Happy Holidays, Sanya18

Who's My IGOT7 Secret Santa? 2018 BxB [The Big Reveal is online! // PLEASE SEND IN YOUR GIFTS! // News from 2018.12.31]

Gift for Sanya18

Gift from ?????

Title of Gift: Eagle Fist

Pairing(s): MarkJin

Word Count: 3462

Rating: T

Warning(s): None

Note to my Giftee: I couldn’t come up with a title so I asked my brother for a title and he said “eagle fist” so I just rolled with it. I hope you like your gift and thank you for giving me such a cute plot. <3


Eagle Fist


Out of all the trainees at JYPE, Jinyoung found himself noticing one in particular. A taller male who, according to Jaebum, is older than them. The mysterious trainee didn't stand out much and mostly kept to himself but the wallflower seemed to catch Jinyoung’s eye every time they were in the same room. The first time Jinyoung noticed him was during a dance lesson. The company wanted to see who had potential in martial arts tricking and other aerial moves. Jinyoung was sitting against the back wall when someone suddenly flipped from one side of the room to the other. The room was completely silent as the guy landed his last flip but it didn’t take a moment longer for the whole room to erupt in cheers and applause. Someone next to Jinyoung had scoffed and grumbled that “He could do that too,” but Jinyoung ignored the guy, he was too focused on the mysterious trainee, who was now surrounded by the other trainees in the room.

“You’re staring at him again.” Someone whispered really close to Jinyoung’s ear, bringing him back to the present day.

“Never do that again, if you know what’s good for you.” Jinyoung sneers while he rubbed his ear. “And I wasn’t staring… Don’t you have better things to do than bother me, Jaebum?”

“Wellllll, I was going to inform you that I figured out your mystery man’s name buuut since you want me to leave than I guess I should go.” Jaebum replied with a cocky smile, causing Jinyoung to roll his eyes.

“What's his name?” Jinyoung asks with a no nonsense tone.

“Mark, he's from LA and his Korean is decent but he's still learning.” Jaebum answered with a knowing grin on his face.

“How did you find all of this out?” Jinyoung asks slightly surprised.

“I may or may not have gotten into a small altercation with him, that Brian may or may not have gotten dragged into.” Jaebum says sheepishly and Jinyoung has to roll his eyes again.

“I’m not even going to ask what happened.” Jinyoung huffed before turning on his heel and leaving the practice room, Jaebum followed him out. Neither of them saw Mark watching them out of the corner of his eye with a slight frown.

“I don’t understand why you don’t just talk to Mark, he’s pretty friendly when you aren’t fighting with him.” Jaebum asks the younger trainee and Jinyoung just shrugs his shoulders. He doesn’t really know why he just doesn’t go over and talk to Mark, there was no real reason not to. “I can introduce you two, if you’re shy or something.” Jaebum offers. Jinyoung hums in thought but shakes his head and ignores Jaebum’s disappointed sigh. The duo part ways for the day and Jinyoung is left pondering why Mark is such an enigma to him, why Mark invades his thoughts whenever he’s alone, why it’s so hard to just walk up to the guy and say “hi.” Jinyoung goes to sleep that night tossing and turning as images of Mark float around in his head. The next day has Jinyoung going through the motions of his usual trainee schedule but he’s tired and almost zombie like. A few trainees ask him if he’s okay but Jinyoung tells them, he’s just a little sleepy and that there’s nothing to worry about. He gets a few sympathetic nods and pats on the shoulder before he’s back to practicing like everyone else. Jinyoung was completely zoned out when someone tapped his shoulder, he jolted out of his daze and turned around to face the person trying to get his attention. The air in his lungs gets caught in his throat when he realizes who was standing right in front of him. It was Mark... Jinyoung continues to stare at Mark with awestruck eyes and only snaps back to reality when the older trainee coughs awkwardly into his fist.

“H-hey, practice is over and everyone else has already left.” Mark explains. Jinyoung looks around the room and true to his word, the room was empty except for them.

“O-oh… Were you going to practice more? I can leave.” Jinyoung says awkwardly shifting foot to foot.

Mark shakes his head before answering, “I just noticed you were standing here with a blank face so I thought your mind wandered off or something.” Marks chuckles lightly. Jinyoung can feel the tips of his ears heat up with embarrassment but Mark’s laugh has his heart fluttering.

“Yeah, I guess I’m kind of out of it today, I should probably get some proper rest tonight.” Jinyoung replies softly with a small smile. Mark bites his bottom lip then opens his mouth to say something but closes it quickly. This happens a few times while Jinyoung gathered his stuff. “I’m Jinyoung by the way.” Jinyoung holds his hand out.

Mark quickly grabs the offered hand and replies with his own name, “Mark.” They share an awkward smile before letting go of each other's hands. Jinyoung felt like his heart was going to explode right then and there and it didn’t help when they both tried to exit the door at the same time, nor did it help that they ended up walking together back to the trainee dorm. It really didn’t help when their hands accidentally brushed against each other a few time. By the time they entered the dorm, both boys were blushing furiously and avoiding any sort of eye contact. Jinyoung wished the older a goodnight before he rushed off to his room and Mark was left standing there with an unspoken confession caught in his throat.

“That’s rough buddy!” Bambam yelled from across the room where he and a few other trainees were gathered.

“You’ll get it next time!” Youngjae added in with a thumbs up before his focus was taken elsewhere. “Stop grinding on the floor Yugyeom!”
Mark rolled his eyes and ignored the yelling from the younger trainees. He went back to his shared room and flopped onto his bed with a groan. “That sounds like a sad groan, what happened?” Jackson asked while we leaned over the top bunk railing to peer at his friend. Mark ignored him. “Ahhhh I see, he rejected you.” Mark shook his head and Jackson gasped dramatically. “Don’t tell me… You didn’t even ask, did you?! What happened to the plan Mark? The plannnnnn.” Mark flipped onto his back and started kicking the top bunk causing Jackson to shout in surprise. This continued until their other roommate told them to quiet down. “You have to ask him at some point.” Jackson whispered.

“I know” Mark whispered back before they settled down for the night.


Jinyoung woke up the next day surprisingly refreshed and well rested but utterly confused. His roommates were all getting ready to start the day, which was normal, but what wasn’t normal was the excited chatter being exchanged. Normally everyone was either too tired or grumpy to actually hold decent conversations other than simple good mornings. “What’s going on?” Jinyoung asked curiously.

“Did you forget? Today is the training camp, we’re going camping!” Brian chirped happily. Jinyoung tried to rack his brain for this information but nothing came up.

“I must have missed it… Or I wasn’t listening, it’s probably that. God forbid I actually listen to Manager-nim ramble on and on about ‘fun’ activities. Remember the last ‘fun’ thing he made us do? Because I do, and I don’t know what planet he’s from because chores are never fun.” Jinyoung ranted.

“Well this time it’s for sure going to be fun.” Brain smiled brightly. Jinyoung asked about the trip and what he needed to bring. It was going to be a weekend trip, Saturday was going to be the typical workout/physical training day and Sunday was going to be a relaxed, ‘fun’ day with different activities and a bonfire to end their trip. Jinyoung packed his training bag with everything he would need for two days in the wilderness. What those things were, the world may never know. Just know that he was prepared for anything. Jinyoung hopped onto the second bus and looked at the available seats left. He planned on sitting next to Jaebum but the other trainee was already sitting with Youngjae so Jinyoung had to sit with Youngjae, which wasn’t bad per se but Bambam and Yugyeom decided to sit in front of them. Lucky for Jinyoung, he came prepared for anything so he was able to block out all the noise with his trusty headphones and a death glare had made the boys in front settle down for most of the ride. They got off the bus and unloaded their things before the buses drove away. Jinyoung took a moment to take in the beautiful nature around them before he was lead to the camping grounds with everyone else. The staff watching over them go over the rules and then everyone is let loose to pick partners and set up their tents. Once the tents are up and functional, the staff and trainees break off into smaller groups to start the boot camp. Which to say Jinyoung hated, was an understatement. Jinyoung was ready to pass out when dinner finally came around, thus ending the hellish training to the relief of all the trainees. Dinner was served after the trainees took their much needed showers and Jinyoung was barely able to stay awake, he may have had a few close calls of almost face planting into his food. Jinyoung was too out of it to notice Mark glancing at him with a worried face but when he got up to throw his trash away, Mark got up as well.

“Are you okay?” Mark snapped Jinyoung out of his sleepy trance with the question.

“Y-yeah I’m just tired.” Jinyoung answered.

“Let me walk you to your tent?” Mark bit his lip nervously. Jinyoung didn’t mean to snort but it sort of happened out of habit.

“I don’t need a babysitter but I’ll take you up on your offer since I’m pretty sure I’m a few steps from using that rock as a pillow and sleeping under the stars.” Jinyoung chuckled lightly and Mark joined in as well. They walk side by side in complete silence but it isn’t as awkward as last time. Jinyoung slightly jumps when their hands accidentally brush against each other again. Warmth rushes to his cheeks and Jinyoung thanks the stars that they’re at his tent already so he could escape before Mark could see his blushing face.

“W-wait!” Mark called out before Jinyoung could get into his tent fully. The younger trainee pokes his head out of the tent and looks up at mark. “Goodnight!” Mark yells before running off.

“Goodnight…” Jinyoung mumbles out as he watches the older disappear into the darkness.

“He’s totally into you.” Yugyeom sing songs when Jinyoung zips up the tent flap.

“I could hear the love dripping in his voice.” BamBam joins in.

“I think it’s cute.” Youngjae adds.

“Why did I get stuck with you heathens again?” Jinyoung hisses. “Except you Youngjae, you’re an angel.” Youngjae beams at him but the other two start complaining and try to get Jinyoung’s affection but ultimately fail because someone in another tent threatens them to shut up or else. Jinyoung snickers as the youngest two sulk as they get into their sleeping bags. They all fall asleep quickly after that and no one is ready for the morning to come but it comes anyways. The staff walks around the tents banging pots and pans to hopefully wake up the sleeping trainees. Jinyoung is startled awake when the hears the loud clanking outside his tent and groans loudly, trying to cover his ears with his pillow. It takes 15 minutes for Jinyoung to hype himself up and finally slink out of the tent.

“Good morning, got any plans for what activity you want to do?” Jaebum asks when he takes a seat next to Jinyoung at breakfast.

“I honestly forgot that today was basically a fun day. What can we even do in the middle of a forest?” Jinyoung asked skeptically.

“There’s a scavenger hunt or something.” Jaebum shrugged his shoulders.

“I mean that’s better than working out. Where do I sign up?” Jinyoung said boredly. Jaebum just grins and leads Jinyoung to the sign up sheet. How suspicious… But Jinyoung didn’t have time to ponder his friend’s weird smile because waiting near the sign up sheet was Mark.

“Oh! Mark, what are you doing here?” Jaebum asked in a weird tone that made Jinyoung even more suspicious.

“Jackson said he wanted to do the treasure hunt thing but he ran off before I could write our names down. I guess he saw something better to do?” Mark answered with an unsure voice.

“Oh, I didn’t know this activity required a partner. Well if you need someone, Jinyoung was going to sign up as well.” Jaebum shoved Jinyoung right into Mark’s body before running away like Jackson. So this was their plan, Jinyoung and Mark thought at the same time.

“Do you want to be my partner?” Mark asks.

“Yeah, sure.” Jinyoung nodded. He waited for Mark to write their names down and then they both waited at the tables near the scavenger hunt entrance. A staff member passed around a list of things they needed to find in the forest. Some of it was nature based like flowers, and the other stuff were things the staff hid, like a teddy bear. Looking over the list, Jinyoung had a few questions. Like was there only one teddy bear? Did they need to fight for this teddy bear? How was he supposed to know what a poppy looked like. Actually how was he supposed to know what any of these flowers looked like? Did he look like a florist? Also weren’t mushrooms dangerous to pick? What if they accidentally picked a poisonous mushroom? Of course Jinyoung had to ask all of these questions outload and by the end of it, Mark was on the ground laughing. The younger trainee would have been offended that the older was taking this so lightly but Mark’s laughter calmed the beast inside but it didn’t calm his sass.

“If you get poisoned by mushrooms, don’t come crying to me, but then again maybe the mushrooms will mistake you for one of their own.” Jinyoung snorted, causing Mark to finally stop laughing.

“Did you just compare me a mushroom?” Mark asked with a shocked face.

“Yes, yes I did. If it makes you feel better, you’d make a cute mushroom.” Jinyoung cooed at the older trainee when he started to blush. A staff member interrupted their conversation by telling everyone that the scavenger hunt was going to begin. Jinyoung helped Mark off the ground and they walked to the starting line. A staff member counted down from five and shot a popper on one. A few pairs ran into the forest while the rest casually walked in.

“Soooo, should we go in order or should we just pick whatever we see.” Mark asked.

“Do you know what any of these flowers look like?” Jinyoung asked stopping at a small bush. Mark shook his head so Jinyoung just started plucking flowers off the bush. “There’s your answer.” Jinyoung shoved the flowers into Mark’s hoodie pocket. And that’s how the scavenger hunt went, the two boys would walk around and pick any flowers they saw. Soon Mark’s pockets were packed full of flowers.

“You know there’s more than just flowers on the list.” Mark pointed out casually.

“I’m not picking any mushrooms. Oh look, I found a pinecone.” Jinyoung tried to fit the pinecone in Mark’s pocket but there were too many flowers so he opted to place it in his jacket pocket, only to find a bunch of acorns.

“How did these get in here?” Jinyoung examined his pocket, there was a good handful of acorns in there. He looked up, only to see Mark’s coy smile. “You little .” Jinyoung threw a nut at Mark.

“H-hey, respect your elders.” Mark tried to defend himself from the barrage of acorns.

“What are you? A squirrel storing his nuts for the winter?” Jinyoung stopped chucking the acorns since he now had room for the pinecone. “Wait, acorn is on the list, put one back in.” Jinyoung held his pocket open while Mark dropped an acorn in. They continued their nice hike until Mark spotted something in the trees.

“Is that a bear?” Mark squinted at the tree branches.

“What!? Where!?” Jinyoung pushed himself against Mark’s side and clung to his shirt while he frantically looked for the bear.

“Up there.” Mark pointed at the bear. Jinyoung looked up.

“Oh my god, you ! I thought you meant a real bear not a teddy bear.” Jinyoung started slapping Mark’s shoulder while the older laughed at him. Jinyoung pouted as Mark climbed the tree and snagged the small teddy bear free from the branches. The older trainee jumped down right in front of Jinyoung, causing him to stumble back in fear of being smushed. Mark giggled and placed the teddy bear in Jinyoung’s free pocket. “Looks like we found the hardest thing on the list.” Jinyoung says when he crosses teddy bear off their list. He looked up when he heard Mark gasp loudly but the older boy was gone. “M-Mark?” Jinyoung called out.

“Down here!” Mark called out, he was crouching down in a patch of grass but on closer inspection it was actually a patch of clovers. “Do you think I can find a four leaf clover?” Mark asked when Jinyoung sat down next to him.

“Maybe.” Jinyoung shrugged. They sat in silence while Mark sifted through the clovers. The younger trainee slowly got bored so he took all the flowers from Mark’s pockets and placed them in his lap. About ten mintues later, Mark felt something land on his head. He instinctively reached up and plucked it off his head to look at it. It being a crinkly flower crown Jinyoung had made out of the flowers from his pockets. Mark blushed slightly and put the crown back on while Jinyoung worked on making a flower crown of his own. Jinyoung had just finished his crown when Mark yelled suddenly. Pinched in between the older’s thumb and pointer finger was the stem of a four leaf clover. Jinyoung looked at it with bright eyes, he’s never seen one in real life.

“Looks like it’s my lucky day.” Mark mused out loud.

“I guess it is.” Jinyoung nodded.

“... I like you Jinyoung.” Mark confessed out of nowhere.

“I like you too.” Jinyoung confessed back.

“No, I mean I like like you.” Mark confessed again.

“what are you, five? I know, I like like you too.” Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

“O-oh.” Mark whispered out. “Does this mean we’re dating now?”

“Depends, are you going to take me out on a date?” Jinyoung answered with his own question. Mark nodded. “Then I guess we are.” Jinyoung smiled and gently pecked Mark’s cheek. “You can have a real kiss after our first date.” The younger trainee said coyly and Mark blushed even more. The sun was setting when they finally left the forest, apparently the scavenger hunt ended hours ago and no one even bothered to look for them. Mark and Jinyoung walked hand in hand to a bonfire that was lit when the last golden ray left the sky navy blue with twinkling stars. Jackson called them over as he nudged jaebum excitingly. The newly made couple was congratulated by all their friends while they roasted marshmallows over the fire. Once the fires were put out the staff corralled the trainees back onto the busses, where most of them fell asleep on the ride back to the dorms. Jinyoung found the perfect pillow in Mark’s shoulder… Okay, that was a lie since Mark’s shoulder was bony as but if Jinyoung tilted his head at just the right angle he was able to find a decent spot on the older’s shoulder that didn’t feel like a knife stabbing his cheek. When they arrived back at the dorm, Mark and Jinyoung parted ways since it was two in the morning and both some them wanted to get some more sleep. Jackson was surprised to see Mark alone but the older trainee said that they were taking things slow. Which makes sense but Jackson still for it. Mark just ignored him and focused on texting Jinyoung good night before settling down himself. No matter what the future holds for them, Mark knew that he and Jinyoung were going to make it through together.


The End


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greenoceang7 #1
Chapter 9: Ohmygod this is the sweetest 2jae fic i've read so faaaar good lord they really love each other good lord Jb so in soft for Youngjae :"
Chapter 46: Now that’s everything is over can I post the story I wrote?
Chapter 32: thank you so much for this @omg_legend <33 and I'm always glad to drag people into Jingyeom, they're one of my fave ships ever!
Chapter 45: Chapter 44: Thank You So Much My Secret Santa!!!!?!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ the story was so so so good ❤❤❤❤❤❤ It was everything I had wanted ❤❤❤❤❤

Hope you had a great Christmas !!!!! ^_^
And may this new year fulfill all your wishes !!!!!
Happy New Year 2019 ❤❤❤❤❤❤

And your writing style is so good ❤❤❤❤❤ I loved it so much ❤❤❤❤ I'm your fan now ^_^
(\_/) (\_/)
( • • ) ( • • )
/ >❤> < < \
me you
_acee_ #5
Chapter 39: Thank you for writing this, whoever you are hahaha. The story made my heart flutter, seriously worth the wait. I appreciate it, faaaaam! :)
Chapter 44: Thank you so much for writing this. I love how dominate Youngjae was and the way he was speaking to JB and everything about it. Dominate Youngjae is one of my favorite things! I admit I thought I asked for a different pairing, but it's been so long that I don't actually remember if I added 2Jae there with YugJae. Lol. I really, really liked JB at Youngjae's mercy. It was amazing! Gosh, I really love the things Youngjae said to him and how dark he was and just everything he did to him! I'll put this comment on the other one too because I'm not sure which one you may check. I can be a bit more specific there too. :)
Chapter 41: OH MY GOD thank you so much author-nim!!! You bring my prompt to life!!! You write it beautifully and I love it very much <3 I'm happy finally Jinyoung could meet Mark in real life and also 2jae is super cute.
You said that you don't used to write this kind of a story, but you did a great job. Thank you for the story and happy holiday :D
Chapter 43: Ahhhh~ this is so cute. I wonder what happened to the Mark video game version, were Jinyoung video game version able to come back? But I'm glad that they could be together in the real world now. Thank you for this story. ^^
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 43: Live is a video game xD!! jinyoung met mark in real life soo happy or more like they found each other <3
Chapter 43: The end was really beautiful thank you so much for the story -^-^-