Chapter 1

We Are Childhood Friends
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Chapter 1

"Eomma.. Can I go to playground ?" A little girl names Choi Dabin asks her mother. When Mrs. Choi looks at her daughter who already dresses up, she can't help but to ask her. 





"With whom ? Is your brother go with you ?" Asks Mrs. Choi.


"He will go later and tells me to go first.. My friends are already there.. Can eomma ? Please ?" Dabin pleads her mother and even makes an aegyo making Mrs. Choi gives her chuckles.


"Arasseo.. Don't talk to strangers arasseo ? Don't go anywhere.. Just play with your friends.." Mrs. Choi reminds Dabin while looking at her. She doesn't worry if her children want to play outside because the playground is in front of their house. Besides, Dabin always plays with her friend in the evening.


"Ne, Eomma.." 


"Keundae Dabin ah.. We have new neighbors.. Invite their son to play with you if you see him okay ?" She tells Dabin as she remembers there's a new neighbor moved in next to their house this morning. She hasn't greeted them yet and makes a mental note to pay her visit with rice cakes later. 


"Okay Eomma.. Bye!" Dabin says and runs towards the door. She wears her shoes and peeks at her neighbor's house wanting to invite her new 'friend' to play together. She shrugs her shoulders when she doesn't see anyone near the house. 


Dabin then opens the gate of her house and watches if there's car before she crosses the road. She searches for her friends and looks around only to see her friends are in a group. 


"Dabin ah! You're late!" One of her friends, Kim Jongdae says.


"Mianhae.. Let's play!" 


Dabin and her friends are playing happily not noticing there's a boy who's looking at them. The boy sits at one of the swings alone with a book. He wants to approach them and plays together but stops himself when he realizes he doesn't understand what they're talking about.


"Guys! Look! He's been there looking at us.. Shall we greet him and invite him to play with us ?" Dabin suddenly calls her friends and they are all looking at the boy. 


"Okay! Let's talk to him.." 


The boy tightens his grip on the swing when he sees a group of kids are approaching him. He looks at them when they stop in front of him. 


"Hi! I'm Choi Dabin.. Are you the new neighbor ?" Dabin says and waves her hands with smiles but the boy only looks at her and her friends. 


"Dabin ah.. I think he's not a Korean.. Look at his book.. It's Chinese.." Park Chanyeol says as he points at the book on the boy's lap making Dabin darts her eyes on the book. She makes an eye contact with the boy and takes his book before she opens the first page.


"Zhang Yixing ?" Dabin asks looking at the silent boy earning a nod from him.



"His name is Yixing ?" This time Lee Bona asks making Dabin nods her head. She scratches the back of her head not having ideas how to communicate with Yixing.


"English ?" Dabin asks making Yixing puts his thumbs and forefingers together symbolizing he only knows a little English.


"Dabin ah.. Ask him.. You're good at English.." Kang Nara asks. Between the five of them, only Dabin can speak English as her mother has sent her to English class to which she hates the most. 


"Age ? I'm 7 years old.." Dabin says and shows Yixing her seven fingers to which Yixing returns by showing his seven fingers as well. 




The next day, Dabin goes to school like usual. She makes her way to her chair and sits down while waiting for her home room teacher to come. When Mrs. Kwon enters the room, all of them bow towards the teacher but their eyes are glueing towards a boy who is behind Mrs. Kw

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Will be updating tomorrow hihi


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22 streak #1
Chapter 16: Sheees all those emotions
22 streak #2
Chapter 44: I’ve been reading this for two days ( cause Netflix is distracting me so bad) hahaha! Good story! They are both made for each other
it's a beautiful story ,full of emotions.. I seriously laughed,crazily smiled ,sadden,and even in the brink.of tears while reading it.. the fluff n regrets - ^^ thank you so much for suggesting this fic
Chapter 44: Thank you for the lovely ending to you story. I am sorry to read that you had so many struggles to overcome however you have given us a wonderful story. Thank you.
Chapter 44: that was so beautiful! thank for write a happy ending. I will miss Yixing bei, Dabin and the baby twins!
MyuuLuv17 #6
Chapter 44: And happy new year to you!! Hope you have a wonderful first day! <3 And thanks for giving us the opportunity to read this story!
Chapter 43: Update soon autornim
Chapter 43: TT__TT please let Danbin live! she deserves to have a happy ending with her babies and Yixing!
chichiba #9
Chapter 43: Don't let dabin die please...
Chapter 42: why is she hiding her feelings and why do i feel like she's going to leave the babies and lay. please have a safe delivery of the babies