Chapter 30

A Hundred Days Love

C h a p t e r   30

A  e    S  o  o

“Whoa.” I say in awe as I stare at the Grand Canyon from the ship. I still can’t believe that there’s a place like this in the midst of the place I grew up in. I am used to the human world and I was not that much interested in the demon world. The world that my Mom and Dad grew up in. Now I am seeing it and it’s so magical that I can’t believe that this place killed a lot of demons already.

“We’re getting off.” Ji Won, the heir of the Ox clan, said. I don’t know if it’s just me or if something happened between him and Ae Ryu by the time we left. He’s usually clingy to Ae Ryu but it seems like he’s putting up a line between them now. And here I thought that Ae Ryu had a single friend.

We follow him as he walks to the shore but I stop remembering what Luhan said that demons who’re not a heir of a demon clan may have difficulties surviving in this island. I turn to Luhan who’s right behind me. “What’s the matter?”

“Fake an illness.”

“What?” He looks at me with a weird face. 

“Just fake it! The three of us might make it but you’re-“ He sighs and grabbed my hand pushing me towards the shore. “Wait! No, you can’t-“ I gasp and shut my eyes close when Luhan walked ahead of me. Oh I can’t look.. He’s going to turn into a stone...

“What are you doing?” When I heard Ae Ryu’s voice who’s at the shore now, I open my eyes as they all stare at me from the plank. “You’re one strange guy.”

“Huh?” I find myself crouching as I cover my ears and flushed. I stand and gasp realizing that I look so strange right now then turn to Luhan. “You’re okay?!”

“Stupid, get over here already.” I run towards him and grab his shoulders then I started to touch every part of him. He’s all good and not hard huh? “H..Hey!”

“What? I’m checking if you turned to a stone.”

“S..Stop touching me idiot!” He exclaimed and looks at me.

“Are you turning red? Is that the true after effect?! Does it hurt somewhere?!”

“Hyungjoon! Stop for goodness sake! I’m fine!!” Luhan yelled at me then we heard a laugh. We both turn to where it was coming from. Ji Won waves his hand to us as he wipe his tears of joy.

“Geez, you’re one interesting siblings alright!”

“Um, I-“ my eyes fall to Ae Ryu who’s looking at me strangely and flushed. “I’m sorry.”

“HAHAHA! Don’t mind it! I haven’t got a good laugh in ages.”

“But we’re good? I thought no one can easily get in this island?”

Ji Won stands straight after laughing and smirked. “I’m not surprised about the both of us but,” he looks at me then to Luhan. “I was wondering the same thing. Maybe this island just don’t allow people who aren’t strong enough to resist it’s nature after all.”

He continues and started walking. I catch up to Luhan and whispered. “So? Are you really okay?”

He sighs and nodded. “I am. Your dad handed me the clan remember?”

“Oh right! Silly me.” He gives me a smile of disbelief and ruffles my hair. 

“Yeah, you’re really silly. But thank you, for worrying about me.” His action made me blush and stop on my tracks. “What are you doing? Let’s go.”

“Y..Yeah. Coming.”

₰  ₰  ₰  ₰  ₰  ₰ 

Halfway through our journey, we stopped in a cave to take a rest. It’s not a joke though, a lot of weird trees and demons almost killed us on the way and we barely managed to pass through. The sun is almost setting and I’m still worrying if I will be able to withstand my body from transforming to my demon form. If this goes on, I’ll be discovered. I just hope everything goes well. 

“So we’re almost there huh?” Ji Won mumbled as he looked at his map.

“Yeah.” Ae Ryu then looks at me. “The closer we get, the dangerous it gets.” he throws a stone at the campfire that’s in our center. He’s asking me to go back again. He still doesn’t give does he?

“I wonder if it’s true though.”

“Hm? What is?” I ask and look at Ji Won. 

“Well, tonight’s a full moon isn’t it? It says that this island is more powerful at days like this. Also, no secrets are kept in it. So,” then he grins looking at Luhan and I. “I wonder if I get to see where you both came from since this guy won’t answer my question as to which clan you are from.”

I gasp and chill went through my spine. I turn to Luhan and he’s eyeing Ji Won with darkness in his eyes. “If you were suspicious of us, why did you hire us in the first place?” Luhan replied. 

“Oh my, did I stepped on a wire Jaehyun? I was merely curious of you both since you’re really great and all.” Ji Won chuckles and stand on his feet. “I’m good to go. You guys?”

“I’m never tired to begin with.” Ae Ryu replied and walked ahead of him. Luhan’s eyeing Ji Won from behind as we follow him.

“What will you do? You think you can withstand it?” He whispered to me as we continue our journey. I know he’s talking about me transforming to my demon form. I stare up and it’s almost the sunset. 

“I don’t know. I just hope I can.” I reply.

After an hour or so, we reached the cave where the said stone is located. “It’s inside. I can feel it.” Ae Ryu mumbled. Now that me mentioned it, I feel something up ahead too. Like something’s pulling me in. 

"I'll go with you after all." Ji Won was about to go inside the cave when Ae Ryu stops him. "Ae Ryu."

"You're told to accompany me here, nothing more. You are not instructed to go inside. Are you being irresponsible right now knowing that you're the only heir of your clan?" Ae Ryu looks at him straight in the eye. I can see that his resolve was broken. I can understand him. The weight of being a heir really hard to carry because the future of your clan is on your hands.

"Fine, I'll stay here but on one condition." Ji Won turns to me. "Take him with you."

"Wha-" I stop Luhan before he can say anything. 

"It's okay Hyung. It's my job after all. I'll be okay." I can see that Luhan is really worried right now but we don't have any choice. He nods and I turn to Ae Ryu who I can see is also against me going with him. I don't understand this guy at all. I wonder if it's his guilt of killing my Uncle that drives him to protect me. We make our way inside and as we get farther and farther from the exit, it’s starting to feel colder. 

“It’s getting chilly.” Ae Ryu took the words out from my own mouth and stopped walking. “You okay?”

“I can handle myself. Worry about yours.” 

He gives me a chuckle and nods. “Alright, it seems that you’re even colder than this place huh Ae Soo?” I was about to argue with him when my body suddenly froze for a minute but it went back to normal after. What was that?

₰  ₰  ₰  ₰  ₰  ₰ 

After a while of walking, we saw a faint light ahead of us and a small opening. Ae Ryu stopped on his tracks and turned to me. “It’s best if you don’t go. I can do it myself. I’ll just take the stone and-“

“Don’t be silly. I’m not chickening out. I know you have bad intentions of getting that stone so I’ll get it before you do.” I walk pass him even though I heard him call me to stop me. When both of us are inside, a huge stone blocked the exit leaving us inside. “Whoa.”

“I told you it’s dangerous.” I scan the place and the only exit is the top. I can just fly there after getting the stone. “Hey Ae Soo! You’re just stubborn! I told you I’m going to use the stone for a good cause so stop going ahead of me already-“

We both gasp when the ground suddenly started to shake. “An earthquake?!”

“Damn it! Get in here!” He pulled me close and put on a barrier as stones started to fall above us. I didn’t know he can do that too. So demons are not just limited to doing one thing? “What the hell is that?” He mumbles and so I followed his line of sight. The stone started to glow and then... am I seeing it right? 

“Is that... a woman?” A beautiful woman started to appear in front of the stone and then the ground stopped shaking. 

“Young ones, I see that you have arrived. I have been waiting for you. Fox children.”

I gasp when my body suddenly froze and my chest started to ache. “Ugh..”

“Ae Soo? What’s-“ before Ae Ryu had the chance to check up on me, I think he’s experiencing the same thing because now we’re both on the ground. This feeling is familiar. Before I knew it, I am in my true demon form. I gasp when I sit up and look at my body then to the woman.


“If I have to converse with you, I choose to be transparent and not to be pretentious.” I gasp. She did this to me? I turn to Ae Ryu to check if he’s okay.

“Hey, Ae Ry-“ my eyes widen when I look at him. He’s... in the same form as me? Only, he has one tail. “Wait, you’re a Goblin right? Why are you-“

“There is no need to be afraid young man. Inside this cave, you are safe. I will keep her safe too. Which is why you need not to wear that mask. You are both safe and no one will hurt you.” What is she talking about? I turn to Ae Ryu again needing some answers but he’s just staring at the ground with his clenched hands and knees.

“Shut up.”

“Ae Ryu.” 


The woman smile and she started to approach us slowly. When she did, she sat in front of Ae Ryu and held his cheek. Whoa, she’s pretty and she’s glowing. “Ae Ryu, you need not to think that this world does not want your existence because it does. You might not be expected but your Mother was delighted to have you.” I freeze looking at the woman. She knows Ae Ryu’s mother? “Now, do not fear and take what you deserve.”

I look at Ae Ryu and his whole body is starting to shake then his hands moved to the back of his head. He’s...untying his mask.

A  e    R y u

I do not know anything of this woman but her touch is very comforting and she takes all of my fears away. I’m scared to do it. To reveal who I really am, especially in front of Ae Soo. The person whom I care and love the most. She’s looking at me in worry despite all of the hatred that she has for me. I know she’s already surprised to see my true form and for her to see my face will be too much to handle for a day. I feel the string slip from my fingers but I kept my eyes locked to Ae Soo. I want to see how she will react when she sees my face. And I want to see her hate me even more. When the mask slipped through my hands, her eyes slowly widen and her hands reach . She stumble on her back as she kept her eyes on my face.

“A..Ae R..yu?” Her voice is shaking as she stare at me.

“The guy in front of you right now is your twin brother Yang Ae Soo.” The woman told her. I clench my fist. I told myself that I will end this life without bringing her misery of finding out who I am. I wanted her to hate me for killing her Uncle. The man who treated her like a daughter even more than her real father. 

“Oh my god..” Ae Soo’s breathing started to change and she cries. “Y..You’re... all this time-“ she’s crying hard right now and I want to hold her but I can’t. I don’t even deserve to touch her at this point. She faces the woman again and points at me. “Y..You’re telling me, that he... HE KILLED MY UNCLE!”

The woman lowered herself to Ae Soo and hugged her. “I know dear. But the reason why he did that was to protect you-“

“STOP! SHUT UP!” I snapped. I don’t want her to explain anything to Ae Soo. “Don’t talk like it’s your story to tell! You’ve got nothing to do with us! With me! I’m fine with how things are! I’m used to it! I can handle being hated! Being scared at, being used and being alone because that’s how it always will be for me so stop!! I don’t even know who you are!”

She smiled at me and I can’t believe her. Is she retarded? “My name is Tae Hee. I am the guardian of this stone and my soul remains to protect it. I entrusted the stone to your mother but she gave it back to me. She told me that the stone brings misfortune to the land of the demons. Bringing greed and misfortune. That’s why I vowed to protect it until I find the person who can take my place. And it’s you both. Your hearts are as pure as your mother’s. Ae Soo, Ae Ryu. I have been waiting for you both for a long time now.”

“H..How did you know that we’ll be here?” Ae Soo asked.

“I foresaw the future. I know and trust that you will be here to protect the stone.”

“But Ae Ryu was the only one whose supposed to be here.” She smiled at Ae Soo then looks at me.

“Ae Ryu’s goal was to take the stone and fight the current Goblin clan head with it. His aim was to gain his freedom and protect you Ae Soo.” I’m pissed that she’s taking every word from my mouth and I hate it that I can’t even do anything. “I know you’re enraged Ae Ryu. But you cannot use your powers in here because this place is protected by my magic. You are nothing but ordinary demons.” She reaches out her hand to me and the stone appeared from her hand. “I now entrust you both the stone. From now on, it will be on your care Ae Ryu. However, you cannot use it without your sister which is why you have to protect it.” I gasp when the stone went inside my body. When I look back at the Tae Hee, she’s starting to fade. 

“Hey!” I call but she just smiled at us and held our hands. “What are you-“

“I know that you both can save your world. I can now rest in peace.”

“Wait!!” Before I can even tell her not to get Ae Soo involved with this stupid stone, she vanished and the ground started to shake again. I tried to put a barrier for us but my powers aren’t working. “Damn it! We have to run! Let’s go Ae Soo!” I grab her hand but she’s still in shock with everything. I run as fast as I can for us because I noticed that the ground is starting to hold off. “Ae Soo!” She gasps when I pushed her away when I noticed a big rock falling that collapse the ground that we’re standing it. I’m expecting a fall but I am not feeling any. When I open my eyes, I see Ae Soo holding me from falling. “Ae Soo.”

“Don’t you dare die on me Ae Ryu! If you dare let go of my hand I’ll jump after you so just hold on!” Her tears are dropping on my cheek as she hold on to me with all her might. “I can’t let you die knowing that you’re my twin brother.. I won’t let you.. I’m the only one who can kill you.. You gave me the permission to do so didn’t you? YOU STUPID IDIOT AE RYU!!”

I let out a smile and sigh as she stares at me. “Alright.” I reply and she started pulling me up. When I reach the edge, we both gasp in relief and she hugs me tight. “Ae Soo-“

“I hate you. I still do..” I smile and pat her head.

“I know-“ my eyes widen when I see another rock falling ahead of us. “Sh*t.” I reach my hand up on my head and pray that my powers will work in time. Damn it. WORK! I hope for the worse then I feel nothing. When I open my eyes, I sigh in relief. My power worked. I can use it again.

“It’s working!!” Ae Soo cheered in glee and I smile at her. I reach out and touch her cheek then she flinch. “Ae Ryu?”

“I wanted to see it again. You’re innocent and pure smile.” She smiles and holds my hand.

“Well you are now right?”

“Yeah. Let’s get out of here shall we?”

“Mm!” I smile and was about to fly up with her when everything else fell down. Before I knew it, we’re trapped.

A  e    S  o  o

“Ae Ryu! Hold on okay? I’ll figure something out so please!!” I stare at Ae Ryu as I hold his hand. He’s getting pale because of the barrier that he’s been holding up for us ever since the cave broke down. 

“I’m alright silly..” his voice is hoarse and he’s sweating intensely. I don’t know what to do. My powers aren’t working yet and at this rate, Ae Ryu will die! 

“Oh no!” I gasp when the barrier keeps on getting narrow. I don’t think he can hold on any longer..

“Damn it.. Ae Soo..”

“I’m right here.. We’ll be okay. I’m not letting you to be alone anymore Ae Ryu. If this is the end, then I’ll die together with you..” I hold him close to me and brace myself for the worse but it didn’t. After a while. Everything broke down and it was clear again. When I open my eyes, I see the person I least expected the most. It’s Sehun.

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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 43: I binge-read this. I laughed and tears out her and there. This story is good. Thank you for writing and sharing it here on AFF. I hope Ae Soo wakes up really. Luka seems like he is mature for his age. I’m glad that Sehun tried to amend his relationship with their son.
BubuBaek_Na94 #2
Chapter 36: Awwww! Don’t go mom! Your daughter needs you!
Chapter 18: Twas so intenseee. Omggg. Sehun'ss too damn attractive, I cannooot...!!!
Chapter 28: Omggggg who saw her! ?
Chapter 27: Gasp ? wasn’t expecting that...
Chapter 25: Eeeeee I just binged. I love this story sooo much. Just what I needed to make my birthday a good one! Thank you!!!
Chapter 10: I like Sehun here. He is so sweet!
Chapter 14: Wow now know her uncles powers, it's quite scary. Sehun won't be able to hide anything if he's unguarded ;) I hope for the best in this couple because they're so cute
Chapter 14: Sehun is soooo sweet!he restrained himself haha