The Ahjumma






The alarm clock keep on bleeping. It says 7:05 am.


Dara rolled over her bed still eyes closed. She lazily got up and made way to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Her way was all messed up and she was only wearing a white t-shirt and shorts.


It was not difficult for her get out of the room and reach the kitchen for she knows her way there and almost memorize every corner of the house.


She grabbed hold of the pan and turned round when something caught her eye. A figure scrunched on the sofa. She was startled and lost her grip which made the pan bring a loud pang on the floor.


G-dragon woke up from the loud sound, alarmed and panic stricken on his face.


“ WHAT HAPPENED?! WHAT’S THAT SOUND?! ..” He was all up on his feet, hair messed up, and quilt caped over his body. His eyes were bloodshot  and he was staring at Dara and the pan on the floor.


“ Aigoo .. It was just you .. I forgot you were sleeping here ..” She heaved a sigh of relief, feeling her heartbeat back to normal. She forgot she let that arrogant guy spend the night here.


“ Mwo? What is wrong with you? .. I didn’t get enough sleep last night and you just woke me up from my beauty sleep! ..”


“ Aish. Ya! Be thankful I let you spend the night here! Pabo. “


G-dragon gritted his teeth. This woman’s getting on his nerves. He bolted out of the living room and just washed his face. Right, now his eyes were bloodshot. This was the first time he’d ever slept on the couch. No one had ever done that to him except for  her.


He stopped tracks while leaving the bathroom. All this time he do not have any information on that woman. He peeked in her bedroom. The bed’s not made up and clothes were everywhere.


“ Is this even a lady’s room? Eeww ..”  He saw a wallet at the bedside table, her wallet.


He was shocked to know that the lady, Sandara Park rather, was already 26 years old. Two years older than him. He stared at the picture of her driver’s license. She’s much younger than her age.


“ That’s why she’s like that .. Moody and all .. Huh! Older ?!..” He chuckled to himself.



Dara was eyeing G-dragon who keeps smiling to himself. She made some Italian omelette for breakfast. She keeps on glancing at him who keeps smiling and not touching his food yet.


“ Ya? Are you crazy? Why are you smiling at the food? “


“ Oh? Nothing. ..”


“ Eat up we’re leaving after this, I mean I’m leaving and you also have to .. “


“ Arasso, arasso ahjumma. You don’t have to say it over and over again.” She raised her eyebrows.


“ Ahjumma? Did you just call me that? “


“ Yes, ahjumma .” He was restraining himself to laugh hard.


“ Ya! Stop calling me that? I’m not that old. And how did you know? I didn’t tell you anything“  This guy’s getting her pissed again.

“ I just know. Looks can’t deceived me.”


Looks? She was glaring at him while he was enjoying his meal. How the hell did he knew that? People always guess wrong about her age because she has baby face but this guy .. So weird. And why was she conscious around this guy? Worrying about her age and all?



Don’t worry Dara, you’ll never ever see him again after this …




“ We’ll be parting ways here. You sure you know you’re way to your camp? “


“ Ah yeah. I know my way out. Thanks for the help. “


“ Oh? You know how to say thank you? “


“ Deh, ahjumma. “ This lady still have the guts to mock him.


“ Aish. I’ll better go now. And I hope we don’t meet ever again.”


G-dragon grunted. Who says he want to meet her again?


“ Nado. Let’s not meet again in the future dear ahjumma. ‘ And with that he extended his hand as if making a deal with her.


“ Arasso. “ She took his hand and walked away. GD can only smile as he watched her leave.


“ Crazy ahjumma. “ 


He chuckled to himself as he whisper the last words.



Hello there dear readers! Thanks for subscribing here. Everyday is just so wonderful seeing you grow in numbers. I hope you won't get tired of reading this and please be patient with the updates. Sorry if I cannot update often. School's hell for me right now.  Lots of love for you guys <3

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Chapter 42: Kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 60: Please update this beautiful story authornim
heiress #3
Chapter 60: Stay strong DaraGon!!
cottonmouth95 #4
Chapter 32: Seungri is my bias actually.. ♥
cottonmouth95 #5
Chapter 29: The movie lasted for 6hrs?? They went in at 4 and left at 10?? I'm kwonfused..
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Chapter 60: Please update soon
Chapter 60: Ta-da! Cliffhanger :(
kryung13 #8
Chapter 60: Now bominator on coz misuderstanding, i feel sad for dara. authornim, can you let jiyong know dara condition and let he see her?
Chapter 60: Can Jiyong talk to Dara first so there will be no misunderstandings? T.T

I feel bad for Jiyong because he has to lie, and for Dara 'coz eventually she will know about Jiyong's lie.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 60: next please