Watchdog - Chapter 8


When Sunggyu returned from the kitchen, he found Woohyun fast asleep.  He smiled at the sight of Woohyun sleeping soundly.  Not wanting to disturb the younger man, he placed the hot bowl of soup down on the bedside table.

It was then he caught sight of a photo frame nearby.  Curious, he picked it up for a closer look.  It was a photo of a group of children of different ages smiling happily as they were climbing a large tree.  Amongst them, he recognised a familiar face.  It was definitely Woohyun though he looked a few years younger.  Seeing the smile on Woohyun's face in the photo brought a smile to Sunggyu's face.

Woohyun awake a short time later to see Sunggyu standing beside his bed looking at the photo in his hand. 

Sunggyu immediately placed the photo down on the bedside table, not wanting Woohyun to think that he was prying.  "Sorry, I-"

Woohyun simply smiled.  "It's okay."

"Are they your friends?" Sunggyu asked.

Woohyun shook his head.  "They're my family," he replied with a smile.

Family? thought Sunggyu.  None of the children in the photos looked like siblings.

Woohyun noticed the puzzled look on Sunggyu's face.  "I grew up in an orphanage," he explained.  "So they're the closest thing I have to a family I guess."

That it explains it, thought Sunggyu.  "I see."

"We used to love climbing that tree," Woohyun added as he recalled the memories.  "You know, right after that photo was taken, I fell from that tree and broke my leg.  Such a naughty kid I was."  He smiled at the thought.  "Of course I got scolded after that."

Sunggyu wondered if perhaps that was the reason why Woohyun was walking with a limp now.  He refrained from asking as he did not want to impose on the issue.  "Do you still see them?"

The smile disappeared from Woohyun's face as he shook his head solemnly.  "I left when I turned 18.  By the time I found a job and came back to visit them, the place was closed down.  Everyone was separated.  I'm not sure where they are now."

Noticing that Woohyun's mood had dampened, Sunggyu decided to change the topic.  "I cooked you some soup," he announced.  "Why don't you try it?"

Woohyun picked up the bowl on the beside table and scooped a spoonful into his mouth.  "It's good," he declared.  "Do you cook often?"

"I used to but work has been too busy in recent years so I haven't had a chance to," said Sunggyu.  "I had to learn to cook when the brat came into my life.  Fast food wasn't such a healthy choice for kids I found out."

"What about your wife?" Woohyun asked sadly.

"Wife?" Sunggyu asked but was interrupted by the buzzing of his phone in his pocket.  "Please excuse me."  He glanced at the name of the caller and stepped aside to answer it.

Woohyun could see the frown etched upon Sunggyu's face as he listened to the call.  whatever it was must be important.

Sunggyu ended the call and returned to turned back to Woohyun.  "I'm sorry, I have to-"

Woohyun nodded.  "It's okay.  Thank you for coming."  

Outside the building, in a parked car nearby, Myungsoo and Sungyeol sat waiting as the hours passed.

"You know, some people might consider this as stalking." said Sungyeol.

"No, this is called staking out," Myungsoo retorted.  "How can you not know the difference?  How long have you been a detective?"

Sungyeol sighed.  He could never win against the smart mouthed brat.  "How much longer do we have to do this?"

"Until I find out what's going on," Myungsoo replied.

"If you really must know, why don't we just go inside?" Sunggyu asked.

"No!" Myungsoo stated sternly.  "If the old man catches us, he'll give me an earful.  I can't stand his nagging."

Their conversation was cut short when they saw Sunggyu emerge from the building.

Sunggyu climbed into his car but did not start the engine.  He took out his phone and dialled the number.

"Is it convenient to talk now?" Hoya asked on the other line.

"Go ahead," replied Sunggyu.

"Where are you anyway?" Hoya asked, curiously.  "Thought you might have been in your office but it was empty and there's a pile of reports on your desk still untouched."

"I had to step out for a bit," Sunggyu replied.

"I see," Hoya said with a hint of amusement.

Sunggyu sighed, realising that Hoya was trying to .  "Just tell me what you found out."

"Right," said Hoya as he changed his voice to a more serious tone.  "Apparently, the Yuin clan's leader has an illegitimate son.  There's rumours that this son is the one who put out the bounty on you.  It seems our commander Kim is rather infamous among the mercenaries.  Many are keen to take you out."

Sunggyu frowned.  "What do we know about the son?"

"Nothing at this stage," Hoya informed.  "He's still looking into it for me."


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 20: 😭😭😭😭
Icyypein #2
Chapter 20: Omg. So sweet ❤. I love this story!
Chapter 20: OMG OMG OMG awwwww the ending it's so sweet sobs i wish there would be able epilogue
Chapter 20: This is brilliant! I love how you concentrated more on what happenings rather than things like feelings or random thoughts. It's like watching a drama!
Chapter 20: The ending is so sweet. Both of them let go of their careers so that they can be together. Aww thank you so much for this story! I really love this authornim. Hope you'll come back with anther great story
Chapter 20: so sweet! i love every second of it
Chapter 20: thanks for the sweet ending!! love it!
Chapter 20: From all of your fanfic I think this is the only one I don't need to guess so hard and got curious who is who xD And the ending is so sweet? Well both left their work so they can start anew as citizen a normal citizen hehe
But still eventhough it's clear who is who, I still got wrong to guess the villain here I think it's YaDong hahaha
Thank you for your awesome story :D
Moonio #9
Chapter 20: Thank you for writing. The ending is the best. Somehow, I feel bittersweet because I don't want this to end. Hope you start a new story soon. Fighting!
crepusculo #10
Thank you thank you i love the story and the end