Chapter 59: Longing


The press conference was held in one of the hotels near YG Building. 

The room was already flocked with reporters and they were all just waiting for YG and G-dragon to arrive. 
Minutes later, a YG van was spotted making its way to the hotel followed by its envoy. 
G-dragon and Sajangnim was ushered to the conference room with a tight security side by side. 
The flash of the cameras was blinding and the reporters swarmed around them like they've been waiting so long to pounce on their prey. 
For G-dragon, it was rather annoying, the press already bombarded him with questions as he made his way through. 
How long are you seeing this girl?
We heard she's not from a wealthy family?
How does the other members feel? 
They were already seated and each of the reporters would only be given certain amount of time to ask some questions. 
He glanced at their President who looked calm and kept his cold image up there. 
The press conference was about to begin and his shoulders rose and fell as he heaved a sigh. 
A lot of eyes were focused on them, on him. He couldn't keep a straight face as hard as he tried with all his will. 
The first reporter rose from her seat and came into the center where a microphone was standing. 
Impatiently, he eyed the reporter. It felt like he have to go through a thousand questions and his skin felt tingly and sweat trickled down the aide of his face even the a/c was on full blast. 
"Goodmorning. Since the article came out, people have been speculating about the mysterious girl you're with? Where did you meet her and when did you start seeing her?"
Jeju Island came into his mind like a flash and the memories made his mind drift for a while. 
"I believe the girl on the picture was a new friend of G-dragon. And the speculations about them dating was actually wrong"
He heard YG speak in his calm but chilly tone. 
"Right, G-dragon-sshi?"
He saw YG turned to him with sharp eyes like he would out his soul. 
It was time for him to spill everything but a wrong word or statement might ruin his career or his whole life. 
The president had already given him a hint to put at least first aid on this news that gone out far from breaking out. 
Sweat trickled more as his pale face studied each and everyone's expression in front of him.
They stared and gawked at him intently trying to digest and recycle every statements and make it in a juicy headline. 
"Can you please them about it G-dragon-sshi?" 
YG nudged the microphone to him. 
What should he say? 
It was downright confusing and the room made a heart-stopping silence. 
"I.. Me and... Ugh.. She was just a new friend. It was all a misunderstanding. Sajangnim is right" 
His head throbbed with pain. 
The second reporter rose and took the center. 
"So you're saying this girl was just your friend? What was she doing during the time the pictures were taken? And why was she at the YG Building with you?"
"I asked her to come and see the building. She had been a big fan of Bigbang herself. It was a gift for a friend."
His vision blurred by words his mouth uttered. Pure lies. He had to or else it would ruin her. 
Unwanted feeling gnawed his stomach and he felt dizzy. He placed his hand on his forehead. 
"I suppose this scandal was all a misunderstanding. G-dragon acknowledge that this might cause some hurt to the fans and we apologize deeply that this got out of hand. Moving forward, i would make sure he would repent for what he did and be careful next time. That's all for now"
As if on cue, YG and the rest of the crew rose from their seats. 
G-dragon had to be assisted by his manager. He suddenly felt ill. The words backfired at him like a stab and a pang of wounds inside. 
He had to lie about everything when all he wanted was shout to the world how special his woman is. 
He glanced one more time to the room. Chaos filled it. Reporters trying to make way to him, asking a lot more questions. It was hell in there. 
They rushed to the vans. YG took the same van with him. He plumped to his seat looking out on the window. 
"That's all we could do for now. I know it's hard for you."
Hard? That's not even a word to describe what he felt back there. He felt like dying. 
Flashback to last night: 
And suddenly the door opened. Dara was standing there, tears in her eyes, looking so weak and fragile. 
"Dara? Are you alright? I heard you haven't eaten for days"
"You came. You came. You ---"
As Dara was reaching out to him, she fell and lost consciousness. 
Il Woo managed to catch her and called out to Bom. 
That night, Bom rushed out when she heard Ilwoo with a panicked voice. 
Adrenaline rushed through her as she saw a pale Dara carried by Ilwoo. 
Her dear friend collapsed. She knew it was not just from skipping meals and locking herself up for days. She knew her friend too well to assess it was something deeper than that. 
She was as grateful that the presence of Ilwoo made everything a little bit convenient for them as they took Dara to the hospital. They got there in no time. 
She had called Thunder on the phone telling him of his Noona's condition. She sensed worry and rage from his voice as he tried to remained calm. Can't blame their dongsaeng though. 
She herself were outraged and it hurts to see her friend suffer like this. All because of a stupid article. All because of an idol who can't even tell the truth to everyone. 
She was in the hospital's lobby that time. Getting coffee for the three of them. Ilwoo insisted to stay even though she told him that they can take care of Dara and he can change and go home. He declined and insisted to stay trying to make sure everything would be fine. He was true a gentleman unlike G-dragon who still didn't call or show up. It pissed her but what caught her attention was a small crowd in front of the TV. 
Out of curiousity, she made her way and tried to get closer as she can. Her blood boiled when she saw a familiar face. 
"That bastard.." She muttered under her breath. 
G-dragon's statement rung her ears and she wanted to punch him in the face and break his bones to pieces. The nerve of that guy. 
She didn't even finished the press conference telecast on TV. She turned around and abruptly left the scene. 
She swore to God if ever he would see G-dragon she might lose herself and kill him. 
She felt sorry for her friend, after all that she have been through and now this.
 How can she even tell everything about it to Dara? 
Her head hurts like hell. Eyes closed she tried to block the pain she was feeling. Tears almost ready to fall out if for a second she opened her eyes but she thought she have been asleep for hours or days. 
Slowly, she tried to contain her sight with her surroundings. Staring at the ceiling and then glancing around. 
Where am I? She thought confused and headache was just making it worse. 
She groaned and tried to speak but felt dry. She looked to her side and surprised to see someone. Sleeping. A man she supposed.
Is it Thunder? She looked closely. Ani. She froze. No way. 
"Ugh.. " She wanted to get up but thean shifted and looked up. 
Her eyes widened. 
"I-Ilwoo-sshi?" It almost came as a whisper. 
What the hell is happening here? Where am I? And why is Ilwoo here? Wait. 
"Oh you're awake thank goodness" 
The relief in his voice somehow calmed her a little. 
"What happened?"
"You fainted last night. We were so worried about you. We rushed you here as fast as we can." 
"I fainted? I'm sorry. Sorry for dragging you here. Sorry for--" 
"What are you sorry for? Don't be. You're the who's suffering. I saw the article. I was worried." 
"Komawo. " She fought back the tears and bit her lip. 
She didn't want others to see her in her state right now but she needed to let it out. The one she'd been keeping for days, the torture and aches. 
She felt Ilwoo's hands on hers. It somehow felt warm and reassuring. 
"I'm your friend. I'll always be here for you" 
A sly smile was all she could give. 
Just then Park Bom entered her room. She dropped her things as soon as she saw Dara awake. 
"Omo. Dara-ya. Glad you're fine and awake now."
Bom ran to her and gave her a warm hug. Ilwoo rose from his place to give way to Bom. They needed some time to talk. 
"I'll go home first but I'll come back later."
"Thank you, Ilwoo-sshi. I'll take care of Dara first so don't worry okay?"
"I know. I'll get going" 
They waited until Ilwoo was out the door. 
"I'm so worried about you Dara! This is what you get when you don't eat for days. I bought you food and I'll feed you. No buts okay? "
Oh her bestfriend Bom. She was grateful she had her. 
Her mind drifted again to the one who's giving her heartaches. Is he fine? 
"Is he fine?" The words slipped on . 
She saw Bom cringed. 
"Dara, i need to tell you something" 
Ta-da! I suppose this a very dramatic episode. Well, probably the most dramatic I've written so far... Or nah. It makes me sad just reading this chappie that I didn't proofread at all and posted this. Mi an. 
And for the new subbies, you guys never fail to make my day. Thank you for the support! Enjoyyyy reading! 
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Chapter 42: Kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 60: Please update this beautiful story authornim
heiress #3
Chapter 60: Stay strong DaraGon!!
cottonmouth95 #4
Chapter 32: Seungri is my bias actually.. ♥
cottonmouth95 #5
Chapter 29: The movie lasted for 6hrs?? They went in at 4 and left at 10?? I'm kwonfused..
shean1029 #6
Chapter 60: Please update soon
Chapter 60: Ta-da! Cliffhanger :(
kryung13 #8
Chapter 60: Now bominator on coz misuderstanding, i feel sad for dara. authornim, can you let jiyong know dara condition and let he see her?
Chapter 60: Can Jiyong talk to Dara first so there will be no misunderstandings? T.T

I feel bad for Jiyong because he has to lie, and for Dara 'coz eventually she will know about Jiyong's lie.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 60: next please