
Once in a Blue Moon
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"What are you two doing under my window?"


Namjoon and Yoongi jumped, and looked up, startled. Su Ji had her head poking out of the second storeyed window, her hair looking as though it had been in an accident with a lawn mower.


"Comb your hair!" yelled Yoongi. Then, to shift her attention, he addressed Namjoon, "How can she even dare show herself in that state to us?"

Namjoon wasn't looking at her hair – he was looking at the white fluffy thing she had in her arms, tucked right beneath her head. It looked suspiciously familiar...


"What's that?" he asked, pointing upwards.


"This?" She held out a fluffy white wolf plushie and dangled it by it's ear right above their heads. "It was a gift from Yoongi! Isn't it cute?" She was about to take it back in the window, but the ear slipped from her fingers. Yoongi caught it before it could hit the ground, and she yelled, "I'm coming down to rescue it!"

Namjoon touched the plushie. "You gave this to her?" he asked accusingly.


Yoongi nodded sheepishly. "I had nothing else to give her..."


Thundering footsteps announced Su Ji's arrival. Out of breath, she took the plushie and kissed the top of it's head. "How could I have let you fall, huh, Suga?"

Namjoon made a pfff sound.


Su Ji showed him the plushie. "Cute, isn't it? It looks just like Yoongi!"

"That's why I gave it to him in the first place," said Namjoon.


"What?" Her eyes widened. "You gave this plushie to Yoongi?"

"Yeah, he did," said Yoongi.


"I had no idea." She looked at the plushie's turned down mouth, wondering how come she hadn't known this.


"I bought that for him when he was around six or seven," said Namjoon. "He was always whining and complaining he had no wolf friends, so I bought him that."

"Who said you could release that bit of personal information?" demanded Yoongi, the tips of his ears turning a bit red.


"Who said you could give away something I gave you?" retorted Namjoon.


"Whoa, you're so petty!" exclaimed Yoongi. "I'm not a kid anymore, I don't know why I should keep some toy."

"Don't you?" Namjoon smirked. "You used to cry if you didn't have it – you used to pretend it talked to you and all kinds of nonsense. You loved that thing."

"How cute!" put in Su Ji, imagining a little Yoongi cuddling the plushie.


"He used to sleep with it even when he was thirteen." Namjoon laughed. "Don't think I didn't know that!"


Yoongi's jaw dropped open. "STOP SLANDERING ME!"


"No, I want to hear more!" Su Ji protested. "That's honestly so cute! Namjoon, tell me more!"

"Well," said Namjoon, grinning at Yoongi's furious face. "That kid used to be so dirty! You try to get him to take a bath and he bites you! He used to throw all kinds of tantrums too, and bite you all the time. Mind you, they were stupid tantrums – he threw one because I didn't let him eat my wallet."


Su Ji giggled like crazy and pointed at Yoongi. "You're so stupid, who would eat a wallet?"

"As if you didn't eat anything weird when you were a baby," huffed Yoongi.


"A wallet is the height of stupidity," maintained Su Ji.


"Yes," said Namjoon. "Now, why don't you go back in before your grandmother wakes up? You look sleepy, too."

At the mention of sleep, Su Ji yawned, feeling suddenly incredibly sleepy. This was two entire hours before she usually woke up – she needed her sleep or else she went around like a zombie.


"Yeah, I'll go back and sleep," she said, deciding to follow his suggestion.


"Good night," said Yoongi, and Namjoon slightly pushed her so she went away faster.


In her sleepy state, Su Ji only remembered that they still hadn't told her what they were doing under her window. Oh well, she'd ask later, she promised herself, cuddling the plushie.




Su Ji forgot to ask when she saw them again, when Namjoon came to pick them up in his car.


"Do I have to do this every day?" he grumbled, without really meaning it.


"Yup!" Su Ji slid in next to him and Yoongi squeezed in. "You're our personal chauffeur now!"

"I'm honored."


It seemed that they reached school faster than it usually took, for some reason - maybe because they were all bantering together.


As usual, people did a double-take when they saw the three together, but they ignored it and took their seats after Assembly.


Su Ji saw Jimin sitting right in front of her. Finally, maybe she could talk to him about Mrs Choi!


Before the teacher entered the room, Su Ji reached over and tapped Jimin's shoulder. "Hey, Jimin!"

He turned around, a bit startled. "Yeah?"

"How is your aunt?" asked Su Ji. "When is she coming home?"

"Oh." He looked even more startled at this question. "She's... getting better, I guess. The doctors said she could be discharged tomorrow."

"I'm so glad she's better!" Su Ji was relieved. "Could I visit her when she comes home?"

"Um, if you'd like... but maybe you should give her a day to settle back in..."

"Or I could help her! My grandma and her are friends, so maybe we could come over."

He nodded, and for some reason Su Ji got the impression he didn't really care about his aunt.


Jimin's eyes suddenly flickered to the right and then to the left – to Namjoon and Yoongi. Then he turned around again and bent over his book.


Su Ji blinked. Why was Jimin so unfriendly towards her? He got along just fine with everyone else. Then again, Namjoon and Yoongi had been staring at him as though he were one of those modern art paintings in a museum, it must have been weird.


"Why were you staring?" she hissed. "You two are so rude!"


Namjoon ignored her and started to write in his notebook, and Yoongi lightly shook his head. Before she could ask what on earth he was shaking his head at, the teacher came in and class started.




They went to Hoseok's house again to study. Hoseok hadn't said anything about bringing Namjoon and Yoongi, so Su Ji assumed it was ok. This time, there was kimbab for snack instead of chips, and they ate before they got to work. For the longest time, the only sound that could be heard were the voices talking about the topic.



"Damn," muttered Hoseok, shaking his pen. "I finished my pen – does anyone have an extra pen?"

Before anyone else reacted, Yoongi held out his.

Hoseok hesitated.


Yoongi reached out and placed it next to Hoseok's book, then returned to completing his exerises. Su Ji squeezed his hand under the table, telling him silently that she was proud.


"Thank you." The words came out slowly, and Yoongi nodded once in acknowledgement, bringing his focus to the exercises.


Quiet murmurs filled the room, as Aanchal was helping Hoseok and Namjoon was helping Su Ji, since he was, as she put it, "the only one who could make her brain work properly."


Her dark hair brushed the book as she leaned over it, marking some important paragraphs with a pencil.


"Put that behind your ear," ordered Namjoon. "It's annoying."

"What is?" asked Su Ji, looking up.


"This." Namjoon tucked the strand of hair that had been dangling across her face behind her ear, and he felt the warmth of her face even without directly touching her skin. "Doesn't it annoy you to have hair in your face?"

Su Ji shrugged. "Nah."

"You two," said Aanchal, pointing at them with her index finger, a fishy smile stretching her lips. "Are you dating?"

Hoseok choked on his soda, Yoongi froze, Namjoon's eyes popped and Su Ji's jaw fell open.


"What?" they all demanded.


Aanchal seemed a bit taken aback. "Hey, what's with this reaction? It's fine to date! You two look good together!"

"We're not dating," said Namjoon, glancing at Su Ji sideways.


Su Ji nodded. "He hates me too much for that."

"Oh." Aanchal looked disappointed. "It's just... you looked really close and comfortable with each other, so-"

"They're friends," said Hoseok. "It's... Yoongi who's dating Su Ji."

Aanchal clapped her hand over . "Oh no!" she cried. "I'm sorry, I just... I'm sorry! You two just looked close, that's why-"

"It's ok," said Su Ji, and she slipped her arm around Yoongi's and placed her face next to his. "We look even cuter together, don't we?"

Aanchal nodded vigorously. "Yes! You do – you look way cuter."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, not at all seeming frazzled, but Su Ji could sense some discontentment in him, even though he didn't show it.


"So, Namjoon," said Aanchal. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No." His tone was curt, but that didn't seem to put her off.


"Oh, why not?" she asked. "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

"No." The answer came a bit too fast.


"You do!" cried Aanchal gleefully. "You like someone!"

"Ohhhh, who is it?" demanded Su Ji in interest.


He glared at her. "I don't!"

"You do, you do!" the girls insisted.


"Is she pretty?" asked Aanchal.


"Is it someone from our class?" asked Su Ji. "Oh! Is it Rose? She's pretty."


Namjoon looked as though he wanted to run away.


"Let's get back to studying," said Hoseok, seeing Namjoon's discomfort. "Gosh, there are too many distractions around today!"


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btsinfires99 #1
Chapter 8: chapter 8: I love the incorporation of the to kill a mocking bird novel. never read it but I feel like reading it because you made the themes collide over here. on to the more important part, hoseok! oh my god that was intense but also very well written almost as if that could be j hope in real life cuz it wwas wri
btsinfires99 #2
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: I have a soft spot for wolf Yoongi
btsinfires99 #3
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Awww the wolf watching over her is so cute and wholesome at the same time! Also what's up with namjoon. He is soooo cold.
btsinfires99 #4
Chapter 5: chapter 5: This chapter broke my heart a bit. I feel so sad for yoongi and his perception of himself and his repeating thought that he is a monster :((( But also so curious about what the deal is with Namjoon and a wolf
btsinfires99 #5
Chapter 4: chapter 4: Ahhhh so interesting and exciting. And so many questions! why was jimin staring at his plate so intensely while namjoon was talking about the wolf and why does namjoon know so much. I thought I had it figured out what was going on but it seems its much deeper than that!
btsinfires99 #6
Chapter 3: chapter 3: Ahh and the plot gets even more exciting! 'Stay away from min yoongi' and family murders! I also love how all the BTS characters has their real life essence as high school fictional characters.
btsinfires99 #7
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 commentary: The portrayal of pain is nicely depicted, how su ji is not able to enjoy the nice things because her father can't. The warmth of the grandmother can be felt through the words. Waiting to know more about the 'cute guy'. So exciting!
btsinfires99 #8
Chapter 1: Amazing chapter 1! I love how detailed it is. doesn't feel like I'm reading a fanfic but an actual novel! <3
Osekop12 #9
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 2: The meeting!!!! Excited for more :)