Unexpected Meeting

Please,Look At Me!

*Nickhun POV*

I was finishing my practice dance when Junho text me “Where are you? We already wait for you. Come fast! Taecyeon just bought a new cassette PS” then I reply “ok. be right ther in few minute”. I already knew what he mean. I should come to Taecyeon’s house. We are used to gather there. I change my clothe which wet by sweat. Then I enter my stuff in my bag.

“I go home first, guys! Thanks for today” I waving my hand then go to parking lot. I go to my motorcycle and turn on the machine. I’m going to Taecyeon’s house. Highway already somewhat tenuous because it is already 10.00pm.

I pass through the shops that have been closed and bus stop. But...... who is that? A woman? With three mans? Is she in danger????!?! Oh no! I must help her!

I pulled my motorcycle then approach them.

“Ya! Don’t disturb her!” I said to the mans. The three mans stop doing- then staring at me.

“Who are you? Are you a superman? HAHAHAHAHA” the first man talk to me then laugh with his friends.

“You wanna die???!?!” the other man talk to me.

“Anni. But if I had to do it, I’ll do it” I said.

“This kid!!!!!!!” the first man who talked to me start to hit me, but he drunks and I am easily avoid. I hit him with one shot then he lying weak. The other man hit me one-by-one. I can handle all of them. Very easy fight with a drunk hahahahahaha

They are lying weak, I dont know they’re pass out or die. But, in a few minutes, one of them wake up then waking up his friend then they’re run away.

I approach the woman who look at me with scary face.

“Anyeong! Are you okay?” I talk to her.

“N-n-neh.” She said with scary face and her eyes full of water, maybe she was crying but she’s looking cute.

“Calm down, I’m not their member. It just, I pass through the bus stop, then see you.” I explain to her. Suddenly, she hugs me.

“Khamsahamnida~” she’s crying. I really surprised. Then I hug her back.

“It’s okay. You save with meJ” I said to comfort her. But suddenly she off her hug.

“Ah, mianhae.... I was very scared. Thanks for everything......... Nickhun-ssi????” she looks very surprised. I also surprised! How can she knows my name?????

“Ne..? Ah! Yuri-ah! Is it you?? Why are you walking alone in the night like this? It’s dangerous!” I said to her a bit yelled.

“Hm...I...I....” then she explain that she was from her friend’s house. She went to home but the bus didn’t come. Then, when she decided to walk, the three mans came and

“Ok. I’ll take you home. Where is your home?” I asked to Yuri.

“No no no! You helped me too much! Don’t let me indebted to you too much!” she try to ignored.

“If I left you then you go home alone, who will guarantee there will be no thing like that again?”

She look like thinking of my word. Then she nodded.

“Neh. Be nice girl:)” I grab her hands and led up to my motorcycle.

*END Nickun POV*


*Yuri POV*

Oh, I can believe that. Nickhun was helped meee!!!!! Oh God, I dont know what’s going on me but I feel............ so glad! Wae? How come???? I was disturbed by three stranger mans but I’m feeling glad? Oh I must be crazy.

Whether is because Nickhun came and helped me? Oh no......

“We arrive!” Nickhun said and stop the motorcycle. I get off from his motorcycle then removing the helmet.

“Neomu neomu khamsahamnida” *bows* I said to Nickhun. I give the helmet to Nickhun.

“Ah it’s okay=)” he take his helmet.

“I’m indebted to you, how do I reply to all this?”

“Hm nothing” *smirking* God! He has good smile! And his eyes...... like an angle!

“Aw come on...... dont be like this. I must reply all of this” I said to him.

“Hm.... how about you give me your phone number? And if I already know what you must do, I’ll text or call you”

“Fine” then I give my phone number to Nickhun.

“Hm.... then I’d say good-bye keke^^” he said.

“Yap. It’s almost midnight. Take care^^” I said to him.

“Neh.” *bow*

I walk carefully in order my parents or my sister and brother dont wake up. I climb the stairs. I have called umma before, that I’ll be late to home.

Yap! Arrive at my room! Aaaaah I’m tired! I change my clothes into pajamas, wash my face before I go to my bed. I lay on my bed.

I remember what had happened. Nickhun came, helped me, then take me home. Wooaaaa what a great day ever! Plus YoonA return to our country and we party for her arrival!

Remember I hug him, and he grab my hand make my stomach feel not good. Like there’s butterfly dancing on my belly. How can it be????

*END Yuri POV*


*YoonA POV*

Hhh.... I feel bad. I feel that something bad will happen with Yuri. Why she isn’t calling me? Is she okay? I hope my feeling is wrong.

Maybe she’s get tired then go to sleep and forget to call me. Yap positive thinking Yoon! You must be positive thinking! Hhhh.... *sigh*

Better I go to sleep. Tomorrow I’ll ask her to explain why she not calling me.



*Nickhun POV*

On my way to Taecyeon’s house. But it’s too late. Maybe Junho wasn’t there anymore. Its almost midnight. Better I go to my home. I turn around. I’m sure that Junho and Taecyeon won’t be mad at me. Only if they’re still childish if they’re mad at me. I speed up the rate of vehicle.

15 muinutes later I arrive in my house. I went into the house and headed straight for my room. I change my clothes then wash my face. I dont forget to brush my teeth before go to my bed. After all, I lay on my bed. Suddenly, I think about Yuri. I just realized, Yuri is very cute and beautiful! See Yuri as before make me wanna keep her everytime. Wait wait. Why I think like that? I must be crazy. Only once unexpected met like that make me liking her? That’s impossible. Aaaaah better I sleep!







Hey! It's me againnnn! I'm updating^^ I'm so sory for boring and short chapter:( but please leave a comment! Hope y'all like this! Much loveeee<33333

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Laveee #1
Updte soon!!
Chapter 40: I read your whole story and I gotto say... I LOVE IT~!!! It's so cute but Taecyeon is (in my opinion) such a jerk in here. But, I still love him with Yoona any day!!! :D Thanks for making this story! It was great (other than the spelling and yah)!!! :3
Sorry all, I'm busy with my school now:((( I'm sorry I cannot update.......but I'll update if I have much time to write the story. Jeongmal mianhaeeee:(((
Please update soon I really love ur story line TAECYOON FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really love your story ! ♥

Update soon !!
your "taecyoon moments" are just too awesome..LOVE IT!!
update soon, author-nim~ ^^
luvtaec #7
update soon !!!
Update soon saeeeng~ :* iloveyourstoryverymuch!!! <33
dreamerladies #9
Thanks for the update, it's a nice story ! :D
dreamerladies #10
Thanks for the update, its a nice story ! :D