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first ever fanfic...please bear with me...


Wang HeDi and Shen Yue has been buddies since time immemorial... but changes are soon to take place...


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Lovely2407 #1
Chapter 10: Always wait for the updates!
nceee91 #2
Chapter 9: Nooooo! Dylan you idiot! I’m so sad for Yueyue! Thank you for the updates, can’t wait to read more!!
JennyP988 #3
Chapter 7: oh oh. someone's falling in love~ hahaha. will patiently wait for your update! :) fighting, miss author!!
cesiaj #4
Chapter 6: Ahahahahhhahaa!!! — me after reading the last line

Jealous Didi’s way too funneh~
cesiaj #5
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Dear authornim,

I don’t mind the wait, just please promise you’ll finish this story. It’s so nice to find dyshen fics like these, and very good storyline too! Love it!

Cheering you on,
yupkigirl #6
Chapter 6: This is getting more interesting! Thanks for the update!
JennyP988 #7
Chapter 5: hahahahaha. thank you for the update!! :D I love confident YueYue! for the idiot didi, serve him right!! can't wait for a new update! Fighting!!
ilovedvet #8
Chapter 5: First dyshen story that i have subscribed to! I usually just subscribe to stories with dara as the muse.. but i started being fond of yueyue so there! Will support you! Fighting authornim!
yupkigirl #9
I've been reading this in fanfiction and glad to find this here! Keep writing :)