Chapter 29

Part of Me

It seemed everyone was happy to leave his presence except for his roommates, mate, a few guards, the council and the Elders. Two of the guards took the sheets with the crumbs of the traitors and took them away. The others all moved out of their seats and towards the throne.

“Uh Prince Mark are you okay?” Hyun-woo asked

Mark looked shakily up at Hyun-woo, “Did I just do that?”

“Markie how did you do that?” Jackson asked

“I didn’t even know a vampire could do that.” Lord Siwon commented

“We can’t.” Lord Seung-hyun said

“Qu-BoA couldn’t even do that.” Lord Top said

“Not even Queen Hyori could do something like that.” Queen HyunA added

“No one can except for us witches.” Queen Taeyeon spoke

Everyone, including Mark looked at her, “Wait then could it be that my father was a witch?” He asked

Queen Taeyeon shrugged, “Well it’s a possibility Prince Mark, I haven’t yet found the letters to find out who your father is but the fact that you can do the Glass Heart points towards that.”

“Glass Heart?” Jaebum wondered, “What’s that?”

“It’s a witches ability to pull a heart out of a body without actually damaging the body except making the heart like glass. It makes it easier to control and even kill the person. But only those with high mana could do that.” Queen Taeyeon explained 

“Okay now I’m even more wanting to know who his father is.” Lord Shindong sighed 

“You’re not the only one, my werewolf friend.” King Taeyang said

“Prince Mark how did you know how to Glass Heart?” Hyun-woo asked

Mark shaked his head, “I-I don’t know, all I know is that after she cursed me out, I felt angry and hot and it was almost like my body moved automatically and I could only watch.”

“Your emotions must’ve overwhelmed your mind and took over for you.” Queen Taeyeon explained

“My emotions can do that?” Mark asked shocked

“Only when they are on high alert.” She answered

“Remind me never to cursed out Mark-hyung.” BamBam whispered to Youngjae to which he nodded.

“Okay with the executions out the way, what will you do you these two?” Lord Daesung asked pointing to Lord Top and Lady Jea.

“I’ll just have them put the collars the same as the others till they can prove I can completely trust them.” Mark replied.

The two bowed, “You know you can trust me, my prince.” Lord Top smiled. 

Mark smiled softly at the vampire, “I still need to make sure.” Lord Top smiled back as Lady Jea nodded.

Jaebum growled lowly and Jinyoung patted his back, “Calm down hyung.”


The seven headed back to the dorm for some semblance of normalcy, the council allowed Mark to head back giving him some space while they continued cleaning and reviving the castle along with a few surprises.

At the dorm, the boys decided to stay in and play a few games with each other; Mark enjoyed this moment as it took his mind off of what occurred earlier. He was surprised to the boys were still okay with him after watching him kill a lot of people and he wondered if Hyun-woo had something to do with it, since they disappeared with him before they left for the dorm.

The games moved to card games and they were currently playing poker with cookies and oreo’s which Jackson kept snacking on till Jinyoung slapped his hands whenever he tried to reach them. 
“How are you feeling Mark?” Jaebum asked and they all looked at Mark. They all wanted to ask him about it but were unsure if he was ready for it.

“I’ll be fine, I guessed.” Mark sighed as he looked at his cards.

“You know you can talk to us, hyung.” Jinyoung said

Mark breathe and placed his cards face down, “I guess I’m a little shaken. I didn’t expect myself to pull someone heart out.”

“Well BoA said some upsetting stuff to you and she did kill your previous mother and many others so its both karma and her own comeuppance.” BamBam shrugged trying to make the older feel better. Everyone looked at him, “What?”

“How do you know the word comeuppance?” Jackson snorted

“Hey I am a college student, I’ve been learning.” BamBam crossed his arms, feeling a bit offended.

“You’ve been using that word of the day calendar I gave you, haven’t you?” Jaebum smirked. BamBam shoved Jaebum, shushing him. They all laughed.

“Thanks Bammie.” Mark laughed, he appreciated his friends attempt to make him feel better and he did. Even though he felt weird losing control, he knew he needed more training for his powers.

“So what happens now, hyung?” Yugyeom asked as he bit into the cookies and Jackson gave an offended looked when he saw Jinyoung never saw him.

“What do you mean?” Mark was munching on the cookies as well and Jackson pointed to him eating and still Jinyoung did nothing. Jackson crossed his arms and frowned till Jinyoung kissed his cheek but that didn’t appease him. 

“I mean now that BoA is gone what’s next?” Yugyeom asked

“Welp I will probably be spending my summer with meetings about the future of the Vampire Kingdom, supernaturals, hunters and the world. Then I’ll probably have my coronation.” Mark sighed.

The six mouth dropped, “Wow and I thought my summer was gonna be intense when Yugyeom and I were gonna meet each other parents.” BamBam gaped

“Oh you guys too?” Jackson said surprised

“Yeah first we’re going to meet my parents and then we’ll fly to Thailand to meet BamBam’s.” Yugyeom smiled, “Are you gonna fly to China?” 

Jackson shaked his head, “Nah my parent’s are coming to see me.” 

“Wow so basically everyone is spending their summers together while meeting each other families while I have to go home alone.” Youngjae groaned

The six snorted at Youngjae, “You could visit the Vampire castle and help. Maybe you might find a nice supernatural too.” Mark offered

Youngjae casted a glare at the young vampire prince, “Only if I’m super desperate, will I consider that.”

Mark merely shrugged, “What about you Jaebum? How will you spend your summer?”

“Huh? When did we get into that?” Jaebum said confused.

“Yah haven’t you been paying anything?” Jackson scolded

Jaebum glared at Jackson, “He was too busy staring at Mark-hyung.” Jinyoung smirked. 

Mark thought Jinyoung was lying but Jaebum never denied him, “Seriously?”

Jaebum leaned close to Mark’s ears, “I only have eyes for my mate.” 

Mark heard a low growl within his voice, “Yah keep Def down.” He blushed lowering his head.

Jaebum lifted his chin up and Mark softly gasped as he saw Jaebum yellow eyes, “What do you mean?” Along with his deep voice was Def as well and it made Mark feel a way that he had to close his legs. 

“Uh excuse me, if you two wanna then do it in your bedroom. Don’t be flirting in front of me!” Youngjae frowned. Mark covered his face as he felt his cheeks turn red, while Jaebum just shrugged and pulled away from Mark. “Jaebum-hyung what are you doing this summer?” Youngjae huffed.

“Well I’ll visit my parents too before I come back to Mark.” He winked to Mark as he draped his arm on Mark’s shoulder.

A chorus of “Ewww!” Was heard within the maknae line. “Yah what did I say?!” Youngjae hissed

Jinyoung sighed and shaked his head, “Once we come back, we’re getting Youngjae laid.” Everyone except for Youngjae nodded their heads.

Youngjae frowned, “What the hell? I don’t need your guys help, I can find someone on my own.”

“And yet you’re single.” BamBam said raising an eyebrow

“By choice, dammit!” 

“Sure you are.” Yugyeom smiled with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Youngjae crossed his arms as he huffed at his friends as they laughed at his reaction, “I’m really glad I met you guys.” Mark smirked

Six pairs of eyes turned and smiled fondly at him, “We’re really glad to have met you too, Mark-hyung.” Yugyeom replied

“Yeah” Jackson snorted, “without you we would’ve never have known supernaturals exist, Jaebum-hyung would still be oblivious to the fact that he’s a werewolf, and you probably would’ve never made contact with the Hunters and-”

“Alright! All our lives have been changed because we met each other.” Jinyoung interrupted causing Jackson to pout.

“I’m gonna miss you so much Jackson.” Mark laughed and Jackson instantly cheered up.

“Not me?” Jaebum frowned

Mark laughed and kissed Jaebum’s cheeks, “Obviously I’m gonna miss you the most Jaebum.”

“Yah what did I say about the flirting?!” Youngjae yelled

“You know what, screw getting Youngjae laid, we’re gonna find him a partner.” Mark said and everyone except Youngjae agreed

“Screw you all, I’m happy being single.” Youngjae huffed

“Liar, you’re more grumpy than Jaebum-hyung when Markie denies him a piece of his .” BamBam joked. Mark covered his cheeks with his hands.

“Uh excuse you!” Jaebum glared and BamBam put his hands up in defense.

“Well he’s not wrong, Jaebum-hyung.” Jinyoung laughed and Jaebum-hyung rolled his eyes. After Mark finally stopped blushing, he laughed too. Oh yeah, he definitely was gonna miss them this summer.


The next day all seven packed their bags; sadly they had to move out of the dorms by the end of the week. While packing Jackson and BamBam discovered that they had way too much clothes to take back home so Mark offered to take some of their clothes and leave it in the castle since the boys will spending the remainder of their summer there weeks before before fall classes start. They could only hope that they will room together again.

By the middle of the week, the boys had finished packing up all their belongings and were in the living room making sure everything of theirs was taken out. Sehun and Chen came to help and had taken all of Mark’s belongings to one of the cars.

“Baby once I finish meeting my parents, I’m coming to see you-”

“No Jaebum, you will go to your parents and stay with them.” Mark commanded.

Jaebum shaked his head, “But-”

“Im Jaebum, you haven’t seen your parents in months and that last visit was only for a few hours. That’s not long enough for parent to spend time with their child.” Mark scolded

Jaebum sighed, “Alright fine.” Mark smiled and walked back to his room to check sure he took everything from his room.

Jinyoung draped his arms on Jaebum shoulder, “Oh relax Jaebum-hyung, you’re not the only one who’s gonna miss their boyfriend.” He said

Jaebum nodded till he remembered, “What the hell man, you’re gonna be with Jackson all summer.”

Jinyoung chuckled, “Yeah I know.”

Jaebum shoved Jinyoung away, “You know what Jinyoungie. I definitely won’t miss your sense of humor.” 

Jinyoung laughed, “I know, you definitely will miss me, hyung.”

Mark came back in the room, “Alright I think I got everything. Is everyone else good?”

“Yup every room is empty. I just checked.” Jinyoung said

“So this is it.” Jackson began

“Guys stop, you’re making it sound like we ever seen each other.” Youngjae groaned


“We could always, text, Skype, FaceTime and even visit each other. Once we finish visiting our families I’m sure we’ll be spending lots of time together.” Yugyeom said

“Yugyeomie right, it will probably be just a month before we see each other again.” BamBam added

“So until then?” Jackson started

“Until then, we’ll see each other later.” Mark smiled. The other six nodded and grouped hugged each other before taking their stuff and leaving the apartment.

Outside, they waved to each other one last time before entering in one of the cars Mark had provided for them to use. Mark and Jaebum were the only ones left.

“You don’t know how badly I’ll miss you.” Jaebum said as he held Mark’s face in his hands.

“Of course I do, Bummie.” Mark scoffed. Jaebum leaned down and captured Mark’s pink lips. He pushed his tongue inside Mark waiting mouth establishing his dominance, but Mark wasn’t going to fight. After all it would be a while before he would be kissed like this again, so why not let Jaebum take what he wants.

Jaebum had wrapped Mark around his arms, pulling him against chest and Mark was pulled even more into the kiss before realizing they were outside. Feeling his cheeks heat up, Mark pushed against Jaebum breaking the kiss.

“What wrong baby?” Jaebum panted 

“We can’t continue to kiss like that, at least now in public.” Mark blushed

Jaebum looked around as if noticing that they were outside for the first time, “Ah right.” He mumbled but pulled Mark closer. “I’m gonna miss you.”

Mark smirked, “It’s not forever babe. But I’ll miss you too.” With one last hug and kiss, they parted and entered in their cars and drove off in different directions.

In the car, Mark received a message from his parents saying how happy they are to hear he’s coming home. It was a last minute decision as he swore he was gonna stay in South Korea to manage the Kingdom but after hearing the guys talk about seeing their families he decided to do the same. The council agreed saying they would watch over during the two and half weeks he was gone. 

It wasn’t long before they reached the airport and time seemed to literally fly as they flew to L.A. They soon landed and once they reached the LAX, Sehun and Chen and him immediately went to get their luggage. Their car was already out in front waiting and after piling in the luggage they drove towards Mark house. 

Mark looked out the window as they drove passed familiar sights. He wasn’t sure why he expected L.A to have changed within the five months he was away, but he was glad his home stayed exactly how he left it.

Since it was morning when they arrived in L.A, they sadly got caught in the morning traffic but thankfully it only took an hour to reach his house. Once they drove up the driveway he was greeted with his family holding a banner with bold large letters that said ‘Welcome home Mark’. The moment the car stopped Mark ran out of the car, hugging everyone.

They helped Sehun and Chen take Mark’s bags inside before they allowed him to refreshen up. After a quick wash up, he went back downstairs where before he could he even see it he smelled his mothers famous (to him) waffles.

Coming around the corner he saw everyone sitting at the family dining room with the table set up with all his favorites. He sat down between his two sisters and they filled their plates with food. “So Mark” his father began, “How has everything been going in South Korea other than the blonde hair? You don’t tell us anything other than school.”

“Unless you’ve been telling your brother and sisters things and they have yet to share it with us.” Mama Tuan said, hoping what she said wasn’t true.

Mark bowed his head, ever since midterms he had been holding back on telling his parents his personal life. They already knew about his hair color since they Skype but he withheld telling them exactly why his hair changed. Now adding the fact that a week ago he defeated and killed the Queen and was soon going to become King, he felt a lump in throat.

“I guess the first thing I should is, is that I’m dating someone.” Mark began. It’s better to start with the easiest news first.

The table erupted in cheers, with everyone congratulating him, “When did this happed?” Grace wondered

“Uh the weekend that midterms ended.” Mark muttered, lowering his head.

“What?” Joey said in surprise

“And you’re telling us three months later?!” Tammy jumped up from her seat.

Mark scratched the back of his head shyly, “Alot of stuff happened that weekend so I just didn’t say anything. But after breakfast, I promise to tell you everything.” The family looked at Mark in wonder, what’s been happening for the past couple of months?

“So…. could you tell us about this person you’re dating?” Joey asked

“Oh his name is Im Jaebum. He’s one of my roommates.” Mark smiled brightly thinking of his mate.

“One of your roommates huh?” Grace smiled wiggling his eyebrows, “I guess it bound to happen when you make a couple of guys share a space together.” She joked. Mark wanted to deny that claim but after thinking about it, practically everyone (except Youngjae) got together.

The family seemed to wanted to finish breakfast quickly so Mark could talk, Mark however purposely ate slowly as he felt anxious speaking of the events that occurred in the past months. But he quickly pushed the feeling down, unsure if it bring a force of nature onto L.A.

It wasn’t long before everyone and everyone started to clean up except for him since he just arrived a few hours ago. He sat down in the living room awaiting for family to come and join him. It wasn’t a long wait before first his siblings and then his parents came back from cleaning.

“Okay Yi-En, what haven’t you been telling us?” Papa Tuan asked. 

Mark took a deep breath and proceeded to tell them everything, beginning with when BamBam first got kidnapped revealing his supernatural identity before he could. Finding out Jaebum was his mate and also a werewolf, being spotted by Lord Top, talking to the Hunters, making plans to break into the castle, being kidnapped and tortured. 

He of course tried to make it seem like nothing horrible happened however his parents had a look of horror when it first slipped out his mouth. His sisters looked equally as shocked however his brother looked amazed as if he was being told an incredible story. He continued making a deal with Lord Top as a means to escape only to learn he was going to duel the same women who killed his previous mother. 

They cheered in knowing he was rescued by not only his mate and guards but also the council and his roommates even though him being in front of them, alive, should’ve given them comfort he’s okay. He finished with him executing the former Queen and her clan leaders while sparing two and basically imprisoning the rest.

Once he was finished his family stared at him in shock, surprised at what’s been occurring all this time. His parents weren’t sure whether to be angry at him for telling them, or relieved that they no longer had to fear the former Queen. They realized that they were currently going through a wave of both emotions. 

They immediately scolded the young vampire prince for withholding everything for the past two months before hugging him for being okay. But then Mama Tuan hit Mark on the shoulder, “You met your boyfriend’s parents already but we’re only learning about him months later?!” She yelled sounding very upset.

Mark wrapped his arms around his mother, “I’m sorry Ma, but it was an urgent that I meet Jaebum’s parents that why I met them first.” He apologized 

Mama Tuan sighed, “I suppose it's alright but I want to meet this man soon.”

Mark thought for moment, “Alright Ma I’ll make sure that before the summer ends, you guys will all have met Jaebum.” He promised

Papa Tuan decided to let Mark rest, momentarily forgetting his son was a vampire. However Mark wasn’t against it, he always thought of sleep as way to pass the time. He entered in his room and dropped himself on his bed. His thoughts drifted to mate wondering what he up to and also how his friends were doing before he finally felt his eyes close.

Humming. Opening his eyes he smiled at who he saw. “I’ve been gone for a few hours and already you miss me baby?” He smirked

Jaebum smirked at him, “It’s practically been a day babe since I last saw you and it in' .”

Mark laughed, “Well deal with it.”

Jaebum pouted, “Come on you can’t say I’m the only one?”

Mark bit his lip to stop the smile from spreading across his face, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Jaebum frowned, “Damn I didn’t realize this mate thing was one-sided.”

Mark snorted, “Relax love, you’re not the only one.”

Jaebum grinned, “Good I would’ve been pissed if I was.”

“By the way, how are you able to talk to me through my dreams?” Mark wondered

Jaebum shrugged, “I don’t know, I was just thinking of you before I went to bed and the next thing I know I’m here and you’re here.”

“Hiding other powers from me hun?” Mark joked”

Jaebum lightly hit Mark’s arm, “You of all people shouldn’t say that to me.”

Mark laughed, “You know I told my family you were a nice guy but maybe I should retract that and tell them how mean you are to me.”

Jaebum looked down at his mate, “You told your family about us?”

Mark nodded, “I haven’t spoke to them about us before and with all that’s been going on it’s only fair.” Jaebum held his breathe, was his family okay with this? Jaebum assumed he was thinking this but apparently he had spoken out loud, “Of course my family is okay with this, and in fact they want to meet you.”

Jaebum face broke into a huge grin, “Really? Should I fly out soon?!”

Mark shaked his head, “No Bummie, you’re staying South Korea with your own family.” Jaebum crumbled, “Oh relax babe we’re be together soon.” 

“But it’s taking forever!” Jaebum groaned.

Mark laughed, “I know baby. But I really want to spend time with my family and I’m sure your family wants to do the same with you.” Jaebum nodded, his family was ecstatic to see him, especially since he had recently shifted. He now wear a new pendent that only block the scent of Def, just in case of Hunters. 

Mark hadn’t yet spoken to Taecyeon about the new shift in power but he did send a letter to him, moments before he left so the Hunter leader knows now that the Vampire Queen is dead. He wasn’t sure if the Hunters will be okay with that but he prays that one day they will be able to co-exist together.

“How about we meet in each dreams? Will that help?” Mark suggested 

Jaebum nodded, “It will do.” He pouted. 

Mark giggled, “I love you my pouty wolf.” 

Jaebum gave a small smile, “I love you too, my vampire prince.”

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Chapter 30: i'm Reading this story again and again it's beatiful
Chapter 30: This is an awesome story. I specially appreciate that you told us what happens after many years as well. Good job!!!
Chapter 30: Awwwwwwww! Such a cute ending. I'm glad Hyori came back so she could advise Mark. I hope she finds his father soon. Wonderful story, I enjoyed every moment of it! ~^^
Chapter 29: Sweet chapter. Hope things will go weĺl for them.
Chapter 29: It's nice to see that everyone's getting some down time. I'm super extra curious about Mark's father. It'll be interesting no matter what though. JB and Mark are so cute but they need to do something about all that . Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! ~^^
Chapter 28: I'm gald Mark was rescued and finally made the King. But I'm little worried about his way of punishing the enemy. It's like he has the tendency to be a ruthless King. ImI worried that he will become merciless.
Chapter 28:, Mark.....that was intense. This new/unconscious ability makes me really wonder who his father is. But he's going to be a badass king! Jaebum is going to have his hands full. This is keeps on getting interesting. Can't wait to read the next chapter! ~^^
Heyyyalll #8
Chapter 27: Gurlll I fell hard for this story. I love u^~^
Chapter 27: Lol at the end! Yay! Everyone is safe and Mark can now take his place on the throne! I hope he gives everyone a good punishment. I feel a little bad for Lord Top though. He's in love with someone who has a mate. Can't wait to see where this goes next! ~^^