Watchdog - Chapter 3


He got out of his car and approached the figure who had fallen asleep while waiting for the bus.  After a moment's hesitation, not wanting to disrupt the sleeping figure, he slowly reached out a hand and gently shook the young man's shoulder.

The young man stirred at the gentle touch and slowly opened his eyes.  He rubbed his eyes before focusing on the figure standing in front of him.  It took him a moment to recognise the older man, who stood looking at him with a frown upon his face.

"Do you normally catch the bus?" the older man asked.

The young man shook his head.  "I usually take the train, but I missed the last train so I thought I'd wait for the bus."

The frown remained on the older man's face when he realised that the reason the young man missed his train was most likely his fault.  "There are no more buses at this hour," he informed the seemingly oblivious figure sitting in front of him.  "You'll be waiting until morning."

"Oh," came the young man's reply.

The older man sighed.  "Come on, I'll give you a lift home."

The young man looked at him in surprise.  "Why would you do that?"

The older man frowned at the young man's question.  "Do you think I'm just going to leave you waiting here all night?  If something were to happen to you then it would be my fault."

The young man smiled.  He wondered if people in the police force were all like that, thinking that they were somehow responsible for everyone's safety.   "I'm not a child.  Besides, you must be tired too, working this late."

The older man let out a sigh.  Why is it that no one ever listens to him?  "It's my fault that you missed the last train.  It's only right that I ensure you get home safely or do you prefer to spend the night out here?"

The young man pursed his lips in contemplation.  He knew better than to accept a ride from a stranger but this stranger was a policeman who was only trying to help him.  Truth be told, he was tired and just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Come on," the older man urged as he opened the passenger door and waited.

"Left or right?" the older man asked as he slowed down upon approaching a red light at the intersection.

His question was met with silence.

It was only when he glanced his head to the side, did he realise that his passenger had fallen asleep.  Seeing the serene sleeping face beside him brought a smile to his face.  However that smile soon faded when he glanced into the rear view mirror and saw a car approaching from behind at a rapid speed.

He frowned, realising that something was not right.  Before he could do anything, there was a loud bang as the car rammed into them from behind.  The impact woke the young man who opened his eyes in shock.

"Are you okay?" he asked the startled young man.

The young man glanced around before turning to look at the older man and nodded.  "What happened?"

The older man glanced into his rear view mirror and saw the driver of the other car stepping out and approaching them.

"I'm so sorry," said the other driver as he walked up to the older man's window.  "It's my fault.  I wasn't paying attention."  He began to reach into his back pocket.  "You can take my details."

Assuming that the driver was going to give them his ID, the older man wound down his window.  As he did, the other driver drew out a gun and fired at him, however he was quick to grab the man's hand and pushed it away from them.  The shot fired into the windscreen.  He then snatched the gun from the man's hand and fired at him.  The man fell to the ground with a bullet to his chest.  Hearing the gun shot, three men got out of the car from behind and fired towards them.  There were several popping sounds as their tyres were punctured by the rain of bullets.

"Get down!" the older man shouted as he pushed the young man's head down.

The young man slipped down into his seat while covering his head with his hands as the bullets hit their car.

The older man frowned when he saw how terrified the young man looked.  He couldn't let them harm the young man.  He had to draw them away.  He glanced into his mirrors to locate the exact locations of their attackers.

Gripping the gun in one hand, he opened his door and jumped out, immediately drawing the attention of the attackers who fired in his direction.  He returned fire with precise aim, killing one man instantly.  His actions caught the remaining two men by surprise.  In that split second, he drew out his own gun from underneath his jacket.  With two guns in his hands, he fired simultaneously and killed the two men.

The sound of gunshots finally came to a stop before it was replaced by the sound of his phone buzzing in his pocket.  He dropped the gun which he had snatched from the driver of the other car before he reached for his phone.  He glanced at caller ID which was unknown.

"How do you like my greeting, Commander Kim?"





Author's note:

Okay, this is my last update for the next 2 weeks because I am off to Japan for a holiday tomorrow.  Yay!

In the meantime, you can try and work out who the characters are.

See you all in April.


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 20: 😭😭😭😭
Icyypein #2
Chapter 20: Omg. So sweet ❤. I love this story!
Chapter 20: OMG OMG OMG awwwww the ending it's so sweet sobs i wish there would be able epilogue
Chapter 20: This is brilliant! I love how you concentrated more on what happenings rather than things like feelings or random thoughts. It's like watching a drama!
Chapter 20: The ending is so sweet. Both of them let go of their careers so that they can be together. Aww thank you so much for this story! I really love this authornim. Hope you'll come back with anther great story
Chapter 20: so sweet! i love every second of it
Chapter 20: thanks for the sweet ending!! love it!
Chapter 20: From all of your fanfic I think this is the only one I don't need to guess so hard and got curious who is who xD And the ending is so sweet? Well both left their work so they can start anew as citizen a normal citizen hehe
But still eventhough it's clear who is who, I still got wrong to guess the villain here I think it's YaDong hahaha
Thank you for your awesome story :D
Moonio #9
Chapter 20: Thank you for writing. The ending is the best. Somehow, I feel bittersweet because I don't want this to end. Hope you start a new story soon. Fighting!
crepusculo #10
Thank you thank you i love the story and the end