Chapter 1

Part of Me

Mark sat by the window watching and waiting for the one person that could possibly change his life. He kept glancing at the clock wondering when they would show up; finally he spotted the familiar white car with the blue strips as it moved in front of his house. He quickly ran out the house to meet the postal man walking up his family’s driveway.

“Important news?” The postal man asked while handing Mark the mail.

Mark shifted through the letters until he picked out the three that had his name and smiled, “Very important. Thank you!” He yelled as he ran back inside his house. He toss the rest of the mail on kitchen counter and quickly opening one of the letters.

Thundering steps entered into the kitchen, “My Prince why did you leave the house?” A male voice questioned

Mark rolled his eyes, “What? Do I have to tell you if I want to walk down the driveway now?”

The man frowned, “Yes my prince, you have to constantly tell me where you are going!”

Mark groaned and soon more footsteps were heard entering the kitchen, “What’s with all the yelling?” A woman voice said.

“By the looks of it, it seems like Hyun-woo daily lecture to Mark.” Raymond smiled; he looked at the paper in Mark hand, “Is that-?”

“Yeah” Mark smiled

“What?” Hyun-woo frowned, slightly irritated that he has no idea what they were talking about.

“It’s Mark’s college letters” Dorine answered, she looked over at Mark but the frown that darkened his face made her aware of what the news the letter carried.

“I didn’t get in” Mark pouted

“There are two other letters Mark” Raymond reminded him. Mark nodded and opened the second letter and Mark shoulders sagged even more so then before. 

“They also rejected you?” Hyun-woo frowned and Mark nodded. “How is that possible, you’ve been taught the hardest material and passed with flying colors on state tests!”

“Not surprising that Ivy League schools wouldn't accept a home schooled kid.” Mark muttered but Hyun-woo heard him and frowned even more.

“Maybe the other letter is different.” Dorine encouraged

“What’s the point?!” Mark yelled making his eyes go red and thunder crashed boomed the afternoon sky, “It will probably say the same as the tons of college letters I sent out.”

“My Lord calm-” Hyun-woo began

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Mark pointed and objects around the kitchen started to shake “It’s because of you that all of this is happening; it your fault-”

“Yien!” Raymond yelled and Mark eyes turned towards his father, “I understand you’re upset, being that you were rejected many times but don’t blame Hyun-woo for trying to protect you.”

Mark pouted and his eyes went back to their normal chocolate color and pouted, “I’m sorry Hyun-woo”

“It’s fine my Prince” Hyun-woo smiled “Now how about you open that last letter?”

Mark looked at the letter in his hand, “I don’t think my heart can take it, Ma?” He looked at his mother and she took the letter.

She quickly opened the letter and read it’s contents, “Yien you got in!!!” She exclaimed. 

Mark eyes widened, “I got in?! I got in!!” He jumped and ran to his both his parents to hug them.

“I’m very happy for you my Prince, what school finally acknowledged your intelligence?” Hyun-woo grinned

Dorine looked at the letter again, “JYP University in Seoul, South Korea” she smiled looking at her husband.

Hyun-woo face paled, “S-South Korea?” Mark’s raised his eyebrow, it’s the first time he ever heard Hyun-woo stutter before.

“Mark of course we want you to go to college and going to another country is-” Raymond began

“Completely out of the question” Hyun-woo said

“Hyun-woo” Dorine frowned

“Wh-what? Hyun-woo, this is the only school that will accept me and it’s a very good school. I know it’s far but-”

“It’s not happening Prince Mark. You are not stepping foot in South Korea”

Mark frowned and ran up to his room. “Hyun-woo even though you are Mark protector; we encouraged Mark to apply to South Korea-” Raymond began

“You told him to apply there without consulting me?” Hyun-woo growled

“As his parents we didn’t think we would have to. We see no reason as to why our son can’t go to South Korea” Dorine continued, "And don't you dare growled at me" she added and Hyun-woo bowed in apology.

“You know the dangers in South Korea, the creatures, the Hunter’s, the Queen for hell’s sake; if he steps foot in South Korea they-”

“They will do nothing because they know nothing of him. Hyun-woo, let Mark go to South Korea.” Raymond said

Hyun-woo looked between the two parents hoping to see some form of hesitation but he saw known, “Fine he can go but I and along with some others will go with him as well.”

Dorine smiled, “Alright we better tell Mark the good news.”

“I’ll start preparing all the protection detail for when Prince Mark starts school in the fall” Hyun-woo sighed

“Eh? Mark isn’t starting school in the fall, he’s starting now.” Raymond stated

Hyun-woo eyes bugged out, “Now? Raymond isn’t the Spring semester starting this week?” Raymond nodded, "I have a lot of preparation to do if the Prince is leaving the country”

“It’s will be fine Hyun-woo, I sure you can quickly do all your preparation in a few days and Mark’s a smart boy, he can catch up quickly.”

Hyun-woo opened his mouth to speak but no words could come out; he knew no matter what the couple would make sure Mark went to the university. He resigned and the couple smiled and walked towards the stairs and up to Mark’s room. Hyun-woo frowned, ‘Damn I always knew I would take him to South Korea but not so soon. Now I have to alert the council and the clans; they will not be happy with me.’

Within a matter of a few days, Mark was officially enrolled in JYP University. He had to have a video conference with an advisor to sign up for any remaining classes that were available for him to take. Mark also had to quickly pack all of his belongings to the university so majority of it could already be at the college while the rest would be with him on his flight to South Korea. When his parent’s had announced to him that he was going to South Korea, he was jumping on the walls. Although he felt a bit down when they said Hyun-woo and a couple other guards would be going with him as well; he knew that it was the only way his parents could get Hyun-woo to let him go. 

His parents along with his older sisters and younger brother helped him pack everything however there was the occasionally stops when his mother got a little emotionally about her baby leaving her. Mark could see that everyone was trying to not cry but it was only matter of time before the dam broke. 


Six boys trudge up the stairs to the fourth floor since the elevators were mysteriously damaged. “There’s nothing like a walking up four flight’s of stairs after a hard day of school” BamBam groaned

“It’s only the second day, what hard day did you have?” Jackson replied

“You know on the second day the teacher starts cramming a week’s worth of information in one session. We went over five chapters today and she wants us to reading another six chapters for next time and that was just my first class.” BamBam complained

“Welcome to college son” Yugyeom smiled patting BamBam back

“Yah I’m older than you!” BamBam yelled however Yugyeom knew BamBam didn’t mean anything by it since as a foreigner he didn’t care about honorifics.

As they finally reached the their floor, a couple of guys, that were coming from the Southside stairway, were carrying boxes into one of the rooms on the floor. “Seems like somebody is getting a new roommate” Youngjae grinned and as they walked closer they realized something.

“And it would seem that somebody would be us” Jinyoung sighed “As if we don’t need any more annoying roommates” 

“Yah we’re very pleasant” Jackson argued

“Youngjae is pleasant, you three” Jinyoung point to the two youngest maknae’s and Jackson, “are annoying” The three dramatically gasped clutching their chest, pretending to be hurt.

“Father, Mom is playing favoritism again” Jackson pouted to Jaebum

“Yah, stop it with the Father and Mother stuff, people give us weird looks; and last time I checked I had no kids.” Jaebum replied

“Mom, Father is pretending he isn’t our dad again” Yugyeom whined

“Jaebum-hyung stop pretending like you don’t have kids” Jinyoung smiled

“Yaahh, what other guy goes through this” Jaebum sighed

“Just go with it Hyung, it will get easier with time” Youngjae giggled, Jaebum could only sigh. Junho, the RA, was standing by the door with a clipboard as different guys were entering in the room with boxes.

“Junho-hyung, are we really getting another roommate?” BamBam asked

“Yeah majority of the apartments in the building are already taken, plus this one of the few biggest apartments in the building so this where the university placed him.” Junho answered. JYP University was one of the wealthiest universities in the country so dorms were actually apartments. Thankfully tuition wasn’t as expensive as the university themselves, making the university quite affordable. 

Their apartment had seven rooms large enough to hold a queen size bed with space for a few dressers, and a desk with chair as well. It had a four bathrooms meaning two bedrooms had their own while the other two bathrooms was out in the hallway. The apartment also had a wide living room and kitchen to hold seven people. 

“Isn’t it too late for new students?” Jackson asked

“The semester just started, so there’s still time for transfer students to come in. Anyways the last remaining bedroom will be the transfers’ and that guy” Junho pointed to as the guy walked past them to enter in the apartment, “should’ve bought in the last box.” Junho stated “All done?” He asked the mover.

“Yup that was the last box” the mover stated and walked away.

“Alright the transfer should be coming in either Friday or Saturday, I want you all to be nice and I don’t want to hear any complaints, got it?” Junho said

“You didn’t say any of this when Yugyeom and me were moving in” BamBam frowned

Junho narrowed his eyes and looked around, “Keep this between yourselves, but this transfer is kinda important, the president himself talked to me about treating this guy well” Junho whispered

“The president of the school?” Jackson eyes widened

Junho nodded, “He didn’t tell me anything about the guy but he clearly told me to give this guy VIP treatment”

“Hyung, if he’s so important why is he moving here?” Jinyoung asked “Shouldn’t he have his own apartment or something?”

“School just started Jinyoung, all the single rooms are taken and apparently the president didn’t want to make a fuss with other students since they already got the room so for now the transfer will stay with you till said otherwise.” Junho said “Remember play nice” he pointed and walked away.

The guys walked into their apartment and closed the door before freaking out over what they heard, “Do you guys think he’s an idol?” Youngjae suggested

“Maybe he’s a son of some political figure” Jinyoung added

“Most likely he’s some rich brat and his parent’s are worried about him so they sent money to make sure their son is comfortable” Jaebum added “In any case he sounds like a major headache and I have no plans to make nice”

“Jaebum-hyung, at least meet the guy before you can start judging him” Jinyoung suggested 

“Fine he has one chance to prove to me he’s not some spoiled brat” Jaebum huffed before walking into his room.

“I swear hyung will be single for the rest of his life if he doesn’t fix that stubborn personality of his” BamBam sighed

“But you can’t say he’s wrong; if he is some spoiled brat our college life is ruined” Jackson said

“I wouldn’t say our college life is ruined” Youngjae laughed, “But it would be quite annoying”

Jinyoung groaned, “Isn’t that great?” The boys could only shrugged before walking off to their own individual rooms.


News of Mark’s departure quickly spread to the rest of his family while some like his grandparents, a couple of aunts and uncles were saddened by the news of upcoming departure, others seemed happier for him to go. It didn’t bother Mark as much as it bothered his family; he knew there were a few family members that wished he never existed. However he couldn’t really blame them after all how would a normal person respond after learning a member of their family was a vampire while everybody else was human.

A day before he leaves for South Korea, his family planned a going away party for him. It was a rush job but it was still great; he spent majority of the party holding and hugging crying aunts, uncles and cousins with promises to be safe and to be home soon. Hours later the party was over and everyone was cleaning up; Mark wanted to help but his parents sent him to rest since he’ll be taking a 13 hour flight the next day. He couldn’t sleep so he went up the roof of house and stared at the night sky.

“I hope you realize the sky isn’t all the different once you get to South Korea” a male voice said behind him

Mark laughed, “Yah I know that, you jerk”

“Just making sure” Sehun smiled and moved to sit next to him. Sehun was one of the many werewolves that were his bodyguards and at the same time he was his best friend. In fact all the werewolves were more closer to him than the vampires but that’s mostly due to Hyun-woo.

“Are you coming to South Korea as well?” Mark asked and Sehun nodded, “Good I don’t think I can survive Hyun-woo without you”

“Hyun-woo means well” Sehun smiled, “Sometimes” he muttered

Mark pretended not to hear him, “He didn’t even want me to go to South Korea, to be honest I don’t think he wants me to go to college at all”

“Vampires are over-protective by nature however when it comes to you, they become smothering over-protective.”

“I just don’t get it. What’s so bad about South Korea?” Mark sighed

“Were you not told?” Sehun asked looking him

“Told what?”

“South Korea is the hotspot for supernatural beings. Don’t ask me why but for some reason it is. I’m sure you understand that means that other vampires will be there along with Hunters as well.” Mark has never encountered a Hunter (due to Hyun-woo smothering) but he’s heard stories about them from other werewolves who had. Armed with holy weapons and ancient spells, stolen by witches they hunted, a Hunter one mission is to hunt and kill all supernatural being’s. It’s unclear to Mark if that meant they will even kill off creatures who were good but he had the feeling that Hunter’s didn’t care who they killed. “Thankfully since people don’t know of you and we would like to keep it that way.” Sehun continued

“I had no idea”

“Not surprising; Hyun-woo made sure things like this would be kept from you, for your protection”

Mark sighed, “Of course, that doesn’t shocked me at all.”

Sehun chucked, “You should rest Mark you-”

“Yah!! Address our Prince properly!” Hyun-woo yelled from the living room

“How strong is that damn that vampire hearing of his?” Sehun muttered

“Isn’t a vampire hearing as strong as a werewolf? Mark chuckled “Besides it shouldn’t be surprising” 

“First of all, werewolves have a stronger hearing than vampires and second, I know” Sehun smiled “Like as I way saying you should rest Mark”

“Yah!! Respect our prince you damn wolf!” Hyun-woo yelled again

Sehun sighed, “See you in the morning, Mark” and jumped off the roof, landing on his feet and walked further away in the backyard before Hyun-woo could yell at him again.

Mark smiled and looked up the night sky, ‘I wonder if I’ll make any new friends in South Korea?’

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Chapter 30: i'm Reading this story again and again it's beatiful
Chapter 30: This is an awesome story. I specially appreciate that you told us what happens after many years as well. Good job!!!
Chapter 30: Awwwwwwww! Such a cute ending. I'm glad Hyori came back so she could advise Mark. I hope she finds his father soon. Wonderful story, I enjoyed every moment of it! ~^^
Chapter 29: Sweet chapter. Hope things will go weĺl for them.
Chapter 29: It's nice to see that everyone's getting some down time. I'm super extra curious about Mark's father. It'll be interesting no matter what though. JB and Mark are so cute but they need to do something about all that . Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! ~^^
Chapter 28: I'm gald Mark was rescued and finally made the King. But I'm little worried about his way of punishing the enemy. It's like he has the tendency to be a ruthless King. ImI worried that he will become merciless.
Chapter 28:, Mark.....that was intense. This new/unconscious ability makes me really wonder who his father is. But he's going to be a badass king! Jaebum is going to have his hands full. This is keeps on getting interesting. Can't wait to read the next chapter! ~^^
Heyyyalll #8
Chapter 27: Gurlll I fell hard for this story. I love u^~^
Chapter 27: Lol at the end! Yay! Everyone is safe and Mark can now take his place on the throne! I hope he gives everyone a good punishment. I feel a little bad for Lord Top though. He's in love with someone who has a mate. Can't wait to see where this goes next! ~^^