
Please,Look At Me!

*YoonA POV*

I swear I have putted a mark on every trees that I passed! But, where are they going? Are those marks able to walk?!

Oh My God.......what should I do?????!?!?! I feel like I’m going to cry now.

Yuri-ah, mianhae I was wrong.....I should know it from the start that you have to accompany me.

I don’t know that I'm so stupid to forget the way to return. Umma, appa.....please help me T_T

Where am I now? Aaaaaargh I really don’t know where is it!

Ah!!!! I almost forgot that I have a cell phone! , the panic makes me act like a fool! Okay, I’ll call Yuri or maybe my group members.

I reached into my pocket. Oh no….. I’m sure that I have brought my cell phone!!! Where the heck is it gone??!?!? God, I think I would actually cry right now! T_T

Will enyone go to find me? T_T

Aiiiisssh! What did you just said, Yoong?! Ofc they’ll find you! Yeah, I have to believe that. At least, I believe that Taecyeonnie will come! He had promised to my parents to keep me, right? Yeah, I must believe it!

Not long, I heard the footsteps. Ommo! He fast enough to realize that I’m lost! Thank God! Thank God! Thank God!

“YoonA-yah!!!!!!!!!” Yesss! It's definitely Taecyeon's voice! “YoonA-yah!!!!!!!” he shouted again.

“Ye! I’m here!!!!!!!!!!!” I tried to shouted too as loud as I could.

“YoonA?!?!?!?? Is it youuu???? Where are you??!?!” I heard his voice again! Yeah! That’s really Taecyeon!

“I’m here!!!!” I walk to that voice. I follow my heart to choose the right way to approach that voice.

When I think I couldn’t walk anymore, I just stand up and wave the handkerchief from my pocket.

About a few seconds passed and.............TAECYEON IS COMING!!!!!

“YoonA-yah? Is it you????” He asked to me from the distance.

“Neh!! I’m IM YOONA!” I shouted. He runs toward me. He runs with big step and so fast!

When he reached me, suddenly he hugs me......tightly. How I feel? Warm. I feel really warm.



*Normal POV*

!!!! Where are you, YoonA????? I won’t forgive myself if I cannot find you! Taecyeon runs as fast as he could. He’s so scared. Scared of losing YoonA. Actually, he’s scared of losing a girl who is very important for him for the second time.

He take his phone from his jacket to call YoonA. But until the last ringing sounds, the call is still not answered by her. I keep call her but still, no answer. Probably she dropped her cell phone somewhere.

Suddenly, Taecyeon steps on something. Crack! Its sounds like that.

What is that? Taecyeon pick up that ‘stuff’ and realize that is YoonA’s phone!!! And whoa! See what he found! Footstep!

She’s here! This is the fresh footstep! Taecyeon’s eyes went wide and suddenly he runs like a cheetah.

“YoonA-yah!!!!!!!!!” he cried out loud. No one answer. Ofc! Who’ll answer him? A lion???

“YoonA-yah!” he shouted out again. He keep shouting while he’s walking through the jungle.

God, please save her! It’s almost night and I haven’t found her yet.

“YoonA-yah!!!!!!!!!!” again, but with a-very-loud-voice.

“Ye! I’m here!!!!!!!!!!!” That voice! That definitely YoonA’s voice. He know very well everything about YoonA. What a miracle!

“YoonA?!?!?!?? Is it youuu????” stupid question! You know her very well but still asked like that?!-_-

“I’m here!!!!” yes, it’s definitely her! Taecyeon running as fast as possible. With big step, he runs toward the voice.

What is that? Handkerchief? Is that a signal from YoonA? Oh yes! I’m right!!! Taecyeon saw a girl stand up with a handkerchief in her hand.

“YoonA-yah? Is that you????” Taecyeon still couldn’t believe that girl is really his YoonA.

“Neh!! I’m IM YOONA!”  she shouted out. Taecyeon’s feeling bright immediately. He runs toward her. And suddenly hugs her very tight.

For a few seconds, they just keep silent. With Taecyeon hugs YoonA and YoonA in his arm.

Taecyeon constantly breathed a sigh of relief. Sign of he is relieved that YoonA is safe. Sign of he is relieved that he can see YoonA again. Sign of his struggle wasn’t in vain.

“I thought I would never see you again,” he YoonA’s hair.

“Nappeun nom! (A/N: Bad boy)” YoonA hit Taecyeon’s chest.

“Mwo?” Taecyeon broke the hug and touch YoonA’s chin, such a command to see his face. And Taecyeon see YoonA is crying now.

“You! You said you’d never let me go alone or do something alone! You even have promised to always stand by my side! Did you forget it????” actually, it’s not what YoonA going to say. but……yeah, she said it.

YoonA’s face is looks so freakin’ cute! She was crying angry at the same time. Taecyeon smiled and pulled her into his arms again. “Mianhae. Jeongmal mianhae~” he her hair.


“It’s almost night! We should back to the camp area!” Mr. Kim commanded the students.


“No but Yuri! We have lost two of our friends and it will not increase anymore!” Mr. Kim cutted Yuri’s sentence. “I promise we’ll search them tomorrow and SAR’s team will help us!” everybody turn away to return to the camp area.

Hang in there, Yoona! Yuri said to herself.

“Everything will be fine. Just believe in God, and YoonA’s savior, Taecyeon.” Junho patted Yuri’s back.

“This is unexpected. After this, Will we continue to execute our mission?” Yuri asked Junho.

“Dunno.” Junho shrugged. “Just look forward,” he grinned.

*END Normal POV*


*Jessica POV*

! Why is Taecyeon help her and went to find her?!?!? If I lost too, will he go to find me?

*END Jessica POV*


*Taecyeon POV*

We’re here, in the jungle. It’s so sad since we have no mat, food, even a light! My phone was out of battery since I called YoonA many times. And YoonA’s phone was broke cause it was dropped and stepped by me.

But the good news is……… There are only two of us here! HAHAHAHAHA

But please, don’t judge me! I’m not a ert, okay yes I am but I won’t do that before YoonA and I are married. I just……..want to spend the night with YoonA with the light from the moon.

“Look!!!! The moon is soooooooo beautiful!” YoonA said with aegyeo tone, causing me to chuckle. Btw, for your information, YoonA and I are sharing the blanket! So, you can imagine how close we are~

“Look at the stars too! Oh my God, they are the God's most beautiful creation!” YoonA stare at the stars with adore-look, I cant help it but smile. I’m very happy to see this angelic face. “I want to take one of them! Just one. What about you, Taecyeonnie?” She look at me now.

“No. I won’t take it,” I answered.

“Waeyo?” she asked.

“Because I have one, right next to me.”

*END Taecyeon POV*


*Normal POV*

“Because I have one, right next to me.”

As you can expect it, YoonA blushing very hard. She hide herself in the darkness.

“Since I already have one,” Taecyeon touch YoonA’s chin causing her turn to Taecyeon. “I won’t let her go……..without me. So I’ll never lose her……again.” Taecyeon look at YoonA, right to her eyes. Causing her blushing all over again. YoonA turn away and pretend to look at the stars again.

Her heart beating so fast!

“But she seems don’t want to open her heart for me,” Taecyeon continue.

“It just……I-I-I’m too scared,” Finally, YoonA could talk!

“Waeyo? What makes you scared?” Taecyeon asked, very curious. He even frowned very hard.

“Dunno, it’s just hard for me.” YoonA looks down.

Again, Taecyeon touch her chin and causing her turn to him. “Let me make it easy for you,”

YoonA gasped, the way Taecyeon look into her eyes is different from usual. This is full of………love?

His face lean closer to YoonA’s. For some freakin’ reason, YoonA didn’t dare to turn away. Taecyeon’s gaze locked her.

“Close your eyes,” Taecyeon whispered. They’re really close, YoonA even can feel his breath.

“W-waeyo?” Stupid YoonA! You don’t have to ask any question!

Taecyeon come closer, he seems to kiss YoonA.

YoonA close her eyes. No, not because she’s afraid of Taecyeon’s command or anything. She just reflex. That was out of her control.

Taecyeon come closer again and finally, their lips meet!

Zzing~~! The electricity spread all over their body. This is not Taecyeon’s first kiss but he could feel this again.

Oh God, her taste is so in’ good!!!! Her lip is so soft! I bet she use strawberry lipgloss. And it makes the taste moreeeee heavenly!

They kissed for about 2 minutes. Taecyeon keep pressing his lips against her causing her to moan. Taecyeon take this opportunity to insert his tongue. They both are so out of breath.

Taecyeon pulled away to take breath so does YoonA.

Taecyeon lip comes to YoonA’s ear. He whisper, “Because when you close your eyes, your heart will open,” and so does with your tasty mouth!






Taraaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I'm update! hihi~

I'm so sorry it's sooooooo late. cause my sister stole my laptop and I couldn't use it:( but now, I succeed stole it from her! yeahhh!!!!:D

So how's this chapter? sorry if it's so bored:(

Jeongmal mianhae *bow10times*

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Laveee #1
Updte soon!!
Chapter 40: I read your whole story and I gotto say... I LOVE IT~!!! It's so cute but Taecyeon is (in my opinion) such a jerk in here. But, I still love him with Yoona any day!!! :D Thanks for making this story! It was great (other than the spelling and yah)!!! :3
Sorry all, I'm busy with my school now:((( I'm sorry I cannot update.......but I'll update if I have much time to write the story. Jeongmal mianhaeeee:(((
Please update soon I really love ur story line TAECYOON FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really love your story ! ♥

Update soon !!
your "taecyoon moments" are just too awesome..LOVE IT!!
update soon, author-nim~ ^^
luvtaec #7
update soon !!!
Update soon saeeeng~ :* iloveyourstoryverymuch!!! <33
dreamerladies #9
Thanks for the update, it's a nice story ! :D
dreamerladies #10
Thanks for the update, its a nice story ! :D