Chapter 26

Part of Me

Chen and Sehun carried Jaebum inside the apartment with a female witch named Sana following behind them with a medical bag. Thankfully the party was over and now everyone was cleaning; Jackson and Jinyoung were the first to notice them as they were cleaning the living room. 

“Oh my god!” Jackson gasped

“Oh god Jaebum-hyung!” Jinyoung gasped as well.The two’s gasps and yelling made Youngjae, Yugyeom and BamBam come out from where they were cleaning as well. “Oh my god!” The three said together.

At that moment, Hyun-woo bursted into the living room just they were laid Jaebum on couch and put up his wounded leg up on the coffee table. Sana began cut off his pants leg up to his wound to try to extract the bullet. “Where’s Prince Mark?!” Hyun-woo yelled as he noticed he wasn’t anywhere around. The three didn’t answer, “Where is he? What the f happened?!”

Jaebum spoke first, “We were…..distracted, and it wasn’t until I smelled the air that I noticed the Queen’s vampire and they knew who Mark was. Chen and Sehun and the others surrounded us but it seemed they also brought a lot of people with them as well.” He groaned as his leg was now burning as Sana was trying to disinfect the area of the bullet hole. “Once Chen gave the signal we ran but we were ambushed by that Seung-hyun guy and he had a group with him too. Mark and I were about to fight when he shot me with a silver bullet. He threatened to kill me unless Mark goes with and I told him not to but still he…..” Jaebum paused as he growled just thinking about. Def was not happy at all.

Hyun-woo was pacing during Jaebum story, “How could this happen?! How could they have known?!” He yelled

“Hyun-woo they were prepared, and we were outnumbered. We lost a few good men and women out there.” Sehun frowned while clenching his fist.

Hyun-woo stopped and stared at the two, and for the first time he noticed their attire. They were dirty and the smell of blood wreak on them, “I don’t blame you. I blame myself. I am his guardian and I should’ve been there with him.”

“No it’s my fault I shouldn’t have taken him out” Jaebum groaned, “Or at least I should’ve shifted when I had the chance.”

Hyun-woo shook his head, “No the outcome would’ve stayed the same.” 

Jaebum wanted to argue but the pain in his leg and heart kept him silent. Jaebum bit his lips to keep in the scream he wanted to release but groaned as Sana finally pulled out the bullet. She wiped up the blood on his leg and instantly the wound close. Jaebum could feel Def wanting to come out and it took all the remaining strength he had to keep him in.

“We have to find him.” Jaebum growled

Hyun-woo sighed, “We already know where he is”

Jaebum frowned, “Then why aren’t you going out looking for him?” Jinyoung asked just as Jaebum was about to them.

“Because he’s at the Vampire castle, and we don’t have enough supernaturals to take on that place.” Chen sighed

“What about the council, won’t they help?” Youngjae asked

“They will but they will be very angry when they learned that the prince was kidnapped.” Hyun-woo groaned, “Besides we can’t just march in that place, it will be a battle just getting in. How are we suppose to get him before Queen lays her hands on him?”

The room was silent as no one had any ideas as to how to do that, “Wait wasn’t Mark-hyung making plans about that, can’t we just use those to try and infiltrate the castle?” BamBam asked

Everyone gasped and Yugyeom kissed his boyfriend on the lips, “Baby you are a genius!”

“Okay then go take his plans and bring them to the training building and prepare yourselves while I go and tell the council. Hopefully it shouldn’t be long before we come back.” Hyun-woo sighed already dreading telling them the bad news. Before he left, he placed his hand on Jaebum shoulder, “Try to keep Def at bay, although the urge maybe strong, you can not go to the Vampire castle alone, it would be a suicide mission.” He advised, Hyun-woo was right since that was exactly what Def wanted to do but Jaebum needed a plan if he wanted to see his mate alive again. 

Hyun-woo left and Jaebum left to go to Mark’s room where he knew the elder hid the plans in. He stopped to stare at a picture of the two of them and his thoughts immediately went to his mate. His mind wondered, thinking depressing thoughts he shook them from his mind. They were going to see each other again, no matter what.

As he walked back he heard an argument erupt between the roommates and the werewolves, “What going on?” Jaebum asked he came in the living room.

“Your friends want to come but it’s way too dangerous” Chen frowned

Jaebum agreed and was about to speak but Jinyoung interrupted them, “Jaebum-hyung I know what you’re going to say but save it. Mark-hyung is our friend too and I’ll be damned if you expect us to sit here and wait for you guys to come back.” He argued

Jaebum sighed, he had a feeling that if he didn’t let them come, they would still follow, “Fine but you are definitely not going to the vampire castle, got it?” Jinyoung and the others smiled widely as they agreed to Jaebum’s terms.


The double doors opened and Lord Top entered as he carried Mark with Lady Jea and other guards behind him. There was chattering all around as many low leveled vampires whispered between themselves about the successor and others tried to get a sneak peek at him. 

Mark groaned weakly and slowly tried to open his eyes but even that seemed like too much to do, “W-Where are you taking me?” He whispered

Lord Top glanced down before looking back up to where he was walking, “To see Queen BoA.” He answered simply

“D-Did y-you do anything to him?” Mark asked weakly


“My mate” Mark whispered

Lord Top almost stopped in his tracks but thankfully he didn’t, “The werewolf is your mate?” He muttered 

“D-Did you h-hurt him a-after you c-caught me?” Mark asked

Lord Top should’ve stayed quiet and let the little vampire make an a assumption but yet as he kept looking down at him he couldn’t help but answer him, “No I didn’t.”

Mark gave a weak smile, “Thank you” and then he passed out.

Lord Top suddenly stopped and Lady Jea bumped into him, “Seung-hyun, what’s the matter?” She asked

“Oh uh, nothing.” He said as he cleared his throat and continued to walked down the darkened corridor. Did his ears deceive him? Was he going mad? Did he actually hear this man actually thank him?

Lord Top glanced down and was once again marveled by his beauty. How could any person look as amazing as he? A part of him wanted to run away and seal him from the rest of the world, where he would be the only one to gaze upon his face. However it was impossible since he was currently surrounded by other vampires.

It truly wasn’t fair, he was supposed to be his and now he has to give him away to his Queen and he just learned that, that disgusting werewolf was actually his mate. What a tease fate is. First fate shows him the perfect man only to take him away from him and now when he finally sees him it turns out he was his enemy who is once again being taken away from him. Fate would pay dearly for this.

They finally reach the throne room which was opened up for them. Like the rest of the castle the throne room was dark and gloomy. Tall dark pillars stood at the sides of the room with dark curtains covering the windows. There two bright colors, one was the red carpet that laid on the center of the room and a magnificent marble chair that stood above the ground and at it’s seat was Queen BoA. The clan leaders stood at opposite sides in front of the Queen. 

Lord Top reached the throne itself and gently placed Mark on his knees before the Queen. Mark awoken from the movement but he was still weak. Lord Top held him his shoulders to keep him falling on the floor.

Queen BoA stood up from her throne walked down the three steps and stood in front of Mark, “So this is the successor the council wanted to put on my throne?” She scoffed

“T-The throne doesn’t belong to you.” Mark said weakly

Queen BoA chuckled, “Oh? Let me guess, the council said it belonged to you?”

Mark smiled, “Yes”

Queen BoA laughed before she struck his cheek, the rings on her fingers caused him to bleed and due to the cuffs the marks weren’t healing as quickly as they normally did, “You are weak and pitiful like Queen Hyori!” She hissed

Mark tried to muster a glare at her but hard to gather the strength to do so, “Queen Hyori was strong and powerful! You intentionally killed her during her pregnancy because she was at her most vulnerable. If she wasn’t with child you wouldn’t never get within a mile of her!” He pushed.

Queen BoA punched his other cheek and Lord Top winced as he watched and held Mark, “You wretched bastard! How dare you speak to our Queen like that!” Lord Kangin yelled at him.

Mark laughed weakly, “Your Queen is a weak coward. The only reason she beating me up like this is because of the cuffs.”

Queen BoA clenched her fist, “You mf! How dare you speak to me that way! You will burn for your words! Take him to the room!” She commanded to Lord Top as she walked away.

Lord Top hesitantly picked him up and followed after the Queen and the other clan leaders. Somehow taking Mark to the sun room was like he was to die as well. Why did Mark speak to the Queen like that? Why was he so bold? Didn’t he understand the situation he was in? Queen BoA had no use for him, if anything she was going to kill him but maybe if he plead he would be alive or at least be Lord Top pet but now that isn’t even going to be a dream.

Lord Top had no choice as he gave him up to the two vampires under sun covered suits that shielded them from head to toe. He grudgingly went to the viewing room where Queen BoA stood behind a glass window to protect the from the light of the room with the clan leaders and many other vampires who wanted to watch the successor burn. Lady Jea held his hand and for once he welcomed it. From the window he watched the two suited vampires shackle him to the floor along with his cuffs and walked away. It was only seconds before Mark was to die.

Mark looked around the darkened room and wondered why the two vampires was in protected suits. He turned his head to see the two of them by a light switch and at a signal Queen BoA made they flicked it. He winced at the bright lights as he eyes were subjected to the darkness of the castle. Looking around he saw how trashed the room looked along smell of the burnt ashes of vampires.

Those lights must be made to represent the sun which is a weird thing to have inside a castle of Vampire but then Mark remembered the story Hyun-woo told him. This room must’ve been his mother’s private rooms that his grandfather made. However the room looked messy and so many items seemed to have be broken or thrown around. No doubt after the Queen found a way to turn off the lights, she thrashed it leaving leaving no semblance of what it used to be.

Mark remembered that the Queen sent him to this room to be burned by the light and the fact that he was still alive and not even screaming was gonna make the Queen either angry or very suspicious of who he is. 

The suited vampires eventually unchained him from the floor but kept the cuffs on him. They then led him down to what he could assume is the dungeon. Did people still have dungeons in this day and age or did the vampires continue to live in the second century?

Entering in the dungeon, Mark saw multiple jail cells all in a circle but he couldn’t tell if anyone was inside as the cuffs were blocking his powers. The suited vampires tossed Mark inside of the cell and locked it from the outside. He immediately ran to the door and tried to knock it down but it seemed impossible. Does this mean he was as weak as an average human?

“It useless, child, those cuffs render you weak.” A male voice said. The door had bars within the window, letting Mark seeing outside. Across from his cell he saw was another jail cell and a man leaned forward letting Mark see his face. The man didn’t seem as old as he thought which made him wonder why he called him child. 

“Who are you?” Mark asked. The man was silent, “You have no reason not to tell me as we’re all stuck in this dungeon together.”

The man sighed, “You’re right, my name is Kwon Ji-yong aka Lord G-Dragon.”

Mark was confused for a moment before he remembered that name, “Lord G-Dragon? You were one of the elders of my—Queen Hyori court.” Mark gasped

“Oh you know who I am and of Queen Hyori?” Lord G-Dragon asked curiously

“Yes Hyun-woo had me memorize all the names of the elders.” Mark sighed.

“Who is this Hyun-woo?” A female voice asked this time. 

Mark looked around and saw three more people peeking out from the bars. Mark gasped, “You must be the Elders Queen BoA has been holding hostage for over 2,000 years.”

“Has it truly been 2,000 years since that demon killed our Queen and child.” Lady Hyoyeon said sadly.

“Makes sense that you wouldn’t be able to tell time in here.” Mark muttered

“Who are you?” Lord Daesung asked

Mark opened his mouth to speak but he realized he couldn’t say everything, “Forgive me but I can’t tell you exactly who I am but I can say is that I am Mark, the successor of the Vampire throne.”

“Our successor? How? I had not heard of any remaining descendants of Queen Hyori.” Lady Tiffany said

“Like I said I can’t reveal my origin but I have you know that the council have been with me since my birth.” Mark replied

“The council? Well I understand why you can’t speak about it and I’m sure the council would have a reason as to why they chose you as our successor.” Lord G-Dragon sighed

“You can say it’s a very good reason.” Mark smiled

“However if you were truly under the protection of the council, how were you captured? How the Queen know of your existence?” Lord Daesung asked

“Exactly what I was thinking. Wouldn’t the council do all they can to make sure the Queen never learns about you till the last moment?” Lady Tiffany asked

Mark chuckled awkwardly, “Well I kinda made them let me come to South Korea and I swear I was careful but I didn’t expect that guy to chose me as his meal.”

“Hmm, what guy?” Lady Hyoyeon asked

“Lord Top” He replied

They all said ‘ah’ together, “Lord Top always did have preference for cute young men.” Lady Tiffany nodded. Mark wondered if everyone knew of that guys preference.

However it seemed speaking of the vampire made him appear in the dungeon, it was only seconds before Lord Top unlocked Mark’s door and entered in the room. “Who are you?! How are you able to withstand the sun lights?!” Lord Top corned Mark into the wall and all he could do was stare at the beautiful man in front of him.

“Leave him alone!” Lord Daesung yelled from his cell

“Shut up!” Lord Top yelled back and he turned back to Mark, “Answer my question!” He grabbed Mark collar and shoved him roughly against the wall.

“I’m not saying a thing to you!” Mark spat back

“Why are you being so stubborn! If you just answer the question and even do as the Queen says, I can get her to pardon you and you’ll get to stay here with me.” Lord Top frowned

Mark scoffed, “You do realized how stupid that statement is, right? Besides why the hell would I want to stay with you!”

Lord Top Mark cheek gently, “I can things much easier for you. All you have to do tell the Queen everything and we’ll spend the rest of our immortal lives together.” He whispered.

Mark’s eyes widened at what he heard. Could it be that Lord Top wanted him not only for his blood but also for his….body? Heart? Mark was very confused, “I have a mate.”

Lord Top growled, remembering that werewolf, “Forgot that disgusting mutt, I can be better than he ever was. All you have to do is surrender.”

Mark frowned, “Did your Queen tell you to speak to me about this deal?”

Lord Top shaked his head, “She has no idea about this deal for now but once I speak to her, she’ll listen and let you off fairly.” Mark raised an eyebrow, he couldn’t help but doubt that the Queen actually do what he said. “I’ll give you some time to think but once I come back I’m sure you’ll make the best decision. Unless you want to end up like the Elders.” Lord Top gave him a kiss on his cheek and he left, locking his cell and leaving the dungeon.

Mark furrowed his brow as he looked through the bars of his door, “Are you alright?” Lord G-Dragon asked

Mark nodded his head, “Yes but what did that ending statement mean?” The four Elders faces dropped. Mark took a lot of around and noticed that it was only four Elders in the cells, “I was always told that there was originally eight Elders. D-Did she-”

“Queen BoA burned two of our Elders and she drains the blood of another two, it’s the only reason why she’s so powerful.” Lord G-Dragon explained

“So are they alive?” Mark wondered

Lord Daesung shrugged his shoulders, “We have no idea. It’s possible that they are alive since she needs their blood for to remain powerful but at the same time she could’ve drain them entirely and have been drinking it all this time.”

Mark sighed as he leaned his forehead on the door, “Is it true what he said?” Lady Tiffany wondered, “Are you really able to withstand the sun?”

“Yes it true.” Mark replied

“Amazing, that practically like Queen Hyori and her ancestors.” Lady Hyoyeon marveled

Mark chuckled, “I suppose you can say that.” Before Lord Top comes back, Mark has to escape, but first he had to remove these cursed cuffs on his wrists.


Chen, Sehun, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Jackson, Youngjae, BamBam, Yugyeom and a few uninjured guards stood in one of the meeting rooms of the training building, and was currently looking through Mark’s plan. “Wow this is impressive. Where did Mark get these blueprints?” Chen asked 

“He got it from the Hunter leader” Jaebum smirked

“He what?!” Jinyoung gaped

“Is that why he had some of our guards follow him?” Chen wondered

Jaebum nodded, “Wow that guy must’ve really wanted to be on Mark’s good side.” Jackson mumbled

“That’s his best option if he really wants to be part of the Unity Treaty.” Sehun replied. As they continued to look through the plans, Sehun became more and more impressed, “Wow Mark really thought of everything.”

“Exactly why we’re going to use them to find and free Mark.” Jaebum stated

“Whoa has Def taken over?! You can’t just charge right over there!” BamBam yelled

“Guys, every moment we wait is another second we waste saving Mark. It’s only a matter of time before they kill him.” Jaebum argued and Chen opened his mouth to speak, “Look I know, it’s hard to kill a vampire but it’s not impossible. I’m not waiting another moment and I’m going whether or not anyone else is coming with!”

Chen placed his hands on Jaebum’s shoulder’s, “Hold on there, you’ll be killed before you even Mark. You can’t go alone.”

“So what you want me to wait till Hyun-woo gets back?” Jaebum scoffed. That was not gonna happen especially since Def been super antsy since Mark was kidnapped. 

“He said you can’t go ALONE. But that doesn’t mean you can’t go with company.” Sehun smiled

Jaebum smiled, “Great, while rest of us will go rescue Mark, you guys” Jaebum said pointing to Jinyoung, Jackson, Youngjae, BamBam, and Yugyeom. “wait here for Hyun-woo and the council, show them the plans so they can meet us up.”

The five agreed and Sehun and Chen ran to the remaining guards to tell them the plan, Jaebum was walking to meet up with him when Jinyoung stopped by putting his hand on his shoulder, “Jaebum-hyung, I’m sure I don’t have to say this but I want to: please stay safe.” 

“Yeah and come back with Mark-hyung.” Youngjae added

“I think don’t die is a big one, no?” BamBam questioned

“Um I’m pretty sure that goes under staying safe” Yugyeom snorted, BamBam turned a glare at the younger.

Jaebum chuckled, “Don’t worry guys, I’ll stay safe but I’m not coming back till I have Mark with me.”

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Chapter 30: i'm Reading this story again and again it's beatiful
Chapter 30: This is an awesome story. I specially appreciate that you told us what happens after many years as well. Good job!!!
Chapter 30: Awwwwwwww! Such a cute ending. I'm glad Hyori came back so she could advise Mark. I hope she finds his father soon. Wonderful story, I enjoyed every moment of it! ~^^
Chapter 29: Sweet chapter. Hope things will go weĺl for them.
Chapter 29: It's nice to see that everyone's getting some down time. I'm super extra curious about Mark's father. It'll be interesting no matter what though. JB and Mark are so cute but they need to do something about all that . Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! ~^^
Chapter 28: I'm gald Mark was rescued and finally made the King. But I'm little worried about his way of punishing the enemy. It's like he has the tendency to be a ruthless King. ImI worried that he will become merciless.
Chapter 28:, Mark.....that was intense. This new/unconscious ability makes me really wonder who his father is. But he's going to be a badass king! Jaebum is going to have his hands full. This is keeps on getting interesting. Can't wait to read the next chapter! ~^^
Heyyyalll #8
Chapter 27: Gurlll I fell hard for this story. I love u^~^
Chapter 27: Lol at the end! Yay! Everyone is safe and Mark can now take his place on the throne! I hope he gives everyone a good punishment. I feel a little bad for Lord Top though. He's in love with someone who has a mate. Can't wait to see where this goes next! ~^^