Lost in the Woods.



The cold chilly air made G-dragon shiver. He’d been walking for hours already trying to remember in his head the way back to the camp but then failed to do so. It was already dark and spots of snow filled the night sky.




He couldn’t bring himself to think that he was lost by his own fault or else the members would mock him for this. Maybe they’re frantically searching for him now, wondering where he might have been.




In that moment an idea popped into his mind. He reached for his pocket and thank the heavens that he brought his hand phone with him.


The number you dialled is out of coverage area .




“ Damn it .. “  It didn’t crossed his mind that there’s no signal in the woods. Right. Now he’s officially lost whether he like it or not.




Minutes passed and grew tired of walking and sometimes sprinting around the woods. He was tired, hungry, thirsty and just want to get back to camp badly. He leaned his hands on one of the trees and turn up to see some speck of light coming not far from where he was.





He might get some help there. As he dodge his way and peek through the unending trees and shrubs in the forest , he saw a small lit rest house.








He gently knocked through the door and waited for someone to answer him.







Dara was slumped in the couch, reading a book to herself and munching some midnight snack she prepared a while ago. She was startled when a knock was heard from the door.



She dropped her book and squinted at her window. Who or what could it be?


She breathed uneasily and dropped her book and reached for anything that could be use of defense if anything bad happens.




It  knocked again and this time much louder than earlier. She gulped and tiptoed through the door with a pan in her hand. She gripped it harder and tried to calm herself a bit.





She reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it, revtealing who or what was causing the noise.





The door cracked open and she hovers the pan over head but then saw no one.




She poked her head out and saw a man sitting.




“ Who are you? ..”





She couldn’t see his face clearly because the hood of his coat blocks it.





“ H .. he.. he.. help .. me … “



The man struggled to speak. It seems that the man has been outside with this cold weather.








She immediately ushered him and let him inside. This man needs her help badly.

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Chapter 42: Kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 60: Please update this beautiful story authornim
heiress #3
Chapter 60: Stay strong DaraGon!!
cottonmouth95 #4
Chapter 32: Seungri is my bias actually.. ♥
cottonmouth95 #5
Chapter 29: The movie lasted for 6hrs?? They went in at 4 and left at 10?? I'm kwonfused..
shean1029 #6
Chapter 60: Please update soon
Chapter 60: Ta-da! Cliffhanger :(
kryung13 #8
Chapter 60: Now bominator on coz misuderstanding, i feel sad for dara. authornim, can you let jiyong know dara condition and let he see her?
Chapter 60: Can Jiyong talk to Dara first so there will be no misunderstandings? T.T

I feel bad for Jiyong because he has to lie, and for Dara 'coz eventually she will know about Jiyong's lie.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 60: next please