Watchdog - Chapter 11


Two figures entered the rowdy club and glanced around the place which was full of rough looking men.  They could hear the various conversations going on as they casually made their way towards the bar.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked.

"Whisky," the younger of the two men replied.

The bartender looked at him for a brief second before smiling.  "Coming right up."

A moment later the bartender placed two glasses of whisky on the counter in front of them.  The younger man was all too eager to reach for the drink but his companion stopped him.

"We're not here to drink," his companion reminded him as discreetly as possible.

The younger man flicked his companion's hand away and frowned.  "Don't be a kill joy," he said and gulped down the glass of whisky as his companion watched on.  "Let me at least enjoy myself."

Noticing his empty glass, the bartender was quick to refill it.

"Is it true that there's a reward for whoever can take down the commander of the police force, Kim Sunggyu?" he asked as he gulped down his second glass.

The bartender smirked as he watched the younger man finish his drink.  "Who wants to know?"

The younger man shrugged casually.  "Just wanting to confirm the reward is real before I rush into things," he replied.  "Wouldn't want to risk my life for a job if I'm not going to get paid."

The bartender seemed amused.  "Is the pay of a law enforcer that bad that you need to resort to this?"

The bartender's words caught the two men by surprised.

"What do you mean by that?" the younger man asked, trying to remain calm.

"You can drop the act," stated the bartender.  "Detective Kim Myungsoo and detective Lee Sungyeol, we know who you are.  He told us you would be coming."

The pair immediately found themselves surrounded by the group of mercenaries.

"He?  Who is he?" Myungsoo demanded.  "Who are you working for?"

"We're mercenaries," the bartender replied.  "We only work for money.  Kill them!"

The group of mercenaries charged at the pair.  Though unarmed, Myungsoo and Sungyeol proved to be worthy opponents.  They were able to evade blows and managed to knock down several men and steal the weapons in their hands.  Chaos ensued inside the club as they battled against the mercenaries.

It was only when Myungsoo stopped mid attack and dropped the pole in his hand, did Sungyeol realise that something was not right.  Myungsoo stood grimacing and shaking his head as if trying to stay focus.  This was not like Myungsoo.  A glass of whisky or two was not enough to make him lose focus so easily.

Sungyeol caught sight of one of the attackers about to strike Myungsoo down so he immediately rushed over to protect the younger man.  He caught the pole and struck down the attacker before rushing over to Myungsoo's side.

"Myungsoo, are you okay?" Sungyeol asked with concern.

Myungsoo grabbed onto the nearest stool to steady himself before glaring at the bartender.  "What did you put in my drink?"

"We were warned that you might be a tough one to handle so we took out some insurance," replied the bartender with a smile.

Despite the anger, Myungsoo soon found himself without the strength to even stand as his legs gave way beneath him.

"Myungsoo!" Sungyeol called out as he grabbed the younger man's arm to steady him.  He helped Myungsoo down onto a stool before turning his attention to the group of men.

"You should have drank that glass too.  Could have saved us all a lot of trouble," said the bartender.  "But, it doesn't matter.  We'll take care of you soon enough."

Sungyeol gripped the pole in his hand and stood ready as the group of men advanced on him.  Myungsoo could only watch helplessly as Sungyeol fought against their attackers and stopping anyone that attempted to pass him.  He knew that with Sungyeol's skills, he could easily escape from this place yet instead, Sungyeol fought with no intention of leaving.  Myungsoo knew the reason.  He was the burden.

Myungsoo watched as Sungyeol brought down his opponents one by one.  Too focused on Sungyeol, he did not see the bartender sneak up behind him with a machete in his hand.

"Myungsoo!" Sungyeol shouted when he caught sigh of the bartender.

Myungsoo turned his head and caught a flash of steel at the corner of his eye.  Quick as a flash, Sungyeol rushed over and wrapped Myungsoo in his arms.
For a moment, there was silence until Myungsoo raised his head to look at Sungyeol.  He saw the trickle of blood down the side of Sungyeol's mouth.  Before Myungsoo say anything, Sungyeol turned around to face the bartender.  It was only then that Myungsoo saw the blood pouring out from the deep gash across Sungyeol's back.

Sungyeol, you idiot, thought Myungsoo.  Just leave me and go.

In the darkened room, Woohyun lay on the bed and looked up at the man hovering over him.

"Are you okay with this?" Sunggyu asked, looking at the younger man beneath him.

Woohyun smiled as he reached up to pull the older man down until their lips met in a passionate kiss.  Sunggyu had tried so hard to keep the younger man away, thinking that it was for the best but now he let his desires take over.  His lips trailed down Woohyun's neck as he kissed and at the tender flesh, eliciting a moan from the younger man.  He trailed down further, tasting every inch of Woohyun's body.

They were lost in the moment until Sunggyu's phone rang.


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 20: 😭😭😭😭
Icyypein #2
Chapter 20: Omg. So sweet ❤. I love this story!
Chapter 20: OMG OMG OMG awwwww the ending it's so sweet sobs i wish there would be able epilogue
Chapter 20: This is brilliant! I love how you concentrated more on what happenings rather than things like feelings or random thoughts. It's like watching a drama!
Chapter 20: The ending is so sweet. Both of them let go of their careers so that they can be together. Aww thank you so much for this story! I really love this authornim. Hope you'll come back with anther great story
Chapter 20: so sweet! i love every second of it
Chapter 20: thanks for the sweet ending!! love it!
Chapter 20: From all of your fanfic I think this is the only one I don't need to guess so hard and got curious who is who xD And the ending is so sweet? Well both left their work so they can start anew as citizen a normal citizen hehe
But still eventhough it's clear who is who, I still got wrong to guess the villain here I think it's YaDong hahaha
Thank you for your awesome story :D
Moonio #9
Chapter 20: Thank you for writing. The ending is the best. Somehow, I feel bittersweet because I don't want this to end. Hope you start a new story soon. Fighting!
crepusculo #10
Thank you thank you i love the story and the end