
Maybe, I Just Want To Know You

“Just so you know, this isn’t going to lead us into becoming friends,” Doyeon huffed, twirling her pen around.

Yoojung sighed. Today was not her day... She was used to the constant name calling by Doyeon and her crew but she’d never been paired with Doyeon, well until today.

“I’m aware of that,” Yoojung mumbled, opening her text book. The smaller girl began writing, trying to block the classes comments out and trying her best to avoid Doyeon.

When suddenly she heard a loud bang, Doyeon had slammed her hand on her first; Yoojung knitted her eyebrows together confusion evident on her facial features.

“We’re supposed to be working together, short ,” Doyeon snapped.

Yoojung rolled her eyes, pushing her text book into the middle of the desk, she was hoping that Doyeon would just read and copy her work.

“We’re supposed to speak to one another,” the taller girl slid the textbook back to Yoojung.

“O-oh,” Yoojung mumbled. “Uh, w-what’s your opinion on this?” She asked pointing at a random paragraph.

Doyeon read the paragraph, took a deep breath and turned to face the smaller girl. “You want to know my opinion on Germany in World war two?”

Yoojung nodded, “yes, it’s what we’re studying.”

“Well then I’ll tell you,” Doyeon smirked. “My opinion on Germany is that they elected an evil man to run the country and by doing that they gave him the power to ruin it.”

Yoojung nodded. “Yes, that’s true.”

“Of course it is,” Doyeon rolled her eyes. “That’s why I said it.”

Yoojung rolled her eyes and bit her tongue to stop her from arguing with the taller girl. Instead, she moved on to the next paragraph and ignored Doyeon for the rest of the lesson.

~~~ Author’s Note~~~

I am SO SO sorry for how long this has taken me to update! I’ll try to update more regularly (don’t hold me to that, my updating schedule v.v)

Oh and also I’m sorry if I offended anyone with using Nazi Germany as the topic... I couldn’t think of anything else.

Anyways, the next chapters will be longer!

Thank you for reading/commenting/subscribing it means a lot to me! Have a great day/night <3


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GoodbyeRain #1
Chapter 21: Wow a lot has changed since I've been gone huh? You even revamped this fanfic into a new and improved one

On my way to check it out.
AoiNishiyama #2
Chapter 21: Please don't delete thiissss ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
YoodaengStan #3
Chapter 21: authorrrrrr ~ please don't delete this! I BEG YOU!
write the new one, change the name of this fic, but please keep this one too ~
i may sound selfish but sometimes i like to read the fics again due to the lack of dodaeng stories, i'm pretty sure other people feel the same

so please keep both fics
Update plissssssssssssssssss :(
Dodaengtrash #5
Chapter 20: I miss the next story ㅠㅠ
Dadison #6
Chapter 20: please update sooo
yeo_sinb #7
love this fanfic !!!! please update soon!
idc_minari #8
Chapter 20: can't wait!! i'm really enjoying this :>
AoiNishi13 #9
Chapter 20: Luv it:)