Another cafe story?

Markjin one shots

One thing you have to know about Mark is that he likes his structure, his routine. 'The usual' are some of his favourite words. He's not a person to enjoy change, or to enjoy anyone disturbing his *perfect* routine. 

Just a heads up.
He sighed contently as he entered the same cafe, on the same day, at the same time, ordering the same thing as always. With same time, he ment after school and same day was basically every day, sitting down at the same table with his eternal black coffee. He liked that structure.

He had chosen this cafe because it was small. It was small and cozy and never crowded. He could concentrate here, he could relax here. He took his seat and without even saying anything a waiter came by and placed a coffee on his table, while also taking the freedom to drop himself in the seat in front of him.

"Hellooooo" Jackson exclaimed as he stretched his body "man I'm wrecked" he grumbled. He chuckled a little.

"Busy day" he asked politely.

"More like busy night" Jackson grinned. He shook his head and took a little sip of his coffee. He looked around. The cafe was empty apart from them and it was quite as always. Good, that gave him the opportunity to finish the last of his homework. He looked back at Jackson who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Hey" he said while he snapped a finger in front of Jackson's face. His head snapped up from his arms.

"Right" he said, stretching out again "I need to welcome the new performer anyway" he said while getting up. His mind immediately caught on to what he had said.

"New performer" he asked, eyes shooting towards the tiny stage wedged into a corner of the cafe. Jackson nodded.

"Boss says it'll attract more customers if we have live music" he shrugged and stalked off. He sighed, his mood suddenly quite ruined. There went his peace and quite, away with the stings of a guitar.
He settled in his usual seat again. His usual drink was served to him and as usual he took out his books to study. But, not so usual, were the people setting up stuff a the corner of the cafe. He saw Jackson dragging some lights towards the tiny platform they called a stage. Someone else just put a little stool on the stage, which seemed to be inconveniently in the way of everything, and others were tugging on cables or wires of some sort. All in all the whole place was a mess.

He sighed and buried his face in his hands. He thought his quite would fly away on guitar strings not an unplanned renovation. They clearly weren't prepared for this. He caught Jackson's eyes and he started making his way towards him.

"Hey" he said as he dropped himself in a chair "guess what, I'm wrecked again" he complained.

"I can tell" he managed to say.

"Boss really didn't think this thing through" he sighed out rubbing his face.

"Nope" he said, popping the p.

"Well, at least it's not like we can annoy anyone with the noise" he said "except you of course" he quickly added. He rolled his eyes. "Sorry man" he said while patting his shoulder and getting up again.

"Hopefully the music will be better"

Needless to say, he didn't get a lot done that day.
Friday finally rolled around. Usually it was one of the days it was a little busier than usual, but today it was like ten times busier than he had even seen in the small cafe. He had been there early, but around three the cafe had started filling with people. He watched people dartling around to find a seat from his spot next to the window. Why all this ruckus was made he knew very well.

It was the first night the live performer would *perform*.

He had dreaded this day, but he knew it would come. Eventually the hype would die down and it wouldn't be so crowded here anymore. Hopefully. He could barely see the stage through the people and really had no intention to either. You might wonder why he hadn't just left yet, and he could answer that. It wasn't something he was always proud of, but he was burning with curiosity. And it would do no harm to listen to this performer just once right. He had nothing else to do anyway.

Suddenly the people in front started clapping as a person ascended the stage, the lights shining in his face brightly. The applause died down and finally he got a good look at the stranger. Just by one glance he took away everything bad he had thought about him. He was the cutest most beautiful person he had ever seen. Dark black hair that fell in front of his dark eyes, a cute and warm smile, and the most adorable wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled. Unconsciously he smiled a little too. The mystery guy scanned the audience.

"Good evening to everyone, my name is Jinyoung and I'm very glad to be playing here for you tonight" he said in the microphone, voice clear. Jinyoung, his name was Jinyoung. "It is my first time here so bear with me" he still added and then he sat down on the stool that was now correctly placed around the cables and wires. He placed his guitar on top of his legs and started playing.

He listened as Jinyoung worked himself trough song after song, his voice not once failing him. And man, he had a voice. He was maybe even a little mesmerized by him. His appearance and voice created such a beautiful picture he just didn't want to look away. To wars the end of the performance it started getting late and people started to slowly leave the cafe. Eventually he was the only one left.

"He's good isn't he" Jackson, who finally had a break from serving people, said. His head shot up towards him.

"Yeah" he managed to say. Jackson turned to look at him.

"What*yeah*" he asked.

"How often is he going to be here" he avoided Jackson's remark.

"He said he was available the entire week, but he also still goes to school, so I'm not sure" Jackson admitted. 
He admits, in the weekends he didn't come there all the time, but this was an exception. He was just really craving coffee okay, it's not at all like he slightly hoped to see a particular person. 
And it was not Jackson. 

So he entered the cafe and dropped himself in his usual spot. Jackson came hopping towards him with two fresh coffees.

"Good morning" he chirped "I rarely see you here in the weekend, did you miss me" he said teasingly.

"Don't you have work to do or something" he asked. Jackson made a hurt face and sat down. 

"Good morning Jackson! Yes of course, I'm delighted to see you" Jackson said sarcastically. He chuckled a little.

"Someone's grumpy today" he said while sipping his coffee.

"I don't think that's strange. Did you see how many people were here yesterday, I worked my off" Jackson exclaimed.

"No" he replied with a smile "you've just never had to work before"

Jackson slapped his arm as he started laughing.

"Do you even know what working is" he choked out between laughs.

"Yeah yeah, you laugh" Jackson said in mock hurt "if today is going to be as bad as yesterday, I swear I'll kill someone" he grumbled.

"Why would today be just as bad" he asked taking another sip of his coffee. Jackson shuffled in his chair and draped his legs over the arm rest.

"*he* is going to be here again" he said with a sigh and he closed his eyes. His face lit up as Jackson mentioned the performer.

"Aha" he said. Jackson opened one eye to look at him.

"This guy is eager too, he said he could come every day" he continued.

"Every day" he exclaimed.

"Yep" Jackson said "you could be like best friends. Well after me of course" he said smugly. He smiled a little and rolled his eyes. Suddenly they heard a noise coming from the stage. Jinyoung was making his was up and slowly sat down. He looked up and stared straight at him. Then his face broke out in a wide smile.

"Guess it's just you two for today then" he said into the microphone.

"Didn't I tell you" Jackson yelled at him and got up again.

"Where are you going" he asked.

"As soon as people hear the music they'll come streaming in" he said and grimaced.

"Good luck" he still said and turned his gaze back to the stage where Jinyoung was now tuning his guitar.

"Or just you" he said with a smile when he looked up again. He softly started playing and Mark fell back into a state of being mesmerised by Jinyoung. Sadly Jackson was right. After a song or two, people started coming in. Before he knew the cafe was filled with people, chatting and laughing, and Jinyoung's voice fell into the background.
He didn't go that Sunday, but from what Jackson told him, it had been petty busy again. Jinyoung was really lifting up business.
That Monday though he did go. As usual he sat in the same spot, same time, same drink. He just took out his homework as he heard someone rummaging on stage. His head shot up to see Jinyoung preparing his stuff.

He groaned slightly and looked back at his homework. He had just started reading a paragraph when Jinyoung started testing the microphone. The sound pounded through the room before someone quickly lowered the volume. He looked up again to see Jinyoung, completely oblivious to his annoyance, tuning his guitar. He looked back at his book and tried reading again.

Suddenly Jinyoung started singing. His head shot up for the third time as he now groaned out loud. There was no way he could concentrate now. He was just one of those people that couldn't concentrate with music on. And it didn't matter if Jinyoung was extremely handsome or had the voice of an angle, he really wanted to punch him right now. He buried his face in his hands and sighed.

After about an hour Jinyoung finally stopped what only turned out to be practicing and he dared to throw another glance at his book. He looked up just as Jackson brought him another coffee.

"Jacks, I didn't order anything" he said as Jackson had brought him drinks before that he hadn't ordered and then dared to make him pay for them.

"I know" he said with a sly smile. He made a face and looked at the coffee. Actually he did kind of need it now. He lifted the cup and a note came flying from underneath. He quickly caught it and looked at it.

Sorry for disturbing your concentration, I hope this can make up a little.


He didn't even notice the smile creeping over his face.
Next day, same old thing. He was the only one in the cafe again. Today Jinyoung would actually be playing, and he knew it, but it was still as empty as ever. What can you expect of a Tuesday. He dropped in a seat and stared up at the stage. Jinyoung just sat down and he was about to start a song. Suddenly he saw Jackson climbing onto the stage and saying something to Jinyoung. He nodded a few times and started putting his guitar away. 

He dissapeared from the stage and it wasn't long until he saw him walking into the cafe. He followed him with his eyes until he noticed Jinyoung was coming straight for him.

"Hi, I'm Jinyoung, but you probably already knew that, and again, I'm sorry about last time" he said as he put out his hand for him to shake. He stared at the hand with wide eyes.

"Mark" he managed to say as he shook Jinyoung's hand "and it's fine, really" he assured him. Jinyoung nodded with a cute little smile. Now that was over with he could leave again right. He felt his face getting hot being so close to Jinyoung. And he didn't even know the guy. But Jinyoung sat down and soon Jackson stopped by with two coffees.

"You come here often right" Jinyoung asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm always the only one here" he answered, pulling one of the cups towards him.

"I have noticed" Jinyoung replied with another smile "but that's why you like it here I presume" he continued. He nodded unconsciously.

And after that first conversation many followed. Whenever Jinyoung had to perform, but there was no one else in the cafe, he would just sit at a table with Mark and talk, or he would be doing homework and Jinyoung would silently join him and read. Mark's routine started falling apart bit by bit, by going out for walks with Jinyoung, or meeting up somewhere else. His dull every day routine was simply destroyed. Not that he minded, he had noticed he actually quite liked doing things with Jinyoung.

Well, not quite. A lot actually. He also liked Jinyoung. A lot.

He was this happy cheerful person, someone who always cared about others, and of course extremely talented. He was just… lovely.

He started looking forward to seeing Jinyoung, looking forward to spending time with him, or simply listening to him perform.

So the next Friday he was in the cafe as always. Jinyoung hadn't shown up yet and he didn't want to admit it but he was getting anxious. As Jackson passed him by he stopped him.

"Hey, isn't Jinyoung coming today" he asked. Jackson turned towards him.

"Nah, I believe he has a cold" he said " I feel left out man" he said exaggerating. He chuckled a little as Jackson sat down.

"You like him don't you" he asked. He looked up at him, ready to deny what Jackson said.

"I-" he sighed "Yeah I do"

"I'm happy for you man, you two suit each other" Jackson said as he got up again "well got work to do" and he walked away again. After a couple of minutes he was back with a cup of coffee. He looked up but Jackson just winked. He lifted the cup and just managed to see another note lying underneath it. He quickly took it and opened it up.

Hey Mark. Caught a cold, thought you might want to know. I'm alright really, don't worry. Here is my phone number, because I realised we have no way of communicating other than talking. So yeah, just text me or something. 

~ Jinyoung.

He smiled widely. Jinyoung was right he realised now, they really had no other way of communicating. He immediately stopped sulking and grabbed his phone to type in the number and text Jinyoung.
Another week went by and Mark felt happier than ever. He got so close to Jinyoung that it felt like they had known each other for their entire lives. They had started texting frequently now too. Another Sunday Jinyoung was performing again. The cafe was filled with people as the Sunday evening had become very popular. He joined the people in clapping as Jinyoung came up the stage. Jinyoung's eyes met his as he started his first song.

For some reason for the entire performance Jinyoung's gaze didn't leave his.

After the performance, as the cafe started getting less busy, Jinyoung joined him at his table. He looked beautiful as always, but also tired.

"Hey, everything alright" he asked as he dropped himself in a chair.

"Just tired I guess" he admitted.

"Why" he asked worried.

"There's this girl" he said with a sigh. His spirit immediately dropped. He nodded for him to continue.

"She's infatuated with me" he continued with another sigh "she's horribly selfish and arrogant, and she has created this enormous liking for me and she just won't leave me alone" he said. He had to try really hard to keep himself from laughing.

"Don't laugh" Jinyoung whined but with a smile on his face "I really need a way out"

"Tell her you're gay" he said jokingly. Jinyoung's expression changed.
"Wait" he said "you really are" he asked.

"Because I'm totally fine with that" he quickly said "really I don't mind" he finished hastily. Jinyoung chuckled.

"Thanks" he said "maybe I should indeed tell her. But she'll never believe me" he uttered.

"I could pretend to be your boyfriend" he said before he even realised what he was saying. Jinyoung's eyes went wide.

"Would you do that" he asked in disbelief.

"Uhm, yeah sure" he said before he could change his mind. This could either go wrong or right, and it would probably go wrong and break his heart, but he didn't care.

"Yeah, I think that would help. You're the best" Jinyoung said, smiling brightly.

That evening he got a text that Jinyoung had invited this girl to the cafe so that she could see him perform, they would then work out the rest of their plan. He was nervous to say the least, but even more excited. For some reason...
He was seated in the front of the cafe looking up at Jinyoung who just came up the stage. There were some people sitting behind him, but it wasn't as crowded as the first time. Jinyoung slowly got his stuff ready and moved to start his first song. After a few songs he moved to say something.

"This song is for a very special person, I think you know who you are" he said. He heard a few girls squeal behind him as Jinyoung started singing a soft love song. 

He didn't fail to notice that he had replaced all the female words with male ones. He was really serious about this. Softly, in the back of his head, was the burning realisation that this would never be, it would never actually be true. But for now, he could only focus on Jinyoung. Jinyoung's gaze never left his either.

When he finally finished the song he announced that that was the last one for the night and made his was off the stage. After a couple of minutes he saw him approaching him. Before Jinyoung could reach him, a girl had stopped him. Jinyoung threw him a look that screamed help me. He slid off his chair. Time for the plan. He made his way towards the couple and casually put his arm around Jinyoung. He smiled brightly before he spoke.

"You must be Amber,  Jinyoung has told me a lot about you" he said. Amber's face changed from confused to understanding to angry.

"And who are you" she asked rudely.

"Oh my bad, I'm Mark, Jinyoung's boyfriend" he said exaggerating his kindness. Her eyes went wide as she stared from him to Jinyoung and back. And again, and again. 

"Boyfriend" she finally managed to say "you were serious" she uttered. Jinyoung nodded with a huge smile on his face. For some reason this didn't feel awkward, or wrong at all. This felt like it was meant to be.

"I don't believe you" she stated. He slightly started panicking but managed to keep a straight face. Jinyoung raised his eyebrows at her.

"Kiss" she said. The word resonated trough his head. This girl was serious. She wouldn't believe them if they didn't kiss. Hell, she wouldn't even believe them if they hesitated even the slightest.

"Fine" Jinyoung said before he could respond. He felt Jinyoung's hands cup his face and turn it towards him. His eyes were met with Jinyoung's dark ones, their faces only inches apart. He swallowed nervously as Jinyoung inched closer. He heard Amber gasp.

"Okay, fine, I believe you, please stop" she shrieked. Jinyoung's head snapped into her direction.

"I get it okay, you're happily together" she said and then stormed off. Jinyoung's hands immediately left his face.

"I'll uh, go get some fresh air" he said hastily and he too dissapeared outside. He stared at the door he had left trough for a couple of minutes before he snapped awake and rushed after him. When he came outside he saw Jinyoung leaning against the wall of the cafe and staring in front of him with a dull look on his face. He stepped in front of him and he seemed to snap back to reality. He didn't even know what he was doing or why he was doing it, the only thing he knew was that he loved Jinyoung. He really did.

"Look Mark I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it that far" he said quietly.

"It wasn't far enough" he said. Jinyoung's eyes shot up to him. He put his hand next to Jinyoung's head against the wall.

"What" he asked.

"There was still space between us" he explained as he inched closer to Jinyoung. Jinyoung's eyes went big. He softly placed a small kiss on Jinyoung's lips. Jinyoung was still frozen. He chuckled nervously, was this the wrong decision? Jinyoung slowly touched his lips with his fingers, still frozen. He looked at him again.

"You have no idea what you just got yourself into" he said as he threw his arms around Mark and kissed him. His hands s around his waist and he felt Jinyoung's hands go through his hair. He slowly pulled away still holding Jinyoung.

"I guess you can sing for me everyday from now on" he said cheekily.

"Didn't I already do that" Jinyoung asked.

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Chapter 22: This chapter really is beautiful, the others are too but I don't know there's something special with this one.
Anyways thank you for this story and the others too and I'm looking forward to the next ones („• ֊ •„)੭
JinyoungsMark #2
Chapter 22: They r soo cute! Love this chap!
Chapter 22: jackson is so mean... i'm glad jinyoung and jaebum didnt despise mark
JinyoungsMark #4
Chapter 21: Awww..glad that they work out! XD
Chapter 21: jinyoung knows mark the best....
Chapter 20: Ahhh~ the last part was so cuuuute~ <3 <3 <3
tmarianegrace #7
Chapter 20: ??
Chapter 19: I missed your stories authornim! Thank you so much for making new ones. ^^
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 19: What happen to mark? Feel sad for jinyoung though.. :"(
markjin18 #10
Chapter 7: aww oh my god pahwjwbsb