
The Curse

She looks in the mirror while clasping the necklace around her neck and letting it rest on her sternum. The black gown she's wearing has VIXX's insignia on the left shoulder, vine like pattern arising from it and taking up the entire sleeve, right upto her wrist.

If feels awkward, she's so used to the white and gold that is the traditional color of her kingdom that black seem like such a contrast. They don't have an insignia, being a little too small of a kingdom to be given that sort of power or symbol for that matter.

"My lady?" There's a knock on the door and she turns around, her bun almost coming undone, to find a maid by the door. Again she's hit with the fact that she isn't home because Jinwoo would just barge in, no knocking on the door.

"Yes?" She asks, fixing her hair.

"Someone is here to meet you," the woman informs and stands aside to reveal the thin frame of a person dressed in white shirt, which is too fancy and leather pants. He's handsome, she observes. His black hair a sharp contrast to his red eyes.

"How can I help you.....?" She asks, dismissing the maid. He looks familiar and she knows he's a close friend of her husbands but she can't seem to remember his name.

"Hyungwon," he supplies, moving in and closing the door behind himself.

"Hyungwon," she repeats, a little unsettled because of his presence. She's a wolf and it's in her nature to hate vampires.

"I sensed something yesterday," his eyes flicker between and her face, "and couldn't help myself. Even though I know it won't make much of a difference now."

She isn't sure why but she feels uncomfortable, and that has nothing to do with the fact that he's a vampire.

"I think we should talk later, the gathering has already started and I am late as it is," she answers, turning back around and applying the first lipstick that comes in her hand.

"The hyungs, they mean a lot to me, to all of us and I can't let this go on. This ceremony will introduce you as their wife, their mate to the world. But are you?" He questions, still by the door but she feels the deadly aura in the room.

She takes a breath and reminds herself to be strong. He won't hurt her.

"You should ask your hyungs about that," she answers finishing the lipstick, "now if you would please leave, I need to be ready before they call for me."

"That necklace," he finally says after a moment's silence, his eyes on and she clutches the jewelry in her palms, "it's glamoured."

He isn't asking, he's stating.

"It's for protection from the likes of you," she defends, her heart picking up pace. There's nothing to fear, she tells herself.

"And yet I sense no protection spell on it."

He knows, she realizes a bit too late. But how? Kyung's spells are too intricate to be detected that easily.

"It's something different, something along the line of seduction, of enticement."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You aren't their mate, are you?" He's ruthless and witty. She's trapped and it's too early. She thinks of something to retaliate with, any sort of pausable excuse.

"Duh," there isn't much she can do. If he's that confident, then it means he has evidence, "had I been their mate, I wouldn't have drank the Liquor Mamjeur. I am their wife, not mate."

He's silent for a moment, and she watches him watch her through the mirror, "And Hyuk? They seem convinced that he has some sort of connection with you."

She knows that she had used that as an anchor for this marriage and she's aware that they have agreed because they thought that she was Hyuk's mate.

"You lied, isn't it?" He questions, still without any expression.

She can accept the truth and beg for him to keep quiet but then they have already signed the agreements last night, her people are safe because VIXX has promised to protect her kingdom, signed the god damn papers. The other option for her is to deny it but he'd know she's lying.

"I.....,"she is still in a dilemma when he speaks up.

"It was because of that necklace, isn't it? Hyuk's obsession with you."

"It's....," before she can say anything, the door is opened and Ken and Hyuk walk in. She sees the look of hurt on the youngest's face and knows that they heard everything.

She doesn't really feel anything for the Alphas, maybe a bit of lust when she went into heat but the fact that she hurt them is a bit unsettling to her. She might not have any feelings for them but she never meant to hurt them.

"Hyung has called you downstairs, the ceremony is about to begin," Ken informs, albeit mechanically and she just nods her head, unable to do anything else. She can sense the hatred from him and it scares her.

Then the three of them are gone, leaving her in the room alone.

A few moments later she makes her way downstairs on her own and is welcomed with judgemental looks and whispers.

The bride never comes on her own, she's supposed to be accompanied by her husband. That's the first custom, for the husband to show his wife the way into his home. A promise that he would help her during their journey in life, he would hold her and protect her.

She takes a deep breath and steadies her steps, pushing back her shoulders and raising her chin, trying to keep the fear at bay, she descends the steps on her own. In that moment she knows, there will be no help, no protection, no promises and she remembers what Hakyeon told her that day.

"Sacrifice is what you'll be making and regretting...."

She takes another breath as the whispers increase, "There are no allies in war," she tells herself, "rely on no one but yourself."

And that's what she's do.

Hyuk watches her come down the stairs, her posture strong and unaffected by the whispers going crazy among the people. But he can feel the uncertainty in her body, the slight shift of her eyes. She's scared.

They have decided not to accompany her. It's her punishment for decieving them, for playing with their feelings.

"Sorry hyung," he tells the eldest in his head, knowing he can hear him, all of his brothers can, "This is all my fault."

"No it's not hyukkie," Hakyeon is quick to counter, "you didn't ask me for her even once."

"Not verbally," he confesses, he didn't have the guts. He was willing to let her go but he wasn't willing to see his hyung's heart break. Hakyeon only had eyes for Seohyun noona.

"It's alright Hyuk," comes the reply and all eyes turn to look at the woman who came down the last step and is now standing at the centre of the crowd.

Hyuk senses the change in the air around the ball room and he knows what's about to come. Honestly he does feel sorry for her but then the damned necklace is still around her neck and his feelings might just be manipulated so he turns to Hongbin who is clearly looking at his bride with distaste and gulps down the wine.

"It's her own doing anyways."



My baby Hyungwononie didn't get any lines in alligator either 😭  so he gets compensation time here.

Also do tell me if the pace of the story is alright or should I hurry it up a bit

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parboni #1
parboni #2
Chapter 24: Finally! Enough with Mel's mistreatment. Someone needed to tell the princes to stop mistreating her. Go Jade,go!!!
And Hakyeon ain't going anywhere soon with that attitude of his.
parboni #3
Chapter 23: Just read the chapter and the small note under the chapter now. I guess it's enough for me to go on with a hectic day accompanied by terrible cold and fever.
You know you have an amazing storyline and plot and an amazing bunch of characters. If you just know how to progress with the storyline(um guessing things are gonna get a bit smoother for Mel if not worse) and how to utilize your characters,its gonna be fine.
parboni #4
Chapter 21: On another note,I would like to see Hongbin falling for REALLY hard. He is crossing his boundaries since day one and karma needs to bite him back.