A Mess (Satzu)

Welcome to Waikiki
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Tzuyu was halfway out the door, dressed in a distinguished black suit and hair pulled into a ponytail, when Sana called her name.

Technically, it wasn't her name but it was as close as Sana could get.

"Chewy? Wher're you going this early in the morning?" The Japanese woman asked, her voice croaking from sleep, and cocked her head at the taller woman. She still wore her night clothes, consisting of an over-sized shirt and shorts that showed off her slender legs in display—too much skin in Tzuyu's opinion, but she shouldn't have been looking at Sana's attractive figure in the first place.

More importantly why are you up so early, Tzuyu wanted to counter back but she bit her tongue instead, not wanting to start a fight so soon. The sun had barely cracked on the horizon to envelope the city in warm light, and as far as Tzuyu knew, Sana was able to sleep past noon when it wasn't her turn to cook breakfast.

Tzuyu placed a finger to her lips and glared, telling the woman to lower her voice for the people that were still sleeping soundly. She ushered Sana to come closer as she whispered, "If anyone asks, I'm going to my cousin's bakery for an interview. There's an opening for a position but he says he still needs to give me a formal interview—something about being fair for the rest of the applicants." The tall girl shrugged and flicked Sana's forehead lightly for nodding dumbly as she talked, her eyes never leaving Tzuyu's outfit with each word that went in one ear and out the other.  

Sana flinched back with a strained squeak leaving . She rubbed her forehead, her ego hurt from being caught in the act, and pouted, "That hurt, Chewy. You should kiss it to make me feel better."

Unamused with her flirtatious character, Tzuyu rolled her eyes and stepped out of the house. "In your dreams. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to be late."

Sana put a hand on her chin, devising a plan to be with the cold yet sassy Taiwanese that caught her attention for a little while longer. A cheshire grin slid onto her face. "The interview might take a while, so I'll prepare a quick snack for you. Just stay here; I'll be fast, trust me," Sana purred and closed the door behind her. Her voice alone sent a shiver down Tzuyu's back and urged her to run away, but the promise of food kept her patient enough to stand outside all alone.

She shuffled on the heels of her unscuffed dress shoes and turned her head to the street. She didn't expect a single person to be awake at this time, but she was proven wrong when a single person, an elderly, passed the drive way.

"Oh, is that little Tzuyu I see?" From her signature floral hat and jacket combination alone, Tzuyu knew who the old lady was as the taste of her kimchi invaded her taste buds from memory alone. She looked up as Mrs. Kim shuffled closer to the door, equipped with a cheer to her step and a smile on her slightly wrinkled face—she was just as beautiful as ever. Tzuyu was just as happy to see the woman that acted like her grandmother ever since they started Waikiki. "It's been so long, dear! How have you been? Chaeyoungie told me that you came back recently."

"I've been great, Mrs. Kim. I came back a week ago actually." Mrs. Kim poked her ribs harshly and Tzuyu yelped back, though it was all in good jest.

"You came back a week ago and you didn't bother to visit me!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It took me a while to get settled that I forgot!" She yelped again as another finger jabbed her ribs. "I'll drop by with Chaeyoung to eat dinner with you to make up for it, I promise."

Taking that as a good enough answer, she reached up to pinch Tzuyu's cheeks and cooed, "That is a deal, Chou Tzuyu." Her back bent from her usual straight posture to accommodate the woman's playful gesture.

The door creaked open and Sana came out, having changed from her pyjamas, wearing a white blouse and a black skirt to match Tzuyu's sophisticated attire.  The sight of Tzuyu hunched over an old woman squeezing her cheeks made waking up worth it to Sana. She discreetly to took out her phone to take a picture, because this was some great blackmail material to use later.

At the presence of the chef, Tzuyu grabbed Mrs. Kim's fingers from her face and turned around with red dusting her cheeks from embarrassment.

Aside from her phone, Sana's hands were empty and Tzuyu felt the sneaking suspicion that she was just bamboozled. "Where's the lunch?"

"What lunch are you talking about? I said I'll prepare a quick snack." Sana flipped her hair in a flourish and winked at Tzuyu. "And you're looking at her right now."

Tzuyu gawked with her mouth wide open, conflicted between yelling at the sly snake to stop being a tease and telling her that she didn't look ugly. Her stupid brain, going haywire by the second, melded the two sentences together and she unceremoniously said,

"Stop being ugly!"

Tzuyu's face heated up to critical levels and she wished that she could disappear where she stood.

Sana was appalled by the comment after she spent a long time fretting and figuring out an outfit that Tzuyu would've liked to see her in. Mrs. Kim, on the other hand, was cackling at Tzuyu's slip up.  

The older woman placed a hand on the frozen statue. "And who are you, sweetie? Are you little Tzuyu's friend? Oh no!" She snapped her figures as an epiphany struck her. "You must be her girlfriend!"

At the mention of girlfriend, Tzuyu had red signals flashing before her eyes, but the poor giant was still wrapping her head around the situation.



Sana = Girlfriend??

Sana and Tzuyu?


That math did not add up in her head. That annoying squirrel? The cute girl that can't get her name right? With her?! 

Her sleeve was being tugged by an excited Mrs. Kim. "Tzuyu! You should bring your girlfriend to dinner instead of Chaeyoungie, I would love to know more about her." Tzuyu could see the pure joy in her face but her tongue was tied by the amount of information being processed. "Where are my manners, dear! My name is Kim Sooyoung, but everyone calls me Mrs. Kim." The elder took Sana's into hers and shook them in glee.

While she was still confused and hurt by Tzuyu, her anger simmered down when she looked at Mrs Kim's kind face. "I'm Sana! I would love to have dinner with you along with my..." She looked at the glassy eyed Yoda and shook her head. "Girlfriend," she muttered with finality.

Hell no was she going to disappoint this sweet old lady.

Mrs. Kim pulled Sana into a hug and whispered into her ear, "Don't get angry at little Tzuyu too much. She's a very sweet girl at heart."

Sana pulled away and grinned. "I'll try not to, Mrs. Kim." She grabbed the stock-still woman by the arm and linked hands with her. "Now if you excuse us, we have a date to go to! Bye!"

"Bye, have fun on your date!"


When they were a good ways away from the smiling old woman, Sana slapped the dazed idiot's cheek lightly. "Chewy? Hey Earth to Yoda. I repeat, Earth to Yoda. Are you there?" 

With the light returning to her eyes, Tzuyu grabbed Sana's hands. "Girlfriend?! Why did you tell Mrs. Kim that we're girlfriends?! Could

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Chapter 36: Coming back to this masterpiece ❣️
awesomeness-_- #2
Chapter 36: I really enjoyed this story, honestly one of the best ones I’ve read! I hope you update because I really wanna see Satzu get together. Thanks
Chapter 36: It’s been a year <\33 will we see tzuyu confessing or no
Chapter 36: <3
tigersparade #5
Chapter 36: I- I still think about this fanfic...
I hope it updates soon!
Chapter 33: This one in my bookmarked gonna read this again I miss this already
Chapter 36: Please continue!! :(
Chapter 25: I need some water for this I literally cried because of laughing
Chapter 36: This is awsooooome!!!! You au is fun to read i hope u do t abandon it ❤️❤️ Looking forward to future updates!! U r amazing authornim!
Chapter 36: <3