,thank you anyways Suho-sshi, Sehun oppa," she said before excusing herself out of the room.

She walked away but it seems like her head isn't cooperating with her might. She rested her back against the wall before taking a few steps downstairs then to her car.

She rested her head at the car's steering .

"Why is this happening so freaking frequent?" She muttered before dashing out of the school compound.

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Please check out foreword , i made some changes <3


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Chapter 26: Is it Donghae ?? Who just arrived....
Chapter 14: I just like how donghae takes part in this fiction, but what a coincidence anyway about the link between suho and hareum !!
Chapter 6: Omg , donghae just appeared ...
Seems like you type good stuff out there, the foreword tells alot about the story. Gonna give this a try!!
Chapter 17: This story is amazing!!
vicistar #6
Chapter 14: This story deserved better attention... Can't wait for next chapter...