The Smell Before Rain: Solution

The Smell Before Rain



                It’s Thursday night and my flight leaves Sunday morning, at like 6 -_- gah, that’s too early. Too early in the morning and too early to leave Jay. But I guess I’ve been spoiled living here for 2 months. Here, I’ve barely solved any of the math problems and I can sleep in until lunchtime if I wanted.

                But it’s about time I get back to school. I got this year then next year left, then I’d be down with my undergraduate studies :D

                I spent tonight solving math problems. I should really find a way to solve real life problems too :b


                “STOP!” I screamed, standing there like a sack. I was frozen to where I stood. It was happening all too quickly, Jay and Rian throwing punches at each other. Omigod, I didn’t know what to do. I honestly couldn’t move a muscle or even breath.

                “You bastard!” Jay yelled, “I’m not going to let you get away with this!” he tried to elbow Rian away, but his attempt weak. Rian had him a chokehold and I was just standing there like a dope. Rian’s 6 feet tall and Jay was a lot shorter than he was. Right then I had an epiphany. Matt and I were considerably shorter than Rian. Matt and I also have tall noses while Rian has a nubby nose and his eyes are more chinky than ours. He’s the one that did terrible in school while Matt and I worked our asses off to get straight A’s. He was the one that always got in trouble with Me an Ba and the cops knew him by name. I felt a flame inside of me light up and I got up and mauled Rian as if I was a ing bear or something.

                “I’m going to you up!” Rian says to Jay. I scratch at his arms so he’d let go but he doesn’t. He pushes me away again and I fall to the floor. I immediately get up.

                “Rian!” I cried, grabbing his arm and trying to get him to let go of Jay. “Stop!”

Rian pushed me off and I fell to the floor hard. ! That hurt!

                I got up again and tried hitting Rian say he’d let go of Jay, but my meek attempts just ended with on the floor again. Soon Jay was slack and I knew he passed out from the lack of oxygen. Rian still didn’t let go and I was scared Jay was going to actually die.

                Right then, the door swung open and Junho and Taec were standing in the threshold, their eyes wide open with terror. “What’s going on here?” Junho says. Rian turns around quickly, dropping Jay. Jay hits the floorwith a heavy thump and I drag myself to him.

                “He tried to kill him!” I scream, snot and tears running down my red face. “Don’t let him leave. Call the cops!” I cry, putting my head to Jay’s chest. Rian grabbed my wrists and pulled me away from everyone and into Jay’s bedroom before anyone could react. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” 

                “I’m going to you,” he says, his voice oddly calm.

                No you’re not! I kicked at him and scratched at him. I heard pounding on the door over my screaming. Soon, my pants were on the floor and Rian was pumping inside of me. Not again! I tried to push him off, a painful ripping sensation was playing on and off between my legs and I felt so useless and stupid. Why couldn’t I avoid this?

                Why did I open my big mouth to piss him off and get him to drive over here? Why did I think I could talk it over with him? Talking it over with Rian has never worked before. It always ended up in nudgies or wedgies or being locked in a closet. So why did I think talking to him about what he did to me before would work when it didn’t work back then?

                Rian’s grunting brings me back to reality. My throat felt like it was bleeding. The door was knocked down and I could see Wooyoung and Nichkhun through my tears pull Rian off of me. I quickly grab a blanket to cover my .

                Then I could hear the police sirens, but that was it. The rest blurred together.

                “Is Jay okay?”

                “Yes, yes,he’s fine,” Wooyoung tells me.

                “Where is he?”

                “He’s in the other ambulance,” Junho tells me.

                “Why didn’t we ride together?”

                “Stop asking so many questions, Yuh-dong-saeng,” Wooyoung says. He gestures for the ambulance attendant and she takes a needle and began to inject the liquid into my arm. I grab onto the stretcher handle and try to sit up, but the lady pushed me back down and finished giving me the shot.

            “You’ll be fine, Yuh-dong-saeng,” Junho tells me.

            “Sleep tight,” Wooyoung says, gently peeling my fingers from the handle of the stretcher and placing my arm under the blanket.


            Damn, the lights are bright. I squinted at the harsh bright lights of the hospital. I look around, the bed next to mine was occupied by an old lady, a serene calm smile on her sleeping face.

            I look to the other way to see Me and Ba there.

Me had fallen asleep on Ba’s shoulder. Ba was sitting there, staring blankly at the T.V which was playing an infomercial. What time was it? I thought they didn’t let visitors sleep over?

                “Kimmie, ah. You should’ve told us,” Ba says, not looking at me. Me lifts her head up and rubs her eyes.

                “I couldn’t,” I say.

                “All those years, he didn’t…. He never…. Did he?”

                “No, Ba. He didn’t. Just recently. Just this month,” I tell him.

                “That damned bastard!” Ba mutters angrily.

                “Watch your blood pressure,” Me whispers, taking my father’s arm. “Kimmie, are you okay?”

                I sit up, feeling an intense rip in my…. Gahh! Why me?! I felt a wave of anger hit me again, but I don’t show it. I just sit up and look at Me with what I hope was a calm look. “I’m fine, me. Do you know how Jay’s doing?”

                “Ah, Jay. He’s such a trooper. He and the other boys are in the room across the hall,” Me smiles lightly at me. There were dark circles under her big brown eyes and I felt bad for getting into this mess. I even got Jay hurt.

                “Kimmie, you’re leaving tomorrow morning. Get some sleep, con gai cua Ba,” Ba tells me, getting up and rubbing my forehead. I nearly jump out of the bed despite the pain and the fatigue I felt when I heard him say tomorrow. It’s already Saturday night?! How long was I out?

                I gotta go talk to Jay. I can’t leave now. It’s too soon. Mom handed me a cup of water that I gladly accepted and gulped down. There was a particular taste to it though, and my eyes wonder the room. I saw a bottle of pills that was hanging half in and half out of Me’s purse and knew right away she’d crush some pills into my water.

                And soon, I was out like a light.

I woke up around 3 in the morning. I probably got 2 hours of sleep. Me and Ba were gone. They were probably in the hotel. I slowly got up and my bare feet touched the cold linoleum tiles, sending shivers up my spine. “Brrr.”

Are there any slippers? I look under my bed, none. I look at the old lady that slept next to me and I see a pair of fuzzy slippers under hers. She won’t mind if I borrow them. I slipped my feet into them and shuffled into the hallway. Me said Jay’s room is across the hallway…. Why is there no god damn door across from my room then?

I frown, suddenly feeling light headed. I hear footsteps from down the hallway and quickly made my way down to the next room, looking through the glass door for any signs of the guys or Jay. My head was spinning and I felt like vomiting everywhere.

None. Me lied to me! I don’t see Jay anywhere. I was returning to my room, only to realize I was lost. This hallway didn’t look right. The walls were yellow instead of white. And there was a gurney against the wall. There wasn’t one before.

There was a body laying on it, a white blanket covering the person’s face. , this is creepy.

I hurry down the hallways, not able to find my room. Where the hell am I?
                I almost wanted to scream out for help. I keep hearing footsteps, but no one ever appears. I turn another corner, and I thought I was going crazy, because there was the gurney with body on it. And then, as if it was something out of a horror movie, the body sat straight up and the covers slipped off, revealing Rian’s face. I screamed, but my hands flew up to my mouth to mute myself.

“Kimmie, you’re never going to escape me,” he grins menacingly at me. I ran out of that corridor and into a random room. Am I tripping or something? Did Me give me some kind of drug? Or was that really Rian and the police hadn’t arrested him? I shake my head to clear it.

I look up to find an old man sitting in a chair looking at me. “Oh,” I say, embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”

He nods at me and returns to the infomercial he was watching.

I leave the room, feeling like someone’s watching me. I’m just paranoid. Me probably gave me her funky Asian pills instead of the sleeping pills.

I see another room and being the persistent person I am, I looked into it, hoping Jay would be in there. I saw 6 guys sleeping around a bed and I knew it was Jay. I opened the door and came in.

“Kimmie?”  Changsung rubbed his eyes and squinted at me.

“Yeah,” I say. I noticed that there was a bruise on Changsung’s cheek, a band-aid on Wooyoung’s temple, scratches on Nichkhun’s cheek, a bruises on Taec’s hand and Junho’s arm and a cut on Junsu’s nose. These guys got roughed up by Rian. I felt so bad for getting them into this. Jay was sleeping soundly on the bed, his arm across his chest. I just wanted to get into bed with him and snuggle. But not when there’s all his friends around.

“You can lay with him,” Changsung tells me. “I’ll wake up Taec and we can move over for you.”

“Ah, you’re too nice,” I say sheepishly, feeling warmth spread over me despite the hairs that were standing up on the back of my neck. I still had that sensation that someone was watching me.

Taec woke up and gave me a lopsided sleepy grin as he and Changsung went over to the couch over there and crashed on. I slipped under the sheets with Jay, feeling the bed creak quite a bit. I thought the bed was gonna break o.O

“Jay,” I whisper so quietly that I barely heard myself talk. “I’m so sorry for getting you hurt.”

I kiss his bruised cheek and put my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat to the rhythm of the clock on the wall. 







you guys! Jay's new song is coming out on TUESDAY! :D Know Your name <3 lololol I can't wait. hope you liked this chap:) I've been sick this past week, but not sick enough to miss school damn it lol 



l@iloveswissrolls ~~lol yeahh you know how fangirls work :b haha I don’t think this chapter is very giggly o.e lol. tell me what you think tho!(: criticism and comments are appreciated!  


@nami5589~~ yesss Jay has the best personality<3 and lolol idk. Kimmie’s silly :b ahahah xD it’s not if he likes it :o and no problem(: updating is my life lol. I have no life ._. lololol jk, I’m cool :b


@Caramel-chan~~ LMAO your comment is funny man xD hmm, I hope the solution in this chapter worked for you lol. I actually couldn’t stop writing this chap. It was like my brain was working efficiently again. Lol if only that happened more often :b hope you liked this chap!


@dglove25 ~~ awhh yeah hubby and wifey be so cute<3 and mhmm no problem(: hope you liked this chap!


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Chapter 28: I literally cried. LOLed mostly but cried in the end
kissingyoulove #2
omo omo!!
flowerchild #3 least theey got to grow.old.together...i should tell jay about this story if i ever meet coughmarrycough him lolol
Dubuu12 #4
This story was amazing, I loved it. <3
iloveswissrolls #5
Aww! It may be a bit cheesy, but it's super cute :)
RadiantBelle #6
YAAAAY! I was crying...yet again...but this time it was out of happiness. I'm so pathetic LOL This should be a drama *cough cough* just saying.
@iloveswissrolls Oh no! That's not weird at all :3 i do that all the time lol.
@iloveswissrolls YAYAYAY :D confetti dancing is the best kind of danceing there is!
@Caramel-chan hope you liked this ending! :)
@raingodess424 omggg, are you foreal? he parties hard doesn't he? omg, you're so lucky! :3
@messyjelly lol I'm glad! hope you liked this story!:)

I hope all you guys liked this story! thank you so so so much for commenting and subscribing <3 means the world to me TT-TT
iloveswissrolls #8
Oh wow I can literally see a drama playing out in my head. That's not weird.