6th First Kiss: Protector

Twelve First Kisses

Rule Number 6:
No sacrificing of your own life for him.


ABOUT EIGHT BODYGUARDS surrounds Yeonhee while she's on her way out of their house's premises, plus one, who's walking beside her. She's getting weirded out of the situation but this is clearly a part of this dimention.

"Uhm... Mister, H-huang ZiTao?" she said. He immediately turned his head to her.

"Yes, Young Lady?" he responded.

"So, I called him correctly?" she thought. "Where are we going again?" she asked.

Tao lets his glasses slide up to the tip of his nose to actually look at Yeonhee, eye-to-eye. "To your father, Young Lady. Are you alright? You seemed to be confused about what's happening since we saw you." He said.

"Wow. His panda eyes looks so freaking good on him. He actually looks so handsome with these in person." She again thought while looking in his eyes. "A-ah. Is that so? I meanㅡright. I suddenly remember about that." She answered.

Tao opened the door in the back seat and let her in first. He closed the door and went to the driver's seat. There was about two cars who drove in front of them before the car started moving forward.

While driving, Tao suddenly cleared his throat before saying: "Have you already told your mother?" he said.

From looking out of the window, Yeonhee shifts her look on Tao. "What should I tell my Mom?" she answered.

Tao heaved a light sigh. "You must be really pressured about this day. Anyway, when the timing is right, I'll make sure to tell your mother as well as your father. I'm just not sure how but, I will try my best to get their blessings to court you." He continuously said.

Yeonhee's eyes went wide after what she heard from Tao. "Does this mean that we already feel something towards each other? Or just him?" She held a hand over her chest. Her heart suddenly palpitates. She tried to calm it down by patting it.

"Are you nervous? You don't have to worry. First thing, you will be protected not just by me but all of your eight other guards. As for the ceremony, you just have to be present and act naturally as the program proceeds. Just like what you've practiced together with your mother." He said and he continue driving.

What Yeonhee's nervous about? Actually, it's both Tao and where they are heading to. First of all, she can't really remember their father. In reality, her mother was a single parent as long as Yeonhee can remember. She's wondering if this man that she'll meet is actually their real father or it's just on this dimension. Second thing that she thinks as another reason why she became nervous is because of what Tao just said. It's just the beginning of her day with him but she immediately bumped into what are they on this dimension.

"I wonder if I'm on the same situation just like what me and Suho was." She thought. She had a sudden urge to ask but then, the car stopped. She looked around and they are on the presiden'ts palace. THE PRESIDENT'S PALACE.

"SO MY FATHER IS THE PRESIDENT OF THIS COUNTRY?! Or maybe just one of the Senators or someone who works for the president." She gulped as Tao opens the door for her.

She was immediately surrounded by the guards as they quickly walked towards the palace.

She was greeted by different person whom she haven't met yet in her whole life. She just greeted them back. Every single person that is on their way. The moment they stopped in front of a huge double doored room, Yeonhee knew who's inside the room.

"Wait here. I'll bring Young Lady to The President myself." Tao said to the other guards before he pulled the door knob down to open one of the door.

They were greeted by a front desk officer once they got inside. The female front desk officer especially greeted her by a quick bow. "I will inform The President first. Just a moment. Please do sit down." She said before leaving the two of them to enter another double doored room. Tao asked her to sit together with him.

She was looking somewhere inside the room but she knows that Tao is looking at her. "I wish I met you even before knowing that you are the daughter of The President that I am assigned to guard." He said that made Yeonhee move her look on him. He gave a weak smile to her. "They will probably think that I want to court you because you are the president's daughter. But you know that, that is not the real reason, right?"

Yeonhee nodded. And after realizing, she doesn't even know why she did a nod. "Uhm... I just want to clear things upㅡ"

"Yeah, everything is going to be hard. Especially now. And I know the consequenses. I know I have to work hard to be not just your personal body guard, but also to be your boyfriend. I will work hard. I promise." He said before pulling her head to give her a kiss on her forehead.

Yeonhee felt her cheeks heated up once he separated his lips from her forehead. Her heart starts to race again. Involuntarily, the corner of her lips curled up. "I believe in you. And I trust that you will fulfill your promise." She replied. Whatever happens, she just have to believe in him.

The officer went back to tell them that they can enter the President's office. Yeonhee anticipated the face of her father. She also thinks of a greeting that will express her happiness upon seeing him.

Once they entered the room, they saw the President looking outside the window. He was facing the opposite from them. They knew that he's aware that they just went in when he tried to peek at them over his shoulder. But then, he returned his look outside the window.

"That front desk officer isn't really active in terms on listening." He said with a voice full of authority. It wasn't what Yeonhee expected. She suddenly felt that she's distant from her father.

Like a flash of thunder, he bolted towards them and the next thing she saw, tao is laying on the floor while holding his face. "Shame on you. Where did you get that gut to try courting my daughter? You aren't even on our level and this isn't precise. Know your place, young man. Or I have to replace you, not considering how you know every self-defense for my daughter. I believe I can find someone greater than youㅡand more professional than you are." He said.

Yeonhee tried to help Tao but a big loud voice followed. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF THAT DIRTY MAN." He loudly said.

His voice rings on her thoughts. She suddenly saw events on her mind as she shuts her eyes to watch them.

The same big and loud voice shouting. Her mother, crying, hair messed up while holding the bump on her tummy. She, being chased down the corridors while parts of her body stings because of the hit caused by a leather belt.

When she opened her eyes, her vision became blurry. Her chest suddenly felt loaded after watching the scenes from her memory. She suddenly feel hatred. Especially to this old Elite-looking man in front of them.

She wiped her tears as she disobey what the old man said. She helped Tao to get up, while Tao looks afraid because of what she's doing.

"Yeonhee, don'tㅡ"

"This is enough of your disrespect! The both of you!" The president once again shouted and before he even lay a hand on Yeonhee, Tao blocked Yeonhee so he received the slap instead. His face threw aside.

Yeonhee gasped as she watched Tao received the slap from her father. The president's face distorted out of anger while gritting his teeth. He glares at the both of them.

"Please don't do this." She said as she held Tao on his arm. "He is a kind person. A nice friend of mine and someone whom I owe my life to. Father, if you really care about me, you will let someone special in my life to be by my side. To make me happy and to protect me with anything that might hurt me."

"Oh. So that is the reason why you are also like this towards this young man. I can't believe that up until now, you will bring shame for my name. What do you think will the nation say if they found out that, the president's daughter is actually entertaining her suitor who is also her personal body guard?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest as he shook his head.

"That's a shame, right? Those are just possible to happen on dramas. You aren't in a drama, my dear. I think you are watching so many stupid dramas with your stupid mother." He heaved a deep sigh as he turned his back on them. "What the hell did I even get myself into, thinking to show you to the whole nation, to this country as my daughter? While there's something inappropriate going on with the two of you." He quickly turn around to face them. He's surprised to see Yeonhee glaring at him.

"What's with your fierce look? Stop that, you disrespectful young lady."

"You ARE the one who's disrespecting a lot of people in here. First of all, my mother isn't stupid. She made the wisest decision to leave you. Second of all, you are still that evil old man in my life. I hate you for that. What the hell did I even get myself into, thinking that things will change after years, and agreeing to show myself to your damn nation as your daughter." She mocks as she tilted her head.

"You, littleㅡ"

They didn't let the president to finish what he's saying when Yeonhee grabbed Tao's hand to dash out of the room.


"Yeonhee, what are you planning?!" Tao asked while they are running.

"Get me out of here!" She answered and they stopped running when some guards started showing on their way.

"I get it. Step aside." Tao said as he took a step forward and readied his fists. He put himself on a stunting position. Soon, the guards started attacking him.

He punched, kicked, and threw them outside the window. They once again started running when the way is clear.

Another batch of guards appeared, this time, the number is two times larger than those they've encountered a while ago.

"Block the way. I repeat, block the way out! The president's daughter is being kidnapped! I repeat! The Young Lady is being kidnapped by officer Huang ZiTaoㅡ" Tao grabbed the arm of the guard who is reporting the situation. He broke it's arm and snatched the radio on it's hand.

"Abort blocking the way. The Young Lady isn't being kidnapped. I'm rescuing her out of this goddamned castle." He smirked at the guard who's grunting from pain because of his broken arm. He threw the radio together with the person and begun fighting with the other guards.

He chops the neck of the next man who approached him with his hand. He dunked when he sensed that someone's coming after him on his back. He kicked it and the guy was threwn together with the man who's neck was chopped.

He jumped and kicked both of the guys approaching on his left and right and they immediately lose consciousness upon hitting the ground.

"Come on!" He grabbed her hand and they continue running.

To save time on escaping, they changed ways to avoid other guards and men coming to stop them. They luckily found a car when they took the exit at the back of the palace. They hurriedly ride the car and Tao started to try start the car.

They are both catching their breaths from running since they left the President's room, just to escape and leave the palace.

"I didn't expect all of this." Yeonhee said between her breaths.

Tao stopped from making the engine work to look at Yeonhee. His face turned worried when he looked at her. He touched her on her cheek and Yeonhee felt the warmth of his hand. That warmness from Tao made her feel at ease and safe.

"I will get you out of here safely. I'll protect you no matter what happens. Even if I have to risk my own life." He said as he put on the seat belt for her and gave her another kiss on the side of her forehead.

"TAKE THE MAN DOWN." The president ordered. Another batch of armed men went to find them.

Tao pulled a gun from his side and started driving. "Get your head down and cover! Don't look up until I told you so!" He ordered. He stepped on the engine and Yeonhee felt that their car was like flying because of how fast it was moving.

Soon, Yeonhee heard gun fires, screeching sounds, bumping metals and broken glasses, both from inside their car and around the place. She covered her ears while keeping her head down, just like what Tao told her to do.

The next thing she heard was a loud screeching sound before their car bumped onto something. A minute passed, she heard nothing but herself, catching her breathe.

She's hesitant at first to look around since, Tao told her not to unless he instructed. She's also afraid to see what state Tao's currently at. On movies, after fight scenes and gun firing encounters, you should expect that the main character will get some injuries.

Suddenly, she heard Tao cough and that made her to check him. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She held his face to check it. He has scratches on his face and bump marks. He even have blood dripping from the side of his head. Gun powders on his white suit and dirt as well.

Yeonhee received a smirk from Tao before he nods at her. "No worries. This is just because of the broken glasses, bumping here and there stuff. I'm fine. I'm used to these kinds of condition." He smiled and removed his seatbelt. He also threw his gun at the back seat.

Yeonhee looked around the car that they used. There's no window glasses left and the doors and other metal parts of the car were crushed like a can of soda. She removed the seatbelt she's wearing, too.

"I'm afraid we can't use this buddy anymore." He tapped the steering wheel, pertaining to the car. "Let's get out of here before they can even find us." Tao said.

They get out of the car thru the window since the doors can't be opened anymore. They walked their way at a lane between buildings. It was strange that the city doesn't have that much people. Or it might be because they are all at the palace, waiting for the President's big announcement and speech about this country.

Yeonhee's phone rang and when she looked at the screen, her mother was calling. She immediately answered, worried because she forgot about her mother while they are trying to escape from the guards and men from the palace.

"Mom! Are you okay? Where are you?" she worriedly asked.

"I expect this to happen. Especially about what officer Huang ZiTao wants to tell your father. I'm so sorry Yeonhee. I should have just keep you and Gwangsu away from your father." Her mother said. Yeonhee can hear the voice of her mother gets a bit emotional.

"Mom. I need you to go where it is safe. Leave that house and we will meet where that place is. I think we seriously have to get out of here." She said and looked at Tao after. She crawled her glace down when Tao grabbed her hand. "Tao will protect me, mom, so you don't have to worry. Please take care. We will meet later." She ended the call and they continue walking to find a cab that will take them faraway from the place.

"Target spotted at the 8th street. I repeat, target spotted at the 8th street."

"They're making their way on the 9th street's lane. Waiting for termination order."


"Target approaching 9th street's road. Target currently waiting for a cab. Waiting for termination order."

"The President's currently engaged in the ceremony. Informed his personnel about the update, over."

"Target moved position. I repeat, target moved position. Target's currently walking with the hostage going to the 11th street's road. Update for the termination order, over."

"Shoot to kill the target, an order from the president. Ready your positions, over."

"Roger. Shoot to kill officer Huang ZiTao, engaging to termination order."

Yeonhee turned around. You can see her face that is full of worries. She keeps on looking around, like listening to everything her eyes would land on. "Something's wrong in here." She thought.

"What is it?" Tao asked her.

Yeonhee looked back at Tao. "The city isn't really this quiet, right? There's rarely cabs and cars driving around. I can't even see anyone walking on the streets. Isn't it a bit odd?" she said.

Tao tried to look around too. His deep looking eyes squinted on every part of the city where his eyes would look at. "Yeah. Might be because they are all attending the President's ceremony. Come on, I saw a cab coming from the other part of the road. Have your Mom messaged you the place yetㅡ"

"Target spotted, preparing to shoot."

Yeonhee involuntarily looked above. She saw an armored man pointing a gun at one of them. At Tao.

"Watch out!" She hugged Tao all of a sudden and she heard a gun shot sound right after and a swinging sensation.

She hardly shuts her eyes, preparing to feel the pain somewhere on her back, perhaps being shot doesn't make you feel any pain anymore. Perhaps, the tingling sound her ears can hear is the real effect when a bullet just went into your skin, your muscles, your body.

She did not let go of Tao for support. But still she felt like falling. She fell. But the ground wasn't that hard, and cold and rough.

Yeonhee tried to open her eyes to see that she was lying on top of Tao. Tao's eyes were shut closed. His messy, with scratch and dried blood-face doesn't show any expression. Just... blank.

"No... no you did not!" She gets up and kneeled to put Tao's upper body on her hips. "Wake up! This can't happen!" She tried slapping Tao's face to wake him up. Shake him rudely to try getting his senses back and he did. He cough and gasp for air the moment he opened his eyes.

"We can still escape if you can get up! They are still on their way down the buildings. Please, get up." She said.

Tao blinked a couple of times when tears dropped on his face. "T-that hurts." He huskily said. "I... I can't. I'm sorry."

"No, please. I don't want to hear those." Yeonhee touched Tao's wounded face and he winced.

"In case... just in case they will succeed on terminating me this momentㅡI wan't you to know that even after this life, I'll love you, Yeonhee. The only lady in my lifeㅡeven if I'll be lifeless sometime later." He smiled that made Yeonhee sob even more.

"Don't say those please. I'll think of a way. Right! I'll think of a way to make you live. There will be a way!" She cried.

Tao smirked and closed his eyes. "I know a way. It might save me or not, or... I don't know unless we try it." He said and once again, opens his eyes to look at her. He reached for her face and moved his fingers onto her chin.

"RIGHT. T-this will end everything with him and he might be saved from dying." Yeonhee thought before closing her eyes.

Yeonhee gasped a huge amount of air when she opened her eyes. The smell of her room, she hates it before but everytime it takes her back here, she felt more relieved, and thankful and better now. She hope she doesn't have to leave her room anymore to face another dimension with one of the guys.

The cards were scattered around her, as usual. She picked up the newly transformed card.

It has now Tao's picture with his name 'Huang ZiTao'

It has now Tao's picture with his name 'Huang ZiTao'. At the back, is the rule where she wished she looked at from the beginning.

Rule Number 6:
No sacrificing of your own life for him.

It might help her to get a hint about someone who will try to shoot them in the end.

She just shrugged her shoulders. There's no use of regretting a thing when it already happened. Anyways, todayㅡor we should say in this dimension, another EXO member will meet her. She just hope that the happenings will be lighter than her previous two experience with two of the members of EXO.

Her room's door rudely opened and she was greeted with a cheerful GaEun who looks like she's excited over something.

Her smile faded before she speaks. "Yah. Your room is messy. And did you just slepton the floor?" She walked towards her to sat beside her.

Yeonhee scratched the back of her head. "Yeah. I didn't noticed that last night. By the way, what are you doing here?"

GaEun immediately frowned at her before she lightly hit her on her arm. "You forgot what event we have today? Duh? It is mister popular's first ever theater act today! So, hurry up and dress yourself!" GaEun stood up and Yeonhee followed her.

"And please, take a bath. I'll be waiting downstairs! Ciao!" GaEun left her on her room, confused of what she just said.

"So... I believe that mister popular is one of the members. I wonder who is it tis time?" She tried counting the members whom she hasn't met yet but stopped it rightaway to prepare herself. She will meet him later anyways.

They went to their school's auditorium. GaEun have a rehearsal pass so they went early to watch the theatre act's rehearsals for the show the night.

GaEun looked so dreamy and keeps of sighing adorations while watching the rehearsals. The drama is about four young men who's best friends of each other, trying to pursue their own dreams despite of how different it is from one another.

Yeonhee rests her chin on her hand while watching. Actually, waiting. All of the character were handsome and beautiful but she just couldn't recognize them. Until one shy young man made her stand up from sitting.



Our KungFu Panda! <3

I kinda at English action scenes, forgive me ._. but I hope this chapter is still okay :) and acceptable. LoL~

THANK YOU FOR READING UP TO HERE! ^____^ I appreaciate it so much! And thank you so much for waiting for this update! I hope you can subscribe and leave a comment :D LovelOts!!!


P.S.: try to guess who's coming next? :O



EXO NEXT DOOR + 2 ;) it's on my works :D if you have time, please check that story too! Thanksmuch! <3


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Lee_Seira_1412 #1
Chapter 1: I'm excited!!! >w<
Crazydork22 #3
Chapter 15: Well, that was unexpected!
Chapter 15: aaHHH that was so sweet of yeonhee to do that,,, friendship is sometimes more precious than love
Chapter 14: Holy Moley, what the hell!!!!!!! i thought i saw Baekhyun!?!?!?
Chapter 12: Omg, who is it this time? Was Luhan already shown? He wasn't right?
Btw, I hope the next chapter won't be the last ><
Chapter 11: Update soon ^_^
Chapter 11: Xiumin was so cute! Over the top cute!
Is the next member Lay??? >.<