The Smell Before Rain: Musiq Soulchild's Philosophy

The Smell Before Rain


      We were walking in the mall to the AMC and I just found it so weird how we weren’t holding hands like everyone else. It was a Friday night and it seemed like all the couples in Seattle decided to go to the mall today. Jay was walking ahead of me, because I like to walk slow and people watch. Yesss I’m a creeper :b it’s a lifestyle lol. “You wanna walk faster?” he asks me, adjusting his beanie. He told me that in the car he’s covering up so no one will recognize him and freak out.  I look at him to find him watching me watch a couple making out on a bench. Ahhh o.e I was walking slow enough that my granny can outrun me xD
      “Ahh, sorry,” I mumble, picking up my pace to walk by Jay’s side. And that was when he grabbed my hand :D *foams at the mouth and flails arms*
I looked down at our hands and then I looked back up at him. I tried not to run away screaming and fall on the my knees like Seungri in the Secret Garden parody LMAO. 
Seungri’s reaction to the kiss was priceless! Imagine Kimmie doing that but out of happiness lol.
     Jay smiles shyly at me drags me off to the movie. He paid for the ticket, so technically it’s a date. But neither of us have pointed that out. He bought us a large bucket of popcorn and two pops; we were pretty much set to go into the theater. That is when someone yelled out Jay’s name. “Jaebeom oppa!” He turns around, our hands still connected so I had to turn around too unless I wanted him to break my wrist, or even worse let go :o
     There’re two girls that were gorgeous, their hair curled and dyed. They ran up to Jay and it seemed like they finally notice that I’m holding hands with him. I give them my brightest smile, but they ignore me and return their focus to Jay.
     “Jessica, Taeyeon hey,” Jay smiles at them. 
And the begun their conversation in Korean. I didn’t understand a word they said and it pissed me off. Jay jerked his chin toward me and one of the girls looked down at our hands that were still clasped at frowned. I wonder what was up?
     “Let’s go,” Jay tugs me along, Jessica and Taeyeon still trailing after us. 
     “Why are they following us?” I whispered into Jay’s ear, his scent filling my nose. We finally entered the dim theater and he took off his beanie. 
     “They’re my friends. You know SNSD? They’re in that group,” he tells me, his voice quiet so the girls wouldn’t hear us.
     “I don’t know anything about kpop,” I reminded him. He squeezed my hand and it was like he squeezed my heart. I’m so cliché -__- We took a seat, Jessica sitting on the other side of Jay as was Taeyeon.
     “I’m glad you don’t,” he smiles at me. I was going to ask him what he meant, when  Jessica shushed me. The movie was coming on. I found her kind of rude, giving me evil looks and interrupting me when I tried to talk to Jay. Maybe she likes him? Everything I was worrying disappeared when Jay slipped his arm around my shoulder, even when Jessica sneered at me. I didn’t care. Jay Park had his arm around my shoulder.
      When the movie was finish, we ended up going out to eat sukiyaki at a Japanese bar. I loved it there, and I would’ve loved it even more if those two girls didn’t hang around with us. I did my best not to stuff all the noodles into my mouth at the same time. 
      “Oppa, so how’d you meet her,” Jessica jerked her chin in my direction. 
      “Hm,” he finished slurping his soup. “Her brother is my good friend.”
Soo, he’s not going to tell them how we really met? I guess it leaves a better impression, though lol.
       “I see,” Taeyeon smiles at me. She’s actually nice. “How long have you known Jaebeom oppa?”
        “A week,” I tell her.
       “A week?!” Jessica exclaimed. “And you’re going out?”
Going out? Wait what? I was about to ask what she was talking about when Jay kicked me from under the table and I glare at him. What the hell’s going on?!
       “Yeah,” Jay throws his arm around me again, and if I wasn’t melting around his arm I would’ve gotten up and demanded to know what was going on. “Isn’t she adorable?” Jay sets his head on my shoulder, making me drop my chopsticks onto the table from his sudden move :o Jessica made a face at me, but quickly recovered her normal expression when Jay sits back up to look at her.
        “Oh, yes, oppa. She’s precious.”
        We had an awkward farewell, Jessica and Taeyeon gave Jay hugs. Jessica especially pushed her body into his and I could tell she likes him and that she’s jealous that Jay and I are ‘dating’. Pshttt, I wish. But I felt used, that he would tell them we’re dating when we aren’t just to make Jessica jealous.
        Once we were in the safety of his car I started my rant, “Why would you tell her we’re dating when we’re not? Did you know they were going to be at the mall?”
        He didn’t look over at me, his eyes glued to the road. It was dark out I could barely see his face, the occasional street lamp illuminating parts of his face. He looks so mysterious. I probably know less about him than the world knows about the ocean. “I was trying to get Jessica off my back. She’s been trying to make me ask her out for the past year and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Yeah, I knew they were going to be there. They asked me to meet with them. And you know, I made them think I had a girlfriend so they’d leave me alone.”
And that was infuriating. I thought he liked me. He is a player. If the car wasn’t going 70 miles per hour down the high way I would have gotten out and walked home, instead of sitting here and having to deal with him. “You could’ve told me your plan.”
       “You wouldn’t have gone through with it,” he shrugs. 
       “I would have if you asked! You made me look like an idiot,” I said, not meaning to tell him the last part. It slipped out :/
        “It’s not like you have to try hard to look like one,” he said. Oh no he didn’t! :o That’s it!
        “You’re a ,” I tell him, turning my body away from him. Ahh I’m so immature.
“I thought girls like ,” he says. And I decided not to talk to him. He’s such a hot jerk. If he was any less hot, I would’ve whooped his . “Kimmie, you’re being childish.”
        I ignore him. “We’re friends. I expect you to have my back, you know?”
So, we’re just friends now?
And that was when the lyrics from the sheet of paper I read from this morning came back to me.
                    Just Friends. Musiq Soulchild.
Story of my life -__-
@dglover25 yeahh i'll hit you up whenever :) thanks for reading man! This chapter's a lot shorter cuz I have to go homeeee :c ahh my parents are way more strict than my cousin's. So updates will be less friquent >.<
@borrrill LMAO! I laughed so hard reading your comment 'oh jay you bipolar'!!! XD I didn't mean to make him bipolar sounding lol. And yeahhh maybe Jay's uncomfortable with girls in their undies cuz he's gay o.e Trololol jk. hahah i'll update soooon.
@iloveswissrolls ahh the link didn't work :( All the 2PM members are hawttt :'D Lolol. And haha yesh I try to make them sound real and not fake like ' get outta of here' instead of 'okay, please get out you smelly baboon.' Lol idek :b hope you like this chapter!
Posters are welcome! The requirements I'd like is for it to be like rainy (possible seattle scene) and romantic. all pics of jay can be used cuz he's hot in alllll of those pics <3 kimmie should be innocent looking but at the same time... Kimmie-ish? Hahah idk o.e Cpmment you guizzeee:) 
Lol font is too light to read. Blkgdhkfhgfcgiugfigfrigifeug poop.
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Chapter 28: I literally cried. LOLed mostly but cried in the end
kissingyoulove #2
omo omo!!
flowerchild #3 least theey got to grow.old.together...i should tell jay about this story if i ever meet coughmarrycough him lolol
Dubuu12 #4
This story was amazing, I loved it. <3
iloveswissrolls #5
Aww! It may be a bit cheesy, but it's super cute :)
RadiantBelle #6
YAAAAY! I was crying...yet again...but this time it was out of happiness. I'm so pathetic LOL This should be a drama *cough cough* just saying.
@iloveswissrolls Oh no! That's not weird at all :3 i do that all the time lol.
@iloveswissrolls YAYAYAY :D confetti dancing is the best kind of danceing there is!
@Caramel-chan hope you liked this ending! :)
@raingodess424 omggg, are you foreal? he parties hard doesn't he? omg, you're so lucky! :3
@messyjelly lol I'm glad! hope you liked this story!:)

I hope all you guys liked this story! thank you so so so much for commenting and subscribing <3 means the world to me TT-TT
iloveswissrolls #8
Oh wow I can literally see a drama playing out in my head. That's not weird.