Chapter 19

Part of Me

Queen HyunA said her good-byes to Mark and the others before leaving with Hyun-woo to report to the council. As the two walked into the meeting room, all the clan leader, king and queen stared them walking in together.

“Queen HyunA, Hyun-woo, what are you two doing together?” Lord Siwon asked confused

“I wanted to see our cute little prince and I must say, he has gotten so handsome.” Queen HyunA smiled as she sat down at her seat. 

The remaining council frowned, “You went to South Korea?! Are you mad?!” Queen Chaerin yelled

“Sometimes but not today” Queen HyunA smirked making Queen Chaerin angry, “Besides you all are pissed because I personally went to see him.” She giggled and none of said anything because they couldn’t deny it. “Anyways let’s begin this meeting, Hyun-woo has plenty of things to share.”

“Such as?” King Taeyang asked raising an eyebrow.

Hyun-woo opened his mouth the speak but Queen HyunA spoke before him, “Our cute little prince has found his mate” she grinned

The council gasped, “Is this true, Hyun-woo?” Queen Suzy asked

“Yes Queen Suzy, on Friday night the Prince found his mate.” Hyun-woo announced 

“But you never mentioned any of the signs Hyun-woo, how could this suddenly happen?” Lord Shin-dong frowned

“That is because the Prince did not tell me; apparently for the past two months the prince had been having dreams of his mate. However during this time I did notice that the Prince has becoming quite close to a human male, who was his roommate.” Hyun-woo revealed

“So his mate is a human?” Lord Siwon growled, “Damn I was hoping it would werewolf.” He muttered 

“You’re disappointed, I think, we vampires, should be even more disappointed than you” Lord Seung-hyun frowned

“Does it really matter what species the mate is? We should be happy the prince has found his mate, and at such a young age as well.” Queen Taeyeon smiled happy to hear of good news.

“Actually I thought he was human but when Queen HyunA sensed him, she revealed he was actually a werewolf” Hyun-woo added

“Yes!” Lord Shin-dong cheered, high-fiveing Lord Siwon making Lord Seung-hyun glare at the two werewolf leaders.

“You didn’t realize what he truly was?” Queen Chaerin asked glaring at the vampire guardian. It was his job to know of all supernaturals knew the vampire prince.

Hyun-woo bowed his head, “Forgive me, I didn’t realize that he was wearing a silver pendent.” He apologized 

“A silver pendent? That’s one of your coven’s creation, correct?” King Taeyang asked to Queen Taeyeon.

Queen Taeyeon nodded, “A silver pendent stop werewolves from ever changing and using their abilities, and it also eliminates a werewolf scent.”

“Hmm seems kinda odd that our Prince mates chose not to reveal this to him.” Lord Siwon frowned not liking how this sounds.

“It’s not the mate’s fault, since not even he knew what he actually was. He thought he was a human all this time” Hyun-woo said

“Why would the child’s parent’s keep this from him?” Lord Seung-hyun wondered

“Exactly, it is wonderful to be a werewolf” Lord Siwon grinned and Lord Shindong agreed with him.

“Sometimes” Queen HyunA mumbled but Lord Siwon heard her and growled lowly at her.

“Perhaps because they’re in South Korea, the family was probably hiding themselves from Hunters. Maybe they even wanted a normal life for the child” Queen Suzy guessed

“Well as we speak the prince and his mate are heading to the parents house to find out the truth.” Queen HyunA stated

“Oh goodness” King Taeyang sighed rubbing his forehead, “this sounds complicated but at least the prince has found his soulmate”

“Has anything else happened?” Queen Chaerin asked as if expecting to hear something worse.

“Goodness Chaerin, it’s like you’re expecting bad news” Lord Shindong chuckled

“Um actually something else did happen” Hyun-woo sighed and Queen Chaerin grinned at Lord Shindong, “Earlier that same night, the Prince had gone out with his roommates and one of them was grabbed by Queen BoA men.” The entire council gasped; even Queen HyunA was shocked to have not heard the news by the prince, "Everyone is alright since the guards and I vanquished them and the Prince killed the leader.”

“How did this happen? Weren’t you guys suppose to make sure the area around the prince is always clear?” Lord Seung-hyun growled.

“Yes we did but at the same time we can’t let our presence be known without alerting Queen BoA.” Hyun-woo glared, “The area was clear at the time but the next thing we know, they entered in the same area. Thankfully they didn’t attack because they knew who the Prince was, they were attacking for blood.” He said removing the council fear that Prince Mark was known.

“You took care of the situation, correct?” Queen Suzy asked

“Yes we cleaned it all up so if anything they would believe it was the Hunters” Hyun-woo replied, “The Prince is not in any danger.”

“That’s good but it means we better hurry with starting the training for our prince, we don’t want him in that situation again if he isn’t prepared to battle Queen BoA yet.” King Taeyang said and Hyun-woo nodded in agreement.

“Is there anything else you have to report?” Queen Chaerin asked

“Okay now you just want more bad news” Shindong deadpanned to which Queen Chaerin shrugged.

“Other than those two incidents there is nothing else to report” Hyun-woo said until he remembered something, “Actually I do have a question for Queen Taeyeon” and Queen Taeyeon nodded for him to continue, “Yesterday as I spoke about the past, the question over who Prince Mark past father came about; is there truly no way to learn who his father was? It’s well known that Queen Jia was a close friend to Ancient Queen Hyori-”

“So you’re thinking the Ancient Queen told my predecessor and she left some mention of that somewhere?” Queen Taeyeon added, Hyun-woo nodded

“Hmm that is true that Queen Jia and Ancient Queen Hyori were close like sisters, it wouldn’t be a surprise if she knew. Although wasn’t she also close with, you, Queen HyunA, Queen Suzy and your predecessor, Queen Chaerin?” Lord Shindong wondered

Queen HyunA nodded sadly, “Hyori was actually gonna to tell us that day but a problem turned up in my kingdom and I had to head back but I had promised I’ll be back as soon as possible but sadly that was the day she died.” She sighed

Queen Suzy patted her hand, “You didn’t know it was trap set up by Queen BoA, none of us did until it was too late.” 

Queen Suzy, Queen Jia, Queen HyunA and Queen Hyoyeon, the predecessor of Queen Chaerin were all in Ancient Queen Hyori castle the day she died till reports of problems occurring in their kingdoms made them leave the Vampire kingdom. Once they made it to their kingdoms it turned out that there wasn’t any actual problems; quickly realizing they were lied to, they called the rest of the council and quickly went back to the Vampire Kingdom. However they were too late, Queen BoA had led Ancient Queen Hyori out to the gardens where she murdered her and narrowing missing the unborn child. Only the council and a few vampire clan leaders know of the rebirth of Prince Mark leading many others to believe there is no other successor.

The next day Queen BoA didn’t give the vampires and the council a chance to mourn the Queen for they rioted and took over the throne taking and keeping some vampire clan leaders hostage while the rest were able to escape. Although the council sent threats they were unable to do anything since Queen BoA still had the vampire leaders as hostages; all they do is wait till Prince Mark was older and powerful enough to put the end of Vampire Queen BoA.

“It is possible that she could’ve told Queen Jia before us, from what I remembered she was kinda giggly like she was hiding something” Queen HyunA said thinking back to that day.

“Queen Jia did stay over at the castle so it very possible” Queen Suzy added

“Well my predecessor didn’t share it with me but perhaps she told it to me through a letter.” Queen Taeyeon said and the council gave her a confused look, “All witch predecessors are required to do so and Queen Jia had left a lot of letters to me and I haven’t read all of them. When I go back, I’ll sort through them and maybe I just might be able to get an answer.” She sighed thinking of all the letters she would have to go through.

“If we finally know who or what Prince Mark past father was, it could save us a lot of trouble when it comes to training him.” Lord Seung-hyun stated

“Or it could cause us trouble” Queen Chaerin frowned

The council groaned, “Why are you so pessimistic?” King Taeyang said

Queen Chaerin glared at the king, “There are lot of supernaturals that are unknown to us, for all we know our prince father could one of those beings. If we unleash something that wasn’t meant to be touch we could lose him.”

The room became silent, “Wow, you really know how to make everyone sad” Lord Shindong muttered

“I believe that Prince Mark can handle it” Hyun-woo said speaking for the first time in a while. “When he was still in the womb, he did things that supernaturals would have to train for years to do yet he did it and he wasn’t even born yet. Maybe we might unleash something but if anything it would help us instead of hurt us. We must believe that Prince Mark can do it.”

“Hyun-woo is right, we must faith in our little Vampire Prince.” Lord Seung-hyun smiled and the remaining council agreed.

“Right, Queen Taeyeon, King Taeyang when will you done with the training center?” Lord Siwon asked

“It is almost completed, it should be finished by next week.” Queen Taeyeon said 

“Could you work faster?” Queen Chaerin asked, “After all we all have companies and efficient buildings you can use”

“Sadly we can’t use them, they aren’t big and stable enough to contain the Prince power if it were to go out of control.” King Taeyang replied, “We needed a new place that is created out of pure magic similar to the hidden cities.”

“As long as it will be done soon it will be fine for us.” Hyun-woo sighed, it was understandable as to why Queen Chaerin was so impatient since Prince Mark was in enemy territory but it would be bad if the witches and elves were to do a poor job due to a rush job.

“Mkay if that it all for this meeting, I’m gonna leave — and no I’m not gonna go back to Prince Mark, sadly. I’m going back home; seeing how handsome the Prince has gotten has made me a little peckish.” Queen HyunA smirked and Queen Chaerin rolled her eyes.

“This meeting is adjoined, we all have work to done” Lord Shindong announced.


Mark tightly clasped his hands, biting his bottom lip nervously. Since yesterday when Jaebum asked him to come with him to see his parent’s Mark’s been a nervous wreck. He could barely eat his breakfast and had to be reminded multiple times by his roommates to eat. Jung-hwan was now driving them to his parents house and Mark’s surprised that an earthquake hadn’t started yet.

“Baby relax we’re meeting my parents, not the Queen of England” Jaebum snorted placing his arm around Mark’s shoulder

“I know and but I can’t help it, I’ve never done this before.” Mark sighed “I mean I’ve seen it on TV and many times meeting the parents rarely goes well. I mean there are so many ways it could go: they just don’t like me once they see me, they wish I was someone better, they-” 

“Baby you are an amazingly beautiful person, why wouldn’t they like you?” Jaebum chuckled, Mark shrugged, “If I like you then they will like you.” Jaebum smiled

“Yes now could you please relax, I’d rather not be on this road if an earthquake were to start up, especially since we’re coming up to a tunnel.” Sehun sighed from the front seat.

“An earthquake?” Jaebum questioned looking between Sehun and Mark.

“Yeah whenever I get super nervous, I accidentally start an earthquake.” Mark mumbled

Jaebum eyebrow flew up, “Thankfully no one has ever died because of that, but let’s not let this be the first one.” Sehun added

“Could you give me a list of all the natural disasters that are tied to your emotions? I think it would be safe to know.” Jaebum asked and Mark could only looked at his mate in confusion. After 30 more minutes of driving, Jung-hwan stopped in front of a house and Mark could safely assume it was Jaebum home. Jaebum got out the car first and Mark followed; once they reached the door Jaebum lifted his hand to knock but before he could his father opened it with wide eyes looking around the area before looking at his son.

“Jaebum, what are you doing home?” His father asked and Jaebum could tell there was hint of caution and nervousness in his voice. “Who are your friends?” He asked pointing to not only Mark but Sehun as well as he was leaning on the passenger door of the car.

“I need to talk to you and Mom” Jaebum said as he held Mark’s hand. His father nodded his head and opened the door wider for the three to enter in. His father quickly closed the door and the sound of the door slamming alerted his mother who had come out of the kitchen.

“Jaebum what are you doing here?” His mother asked running to hug him, and she then noticed Mark and Sehun, “Hello” she said to them and Mark and Sehun bowed slightly to her.

His father gave a quick look out the window before closing it and the shades, “I’m guessing from your behavior that it really is true.” Jaebum stated

His father turned around and looked at him, immediately realizing what he meant, “How did you find out?” His father asked. He then looked up and down Jaebum body, “Did you remove your necklace?”

Jaebum shaked his head, “No someone told me.” His father casted his eyes on Sehun, “No he wasn’t the one who told me.” Jaebum answered

“How about we all sit down to talk about this?” His mother suggested pointing to the couches in the living room. Jaebum and Mark walked over to sit on the three seater with Sehun standing behind them while his mother and father sat in a couch diagonal from them.

His father and mother nervously glanced towards the covered window as if worried about something, “You don’t have to worry, Mr. Im, they are not here to harm you” Sehun assured

His father furrowed his brow, “May I ask who you two are?” He asked looking at both Mark and Sehun.

“Father this is my boyfriend Mark and he’s Sehun, um a friend of Mark’s” Jaebum introduced unsure if he should mention what he actually was to Mark, “Why didn’t you tell me I was a werewolf?” He asked immediately.

His parents casted a worried look to Mark who look awkwardly down at his feet, “Should we be having this conversation in front of your new boyfriend?” His mother asked

“Oh don’t worry I’m a vampire” Mark said giving a small smile and his parents looked at them confused.

“A vampire?” His father asked surprised, “But that’s impossible, it’s still daylight”

“I’m not a normal vampire” Mark vaguely explained

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jaebum asked again, feeling a little annoyed. 

His parents looked at each other before looking back at their son, “As you can probably guess, I am a werewolf while your mother is only half werewolf.” His father began, “We were born into families that weren’t with their clans, so we had to fend for ourselves against other supernaturals and Hunters. All our lives we were running until your mother was pregnant with you and we knew we couldn’t run anymore. We went to the hidden city of Sang where we bought your necklace and we’ve living in peace ever since.”

“We just wanted you to have a life different from our own, so we thought that it would be best to never tell you what you actually were” His mother added

Jaebum sighed, he wanted to be angry but deep down he couldn’t, not when his parents did all of that for just so he could have a happy life, “So you would’ve never have told me the truth?” He asked

His parents looked at each other, “Perhaps one day we would have, maybe when you were older” his father answered

“I’m sorry the truth had to come from someone else, Jaebum. It must’ve been hard for you to believe” His mother pouted

“Well kinda but I’ve been having a very interesting weekend so it’s not the craziest I’ve ever heard.” Jaebum chuckled, rubbing Mark’s hands that was settled on his leg.

“Well, um, Mark-ssi it’s a pleasure to meet you. My son has never brought his boyfriends home before” his father said smiling to Mark. 

“Well Jaebum thought it would be best since he wanted to know the truth and also since we’re mates.” Mark replied

His parent’s eyes widened, “You two are mates? How wonderful!” His mother cheered “I never would’ve expected this.” She smiled

“Wow this is unexpected, have you two mated already?” His father asked; Jaebum and Mark face turned red.

“Um not yet, we only got together on Friday so we’re gonna wait until we’re both ready.” Jaebum chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“May I ask Mark-ssi why your friend is here?” His mother wondered, “Did you expect something bad to happen” she joked

Mark and Jaebum looked at each other, “Mom, Dad can you two keep a secret?” Jaebum asked and his parents looked confused, “I mean like you can’t tell anyone, human or supernatural” and his parents nodded.

“How well do you know about the history of the Vampire Kingdom?” Mark asked

“I know of it mostly through stories I’ve heard from friends, how the previous Vampire Queen was killed by that horrid current Queen. You know she really messes up things here for us supernaturals; Hunters roam the streets because they all think we’re just as bad as them.” His father scoffed

“Well I am the successor to the Vampire Kingdom” Mark revealed

“Don’t tell me your the current Queen son?” Jaebum mother gasped

“Oh no, the previous Queen was my mother” Mark said quickly 

“I didn’t hear she had a child” Jaebum father frowned. Mark then retold them the story of his reincarnation and how he came to be.

“Oh my goodness!” Jaebum father gasped, "this is-this is-” 

“Insane, yeah Father I know” Jaebum chuckled

“So are you here to take back the throne?” His mother asked

“Um not really, I’m here for school. I’m not yet strong enough to take back the throne.” Mark answered shyly

“Really? Because from what I smell, there are about twenty werewolves and other supernaturals around our property” his father snorted

Mark sighed, “We were sent here by the council to protect our Prince from those that may harm him, not for war.” Sehun answered, “Even though you were born outside of the clans, you obviously must still know the rules.” And both his parents nodded.

“Rules?” Jaebum asked “What rules?”

“Rules of power; even though Queen BoA cheated and killed my Ancient mother without warning, if I want to take back the kingdom I must fight her alone.” Mark answered staring his hands. 

“You will not be alone, young prince. All of us, werewolves, vampires, witches, elves, and nymphs will stand by your side.” Sehun smiled patting his shoulder

“So will I, love.” Jaebum said touching his leg, “After all I am a werewolf” he joked

“Well um you’re more human than werewolf; but once you transform you will feel different.” His mother replied

“So once I remove this necklace, I’ll transform?” Jaebum asked hesitantly

“No your body will slowly shift, as will your senses will slowly become more heightened along with your speed and strength and then under the full moon you will change, completing the transformation to becoming a full fledged werewolf.” His father answered

Jaebum gulped loudly, “Don’t worry once you get control over your wolf, you will be able to transform whenever you like and the moon will no longer control you.” Sehun said answering the question that was burning in the back of his mind.

“How long will that take?” Jaebum asked

“That depends on you; if you’re strong enough you can take control. If you’re not then the beast will take over, leaving your as a wolf forever.” His father answered.

Jaebum groaned, “You don’t have to do this baby, you can continue just as you” Mark said worried for Jaebum.

Jaebum nodded his head, “I know but at the same time, being a werewolf is a part of me and denying it would be wrong.” He sighed and Mark furrowed his brow but understood what Jaebum meant.

“Good you’re already showing the wolf you don’t fear him, however I think it’s best to wait till Mark’s training center is opened so you don’t have to worry about any Hunters tracking your new scent.” Sehun advised and Jaebum could only agreed.

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Chapter 30: i'm Reading this story again and again it's beatiful
Chapter 30: This is an awesome story. I specially appreciate that you told us what happens after many years as well. Good job!!!
Chapter 30: Awwwwwwww! Such a cute ending. I'm glad Hyori came back so she could advise Mark. I hope she finds his father soon. Wonderful story, I enjoyed every moment of it! ~^^
Chapter 29: Sweet chapter. Hope things will go weĺl for them.
Chapter 29: It's nice to see that everyone's getting some down time. I'm super extra curious about Mark's father. It'll be interesting no matter what though. JB and Mark are so cute but they need to do something about all that . Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! ~^^
Chapter 28: I'm gald Mark was rescued and finally made the King. But I'm little worried about his way of punishing the enemy. It's like he has the tendency to be a ruthless King. ImI worried that he will become merciless.
Chapter 28:, Mark.....that was intense. This new/unconscious ability makes me really wonder who his father is. But he's going to be a badass king! Jaebum is going to have his hands full. This is keeps on getting interesting. Can't wait to read the next chapter! ~^^
Heyyyalll #8
Chapter 27: Gurlll I fell hard for this story. I love u^~^
Chapter 27: Lol at the end! Yay! Everyone is safe and Mark can now take his place on the throne! I hope he gives everyone a good punishment. I feel a little bad for Lord Top though. He's in love with someone who has a mate. Can't wait to see where this goes next! ~^^