YoonA Arrival

Please,Look At Me!


Sorry for the wrong grammar~


At canteen~

“Jessica-ah, are you sure you’re alright?” Taeyeon asked.

“Yeah I’m sure” she said and smiling.

“But you were fell down Sic...... How come?”

“I just cant stand any longer. I melted Taeyeon-ah~ kekeke^^”

“Wae? Taecyeon said something?”

“Neh. He said thanks to me~ :D”

“And then?”

“He smiled at me! Aaaaa I almost died>< he’s so y and handsome! I really wants him!”

“Who’s doesn't want him? hahaha” Suddenly, Jessica staring at Taeyeon suspiciously.

“No no no. I don’t mean like that. Yes every girl want him but I’m not! I just want Junho-ssi by my side” Taeyeon explain what she mean to Jessica.

Jessica nodded. “And then, please explain why are you so long in canteen and come back with bright smile and red-face”

“Hm.... it’s beause I met Junho<3^^”

“Jeongmal?? Ah I see...... Then?”

“I called him and he turned. He asked me ‘how are you?’ and we were chat:D”

“And the things that make you blushing?” Jessica asked.

“HE KISSED MY BACK HAND!!!!<333” she yelled happily.

“Ya! Ya! Ya! Calm down..... Many people staring at us! Btw, how come????? I want Taecyeon does it too for me:(” Taeyeon explain all the moments with Junho. Jessica listening to Taeyeon and feel so envy.

“But, Junho is a playboy!” Jessica argued.

“But I love him the way he is:D” Taeyeon said. Jessica rolled her eyes and sigh.


*Taecyeon POV*

We’re finishing the practice. So tired but I feel very happy. Sport is always make my mood so good. That’s why I love sport.

“Taecyeon-ah! Where’s Junho? He usually comes when we have finished the practice, right?” Nickhun went to Taecyeon and ask him.

“How could I know? Maybe he’s busy. You know him, right?” I replied him.

“Neh. Taecyeon-ah, after this, where we are going?” Nickhun ask to me.

“Go home. Wae?”

“Aisssh not fun! What if we’re going to the mall? I’m hungry~”

“Anni. We’re like a homo if we going to the mall together.” I said.

“Ya! This kid......” Nickhun will to cursing while I left him. I go to the parking lot and saw my motorcycle in there. I’m not really want to go home. I kinda hate my house. Because my house it’s not like house in general. So quite as like there’s no life. My father is so busy with his employment. Haha what the heck!

I wanna refreshing my mind. So I turn on the machine and go as far as possible from Seoul.

*End Taecyeon POV*


*YoonA POV*

I wake up and blinked. *yawning* “Have we landed?” YoonA talk to herself. She look at the window. White. Oh we haven’t landed yet. Previously, she has transit and then continue the flight. She was sleepy and slept again. But, what the heck is this? We haven’t landed too? Ow come on~ is really a long trip!

Stewardess come over and asked if I need something.

“I want orange juice, please” I said to her.

“Ok. No more, ma’am?” she asked me. I shook my head and then she asked to person next to me.

I take my i-Pod then playing a game to kill the time. Suddenly, stewardess come and give the orange juice to me. But......... “Ah I’m so sorryyyy~~” a woman who sat next to me nudging the glass so the orange juice spilled on my shirt.

“It’s okay, it’s okay” I said that even though I’m a little upset.

“I’m so sorry.... wether the orang juice spilled your i-Pod?” she asked and help me clean my shirt.

“No. It’s okay:)” I smile at her and stopping her cleans my shirt.

“I will get a new orange juice” the stewardess said and left us.

“I’m so sorry:(” she keep saying sorry.

“No problem, don’t feel guilty:)”

“Ah you’re a good person. Where do you come from?” she asked me.

“USA, but I’m a Korean:) how about you?” I ask to her.

“I’m from USA too, and I’m americans”

“Ah, I see. And you’re going to Korea?”

“Yes. I want pick up my son. He got a scholarship student exchange to Korea” she explain. Same with me...

“Whoa great! Have a nice trip in Korea^^” I said to her.

“Khamsahamnida~ :D” she said with weird accent.


“I learned it before, my son teached me:D”

“Hahahahaha I see” and we both laugh together.

*End YoonA POV*


*Yuri POV*

05.00 pm......... in a couple of hours YoonA landed! I’m going to YoonA’s house with my food. This afternoon, I’ve planning with YoonA’s mother, father and sister to make a little party for YoonA arrival.

*knock knock*

“Who is there?” sounds like YoonA’s mother.

“I’m Yuri, umma” I said. Yap, I called YoonA’s mom with a call umma. She told me that I must called her like that because I’ve considered such as her child. YoonA’s mother open the door.

“Annyeong” *bows*

“Hey Yul, come in!” YoonA’s dad said from Yoona’s mother behind.

“Neh” *bows* I come in and we’re prepare the party.

“We’re almost done!” said Soehyun, YoonA’s siser.

“I will pick up YoonA at airport. Who will come with me?” YoonA’s dad said to us.

“Me! Me! Me!” YoonA’s mother come from the bedroom. She looks beauty.

“Neh *nodded* you two, keep the house for a while. Kajja!” and they are walk away.

*End Yuri POV*


*YoonA POV*

Yeay! Arrived at Incheon airport! Hhhhm haaaah *breath deeply*. I walk away searching for my parents. From a distance, a couple wave at me. Ya! It’s my parents! I run toward them. They hug me tightly. My mom crying and my dad embrace her. Like a drama but it’s real kekeke^^

“How are you?” My dad asked to me. My mom still crying.

“Of course fine:) mom, why are you crying? I’m fine. You can see this” I try to entertain my mom. She just smile.

“Kajja! We have a surprise for you:)”





Hey! This is me again, almightyshawol:) two chapters in a day hahaha maybe I will update again today. So it will be 3 chapter kekekeke^^ stay tuned guys! Comment and subsribe will be lovelyyyyy<3333

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Laveee #1
Updte soon!!
Chapter 40: I read your whole story and I gotto say... I LOVE IT~!!! It's so cute but Taecyeon is (in my opinion) such a jerk in here. But, I still love him with Yoona any day!!! :D Thanks for making this story! It was great (other than the spelling and yah)!!! :3
Sorry all, I'm busy with my school now:((( I'm sorry I cannot update.......but I'll update if I have much time to write the story. Jeongmal mianhaeeee:(((
Please update soon I really love ur story line TAECYOON FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really love your story ! ♥

Update soon !!
your "taecyoon moments" are just too awesome..LOVE IT!!
update soon, author-nim~ ^^
luvtaec #7
update soon !!!
Update soon saeeeng~ :* iloveyourstoryverymuch!!! <33
dreamerladies #9
Thanks for the update, it's a nice story ! :D
dreamerladies #10
Thanks for the update, its a nice story ! :D