
Maybe, I Just Want To Know You

“Oh my god, you got paired up with Doyeon?!” Sohye gasped, as Yoojung recalled the events of her history class.

“You poor soul! How did you survive?” Somi exclaimed. Whilst Nayoung just stared at Yoojung.

“She wasn’t that bad,” Yoojung bit her lip. She couldn’t admit to her friends that she felt like she had a mini crush on Doyeon. Why Doyeon, the girl who bullies me and my friends? Why not someone else? Yoojung shook her head trying to get rid of her thoughts.

“Did she call you any names?” Nayoung asked.

“Yeah, she called me short —HEY SHUT UP!” Yoojung shouted as Somi and Sohye started laughing.

“Sorry, sorry. It’s just she’s a tall and called you a small ,” Somi explained as if it was the funniest thing ever.

“I’m glad you find it funny,” the smaller girl huffed.

“Do you have any other classes with her today?”

“Yeah, English, but Sohye is in my class.” Yoojung grinned. She loved her English lessons with Sohye.

Before any of the girls could say anything the bell rang signalling it’s time for class. Quickly Sohye and Yoojung parted with Somi and Nayoung as they had different classes to each other.

“I just had a bad thought,” Sohye stopped in the middle of the corridor, staring at Yoojung with wide eyes.

“What was it? Sohye, are you okay?” Yoojung panicked.

“What if... What if we get separated and you get put with Doyeon?” Sohye asked.

“Why would we get split up? We’ve been English buddies for like two years!”

“Yes, but for two years you haven’t been put with Doyeon and look what happened!”

Yoojung chuckled at her friend and pulled her into a hug. “Sohye, there’s nothing to be scared of. I promise!”

The girl’s walked to their class; whilst Doyeon stood in the spot where the friends had their conversation. She didn’t know why but seeing Yoojung and Sohye hug made her feel a pang of jealousy.

She shook her head at those feelings. Why should she Kim Doyeon feel jealous over Yoojung and Sohye hugging? To her they’re just a couple of losers who she makes fun of. Sighing, she walked to class.

“Hello, Doyeon! Thank you for joining us,” Mr. Park, the English teacher smiled.

“Sorry I’m late,” Doyeon mumbled walking to her seat.

“Okay, so today I’m putting you in groups of four,” Mr. Park started explaining what the topic of the class was, as he was saying out the names Yoojung and Sohye were in a world of their own, until they heard a textbook slam on the desk in front of them.

“We’re all in a group,” Doyeon huffed; as she sat in her seat next to Jieqiong.

“This cannot be happening,” Yoojung muttered.

“Yeah, I’m not happy about it either, short ,” Doyeon glared at Yoojung.

“Please, don’t argue,” Sohye pleaded with the taller girl.

“We’ll be good with you if you be good with us,” Jieqiong smiled.

“Thank you!” Sohye grinned.

The rest of the class went well, the girls worked together... Or rather Jieqiong and Doyeon copied Sohye and Yoojung’s work. Either way, there was no arguing or name calling which made Sohye feel relieved.

But something wasn’t right with Yoojung. In her whole few years in the school she had NEVER been put with Doyeon, and yet all of a sudden she and Doyeon were working in a pair and a group? It just didn’t make sense to her. Sighing, she shook her head and hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

~~~ Author’s Note ~~~

I just want to apologize in advance if there’s any mistakes or if this chapter doesn’t make sense, it’s currently 3am where I am but I wanted to update this fic, sooo yeah!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means so much to me. And thank you for the comments, subscribers and votes, it makes me so happy to see other people liking what I write.

Have a great day/night and thank you again! :D <3

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GoodbyeRain #1
Chapter 21: Wow a lot has changed since I've been gone huh? You even revamped this fanfic into a new and improved one

On my way to check it out.
AoiNishiyama #2
Chapter 21: Please don't delete thiissss ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
YoodaengStan #3
Chapter 21: authorrrrrr ~ please don't delete this! I BEG YOU!
write the new one, change the name of this fic, but please keep this one too ~
i may sound selfish but sometimes i like to read the fics again due to the lack of dodaeng stories, i'm pretty sure other people feel the same

so please keep both fics
Update plissssssssssssssssss :(
Dodaengtrash #5
Chapter 20: I miss the next story ㅠㅠ
Dadison #6
Chapter 20: please update sooo
yeo_sinb #7
love this fanfic !!!! please update soon!
idc_minari #8
Chapter 20: can't wait!! i'm really enjoying this :>
AoiNishi13 #9
Chapter 20: Luv it:)