The Eye Of The Storm (2)

Markjin one shots

The Eye Of The Storm


He quickly jumped off his bike and hurried to lock it. Maybe, possibly he was a tad bit late. He looked up at the school building and sighed slightly. Suddenly he noticed a figure lingering in front of the doors. The figure looked awfully familiar.

“What are you doing here” he asked as he approached Mark.

“Waiting for you” he stated simply "are you always this late.

“Why” he asked as they entered the building, ignoring Mark's question.

“So we can walk to class together” Mark said as if that was completely obvious to everyone except him.

“Why” he asked again.

“Because that’s what friends do” Mark stated and they continued to walk to class in silence.

As they entered their classroom it immediately went silent. He frowned slightly as he took his seat in the back of the class and Mark went to sit with some of his basketball friends. People were still staring at him in shock as he grabbed his books and he decided to stare back rudely.

What was up with them anyway.


The day passed uneventfully. He sat alone at lunch and studied by himself in the library. It wasn’t any different from his every day.

except for the fact that Mark was waiting for him in front of the school again as school had finished.

He didn’t say anything this time and just waited for Mark to explain himself.

“Wanna go do homework together” Mark asked casually. His face contorted.


“You understood me very well Jinyoung” Mark said with a smile. He sighed a little and smiled slightly too.

“Well then where do you want to go Mister Perfect” he asked.

“What happened to golden boy” Mark asked as they walked away from their school.

“He’ll be back, don’t worry” He reassured. Mark chuckled.

“How about one of the cafes in town” Mark suggested.

“I never really go out to study”

“There’s a first time for everything” Mark stated and pulled him towards town by his arm.


They entered a mall, slightly crowded cafe. It smelt like coffee and cake, not something he would go for immediately.

“Want something to drink” Mark asked as he grabbed his wallet and stared at the range of drinks.

“You don’t have to pay, I can do that” he said as he came up next to him. Mark looked at him in slight surprise.

“You sure?”


“Alright, I’ll have a cappuccino” Mark said, a little smile playing on his face.

“Do you always drink your coffee with milk” he asked, remotely disgusted.

“Depends on what I’m feeling like. Let me guess, you only drink your coffee black” he said with an even bigger smile.

“Yes I do actually” he said feigned petty.

“Just try it once, only once” Mark pleaded.

“Alright alright, just go sit somewhere I’ll be right there” he gave in and vaguely waved Mark away.

He walked up to the counter and ordered two cappuccinos. He sighed a little, why on earth was he doing this. Then again, it was only coffee. The girl behind the counter smiled brightly at him.

“You two make a cute couple” she said as she wrote his order down. He was slightly taken aback by her statement and really didn’t know what to answer to that.

“Uh” he started but the girl had already turned away to get their coffees ready. He shook his head and took a step back to wait.

He soon joined Mark at a table in a corner of the cafe. It was slightly more quiet here and he suspected that that was exactly why Mark had chosen this table. Mark had already taken his books out but was staring in front of him absentmindedly.

“Mark” he snapped his fingers in front of his face after he placed his coffee on the table. Mark shook his head slightly and looked up at him.

“Oh, thanks” he said softly. He looked like something was bothering him but he decided not to ask. He still felt like he didn't have the right to ask, like he'd be invading Mark's personal life. He didn't want to be a bad friend, so he just kept quiet.

He sat down and stared at his coffee cup. Coffee with milk. He kept staring. Opposite from him Mark was casually sipping his drink and looked at him amusedly.

“Are you just going to keep staring at it or are you actually going to drink it” he asked, his voice filled with delight.

He pulled the cup towards him and took a tiny sip. And another. It was different, but not a bad different. He was trying to decide whether he liked it or not.

“So” Mark asked impatiently.

“It’s actually quite good” he admitted.

“See” Mark said with a smile. He shook his head and glared at him. He never liked admitting that others were right. Mark suddenly took his phone out and before he could realise what he was doing he heard the snap of a camera.

“What are you doing” he asked.

“It’s called taking a picture Jinyoung” Mark stated.

“Delete that” he said as threateningly as he could.

“Nope” Mark answered, popping the ‘p’. He sighed deeply and decided to let it slide. Maybe Mark would notice his dismay and just delete it. Deep down he knew better.

They spent the rest of their afternoon in the small cafe.


Mark was again waiting for him at the front doors of their school. They walked to class together again. He did not see the use of walking to class together but Mark seemed to like it so he just accepted it.

That day at lunch Mark joined him as well.

He shot him one strange look and just continued eating.


He was sitting in the back of classroom waiting for class to start when their teacher entered.

“I have some news for you. Today you will be joined by a new student, he came here from quite far away so I expect you to welcome him kindly” she said as she opened the door.

In stormed a very familiar head of dark brown hair.

“Surprise” an even more familiar voice yelled.

He was sure Mark looked just as shocked as he did.


“Hello people” Jackson boomed as he joined their table for lunch.

“Hey Jackson” Mark said calmly. He only glared.

“Jinyoung, I see you’re still as talkative” Jackson stated as he sat down.

“So Jackson, what are you doing here” Mark asked what they were both thinking.

“I transferred here. My parents finally decided to move away from the old town we lived in” Jackson explained.

“So you went from and old town to... another old town” he asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t say it was a great decision” Jackson admitted “but at least I know you two”

“Oh, I don’t wish to be associated with you” he said blankly. Mark shot him a scolding glance. He roled his eyes and lessened his glare slightly.

“What” he asked as both Mark and Jackson burst out in laughter.

“I see you two have gotten better” Jackson said.

“We’re working on it”

“Sounds good”


With Jackson now an addition to their daily routine things were a little less dull every day. Jackson really was a good guy when he wasn’t constantly shrieking and yelling.

Which meant he was a good guy sometimes. Occasionally.


“Hey wanna study together again” Mark asked as he came to walk next to him in the hallway.

“The cafe is closed today” he stated as he looked through his bag.

“And we can’t go to my place” Mark said with a huff. He stopped in front of his classroom.

“Why not”

“It’s not important” Mark waved it away. He raised his eyebrows at him.

“Really” Mark pushed.

He nodded. No need to push it.

“Alright, we could go to my place, I mean, if you want” he suggested. Mark smiled.


“Alright, that’s a deal then” he said and quickly slipped into his classroom. That’s a deal? Really Jinyoung? He thought to himself. He internally facepalmed at his own stupidness and took a seat.


They entered his room and he quickly sat down on his desk chair. He felt uncomfortable bringing Mark here even if he had been here once before. Uninvited, mind you.

But Mark seemed all fine and dropped himself on the bed next to him.

“So, what first, Math or Chemistry” Mark issued.


“Math it is” Mark said and grabbed his books. He sat down on the ground with his back against the wall and got out his own book. It was quite for a while.

“Jinyoung” Mark suddenly said. He looked up from his book.

“Yeah” he asked.

“What’s in that box” Mark asked pointing at a box sitting in one corner of the room. He started panicking slightly.

“Uh, just old books that I was going to get rid of” he stuttered.

“Do your books have feet, 'cause I'm pretty sure that box just moved” Mark stated. He felt himself flush slightly as the box moved a little more.


“Jinyoung what’s in there” Mark asked amused. He got up from the bed and lifted the box to reveal a small black cat sitting on the ground. It meowed at Mark once and then purred.

“Is that… a cat”

“No it’s a horse” he answered sarcastically.

“Why do you keep a cat in a box in your room”

“It just sat on my balcony one day. I guess it climbed up the trees hanging over it and just fell out or something. So.. I took it in”

“That does not explain why it’s in a box” Mark said amused with raised eyebrows.

“My parents don’t really approve of pets” he said blankly. Mark laughed a little.

“Jinyoung, you can’t keep it in a box”

“I know that. But he was lonely, what was I supposed to do” he asked as he got up as well. He crouched a little to the kitten’s head.

He didn't notice the smal snap of Mark's camera.

“How do you even know it’s a he. How do you know it won’t escape one day and return with ten kittens in its belly” Marks asked amused as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

“I don’t know okay” he answered. Mark laughed again.

“Don’t laugh at me”

“Does it have a name” he asked.

“Not really” he admitted.

“How about Felix” Mark suggested.

“He does now” he answered simply.

“What are you going to do with him” Mark asked.

“I don’t know” he admitted as Felix his leg “I know I can’t keep him but I don’t want to give him away either”

“And what if it belongs to someone”

“He wasn’t wearing a collar and I’ve been looking out for missing posters. As soon as I see he belonged to someone I’ll return him. But I don’t think he did”

“You know. I could take him home with me” Mark offered. He looked up at him.

“Really, wouldn’t your parents mind” he asked.

“Of course not. And that way you’ll know it has got a good place to live” Mark said.

“That would be amazing” he said as he looked at the cat once more “Are you sure”

“Yes Jinyoung”

He nodded and returned to the bed. Suddenly Mark chuckled.


“Nothing. I just think it’s funny you’d take a cat in without hesitating” Mark said. He rolled his eyes and continued studying.

And that’s how Felix came to live with Mark.


"My place" he asked as Mark came up next to him. Mark only nodded. He had been a little less talkative lately. Jackson didn't seem to notice but he just filled the silence by talking more himself. He on the other hand had noticed, and he didn't like it one bit. He felt like there was something going on.

But he didn't ask. He just kept quiet and tried to make it as easy on Mark as he could. He didn't want him to feel like he was pressured into talking.

So they made their way towards his house.

He hadn't seen Felix ever since he moved in with Mark. He also hadn't been over at Mark's place anymore.


They were currently lying on his bed just staring up at the ceiling. Mark had put his head on his stomach and, even though it made him slightly uncomfortable, he had just let him. He seemed lost in thought. They'd given up on studying about ten minutes ago.

They weren't always particularly productive when they were together.

"Mark" he asked.


"If something was wrong, you'd tell me right" he asked. He felt Mark shift a little.

"Why" Mark asked in a soft voice.

He sighed and sat up a little to look at him.

"You've been absentminded, even more quiet than you usually are, and we never meet up at your place. Do you not want to go home, is that it? It is, isn't it? Mark what's going on?" He finally asked.

Mark sat up as well and rubbed his face.

"Am I that see through" he asked. He smiled a little.

"I'm getting better"

"I just" he paused. He dropped back down on the bed and rested his head on his hands.

"I wasn't completely sure before, but now that I am, I'm afraid my parents will be able to see it or something stupid like that" he explained.

"Do you think their reaction would be that bad"

"They think it's unatural" Mark said with a huff.

"And avoiding them is the solution" he asked as he lay back down as well.

"I guess" Mark sighed out.

"Doesn't that draw even more attention"

"I don't know Jinyoung. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like it's wrong for me to be myself" Mark admitted downhearted.

He only sighed, not knowing what to say. It wouldn't solve anything if he said something anyway.


He stared outside at the rain dripping on the sidewalks. It was finally getting colder. He sighed a little.

"I hate school and everyone in it" Jackson suddenly cursed next to him as he shoved his books away.

"Even me" Mark asked with a mock pout.

"You're an exception" he mused as he pulled his book back towards him.

He looked at the two of them. Sometimes he felt like he was missing something. Maybe he just wasn't a good friend. Maybe Mark preferred Jackson for that reason. He sighed again.

Mark looked up at him questioningly but he just shook his head. It was enough to make Mark return to his books. His gaze shifted to the window again.


He was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. His parents weren't home. Sometimes he thought that he was lucky that they were working all the time.

Felix jumped onto his stomach and he slowly scratched him behind his ears. He reminded him of Jinyoung.

He felt like something was going on with Jinyoung. Like something was bothering him that he simply failed to see, no matter how hard he looked. He knew Jinyoung was insecure, but he hadn't thought it'd go that far.

He looked back at Felix. He'd grown quite a lot. He remembered how Jinyoung had looked when he had discovered him and smiled a little.

He just simply felt like Jinyoung deserved the world. He didn't push, didn't pry. But then again, maybe he didn't because he thought it would make him uncomfortable.

He sighed. He too often didn't know whether he was talking to Jinyoung or to his anxiety.

Felix suddenly angrily shook his head and jumped off.

Just like Jinyoung.


"Give me your jacket, it's cold" Jackson stated.

"It's not like I'm cold too" he said sarcastically but he still handed Jackson his jacket. You did not want an annoyed Jackson hanging around you.

"Where's Jinyoung by the way" Jackson asked as he buried himself in his jacket.

"I don't know" he shrugged "haven't seen him all day"

"Can't you like text him or something" Jackson asked.

"Actually… no" he realised "I don't have his phone number. Hell, I don't even know whether he owns a phone or not" he admitted.

Jackson chuckled.

"You guys are weird"

"Yeah" he sighed out.


"My phone number" Jinyoung asked.

He nodded and took a sip of his drink.

"Right, you don't have that" Jinyoung said absentmindedly.

"You do have a phone" he asked surprised.

"Yeah, I just never use it" Jinyoung shrugged as he fished his phone out of his bag. He proceeded to hand the phone to him and he quickly exchanched their numbers.

He handed Jinyoung his phone back.

"Text me" he said.

"What do I say" Jinyoung asked. He chuckled.

"Whatever. I just need to check if you have the right number"

Jinyoung made a face and started typing something.

From: Jinyoung-ah


"Hey, really, that's it" he chuckled.

"Yeah that's it, what did you even expect" Jinyoung countered. He smiled.

To: Jinyoung-ah

Hey back

"That's only slightly cheesy" Jinyoung stated as he looked at the phone. He just smiled and went back to his homework.


They were walking towards the cafe again. He had his hands stuffed deeply into his pockets and his breath formed little clouds against the air. He uncociously shivered slightly. Next to him Mark seemed to have noticed him shivering as he pulled the beanie he was wearing off his head and placed it onto his.

He shot him one glance before pulling the beanie far over his ears.

Mark only chuckled and quickly snapped a photo of him from the side.

"You really need to stop doing that" he grumbled as he dove deeper into his jacket.


He was reading in peace when suddenly he heard his phone buzz. He frowned, no one ever texted him except for Mark, and he was pretty sure Mark was playing basketball.

He scrambled off his bed and reached for his phone.

From: Unknown

Hey, I went to Mark's game today, he said it was okay if I left first but I believe he hasn't left the gym yet. I think there's something wrong.


He stared at the time on his phone. He hadn't realised it was this late already. He frowned and quickly grabbed his jacket from his chair.

"Where are you going, diner is ready" his mom asked as he passed her on his way out. He didn't respond.

"Jinyoung" he mom still called before he slipped out the door.

It was already getting dark outside and he dove deep inside his jacket as he hopped on his bike.

For some reason he felt dreadful.

Really dreadful.


He could hear an inconsistent banging as he entered the gym. It was dark inside but the court was still lit. He approached slowly.

He could see Mark angrily slinging a basketball at the hoop and quickly speeding after it as it bounced away. And again. And again. He wasn't even trying to make the ball go through, he was just angrily shooting it away.

He quietly sat down on the stands and kept watching.

"What are you doing here" Mark asked, panting as he threw the ball away again. It crashed against the board with a loud bang and bounced away, Mark just barely catching it.

He waited.

Mark threw the ball again. He leaned back a little. The ball banged against the wall as Mark completely missed the board. He crossed his arms. Mark threw again.

He sat and watched as Mark threw the ball.

Until he finally stopped and dropped himself on the floor. He noticed that he looked sweaty and exhausted.

"Are you done" he asked coldly. Mark just huffed. He got up and sat down next to him on the cold floor. Mark was still panting and ran his hands through his wet hair. He waited patiently for Mark to talk. He knew it didn't do any good to pry at people who didn't want to talk in the first place. All you could do was wait until they came to you themselves.

"We lost the game today" Mark finally said. He nodded, knowing that that wasn't everything.

Mark got up and picked up the ball again. He swiftly stood up and caught the rebounding ball. Mark shot him a glance but he just shot the ball at the hoop. Mark dashed forward to catch it.

"I think they know" Mark stated calmly but he slung the ball away angrily. He stepped out and caught it. He shot and made the target. He ran forward and passed the ball to Mark.

"Why's that" he asked as Mark threw the ball.

"They've been acting strange, more quiet, like they're hiding something from me. And they've been looking at me with this sad look in their eyes. I feel like I'm going mad" he said as he watched the ball bounce away, not bothering to get it. He turned to him. He couldn't decipher the look in his eyes. It was a mix sadness and fear and maybe even… anger.

He opened his arms slowly. It seemed like the only right thing to do. Mark looked at him with that strange look again and then leaped into his arms.

"It'll be okay" he whispered into his shoulder after a while. He felt Mark nod onto his shoulder but he still hugged him a little tighter.

"If you ever need a place to stay" he said and he felt Mark nod again.

They stayed like that for a while.


Mark didn't show up for school that day. To say he was worried was an understatement. Jackson had told him to take it easy, that Mark was probably just sick or something.

If only it was that easy.

He didn't respond to any of his messages. He had even called once.



He went to the cafe alone that day. Black coffee and earbuds in his ears. He had no idea what was going on.

He called once.


No reply.


His texts seemed meaningless. Like they didn't even reach him.

Maybe he had moved on.

Maybe Mark had finally realised he could never actually be a good friend.

He felt more lonely than ever.

It had only been three days.


He had stopped calling by now.

A week was long.

It felt even longer than usual he realised.

Something about Mark not being there.

Just made everything a tad bit worse.


One last text.

He should've given up four days ago.

Maybe he shouldn't have bothered in the first place.


He was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. The house was awfully quiet. His parents out of town, staff on leave. There was no one. No one but him.

Suddenly he heard a vague sound. Like a muffled ringing.

Maybe he was finally going mad.

How odd it was when you decide never to open up to anyone and then when you do, or at least try, this is what happened.

He heard the ringing again.

Sounded like a doorbell.

He shot up.

The doorbell.

He scrambled off his bed and almost sprinted down the stairs.

He pulled the door open violently.


He looked bad to say the least. Dishevelled, bags under his eyes, messy.

"It's one in the morning" he stated. Mark ran a hand through his hair messing it up even more and sighed.

"Can I… come in" he asked uncertain. He moved aside to let Mark through. He shook his head and immediately made his way upstairs.

He followed him with his eyes, frowned and closed the door.

"Do I want to know" he asked as he entered his room. Mark was slowly pacing up and down. He shook his head and kept pacing.


He knew what panic attacks looked like.

Mark wasn't doing well.

"Mark stop" he said as he walked up to him.

"Calm down" he said softly.

"I'm tired" Mark issued vaguely.

"Alright, take my bed" he said pointing.

"What about you" Mark asked. He frowned slightly. Mark was obviously freaking out and he managed to still think about him.

"We have a couch" he stated. Mark nodded but his eyes stayed distant. He guided him to the bed and sat him down.

"Rest" he said. He watched as Mark lay down lightly as though he was afraid to touch the covers.

He stayed by his side until he fell asleep.

He studied his face. It was peaceful. Without the crease of worry or stress. He softly his cheek and quickly moved downstairs.

He didn't sleep much that night.


When Mark arrived downstairs he looked slightly better.

It wasn't a lot.

"How did you sleep" he asked as he pushed a mug of coffee towards him. Mark didn't take it.

"I am so sorry"

He turned away to pour himself a cup of coffee.

"It's fine" he said vaguely.

"My mom was in an accident" He said quietly. He turned back.

"I've been in the hospital the entire week" he continued.

"Apparently she's very sick. She got nauseous while driving and lost control. That's why they kept looking at me sadly, because they didn't want to tell me she was sick"

"You don't have to tell me all of this" he stated.

"Why not" Mark asked.

"I'm really not worth being the one you talk to Mark" he said as he put his cup down.

"What" Mark asked even more confused.

"I thought you were mad at me, I thought you were ignoring me on purpose. I thought you were done with me. Meanwhile you go through horrible things and all I can think about it how I don't deserve your friendship anyway"

"I am so tired of this" Mark suddenly snapped.

"No Jinyoung, not of you. I'm tired of this. No matter what I do or what I say, no matter how hard I try, you keep putting yourself down. Do you know how frustrating that is. I don't want to see you get hurt but I don't know what to do when the one who's hurting you is you.
I don't know whether to help or just stay out of it. Whether to say something or not. I don't know what to do anymore" Mark said defeated. He had his mother on his mind and still thought of him too.

What did he ever do to deserve Mark's concern.

"I'm sorry" he couldn't imagine what was going trough his mind.

"No don't apologise, that's doing exactly what I ask you not to do. You probably just feel like you've dissapointed me again"

"No, I'm sorry you feel that way. You are not responsible for helping me. I couldn't wish for any better support than you. No one knows what to do all the time and I'm not expecting you to. Just be yourself, I like you the most that way. You had your mom to worry about and still you think of me. I dont even know how you handle that emotionally" he ranted.

"Did you just give me a peptalk?" Mark asked with a faint smile.

"I guess I did" he answered, a small smile creeping onto his face as well. Then his face fell slightly and he sighed.

"How is she doing" he asked, returning to the initial topic.

"She was critical but she's slightly better now. I just can't believe they wouldn't tell me she's sick" Mark said. He stared at his coffee which was still left untouched on the counter.

"They probably didn't want you to worry" he issued quietly.

"Mark how much did you sleep last week" he asked.

"I don't know" Mark stuttered. He pulled the coffee back towards him.

"Go back upstairs" he ordered.


"Go back to sleep" he commanded as he pointed towards the staircase.

"No, I shouldn't-"

"Mark. Go. Sleep. Now" he said slowly. Mark finally complied and made his way back upstairs. He sighed deeply as he watched him move upstairs.

Things had just been going so well.

Happiness never lasted long for him.

He had just never intended to pull Mark down into it.


"I'm calling us in sick today" he stated as Mark joined him downstairs. This time he did take the coffee he pushed towards him.

"No. I've missed a week already, I can't-" Mark started.

"I'm calling us in sick" he interrupted. Mark slowly sipped his coffee.

"How do you feel" he asked softly. Mark looked at him, the fatigue still visible on his face.

"I don't know" he admitted "but I might have to keep you to the staying over thing"

He raised his eyebrows "of course"

"I just don't want to go home alone and-"

"Mark I get it"

Mark sighed deeply.

"Can I just.. get a hug"

He smiled meekly and engulfed him in a tight hug. Mark felt weak in his arms. Skinny. Too skinny.

"What do you want to do today" he asked softly.

He felt Mark breathe in deeply.

"Nothing, watch a movie maybe" he said quietly.

"How about breakfast first"


Mark had fallen asleep about halfway through the movie. His head was buried in the crease of his shoulder his legs curled up to his side, his arm slung loosely across his stomach. His arm was slowly starting to become numb but he didn't want to wake him up.

He looked vulnerable and small and peaceful. He had snuggled up to him almost unintentionally.

He sighed a little and turned towards him. Their faces were inches apart. He couldn't help but frown.

He looked so vulnerable yet was so strong.

He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off.


It had been a strange few days. He was still worried about Mark but he seemed to be doing better.

He still hadn't told him anything new about his mother.

But he had stayed over at his place and things seemed to be clearing up.


He felt… okay. The last two weeks had been a show. But Jinyoung had helped him out as much as he could.

And he did feel better.

He walked up to Jinyoung in the hallway.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey, how's it going?" He heard that question about four times a day.

"I'm fine, just like two hours ago" he said. Jinyoung smiled a little.

"Alright alright"

"I'm going back to the hospital today" he told him. Jinyoung gave him a weird look.

"Okay" he said slowly.

"She is supposed to almost be released" he continued.

"That's great news" Jinyoung said. He didn't seem to be catching on.

"Right, you need a ride" he finally said.

"If you don't mind, I mean I could just go by bus or something. You don't have to come in if you don't want or anything, I just-"

"Mark it's fine, I'll drive you" Jinyoung reassured him. He sighed.

"Really, thanks" he said quietly.

"Are you sure you want to go already"

"Yeah, I think it'll do me good"


"Do you want me to come with you" Jinyoung asked him. He turned around to look at him.

"I should thank you"

Jinyoung had already started shaking his head no.

"Yes I should" he continued.

"Thank you" he said. Jinyoung's face suddenly broke into a huge smile.

"What" he asked. Jinyoung didn't say anything he just smiled fondly.

"What" he exclaimed.

"Nothing, just go in" Jinyoung waved him off.

He shook his head and turned around again. He sighed once and entered the hospital.


His mom was sitting up in her bed. His father wasn't here but his jacket hung over the chair.

"Mark" she uttered weakly.

"Hi mom" he said as he sat down next to her "How are you feeling"

"I'm okay, they're letting me go after the weekend" she said. Suddenly she grabbed his hand.

"We're so sorry you had to find out this way" she uttered.

"It's okay mom, I'm just glad you're alright" he said as he squeezed her hand.

"No it's not okay" his mom said "we shouldn't have kept it a secret from you, you're old enough to handle it in your own way"

He thought of everything he was hiding from them. His parents felt guilty for not telling him something and it only made him feel worse. How was he supposed to ever tell them.

"Mom I-" he started. He paused.

"Yes" she looked at him questioningly.

"Nevermind, I'm just glad you're coming home"

"Me too honey"


It was odd having Mark gone again. His nights had been sleepless without Mark there. For some strange reason.

Mark and his father had their hands full with the care of his mother. He couldn't blame them. It had just been nice having someone there with him.

It was snowing lightly outside. Everything was coated in a blanket of white when he stepped outside.

Making his way to the cafe alone.


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Chapter 22: This chapter really is beautiful, the others are too but I don't know there's something special with this one.
Anyways thank you for this story and the others too and I'm looking forward to the next ones („• ֊ •„)੭
JinyoungsMark #2
Chapter 22: They r soo cute! Love this chap!
Chapter 22: jackson is so mean... i'm glad jinyoung and jaebum didnt despise mark
JinyoungsMark #4
Chapter 21: Awww..glad that they work out! XD
Chapter 21: jinyoung knows mark the best....
Chapter 20: Ahhh~ the last part was so cuuuute~ <3 <3 <3
tmarianegrace #7
Chapter 20: ??
Chapter 19: I missed your stories authornim! Thank you so much for making new ones. ^^
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 19: What happen to mark? Feel sad for jinyoung though.. :"(
markjin18 #10
Chapter 7: aww oh my god pahwjwbsb